Isaiah 33:3
Isaiah 33:3
At the uproar of your army, the peoples flee; when you rise up, the nations scatter.

The enemy runs at the sound of your voice. When you stand up, the nations flee!

At the tumultuous noise peoples flee; when you lift yourself up, nations are scattered,

At the sound of the tumult peoples flee; At the lifting up of Yourself nations disperse.

At the noise of the tumult the people fled; at the lifting up of thyself the nations were scattered.

The peoples flee at the thunderous noise; the nations scatter when You rise in Your majesty.

At the thunder of your voice, the peoples flee; at your silence, the nations scatter.

The nations run away when they hear a loud noise; the nations scatter when you spring into action!

People flee from the noise of [your] army. Nations scatter when you attack.

At the noise of the tumult the peoples fled; at the lifting up of thyself the Gentiles were scattered.

At the noise of the tumult the people fled; at the lifting up of yourself the nations were scattered.

At the noise of the tumult the people fled; at the lifting up of yourself the nations were scattered.

At the noise of the tumult the peoples are fled; at the lifting up of thyself the nations are scattered.

At the voice of the angel the people fled, and at the lifting up thyself the nations are scattered.

At the noise of the tumult the peoples fled; at the lifting up of thyself the nations were scattered.

At the noise of the tumult the peoples are fled; at the lifting up of thyself the nations are scattered.

At the noise of the tumult the people fled; at the lifting up of thyself the nations were scattered.

At the noise of the thunder, the peoples have fled. When you lift yourself up, the nations are scattered.

From the voice of a multitude fled have peoples, From thine exaltation scattered have been nations.

Isaia 33:3
Nga zhurma e një turme, popujt ikin, kur ti çohesh kombet shpërndahen.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 33:3
من صوت الضجيج هربت الشعوب. من ارتفاعك تبددت الامم.

Dyr Ieseien 33:3
Wennst dein Stimm dundern laasst, fliehend Dietn; wennst du erscheinst, hupfend Völker waiß grad wohin.

Исая 33:3
От шума на метежа племената побягнаха; От Твоето издигане народите се разпръснаха.

以 賽 亞 書 33:3
喧 嚷 的 響 聲 一 發 , 眾 民 奔 逃 ; 你 一 興 起 , 列 國 四 散 。

喧 嚷 的 响 声 一 发 , 众 民 奔 逃 ; 你 一 兴 起 , 列 国 四 散 。



Isaiah 33:3
Od silna tutnja pobjegoše narodi, ti ustade, raspršiše se puci

Izaiáše 33:3
Před zvukem hřmotu rozprchnou se národové, před vyvýšením tvým budou rozptýleni pohané.

Esajas 33:3
For Bulderet maa Folkeslag fly; naar du rejser dig, splittes Folkene.

Jesaja 33:3
Van het geluid des rumoers zullen de volken wegvlieden; van Uw verhoging zullen de heidenen verstrooid worden.

ישעה 33:3
מִקֹּ֣ול הָמֹ֔ון נָדְד֖וּ עַמִּ֑ים מֵרֹ֣ומְמֻתֶ֔ךָ נָפְצ֖וּ גֹּויִֽם׃

ג מקול המון נדדו עמים מרוממתך נפצו גוים

מקול המון נדדו עמים מרוממתך נפצו גוים׃

Ézsaiás 33:3
Egy zendülõ szózattól elfutnak a népek; ha te felemelkedel, elszélednek a népségek.

Jesaja 33:3
De la sono de tondro forkuris popoloj, de Via majesto diskuris gentoj.

Kansat pakenevat sitä suurta pauhinaa; pakanat hajoitetaan, kuin sinä korotetaan.

Ésaïe 33:3
A la voix du tumulte, les peuples s'enfuirent: quand tu t'es élevé, les nations ont été dispersées.

Quand ta voix retentit, Les peuples fuient; Quand tu te lèves, Les nations se dispersent.

Les peuples se sont écartés à cause du son bruyant, les nations se sont dispersées à cause que tu t'es élevé.

Jesaja 33:3
Laß fliehen die Völker vor dem großen Getümmel, und die Heiden zerstreuet werden, wenn du dich erhöhest!

Laß fliehen die Völker vor dem großen Getümmel und die Heiden zerstreut werden, wenn du dich erhebst.

Vor lautem Getöse fliehen die Völker, vor deiner Erhebung zerstieben die Heiden.

Isaia 33:3
Alla tua voce tonante fuggono i popoli, quando tu sorgi si disperdon le nazioni.

I popoli se ne son fuggiti per lo suon dello strepito; le genti sono state disperse per lo tuo innalzamento.

Dari pada bahana senjata larilah segala bangsa; apabila Engkau bangkit berdiri maka tercerai-berailah segala bangsa;

이사야 33:3
진동 시키시는 소리로 인하여 민족들이 도망하며 주께서 일어나시므로 인하여 열방이 흩어졌나이다

Isaias 33:3
a voce angeli fugerunt populi ab exaltatione tua dispersae sunt gentes

Izaijo knyga 33:3
Tautos bėga nuo triukšmo; kai Tu pakyli­išsisklaido giminės.

Isaiah 33:3
I te rongonga i te ngangau, whati ana nga iwi: i tou aranga ki runga, marara ana nga iwi.

Esaias 33:3
For tordenrøsten flyr folkene; når du reiser dig, spredes hedningene.

Isaías 33:3
Al estruendo del tumulto los pueblos huyen; al levantarte tú las naciones se dispersan;

Al estruendo del tumulto los pueblos huyen; Al levantarte Tú, las naciones se dispersan.

Los pueblos huyeron a la voz del estruendo; las naciones fueron esparcidas al levantarte tú.

Los pueblos huyeron á la voz del estruendo; las gentes fueron esparcidas por tus levantamientos.

Los pueblos huyeron de la voz del estruendo; los gentiles fueron esparcidos, cuando tú te levantas contra ellos .

Isaías 33:3
Diante do trovão da tua voz, os povos fogem; quando te levantas, dispersam-se as nações.

Ao ruído do tumulto fogem os povos; à tua exaltação as nações são dispersas.   

Isaia 33:3
Cînd răsună glasul Tău, popoarele fug; cînd Te scoli Tu, neamurile se împrăştie.``

Исаия 33:3
От грозного гласа Твоего побегут народы; когда восстанешь, рассеются племена,

От грозного гласа [Твоего] побегут народы; когда восстанешь, рассеются племена,[]

Jesaja 33:3
För ditt väldiga dån fly folken bort; när du reser dig upp, förskingras folkslagen.

Isaiah 33:3
Sa ingay ng kagulo ay nagsisitakas ang mga bayan; sa pagbangon mo ay nagsisipangalat ang mga bansa.

อิสยาห์ 33:3
เมื่อได้ยินเสียงกัมปนาท ชนชาติทั้งหลายหนีไป พระองค์ทรงลุกขึ้น บรรดาประชาชาติก็กระจัดกระจายไป

Yeşaya 33:3
Kükreyişinden halklar kaçışır,
Sen ayağa kalkınca uluslar darmadağın olur.[]

EÂ-sai 33:3
Nghe tiếng ồn ào, các dân đều trốn tránh; khi Chúa dấy lên, các nước đều vỡ tan.

Isaiah 33:2
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