Isaiah 38:10
Isaiah 38:10
I said, "In the prime of my life must I go through the gates of death and be robbed of the rest of my years?"

I said, "In the prime of my life, must I now enter the place of the dead? Am I to be robbed of the rest of my years?"

I said, In the middle of my days I must depart; I am consigned to the gates of Sheol for the rest of my years.

I said, "In the middle of my life I am to enter the gates of Sheol; I am to be deprived of the rest of my years."

I said in the cutting off of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I am deprived of the residue of my years.

I said: In the prime of my life I must go to the gates of Sheol; I am deprived of the rest of my years.

I said, "Must I leave in the prime of my life? Must I be consigned to the control of Sheol? Bitter are my years!"

"I thought, 'In the middle of my life I must walk through the gates of Sheol, I am deprived of the rest of my years.'

I thought that in the prime of my life I would go down to the gates of Sheol and be robbed of the rest of my life.

I said in the cutting off of my days; I shall go to the gates of Sheol: I am deprived of the residue of my years.

I said in the cutting off of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I am deprived of the rest of my years.

I said in the cutting off of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I am deprived of the residue of my years.

I said, In the noontide of my days I shall go into the gates of Sheol: I am deprived of the residue of my years.

I said: In the midst of my days I shall go to the gates of hell: I sought for the residue of my years.

I said, In the meridian of my days I shall go to the gates of Sheol: I am deprived of the rest of my years.

I said, In the noontide of my days I shall go into the gates of the grave: I am deprived of the residue of my years.

I said in the cutting off of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I am deprived of the residue of my years.

I said, "In the middle of my life I go into the gates of Sheol. I am deprived of the residue of my years."

'I -- I said in the cutting off of my days, I go in to the gates of Sheol, I have numbered the remnant of mine years.

Isaia 38:10
Unë thoja: "Në kulmin e ditëve të mia do të shkoj në portat e Sheolit; jam privuar nga mbetja e viteve të mia".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 38:10
انا قلت. في عزّ ايامي اذهب الى ابواب الهاوية. قد اعدمت بقية سنيّ.

Dyr Ieseien 38:10
Mein, i gmain, däß s ietz dyrhingeet, schoon in meine böstn Jaar,

Исая 38:10
Аз рекох: В половината от дните си Ще вляза в портите на преизподнята; Лиших се от остатъка на годините си.

以 賽 亞 書 38:10
我 說 : 正 在 我 中 年 ( 或 譯 : 晌 午 ) 之 日 必 進 入 陰 間 的 門 ; 我 餘 剩 的 年 歲 不 得 享 受 。

我 说 : 正 在 我 中 年 ( 或 译 : 晌 午 ) 之 日 必 进 入 阴 间 的 门 ; 我 馀 剩 的 年 岁 不 得 享 受 。



Isaiah 38:10
Govorio sam: U podne dana svojih ja moram otići. Na vratima Podzemlja mjesto mi je dano za ostatak mojih ljeta.

Izaiáše 38:10
Jáť jsem byl řekl v přestřižení dnů svých, že vejdu do bran hrobu, zbaven budu ostatku let svých.

Esajas 38:10
Jeg tænkte: Bort maa jeg gaa i min bedste Alder, hensættes i Dødsrigets Porte mine sidste Aar.

Jesaja 38:10
Ik zeide: Vanwege de afsnijding mijner dagen, zal ik tot de poorten des grafs heengaan, ik word beroofd van het overige mijner jaren.

ישעה 38:10
אֲנִ֣י אָמַ֗רְתִּי בִּדְמִ֥י יָמַ֛י אֵלֵ֖כָה בְּשַׁעֲרֵ֣י שְׁאֹ֑ול פֻּקַּ֖דְתִּי יֶ֥תֶר שְׁנֹותָֽי׃

י אני אמרתי בדמי ימי אלכה--בשערי שאול פקדתי יתר שנותי

אני אמרתי בדמי ימי אלכה בשערי שאול פקדתי יתר שנותי׃

Ézsaiás 38:10
Én azt mondám: hát napjaimnak nyugalmában kell alászállanom a sír kapuihoz, megfosztva többi éveimtõl!

Jesaja 38:10
Mi pensis, ke en la mezo de mia vivo mi malsupreniros en la pordegon de SXeol, Ke mi estos senigita je la resto de miaj jaroj;

JESAJA 38:10
Minä sanoin minun päiviäni lyhennettäissä: nyt minun täytyy mennä haudan ovelle, ja vuoteni lopettaa.

Ésaïe 38:10
Moi, je disais: Au méridien de mes jours j'irai dans les portes du shéol; je suis privé du reste de mes années.

Je disais: Quand mes jours sont en repos, je dois m'en aller Aux portes du séjour des morts. Je suis privé du reste de mes années!

J'avais dit dans le retranchement de mes jours; je m'en irai aux portes du sépulcre, je suis privé de ce qui restait de mes années.

Jesaja 38:10
Ich sprach: Nun muß ich zu der Höllen Pforte fahren, da meine Zeit aus war, da ich gedachte noch länger zu leben.

Ich sprach: Nun muß ich zu der Höllen Pforten fahren in der Mitte meines Lebens, da ich gedachte, noch länger zu leben.

Ich sprach: Im ruhigen Laufe meiner Tage muß ich in die Thore der Unterwelt eingehen, werde ich des Restes meiner Lebensjahre beraubt.

Isaia 38:10
Io dicevo: Nel meriggio de’ miei giorni debbo andarmene alle porte del soggiorno de’ morti; io son privato del resto de’ miei anni!

Io diceva allora che i miei giorni erano ricisi: Io me ne vol alle porte del sepolcro; Io son privato del rimanente de’ miei anni.

YESAYA 38:10
Bahwa kataku: Pada pertengahan hari hidupku aku akan berjalan ke pintu kubur; barang yang tinggal dari pada tahunku itu dikurangkan padaku.

이사야 38:10
내가 말하기를 내가 중년에 음부의 문에 들어가고 여년을 빼앗기게 되리라 하였도다

Isaias 38:10
ego dixi in dimidio dierum meorum vadam ad portas inferi quaesivi residuum annorum meorum

Izaijo knyga 38:10
“Aš maniau, jog, įpusėjus mano amžiui, turėsiu eiti į mirusiųjų buveinę. Aš pasigendu savo likusių metų.

Isaiah 38:10
I mea ahau, I te poutumarotanga o oku ra, tera ahau e tomo ki nga kuwaha o te reinga: kua tangohia atu i ahau te toenga o oku tau.

Esaias 38:10
Jeg sa: I mine rolige dager må jeg gå bort gjennem dødsrikets porter; jeg må bøte med resten av mine år.

Isaías 38:10
Yo dije: A la mitad de mis días he de entrar por las puertas del Seol; se me priva del resto de mis años.

Yo dije: "A la mitad de mis días He de entrar por las puertas del Seol (región de los muertos); Se me priva del resto de mis años."

Yo dije: En el medio de mis días iré a las puertas del sepulcro: Privado soy del resto de mis años.

Yo dije: En el medio de mis días iré á las puertas del sepulcro: Privado soy del resto de mis años.

Yo dije: En el cortamiento de mis días iré a las puertas de la sepultura, privado soy del resto de mis años.

Isaías 38:10
“Disse eu no meu íntimo: ‘Em pleno vigor da minha vida tenho que passar pelas portas do Sheol, sepultura, e ser excluído do restante dos meus anos de vida?

Eu disse: Na tranqüilidade de meus dias hei de entrar nas portas do Seol; estou privado do resto de meus anos.   

Isaia 38:10
,,Ziceam: ,În cei mai buni ani ai vieţii mele trebuie să mă duc la porţile locuinţei morţilor! Sînt pedepsit cu perderea celorlalţi ani ai mei, cari-mi mai rămîn!

Исаия 38:10
„Я сказал в себе: в преполовение дней моих должен я идти во врата преисподней; я лишен остатка лет моих.

`Я сказал в себе: в преполовение дней моих должен я идти во врата преисподней; я лишен остатка лет моих.[]

Jesaja 38:10
Jag tänkte: Jag går hädan i mina bästa dagar, in genom dödsrikets portar; jag varder berövad återstoden av mina år.

Isaiah 38:10
Aking sinabi, Sa katanghalian ng aking mga kaarawan ay papasok ako sa mga pintuan ng Sheol: Ako'y nabawahan sa nalalabi ng aking mga taon.

อิสยาห์ 38:10
ข้าพเจ้าว่า เมื่อชีวิตของข้าพเจ้ามาถึงกลางคน ข้าพเจ้าจะไปยังประตูแดนคนตาย ข้าพเจ้าต้องถูกตัดขาดจากปีที่เหลืออยู่ของข้าพเจ้า

Yeşaya 38:10
‹‹Hayatımın baharında ölüler diyarının kapılarından geçip
Ömrümün geri kalan yıllarından yoksun mu kalmalıyım?›› demiştim,[]

EÂ-sai 38:10
Tôi từng nói: Vậy thì, đương khi giữa trưa của đời tôi, tôi hầu vào cửa âm phủ, còn mấy năm thừa bị cất mất!

Isaiah 38:9
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