Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

but those who trust in the LORD will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint."

but those who keep waiting for the LORD will renew their strength. Then they'll soar on wings like eagles; they'll run and not grow weary; they'll walk and not grow tired."

But those who wait for the LORD's help find renewed strength; they rise up as if they had eagles' wings, they run without growing weary, they walk without getting tired.

Yet, the strength of those who wait with hope in the LORD will be renewed. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and won't become weary. They will walk and won't grow tired.

but those that wait for the LORD shall have new strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

But they that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

but they that wait for Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

But they that hope in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall take wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

but they that wait upon Jehovah shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not tire; they shall walk, and not faint.

but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

But those who wait for Yahweh will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run, and not be weary. They will walk, and not faint.

But those expecting Jehovah pass to power, They raise up the pinion as eagles, They run and are not fatigued, They go on and do not faint!

Isaia 40:31
por ata që shpresojnë te Zoti fitojnë forca të reja, ngrihen me krahë si shqiponja, vrapojnë pa u lodhur dhe ecin pa u lodhur.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 40:31
واما منتظروا الرب فيجددون قوة. يرفعون اجنحة كالنسور. يركضون ولا يتعبون يمشون ولا يعيون

Dyr Ieseien 40:31
Die aber, wo yn n Herrn vertraund, dyrfangend si wider. Weilete fliegn tuend s wie ayn Adler. Grad yso +laauffen tuend s, aane müed z werdn; die wenn geend, kriegnd s kainn Knieschwämmerl +niemer.

Исая 40:31
Но ония, които чакат Господа, ще подновят силата си, Ще се издигат с крила като орли, Ще тичат и няма да се уморят, Ще ходят и няма да ослабнат.

以 賽 亞 書 40:31
但 那 等 候 耶 和 華 的 必 從 新 得 力 。 他 們 必 如 鷹 展 翅 上 騰 ; 他 們 奔 跑 卻 不 困 倦 , 行 走 卻 不 疲 乏 。

但 那 等 候 耶 和 华 的 必 从 新 得 力 。 他 们 必 如 鹰 展 翅 上 腾 ; 他 们 奔 跑 却 不 困 倦 , 行 走 却 不 疲 乏 。



Isaiah 40:31
Al' onima što se u Jahvu uzdaju snaga se obnavlja, krila im rastu kao orlovima, trče i ne sustaju, hode i ne more se.

Izaiáše 40:31
Ale ti, jenž očekávají na Hospodina, nabývají nové síly. Vznášejí se peřím jako orlice; běží, a však neumdlévají, chodí, a neustávají.

Esajas 40:31
ny Kraft faar de, der bier paa HERREN, de faar nye Svingfjer som Ørnen; de løber uden at mattes, vandrer uden at trættes.

Jesaja 40:31
Maar dien den HEERE verwachten, zullen de kracht vernieuwen; zij zullen opvaren met vleugelen, gelijk de arenden; zij zullen lopen, en niet moede worden; zij zullen wandelen, en niet mat worden.

ישעה 40:31
וְקֹויֵ֤ יְהוָה֙ יַחֲלִ֣יפוּ כֹ֔חַ יַעֲל֥וּ אֵ֖בֶר כַּנְּשָׁרִ֑ים יָר֙וּצוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א יִיגָ֔עוּ יֵלְכ֖וּ וְלֹ֥א יִיעָֽפוּ׃ פ

לא וקוי יהוה יחליפו כח יעלו אבר כנשרים ירוצו ולא ייגעו ילכו ולא ייעפו  {ס}

וקוי יהוה יחליפו כח יעלו אבר כנשרים ירוצו ולא ייגעו ילכו ולא ייעפו׃ פ

Ézsaiás 40:31
De a kik az Úrban bíznak, erejök megújul, szárnyra kelnek, mint a saskeselyûk, futnak és nem lankadnak meg, járnak és nem fáradnak el!

Jesaja 40:31
sed tiuj, kiuj fidas la Eternulon, ricevas novan forton, ili levas la flugilojn kiel agloj, ili kuras kaj ne lacigxas, ili iras kaj ne senfortigxas.

JESAJA 40:31
Mutta jotka Herraa odottavat, ne saavat uuden voiman, niin että he menevät siivillä ylös kuin kotkat; että he juoksevat ja ei näänny, he vaeltavat ja ei väsy.

Ésaïe 40:31
mais ceux qui s'attendent à l'Éternel renouvelleront leur force; ils s'élèveront avec des ailes, comme des aigles; ils courront et ne se fatigueront pas, ils marcheront et ne se lasseront pas.

Mais ceux qui se confient en l'Eternel renouvellent leur force. Ils prennent le vol comme les aigles; Ils courent, et ne se lassent point, Ils marchent, et ne se fatiguent point.

Mais ceux qui s'attendent à l'Eternel prennent de nouvelles forces; les ailes leur reviennent comme aux aigles; ils courront; et ne se fatigueront point; ils marcheront, et ne se lasseront point.

Jesaja 40:31
aber die auf den HERRN harren, kriegen neue Kraft, daß sie auffahren mit Flügeln wie Adler, daß sie laufen und nicht matt werden, daß sie wandeln und nicht müde werden.

aber die auf den HERRN harren, kriegen neue Kraft, daß sie auffahren mit Flügeln wie Adler, daß sie laufen und nicht matt werden, daß sie wandeln und nicht müde werden.

Die, die auf Jahwe harren, gewinnen immer wieder neue Kraft; sie verjüngen ihre Gefieder wie die Adler, sie laufen und werden doch nicht matt, sie wandeln und werden doch nicht müde.

Isaia 40:31
ma quelli che sperano nell’Eterno acquistan nuove forze, s’alzano a volo come aquile; corrono e non si stancano, camminano e non s’affaticano.

Ma quelli che sperano nel Signore acquistano del continuo nuove forze; salgono con l’ale, come l’aquile; corrono, e non si affaticano; camminano, e non si stancano.

YESAYA 40:31
tetapi orang yang harap pada Tuhan itu kelak membaharui kuatnya dan terbang naik dengan sayap seperti burung nasar; bahwa mereka itu berlari-lari dan tiada tahu penat; mereka itu berjalan-jalan dan tiada tahu lemah.

이사야 40:31
오직 여호와를 앙망하는 자는 새 힘을 얻으리니 독수리의 날개치며 올라감 같을 것이요 달음박질하여도 곤비치 아니하겠고 걸어가도 피곤치 아니하리로다

Isaias 40:31
qui autem sperant in Domino mutabunt fortitudinem adsument pinnas sicut aquilae current et non laborabunt ambulabunt et non deficient

Izaijo knyga 40:31
Bet tie, kurie laukia Viešpaties, įgaus naujų jėgų. Jie pakils ant sparnų kaip ereliai, bėgs ir nepavargs, eis ir nepails.

Isaiah 40:31
Tena ko te hunga e tatari ana ki a Ihowa, puta hou ana he kaha mo ratou; kake ana ratou ki runga; ko nga parirau, koia ano kei o nga ekara; ka rere ratou, a e kore e mauiui; ka haere, a e kore e ngenge.

Esaias 40:31
Men de som venter på Herren, får ny kraft, løfter vingene som ørner; de løper og blir ikke trette, de går og blir ikke mødige.

Isaías 40:31
pero los que esperan en el SEÑOR renovarán sus fuerzas; se remontarán con alas como las águilas, correrán y no se cansarán, caminarán y no se fatigarán.

Pero los que esperan en el SEÑOR Renovarán sus fuerzas. Se remontarán con alas como las águilas, Correrán y no se cansarán, Caminarán y no se fatigarán.

pero los que esperan en Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán las alas como águilas, correrán, y no se cansarán, caminarán, y no se fatigarán.

Mas los que esperan á Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán las alas como águilas, correrán, y no se cansarán, caminarán, y no se fatigarán.

pero los que esperan al SEÑOR tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán las alas, como las águilas; correrán, y no se cansarán; caminarán, y no se fatigarán.

Isaías 40:31
mas aqueles que esperam no SENHOR renovam suas forças. Voam alto como águias; correm e não se fatigam, caminham e não se cansam.

mas os que esperam no Senhor renovarão as suas forças; subirão com asas como águias; correrão, e não se cansarão; andarão, e não se fatigarão.   

Isaia 40:31
dar ceice se încred în Domnul îşi înoiesc puterea, ei sboară ca vulturii; aleargă şi nu obosesc, umblă, şi nu ostenesc.``

Исаия 40:31
а надеющиеся на Господа обновятся в силе: поднимут крылья, как орлы, потекут – и не устанут, пойдут – и не утомятся.

а надеющиеся на Господа обновятся в силе: поднимут крылья, как орлы, потекут--и не устанут, пойдут--и не утомятся.[]

Jesaja 40:31
men de som bida efter HERREN hämta ny kraft, de få nya vingfjädrar såsom örnarna. Så hasta de åstad utan att uppgivas, de färdas framåt utan att bliva trötta.

Isaiah 40:31
Nguni't silang nangaghihintay sa Panginoon ay mangagbabagong lakas; sila'y paiilanglang na may mga pakpak na parang mga aguila; sila'y magsisitakbo, at hindi mangapapagod; sila'y magsisilakad, at hindi manganghihina.

อิสยาห์ 40:31
แต่เขาทั้งหลายผู้รอคอยพระเยโฮวาห์จะเสริมเรี่ยวแรงใหม่ เขาจะบินขึ้นด้วยปีกเหมือนนกอินทรี เขาจะวิ่งและไม่เหน็ดเหนื่อย เขาจะเดินและไม่อ่อนเปลี้ย

Yeşaya 40:31
RAB'be umut bağlayanlarsa taze güce kavuşur,
Kanat açıp yükselirler kartallar gibi.
Koşar ama zayıf düşmez,
Yürür ama yorulmazlar.[]

EÂ-sai 40:31
Nhưng ai trông đợi Ðức Giê-hô-va thì chắc được sức mới, cất cánh bay cao như chim ưng; chạy mà không mệt nhọc, đi mà không mòn mỏi.

Isaiah 40:30
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