Isaiah 32:7
Isaiah 32:7
Scoundrels use wicked methods, they make up evil schemes to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just.

The smooth tricks of scoundrels are evil. They plot crooked schemes. They lie to convict the poor, even when the cause of the poor is just.

As for the scoundrel—his devices are evil; he plans wicked schemes to ruin the poor with lying words, even when the plea of the needy is right.

As for a rogue, his weapons are evil; He devises wicked schemes To destroy the afflicted with slander, Even though the needy one speaks what is right.

The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.

The scoundrel's weapons are destructive; he hatches plots to destroy the needy with lies, even when the poor says what is right.

Furthermore, the crimes of bad people are evil; and they devise wicked schemes, destroying the poor with lying words, even when needy people plead a just cause.

A deceiver's methods are evil; he dreams up evil plans to ruin the poor with lies, even when the needy are in the right.

The tricks of scoundrels are evil. They devise wicked plans in order to ruin poor people with lies, even when needy people plead for justice.

Certainly the greedy use evil measures: he devises wicked devices to ensnare the simple with lying words and to speak in judgment against the poor.

The schemes also of the schemer are evil: he devises wicked plans to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks justly.

The instruments also of the churl are evil: he devises wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks right.

And the instruments of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the meek with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.

The vessels of the deceitful are most wicked: for he hath framed devices to destroy the meek, with lying words, when the poor man speaketh judgment.

The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the meek with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.

The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the meek with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.

The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.

The ways of the scoundrel are evil. He devises wicked devices to destroy the humble with lying words, even when the needy speaks right.

And the miser -- his instruments are evil, He hath counselled wicked devices, To corrupt the poor with lying sayings, Even when the needy speaketh justly.

Isaia 32:7
Armët e të pandershmit janë të poshtra; ai kurdis plane të këqija për të shkatërruar të mjerin me fjalë gënjeshtare, edhe kuri mjeri pohon të drejtën.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 32:7
والماكر آلاته رديئة هو يتآمر بالخبائث ليهلك البائسين باقوال الكذب حتى في تكلم المسكين بالحق.

Dyr Ieseien 32:7
Ayn Lump haat nix wie Übl eyn n Sin; boesartig schaugt yr, wie yr Arme und Aimete z Schanddn machen kan, und wenn si die hundertmaal auf s Recht berueffend.

Исая 32:7
А на коварния средствата са зли; Той измислюва лукави кроежи За да погуби сиромаха с лъжливи думи Даже като немотния говори право.

以 賽 亞 書 32:7
吝 嗇 人 所 用 的 法 子 是 惡 的 ; 他 圖 謀 惡 計 , 用 謊 言 毀 滅 謙 卑 人 ; 窮 乏 人 講 公 理 的 時 候 , 他 也 是 這 樣 行 。

吝 啬 人 所 用 的 法 子 是 恶 的 ; 他 图 谋 恶 计 , 用 谎 言 毁 灭 谦 卑 人 ; 穷 乏 人 讲 公 理 的 时 候 , 他 也 是 这 样 行 。



Isaiah 32:7
U varalice pakosno je oružje; on spletke samo kuje, da lažima upropasti uboge, pa i kad nevoljnik pravo dokazuje.

Izaiáše 32:7
Také i usilování skrbného jsou škodlivá; nebo nešlechetnosti obmýšlí, jak by k záhubě přivedl ponížené slovy lživými, a mluvil proti nuznému před soudem.

Esajas 32:7
Skalkens Midler er onde, han oplægger lumske Raad for at ødelægge arme med Løgn, skønt Fattigmand godtgør sin Ret.

Jesaja 32:7
En eens gierigaards ganse gereedschap is kwaad; hij beraadslaagt schandelijke verdichtselen, om de ellendigen te bederven met valse redenen, en het recht, als de arme spreekt.

ישעה 32:7
וְכֵלַ֖י כֵּלָ֣יו רָעִ֑ים ה֚וּא זִמֹּ֣ות יָעָ֔ץ לְחַבֵּ֤ל [עֲנָוִים כ] (עֲנִיִּים֙ ק) בְּאִמְרֵי־שֶׁ֔קֶר וּבְדַבֵּ֥ר אֶבְיֹ֖ון מִשְׁפָּֽט׃

ז וכלי כליו רעים הוא זמות יעץ לחבל ענוים (עניים) באמרי שקר ובדבר אביון משפט

וכלי כליו רעים הוא זמות יעץ לחבל [ענוים כ] (עניים ק) באמרי־שקר ובדבר אביון משפט׃

Ézsaiás 32:7
A csalárdnak eszközei csalárdok, õ álnokságot tervel, hogy elveszesse az alázatosokat hazug beszéddel, ha a szegény igazat szólna is.

Jesaja 32:7
La iloj de malpiulo estas malbonaj; li havas intencojn malvirtajn, por pereigi malricxulojn per vortoj mensogaj, ecx kiam la senhavulo diras pravajxon.

Sillä ahneen hallitus ei ole muu kuin vahinko; sillä hän löytää kavaluuden hävittääksensä raadollisia väärillä sanoilla, silloinkin kun köyhä oikeuttansa puhuu.

Ésaïe 32:7
Les armes de l'avare sont mauvaises; il trame des artifices pour détruire les débonnaires par des dires mensongers, même quand le pauvre parle droitement.

Les armes du fourbe sont pernicieuses; Il forme de coupables desseins, Pour perdre les malheureux par des paroles mensongères, Même quand la cause du pauvre est juste.

Les instruments de l'avare sont pernicieux; il prend des conseils pleins de machinations, pour attraper par des paroles de mensonge les affligés, même quand le pauvre parle droitement.

Jesaja 32:7
Denn des Geizigen Regieren ist eitel Schaden; denn er erfindet Tücke, zu verderben die Elenden mit falschen Worten, wenn er des Armen Recht reden soll.

Und des Geizigen Regieren ist eitel Schaden; denn er erfindet Tücke, zu verderben die Elenden mit falschen Worten, wenn er des Armen Recht reden soll.

Und des Schurken Waffen sind böse; solch' einer sinnt auf Ränke, daß er die Elenden durch trügerische Reden verderbe, selbst wenn der Arme sein Recht beweist.

Isaia 32:7
Le armi dell’impostore sono malvage; ei forma criminosi disegni per distruggere il misero con parole bugiarde, e il bisognoso quando afferma il giusto.

E gli strumenti dell’avaro sono malvagi, ed egli prende scellerati consigli, per distruggere i poveri, con parole di falsità, eziandio quando il bisognoso parla dirittamente.

Adapun orang kikir itu segala perbuatannya jahatlah adanya, ia berpikirkan segala tipu daya, hendak membinasakan orang miskin itu dengan segala perkataan penipu dan diubahkannya perkara yang benar apabila orang miskin berkata-kata.

이사야 32:7
궤휼한 자는 그 그릇이 악하여 악한 계획을 베풀어 거짓말로 가련한 자를 멸하며 빈핍한 자가 말을 바르게 할지라도 그리함이어니와

Isaias 32:7
fraudulenti vasa pessima sunt ipse enim cogitationes concinnavit ad perdendos mites in sermone mendacii cum loqueretur pauper iudicium

Izaijo knyga 32:7
Apgaviko sumanymai yra pikti, jis galvoja pakenkti vargšui teisme savo melais, nors beturtis ir kalba teisybę.

Isaiah 32:7
He kino hoki nga hanga a te kaiponu: e whakatakotoria ana e ia he whakaaro kino, he korero teka e he ai te hunga iti, ahakoa e tika ana ano nga korero a te rawakore.

Esaias 32:7
Og den svikefulles våben er onde; han legger listige råd for å føre de saktmodige i ulykke ved falske ord, selv når den fattige taler det som rett er.

Isaías 32:7
En cuanto al tramposo, sus armas son malignas; trama designios perversos para destruir con calumnias a los afligidos, aun cuando el necesitado hable lo que es justo.

En cuanto al tramposo, sus armas son malignas; Trama designios perversos Para destruir con calumnias a los afligidos, Aun cuando el necesitado hable lo que es justo.

Las armas del tramposo son malignas; maquina intrigas perversas para enredar a los simples con palabras mentirosas, aun cuando el pobre hable con derecho.

Cierto los avaros malas medidas tienen: él maquina pensamientos para enredar á los simples con palabras cautelosas, y para hablar en juicio contra el pobre.

Cierto los avaros malas medidas tienen ; él maquina pensamientos para enredar a los simples con palabras cautelosas; y para hablar en juicio contra el pobre.

Isaías 32:7
As artimanhas do homem de caráter maligno são todas perversas; imagina tramas cruéis para destruir com mentiras o pobre e indefeso, mesmo quando a súplica deste é justa.

Também as maquinações do fraudulento são más; ele maquina invenções malignas para destruir os mansos com palavras falsas, mesmo quando o pobre fala o que é reto.   

Isaia 32:7
Armele mişelului sînt nimicitoare; el face planuri vinovate, ca să piardă pe cel nenorocit prin cuvinte mincinoase, chiar cînd pricina săracului este dreaptă.

Исаия 32:7
У коварного и действования гибельные: он замышляет ковы, чтобы погубить бедного словами лжи, хотя бы бедный был и прав.

У коварного и действования гибельные: он замышляет ковы, чтобы погубить бедного словами лжи, хотя бы бедный был и прав.[]

Jesaja 32:7
Och bedragaren brukar onda vapen, han tänker ut skändliga anslag till att fördärva de betryckta genom lögnaktiga ord, fördärva en fattig, som har rätt i sin talan.

Isaiah 32:7
Ang mga kasangkapan din naman ng magdaraya ay masama: siya'y kumakatha ng mga masamang katha upang ibuwal ang mga maamo sa pamamagitan ng mga sinungaling na salita, pagka nga ang mapagkailangan ay nagsasalita ng matuwid.

อิสยาห์ 32:7
อุบายของคนถ่อยก็ชั่วร้าย เขาคิดขึ้นแต่กิจการชั่วเพื่อทำลายคนยากจนด้วยถ้อยคำเท็จ แม้ว่าเมื่อคำร้องของคนขัดสนนั้นถูกต้อง

Yeşaya 32:7
Alçağın yöntemleri kötüdür;
Yoksul davasında haklı olsa da
Onu yalanlarla yok etmek için
Kötü düzenler tasarlar.[]

EÂ-sai 32:7
Kẻ rít róng dùng những khí giới gian tà, toan những mưu gian, lấy sự nói dối đặng làm hại người nhu mì, và làm hại kẻ nghèo dầu nói lẽ công bình.

Isaiah 32:6
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