Isaiah 7:17
Isaiah 7:17
The LORD will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your father a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah--he will bring the king of Assyria."

"Then the LORD will bring things on you, your nation, and your family unlike anything since Israel broke away from Judah. He will bring the king of Assyria upon you!"

The LORD will bring upon you and upon your people and upon your father’s house such days as have not come since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah—the king of Assyria.”

"The LORD will bring on you, on your people, and on your father's house such days as have never come since the day that Ephraim separated from Judah, the king of Assyria."

The LORD shall bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria.

The LORD will bring on you, your people, and the house of your father, such a time as has never been since Ephraim separated from Judah--the king of Assyria is coming."

"The LORD will bring to you, to your people, and to your ancestor's house such a time as has never been since Ephraim broke away from Judah—the king of Assyria will come.

The LORD will bring on you, your people, and your father's family a time unlike any since Ephraim departed from Judah--the king of Assyria!"

"The LORD will bring on you, your people, and your ancestor's family a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah. [He will bring] the king of Assyria.

The LORD shall bring upon thee and upon thy people and upon thy father's house days that have not come since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even unto the king of Assyria.

The LORD shall bring upon you, and upon your people, and upon your father's house, days as have not come from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria.

The LORD shall bring on you, and on your people, and on your father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria.

Jehovah will bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah- even the king of Assyria.

The Lord shall bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon the house of thy father, days that have not come since the time of the separation of Ephraim from Juda with the king of the Assyrians.

Jehovah will bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days which have not come since the day when Ephraim turned away from Judah even the king of Assyria.

The LORD shall bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria.

The LORD will bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria.

Yahweh will bring on you, on your people, and on your father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria.

Jehovah bringeth on thee, and on thy people, And on the house of thy father, Days that have not come, Even from the day of the turning aside of Ephraim from Judah, By the king of Asshur.

Isaia 7:17
Zoti do të sjellë mbretin e Asirisë mbi ty, mbi popullin tënd dhe mbi shtëpinë e atit tënd ditë që nuk kanë ardhur që kur Efraimi u nda nga Juda.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 7:17
يجلب الرب عليك وعلى شعبك وعلى بيت ابيك اياما لم تأتي منذ يوم اعتزال افرايم عن يهوذا اي ملك اشور.

Dyr Ieseien 7:17
Dyr Trechtein gaat über di, dein Volk und dein Heiwisch ayn Zeit kemmen laassn, wiest ys niemer kennst seit dyr Zeit, daa wo Effreim von Judau abfiel. Dyr Surner Künig brockt enk dös ein.

Исая 7:17
Господ ще докара на тебе, На твоите люде и на бащиния ти дом, Дни такива каквито не са дохождали От деня когато Ефрем се е отделил от Юда,- [Ще докара] асирийският цар.

以 賽 亞 書 7:17
耶 和 華 必 使 亞 述 王 攻 擊 你 的 日 子 臨 到 你 和 你 的 百 姓 , 並 你 的 父 家 , 自 從 以 法 蓮 離 開 猶 大 以 來 , 未 曾 有 這 樣 的 日 子 。

耶 和 华 必 使 亚 述 王 攻 击 你 的 日 子 临 到 你 和 你 的 百 姓 , 并 你 的 父 家 , 自 从 以 法 莲 离 开 犹 大 以 来 , 未 曾 有 这 样 的 日 子 。



Isaiah 7:17
Protiv tebe i protiv tvog naroda i protiv kuće oca tvojega dovest će Jahve dane kakvih ne bijaše otkad se Efrajim odvoji od Jude - kralja asirskoga.

Izaiáše 7:17
Na tebe pak přivede Hospodin, a na lid tvůj, i na dům otce tvého dny, jakýchž nebylo ode dne, v němž odstoupil Efraim od Judy, a to skrze krále Assyrského.

Esajas 7:17
Over dig, dit Folk og din Faders Hus vil Herren bringe Dage, hvis Lige ikke har været, siden Efraim rev sig løs fra Juda: Assyrerkongen!«

Jesaja 7:17
Doch de HEERE zal over u, en over uw volk, en over uws vaders huis, dagen doen komen, hoedanige niet gekomen zijn van dien dag af, dat Efraim van Juda is afgeweken, door den koning van Assyrie.

ישעה 7:17
יָבִ֨יא יְהוָ֜ה עָלֶ֗יךָ וְעַֽל־עַמְּךָ֮ וְעַל־בֵּ֣ית אָבִיךָ֒ יָמִים֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹא־בָ֔אוּ לְמִיֹּ֥ום סוּר־אֶפְרַ֖יִם מֵעַ֣ל יְהוּדָ֑ה אֵ֖ת מֶ֥לֶךְ אַשּֽׁוּר׃ פ

יז יביא יהוה עליך ועל עמך ועל בית אביך ימים אשר לא באו למיום סור אפרים מעל יהודה  את מלך אשור  {פ}

יביא יהוה עליך ועל־עמך ועל־בית אביך ימים אשר לא־באו למיום סור־אפרים מעל יהודה את מלך אשור׃ פ

Ézsaiás 7:17
És hozni fog az Úr reád és népedre és atyád házára oly napokat, milyenek még nem jöttenek, mióta Efraim elszakadott Júdától: Assiria királyát.

Jesaja 7:17
La Eternulo venigos sur vin kaj sur vian popolon kaj sur la domon de via patro tiajn tagojn, kiuj ne venis de post la tempo, kiam Efraim defalis de Jehuda; Li venigos la regxon de Asirio.

Mutta Herra antaa sinun, sinun kansas ja isäs huoneen päälle tulla, Assyrian kuninkaan kautta, ne päivät, jotka ei sitte tulleet ole, kuin Ephraim erkani Juudasta.

Ésaïe 7:17
L'Éternel fera venir sur toi, et sur ton peuple et sur la maison de ton père, des jours qui ne sont pas venus depuis le jour qu'Éphraïm s'est retiré de Juda, -savoir le roi d'Assyrie.

L'Eternel fera venir sur toi, Sur ton peuple et sur la maison de ton père, Des jours tels qu'il n'y en a point eu Depuis le jour où Ephraïm s'est séparé de Juda Le roi d'Assyrie.

L'Eternel fera venir sur toi, et sur ton peuple, et sur la maison de ton père, par le Roi d'Assur, des jours tels qu'il n'y en a point eu de semblables depuis le jour qu'Ephraïm se sépara de Juda.

Jesaja 7:17
Aber der HERR wird über dich, über dein Volk und über deines Vaters Haus Tage kommen lassen, die nicht kommen sind, seit der Zeit, da Ephraim von Juda geschieden ist, durch den König zu Assyrien;

Aber der HERR wird über dich, über dein Volk und über deines Vaters Haus Tage kommen lassen, die nicht gekommen sind, seit der Zeit, da Ephraim von Juda geschieden ist, durch den König von Assyrien.

- wird Jahwe über dich und dein Volk und dein Haus Tage kommen lassen, dergleichen nicht gekommen sind, seitdem Ephraim von Juda abfiel, den König von Assyrien.

Isaia 7:17
L’Eterno farà venire su te, sul tuo popolo e sulla casa di tuo padre dei giorni, come non s’ebbero mai dal giorno che Efraim s’è separato da Giuda: vale a dire, il re d’Assiria.

Il Signore farà venir sopra te, e sopra il tuo popolo, e sopra la casa di tuo padre, de’ giorni, quali non son giammai venuti, dal giorno che Efraim si dipartì da Giuda; cioè: il re degli Assiri.

Tetapi atas engkau dan atas bangsamu dan atas orang isi rumah bapamu didatangkan Tuhan kelak beberapa hari, sebegitu belum pernah datang dari pada masa Efrayim bercerai dengan Yehuda, oleh raja Asyur.

이사야 7:17
여호와께서 에브라임이 유다를 떠날 때부터 당하여 보지 못한 날을 너와 네 백성과 네 아비 집에 임하게 하시리니 곧 앗수르 왕의 오는 날이니라

Isaias 7:17
adducet Dominus super te et super populum tuum et super domum patris tui dies qui non venerunt a diebus separationis Ephraim a Iuda cum rege Assyriorum

Izaijo knyga 7:17
Viešpats leis tau, tavo tautai ir tavo tėvų namams patirti tokių dienų per Asirijos karalių, kokių nebuvo nuo Efraimo ir Judo atsiskyrimo laikų.

Isaiah 7:17
Tera e kawea mai e Ihowa ki a koe, ki tou iwi hoki, a ki te whare o tou papa, he ra kihai nei i tae mai, no te ra i mawehe ai a Eparaima i roto i a Hura; ara te kingi o Ahiria.

Esaias 7:17
Herren skal la dager komme over dig og over ditt folk og over din fars hus, dager som det ikke har vært make til like fra den dag Efra'im skilte sig fra Juda - Assurs konge.

Isaías 7:17
El SEÑOR hará venir sobre ti, sobre tu pueblo y sobre la casa de tu padre, días como nunca han venido desde el día en que Efraín se apartó de Judá, es decir, al rey de Asiria.

"El SEÑOR hará venir sobre ti, sobre tu pueblo y sobre la casa de tu padre, días como nunca han venido desde el día en que Efraín se apartó de Judá, es decir, al rey de Asiria."

Jehová hará venir sobre ti, y sobre tu pueblo, y sobre la casa de tu padre, días cuales nunca vinieron desde el día que Efraín se apartó de Judá, es decir, al rey de Asiria.

Jehová hará venir sobre ti, y sobre tu pueblo, y sobre la casa de tu padre, días cuales nunca vinieron desde el día que Ephraim se apartó de Judá, es á saber, al rey de Asiria.

El SEÑOR hará venir sobre ti, y sobre tu pueblo, y sobre la casa de tu padre, días cuales nunca vinieron desde el día que Efraín se apartó de Judá, es a saber , al rey de Asiria.

Isaías 7:17
Yahweh trará o rei da Assíria sobre ti, sobre o teu povo e sobre a casa de teu pai. Serão dias como nunca houve desde que Efraim se apartou de Judá!”

Mas o Senhor fará vir sobre ti, e sobre o teu povo e sobre a casa de teu pai, dias tais, quais nunca vieram, desde o dia em que Efraim se separou de Judá, isto é, fará vir o rei da Assíria.   

Isaia 7:17
,,Domnul va aduce peste tine, peste poporul tău şi peste casa tatălui tău, zile cum n'au mai fost niciodată, din ziua cînd s'a despărţit Efraim de Iuda (adică pe împăratul Asiriei).

Исаия 7:17
Но наведет Господь на тебя и на народ твой и на дом отца твоего дни, какие не приходили со времени отпадения Ефрема от Иуды, наведет царя Ассирийского.

Но наведет Господь на тебя и на народ твой и на дом отца твоего дни, какие не приходили со времени отпадения Ефрема от Иуды, наведет царя Ассирийского.[]

Jesaja 7:17
Och över dig och över ditt folk och över din faders hus skall HERREN låta dagar komma, sådana som icke hava kommit allt ifrån den tid då Efraim skilde sig från Juda: konungen i Assyrien.

Isaiah 7:17
Ang Panginoon ay magpapasapit sa iyo, at sa iyong bayan, at sa sangbahayan ng iyong magulang ng mga araw na hindi nangyari mula ng araw na humiwalay ang Ephraim sa Juda; sa makatuwid baga'y ang hari sa Asiria.

อิสยาห์ 7:17
พระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงนำวันนั้นมาเหนือพระองค์ เหนือชนชาติของพระองค์และเหนือวงศ์วานแห่งบิดาของพระองค์ คือวันอย่างที่ไม่เคยพบเห็น ตั้งแต่วันที่เอฟราอิมได้พรากจากยูดาห์ คือกษัตริย์ของอัสซีเรีย

Yeşaya 7:17
‹‹RAB seni, halkını ve babanın soyunu Efrayimin Yahudadan ayrıldığı günden bu yana görülmemiş bir felakete uğratacak; üzerinize Asur Kralını saldırtacak.[]

EÂ-sai 7:17
Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ giáng trên ngươi, dân ngươi, và nhà cho ngươi, bởi vua A-si-ri, những ngày mà từ ngày Ép-ra-im lìa bỏ Giu-đa chưa từng có giống như vậy.

Isaiah 7:16
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