Isaiah 8:19
Isaiah 8:19
When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Someone may say to you, "Let's ask the mediums and those who consult the spirits of the dead. With their whisperings and mutterings, they will tell us what to do." But shouldn't people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead?

And when they say to you, “Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,” should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?

When they say to you, "Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter," should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

When they say to you, "Consult the spirits of the dead and the spiritists who chirp and mutter," shouldn't a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

"So when they advise you, 'Ask the mediums your questions, and quiz the spiritists who chirp and mutter,' shouldn't a people instead be consulting their God— and not the dead— on behalf of those who are living

They will say to you, "Seek oracles at the pits used to conjure up underworld spirits, from the magicians who chirp and mutter incantations. Should people not seek oracles from their gods, by asking the dead about the destiny of the living?"

People will say to you, "Ask for help from the mediums and the fortunetellers, who whisper and mutter." Shouldn't people ask their God for help instead? Why should they ask the dead to help the living?

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto spiritists and unto wizards that peep and that mutter; shall the people not seek unto their God? Shall we appeal for the living unto the dead?

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that are mediums, and unto wizards that whisper, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? rather than the dead on behalf of the living?

And when they shall say to you, Seek to them that have familiar spirits, and to wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek to their God? for the living to the dead?

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits and unto the wizards, that chirp and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? on behalf of the living'should they seek unto the dead?

And when they shall say to you: Seek of pythons, and of diviners, who mutter in their enchantments: should not the people seek of their God, for the living of the dead?

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto the necromancers and unto the soothsayers, who chirp and who mutter, say, Shall not a people seek unto their God? Will they go for the living unto the dead?

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits and unto the wizards, that chirp and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? on behalf of the living should they seek unto the dead?

And when they shall say to you, Seek to them that have familiar spirits, and to wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek to their God? for the living to the dead?

When they tell you, "Consult with those who have familiar spirits and with the wizards, who chirp and who mutter:" shouldn't a people consult with their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

And when they say unto you, 'Seek unto those having familiar spirits, And unto wizards, who chatter and mutter, Doth not a people seek unto its God? -- For the living unto the dead!

Isaia 8:19
Në rast se ju thuhet: "Këshillohuni me mediumet dhe me magjistarët, që murmuritin dhe përshpëritin, përgjigjuni: "A nuk duhet një popull të konsultojë Perëndinë e tij? A duhet, vallë, t'u drejtohet të vdekurve për llogari të të gjallëve?".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 8:19
واذا قالوا لكم اطلبوا الى اصحاب التوابع والعرافين المشقشقين والهامسين. ألا يسال شعب الهه. أيسأل الموتى لاجل الاحياء.

Dyr Ieseien 8:19
Ain mainend, ös solletß zo Tootnbeschwörer und Geisteringer geen und schaugn, was die zammwisplnd; aber sollt ayn Volk nit lieber seinn Got befraagn? Zwö sollet myn n für de Löbndignen zo de Tootn geen?

Исая 8:19
И когато ви рекат: Допитвайте се до запитвачите на зли духове, И до врачовете, които шепнат и мърморят, [отговорете]: Не трябва ли един народ да се допита до своя Бог? [Ще прибегне ли] при мъртвите заради живите?

以 賽 亞 書 8:19
有 人 對 你 們 說 : 當 求 問 那 些 交 鬼 的 和 行 巫 術 的 , 就 是 聲 音 綿 蠻 , 言 語 微 細 的 。 你 們 便 回 答 說 : 百 姓 不 當 求 問 自 己 的   神 嗎 ? 豈 可 為 活 人 求 問 死 人 呢 ?

有 人 对 你 们 说 : 当 求 问 那 些 交 鬼 的 和 行 巫 术 的 , 就 是 声 音 绵 蛮 , 言 语 微 细 的 。 你 们 便 回 答 说 : 百 姓 不 当 求 问 自 己 的   神 吗 ? 岂 可 为 活 人 求 问 死 人 呢 ?



Isaiah 8:19
Reknu li vam: Duhove pitajte i vrače koji šapću i mrmljaju - dakako, narod mora pitati svoje bogove i za žive u mrtvih se raspitivati! -

Izaiáše 8:19
Jestliže by vám pak řekli: Dotazujte se na hadačích a věšťcích, kteříž šepcí a šveholí, rcete: Nemá-liž se lid na Bohu svém dotazovati? K mrtvým-liž místo živých má se utíkati?

Esajas 8:19
Og siger de til eder: »Søg Genfærdene og Aanderne, som hvisker og mumler!« — skal et Folk ikke søge sin Gud, skal man søge de døde for de levende?

Jesaja 8:19
Wanneer zij dan tot ulieden zeggen zullen: Vraagt waarzeggers en duivelskunstenaars, die daar piepen, en binnensmonds mompelen; zo zegt: Zal niet een volk zijn God vragen? zal men voor de levenden de doden vragen?

ישעה 8:19
וְכִֽי־יֹאמְר֣וּ אֲלֵיכֶ֗ם דִּרְשׁ֤וּ אֶל־הָאֹבֹות֙ וְאֶל־הַיִּדְּעֹנִ֔ים הַֽמְצַפְצְפִ֖ים וְהַמַּהְגִּ֑ים הֲלֹוא־עַם֙ אֶל־אֱלֹהָ֣יו יִדְרֹ֔שׁ בְּעַ֥ד הַחַיִּ֖ים אֶל־הַמֵּתִֽים׃

יט וכי יאמרו אליכם דרשו אל האבות ואל הידענים המצפצפים והמהגים  הלוא עם אל אלהיו ידרש בעד החיים אל המתים

וכי־יאמרו אליכם דרשו אל־האבות ואל־הידענים המצפצפים והמהגים הלוא־עם אל־אלהיו ידרש בעד החיים אל־המתים׃

Ézsaiás 8:19
És ha ezt mondják tinéktek: Tudakozzatok a halottidézõktõl és a jövendõmondóktól, a kik sipognak és suttognak: hát nem Istenétõl tudakozik-é a nép? az élõkért a holtaktól [kell-é tudakozni]?

Jesaja 8:19
Kaj se oni diros al vi:Demandu la antauxdiristojn kaj la sorcxistojn, la flustristojn kaj la murmuretistojn, cxar popolo ja demandas sian Dion, per la mortintoj por la vivantoj:

Kuin siin he teille sanovat: kysykäät noidilta ja tietäjiltä, jotka kuiskuttelevat ja tutkivat, (niin sanokaat:) eikö kansan pidä Jumalaltansa kysymän? (eikö ole parempi kysyä) eläviltä kuin kuolleilta?

Ésaïe 8:19
Et s'ils vous disent: Enquérez-vous des évocateurs d'esprits et des diseurs de bonne aventure, qui murmurent et qui chuchotent,... un peuple ne s'enquiert-il pas de son Dieu? ira-t-il aux morts pour les vivants?

Si l'on vous dit: Consultez ceux qui évoquent les morts et ceux qui prédisent l'avenir, Qui poussent des sifflements et des soupirs, Répondez: Un peuple ne consultera-t-il pas son Dieu? S'adressera-t-il aux morts en faveur des vivants?

Que s'ils vous disent; enquérez vous des esprits de Python, et des diseurs de bonne aventure, qui gazouillent et grommellent; [répondez]; le peuple ne s'enquerra-t-il point de son Dieu? [aller] pour les vivants aux morts!

Jesaja 8:19
Wenn sie aber zu euch sagen: Ihr müsset die Wahrsager und Zeichendeuter fragen, die da schwätzen und disputieren, (so sprecht): Soll nicht ein Volk seinen Gott fragen? oder soll man die Toten für die Lebendigen fragen?

Wenn sie aber zu euch sagen: Ihr müßt die Wahrsager und Zeichendeuter fragen, die da flüstern und murmeln so sprecht: Soll nicht ein Volk seinen Gott fragen, oder soll man die Toten für die Lebendigen fragen?

Und wenn man zu euch sprechen wird: Befragt doch die Totengeister und die Wahrsagegeister, die da flüstern und murmeln, - soll nicht ein Volk seinen Gott befragen? - um der Lebendigen willen die Toten?

Isaia 8:19
Se vi si dice: "Consultate quelli che evocano gli spiriti e gli indovini, quelli che susurranno e bisbigliano", rispondete: "Un popolo non dev’egli consultare il suo Dio? Si rivolgerà egli ai morti a pro de’ vivi?"

E se vi si dice: Domandate gli spiriti di Pitone e gl’indovini, i quali bisbigliano e mormorano, rispondete: Il popolo non domanderebbe egli l’Iddio suo? andrebbe egli a’ morti per i viventi?

Maka apabila kata orang kepadamu: Bertanyakanlah orang yang bertenung-tenungan, dan yang tahu hikmat iblis, dan yang meraung dan yang mengulum-ulum itu, hendaklah kaujawab ini: Bukankah patut suatu bangsa bertanyakan Allahnya sendiri? patutkah ditanyakannya orang mati akan hal orang hidup?

이사야 8:19
혹이 너희에게 고하기를 지절거리며 속살거리는 신접한 자와 마술사에게 물으라 하거든 백성이 자기 하나님께 구할 것이 아니냐 산 자를 위하여 죽은 자에게 구하겠느냐 하라

Isaias 8:19
et cum dixerint ad vos quaerite a pythonibus et a divinis qui stridunt in incantationibus suis numquid non populus a Deo suo requirit pro vivis a mortuis

Izaijo knyga 8:19
Jie jums sako: “Klauskite mirusiųjų dvasių iššaukėjus ir būrėjus, kurie jums murma ir šnibžda”. Argi tauta neturėtų klausti savo Dievo? Argi reikia klausti mirusiųjų gyvųjų reikalais?

Isaiah 8:19
Na, ki te mea mai ratou ki a koutou, Me rapu tikanga koutou i te hunga he atua maori nei o ratou, i nga matakite, i te hunga e kowhetewhete ana, e ngunguru ana: kaua ianei tetahi iwi e rapu tikanga ki to ratou Atua? me rapu atu ranei ratou ki ng a mea mate mo nga mea ora?

Esaias 8:19
Og når de sier til eder: Søk til dødningemanerne og sannsigerne, som hvisker og mumler, da skal I svare: Skal ikke et folk søke til sin Gud? Skal en søke til de døde for de levende?

Isaías 8:19
Y cuando os digan: Consultad a los médium y a los adivinos que susurran y murmuran, decid: ¿No debe un pueblo consultar a su Dios? ¿ Acaso consultará a los muertos por los vivos?

Y cuando les digan: "Consulten a los adivinos y a los espiritistas que susurran y murmuran," digan: '¿No debe un pueblo consultar a su Dios?' ¿Acaso consultará a los muertos por los vivos?

Y cuando os dijeren: Consultad a los que evocan a los muertos y a los adivinos, que susurran y murmuran, responded: ¿No consultará el pueblo a su Dios? ¿Consultará a los muertos por los vivos?

Y si os dijeren: Preguntad á los pythones y á los adivinos, que susurran hablando, responded: ¿No consultará el pueblo á su Dios? ¿Apelará por los vivos á los muertos?

Y si os dijeren: Preguntad a los pitones y a los adivinos, que susurran hablando, responded: ¿Por ventura no consultará el pueblo a su Dios? ¿Apelará por los vivos a los muertos?

Isaías 8:19
Quando vos disserem: “Ide consultar algum médium que fale com os espíritos; adivinho ou alguém que saiba murmurar encantamentos!”, porquanto o povo costuma recorrer aos seus deuses e aos mortos em favor dos vivos,

Quando vos disserem: Consultai os que têm espíritos familiares e os feiticeiros, que chilreiam e murmuram, respondei: Acaso não consultará um povo a seu Deus? acaso a favor dos vivos consultará os mortos?   

Isaia 8:19
Dacă vi se zice însă: ,,Întrebaţi pe ceice cheamă morţii şi pe cei ce spun viitorul, cari şoptesc şi bolborosesc,`` răspundeţi: ,,Nu va întreba oare un popor pe Dumnezeul său? Va întreba el pe cei morţi pentru cei vii?

Исаия 8:19
И когда скажут вам: обратитесь к вызывателям умерших и к чародеям, к шептунам и чревовещателям, – тогда отвечайте: не должен ли народ обращаться к своему Богу? спрашивают ли мертвых о живых?

И когда скажут вам: обратитесь к вызывателям умерших и к чародеям, к шептунам и чревовещателям, --тогда отвечайте: не должен ли народ обращаться к своему Богу? спрашивают ли мертвых о живых?[]

Jesaja 8:19
Och när man säger till eder: »Frågen andebesvärjare och spåmän, dem som viska och mumla», så svaren: »Skall icke ett folk fråga sin Gud? Skall man fråga de döda för de levande?»

Isaiah 8:19
At pagka kanilang sasabihin sa inyo, Hanapin ninyo silang nakikipagsanggunian sa masamang espiritu at mga manghuhula, na nagsisihuni at nagsisibulong; hindi ba marapat na sanggunian ng bayan ang kanilang Dios? dahil baga sa mga buhay ay sasangguni sila sa mga patay?

อิสยาห์ 8:19
และเมื่อเขาทั้งหลายจะกล่าวแก่พวกท่านว่า "จงปรึกษากับคนทรงและพ่อมดแม่มดผู้ร้องเสียงจ๊อกแจ๊กและเสียงพึมพำ" ไม่ควรที่ประชาชนจะปรึกษากับพระเจ้าของเขาหรือ ควรเขาจะไปปรึกษาคนตายเพื่อคนเป็นหรือ

Yeşaya 8:19
Birileri size, ‹‹Fısıldaşıp mırıldanan medyumlarla ruh çağıranlara danışın›› dediğinde, ‹‹Halk kendi Tanrısına danışmaz mı; yaşayanlar için ölülere mi danışılır?›› deyin.[]

EÂ-sai 8:19
Nếu có ai bảo các ngươi: Hãy cầu hỏi đồng bóng và thầy bói, là kẻ nói rúi rít líu lo, thì hãy đáp rằng: Một dân tộc há chẳng nên cầu hỏi Ðức Chúa Trời mình sao? Há lại vì người sống mà hỏi kẻ chết sao?

Isaiah 8:18
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