Isaiah 32:6
Isaiah 32:6
For fools speak folly, their hearts are bent on evil: They practice ungodliness and spread error concerning the LORD; the hungry they leave empty and from the thirsty they withhold water.

For fools speak foolishness and make evil plans. They practice ungodliness and spread false teachings about the LORD. They deprive the hungry of food and give no water to the thirsty.

For the fool speaks folly, and his heart is busy with iniquity, to practice ungodliness, to utter error concerning the LORD, to leave the craving of the hungry unsatisfied, and to deprive the thirsty of drink.

For a fool speaks nonsense, And his heart inclines toward wickedness: To practice ungodliness and to speak error against the LORD, To keep the hungry person unsatisfied And to withhold drink from the thirsty.

For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For a fool speaks foolishness and his mind plots iniquity. He lives in a godless way and speaks falsely about the LORD. He leaves the hungry empty and deprives the thirsty of drink.

For fools utter contempt, and their minds plot wrong things: practicing ungodliness, spreading lies about the LORD, leaving the pangs of hungry people unsatisfied, and depriving thirsty people of drink.

For a fool speaks disgraceful things; his mind plans out sinful deeds. He commits godless deeds and says misleading things about the LORD; he gives the hungry nothing to satisfy their appetite and gives the thirsty nothing to drink.

Godless fools speak foolishness, and their minds plan evil in order to do ungodly things. They speak falsely about the LORD. They let people go hungry and withhold water from thirsty people.

For the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will invent iniquity to work unrighteousness and to speak scornfully against the LORD, leaving the soul of the hungry empty and taking away the drink of the thirsty.

For the foolish person will speak foolishness, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For the fool will speak folly, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise profaneness, and to utter error against Jehovah, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and to cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For the fool will speak foolish things, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and speak to the Lord deceitfully, and to make empty the soul of the hungry, and take away drink from the thirsty.

for the vile man will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against Jehovah, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and to cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise profaneness, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and to cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry; and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For the fool will speak folly, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice profanity, and to utter error against Yahweh, To make empty the soul of the hungry, and to cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

For a fool speaketh folly, And his heart doth iniquity, to do profanity, And to speak concerning Jehovah error, To empty the soul of the hungry, Yea, drink of the thirsty he causeth to lack.

Isaia 32:6
Sepse njeriu i përçmuar thotë gjëra të neveritshme dhe zemra e tij jepet pas paudhësisë, për të kryer pabesi dhe për të thënë gjëra pa respekt kundër Zotit, për ta lënë bosh stomakun e të uriturit dhe për ta lënë thatë atë që vuan nga etja.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 32:6
لان اللئيم يتكلم باللؤم وقلبه يعمل اثما ليصنع نفاقا ويتكلم على الرب بافتراء ويفرغ نفس الجائع ويقطع شرب العطشان.

Dyr Ieseien 32:6
Ayn Narr löstert önn Herrgot, haat nix wie d Sündd eyn n Kopf; und was yr tuet, zaigt, däß yr meilnweit von n Trechtein wögg ist, der Leixer. Ayn Sölcherner laasst aynn Hungrignen weiterhungern und gibt yn aynn Durstignen kain Wasser nit.

Исая 32:6
Защото подлият ще говори подло, И сърцето му ще работи беззаконие, Тъй щото да върши нечестие и говори заблуда против Господа, За да изтощи душата на гладния, И да направи питието на жадния да чезне.

以 賽 亞 書 32:6
因 為 愚 頑 人 必 說 愚 頑 話 , 心 裡 想 作 罪 孽 , 慣 行 褻 瀆 的 事 , 說 錯 謬 的 話 攻 擊 耶 和 華 , 使 飢 餓 的 人 無 食 可 吃 , 使 口 渴 的 人 無 水 可 喝 。

因 为 愚 顽 人 必 说 愚 顽 话 , 心 里 想 作 罪 孽 , 惯 行 亵 渎 的 事 , 说 错 谬 的 话 攻 击 耶 和 华 , 使 饥 饿 的 人 无 食 可 吃 , 使 口 渴 的 人 无 水 可 喝 。



Isaiah 32:6
Jer, pokvarenjak govori ludosti i srce mu bezakonje snuje, da počini zlodjela, da o Jahvi oholo govori; da gladnoga ostavi prazna želuca, da žednome napitak uskrati.

Izaiáše 32:6
Proto že nešlechetný o nešlechetnosti mluví, a srdce jeho skládá nepravost, jak by provodil ošemetnost, a mluvil proti Hospodinu scestné věci, jak by znuzil duši lačného, a nápoj žíznivému odjal.

Esajas 32:6
Thi Daaren taler kun Daarskab, hans Hjerte udtænker Uret for at øve Niddingsværk og prædike Frafald fra HERREN, lade den sultne være tom og den tørstige mangle Vand.

Jesaja 32:6
Want een dwaas spreekt dwaasheid, en zijn hart doet ongerechtigheid, om huichelarij te plegen, en om dwaling te spreken tegen den HEERE, om de ziel des hongerigen ledig te laten, en den dorstige drank te doen ontbreken.

ישעה 32:6
כִּ֤י נָבָל֙ נְבָלָ֣ה יְדַבֵּ֔ר וְלִבֹּ֖ו יַעֲשֶׂה־אָ֑וֶן לַעֲשֹׂ֣ות חֹ֗נֶף וּלְדַבֵּ֤ר אֶל־יְהוָה֙ תֹּועָ֔ה לְהָרִיק֙ נֶ֣פֶשׁ רָעֵ֔ב וּמַשְׁקֶ֥ה צָמֵ֖א יַחְסִֽיר׃

ו כי נבל נבלה ידבר ולבו יעשה און--לעשות חנף ולדבר אל יהוה תועה להריק נפש רעב ומשקה צמא יחסיר

כי נבל נבלה ידבר ולבו יעשה־און לעשות חנף ולדבר אל־יהוה תועה להריק נפש רעב ומשקה צמא יחסיר׃

Ézsaiás 32:6
Mert a bolond [csak] bolondot beszél, és az õ szíve hamisságot forral, hogy istentelenséget cselekedjék, és szóljon az Úr ellen tévelygést, hogy az éhezõ lelkét éhen hagyja, és a szomjazó italát elvegye.

Jesaja 32:6
CXar malnoblulo parolas malnoblajxon, kaj lia koro faras malbonagojn, agante hipokrite kaj parolante pri la Eternulo malverajxon, senmangxigante la animon de malsatanto kaj forprenante trinkajxon de soifanto.

Sillä tyhmä puhuu tyhmyydessä, ja hänen sydämensä on pahuudesssa; että hän olis ulkokullaisuudessa; ja saarnais Herrasta väärin, että hän sillä isoovaiset sielut nälkään näännyttäis, ja kieltäis janoovaisilta juoman.

Ésaïe 32:6
Car l'homme vil dira des choses viles, et son coeur commettra l'iniquité pour pratiquer l'impiété et pour dire l'erreur contre l'Éternel, pour rendre vide l'âme qui a faim et ôter la boisson à celui qui a soif.

Car l'insensé profère des folies, Et son coeur s'adonne au mal, Pour commettre l'impiété, Et dire des faussetés contre l'Eternel, Pour laisser à vide l'âme de celui qui a faim, Et enlever le breuvage de celui qui a soif.

Car le chiche ne prononce que chicheté, et son cœur ne machine qu'iniquité, pour exécuter son déguisement, et pour proférer des choses fausses contre l'Eternel; pour rendre vide l'âme de l'affamé, et faire tarir la boisson à celui qui a soif.

Jesaja 32:6
Denn ein Narr redet von Narrheit, und sein Herz gehet mit Unglück um, daß er Heuchelei anrichte und predige vom HERRN Irrsal, damit er die hungrigen Seelen aushungere und den Durstigen das Trinken wehre.

Denn ein Narr redet von Narrheit, und sein Herz geht mit Unglück um, daß er Heuchelei anrichte und predige vom HERRN Irrsal, damit er die hungrigen Seelen aushungere und den Durstigen das Trinken wehre.

Denn ein Frevler redet Frevel, und sein Sinn bereitet Unheil, indem er Ruchlosigkeit verübt und Irrsal wider Jahwe redet, indem er den Hungrigen darben läßt und den Durstigen Mangel leiden läßt an Getränk.

Isaia 32:6
Poiché lo scellerato proferisce scelleratezze e il suo cuore si dà all’iniquità per commettere cose empie e dir cose malvage contro l’Eterno; per lasciar vuota l’anima di chi ha fame, e far mancar la bevanda a chi ha sete.

Perciocchè l’uomo da nulla parla scelleratezza, e il suo cuore opera iniquità, usando ipocrisia, e pronunziando parole di disviamento contro al Signore; per render vuota l’anima dell’affamato, e far mancar da bere all’assetato.

Melainkan orang fasik yang berkata jahat dan hatinya berniat salah, hendak membuat pura-pura dan mengatakan barang yang salah akan Tuhan, supaya tiada disampaikannya kehendak orang yang berlapar dan dikurangkannya minuman bagi orang yang berdahaga.

이사야 32:6
이는 어리석은 자는 어리석은 것을 말하며 그 마음에 불의를 품어 간사를 행하며 패역한 말로 여호와를 거스리며 주린 자의 심령을 비게 하며 목마른 자의 마시는 것을 없어지게 함이며

Isaias 32:6
stultus enim fatua loquetur et cor eius faciet iniquitatem ut perficiat simulationem et loquatur ad Dominum fraudulenter et vacuefaciat animam esurientis et potum sitienti auferat

Izaijo knyga 32:6
Kvailys kalba kvailystes, jo širdis siekia neteisybės. Jis veidmainiauja ir kalba neteisingai apie Viešpatį. Jis nepavalgydina alkano ir nepagirdo ištroškusio.

Isaiah 32:6
Ka korero hoki te tangata nanakia i te nanakia, a ka mahi tona ngakau i te kino, kia whakahawea ai ki te tapu, kia puta ke ai tana korero ki a Ihowa, kia noho tahanga ai i a ia te wairua o te tangata matekai, kia moti ai hoki he wai mo te tangata matewai.

Esaias 32:6
For dåren taler dårskap, og hans hjerte finner på ondt for å utføre vanhellig dåd og for å tale forvendte ting om Herren, for å la den hungrige sulte og la den tørste mangle drikke.

Isaías 32:6
Pues el necio habla necedades, y su corazón se inclina hacia el mal, para practicar la impiedad y hablar falsedad contra el SEÑOR, para mantener con hambre al hambriento y para privar de bebida al sediento.

Pues el necio habla necedades, Y su corazón se inclina hacia el mal, Para practicar la impiedad y hablar falsedad contra el SEÑOR, Para mantener con hambre al hambriento Y para privar de bebida al sediento.

Porque el mezquino hablará mezquindades, y su corazón fabricará iniquidad, para hacer la impiedad y para hablar escarnio contra Jehová, dejando vacía el alma hambrienta, y quitando la bebida al sediento.

Porque el mezquino hablará mezquindades, y su corazón fabricará iniquidad, para hacer la impiedad y para hablar escarnio contra Jehová, dejando vacía el alma hambrienta, y quitando la bebida al sediento.

Porque el mezquino hablará mezquindades, y su corazón fabricará iniquidad, para hacer la impiedad; y para hablar escarnio contra el SEÑOR; dejando vacía el alma hambrienta, y quitando la bebida al sediento.

Isaías 32:6
Porque o insensato profere tolices e o seu coração pratica a iniquidade, agindo impiedosamente e alardeando disparates contra Deus, deixando o faminto sem alimento e privando o sedento de matar sua sede.

Pois o tolo fala tolices, e o seu coração trama iniqüidade, para cometer profanação e proferir mentiras contra o Senhor, para deixar com fome o faminto e fazer faltar a bebida ao sedento.   

Isaia 32:6
Căci nebunul spune nebunii, şi inima lui gîndeşte rău, ca să lucreze în chip nelegiuit, şi să spună neadevăruri împotriva Domnului, ca să lase lihnit sufletul celui flămînd, şi să ia băutura celui însetat.

Исаия 32:6
Ибо невежда говорит глупое, и сердце его помышляет о беззаконном,чтобы действовать лицемерно и произносить хулу на Господа, душу голодного лишать хлеба и отнимать питье у жаждущего.

Ибо невежда говорит глупое, и сердце его помышляет о беззаконном, чтобы действовать лицемерно и произносить хулу на Господа, душу голодного лишать хлеба и отнимать питье у жаждущего.[]

Jesaja 32:6
Ty en dåre talar dårskap, och hans hjärta reder till fördärv; så övar han gudlöshet och talar, vad förvänt är, om HERREN, så låter han den hungrige svälta och nekar den törstige en dryck vatten.

Isaiah 32:6
Sapagka't ang taong mangmang ay magsasalita ng kasamaan, at ang kaniyang puso ay gagawa ng kasalanan, upang magsanay ng paglapastangan, at magsalita ng kamalian laban sa Panginoon, upang alisan ng makakain ang taong gutom, at upang papagkulangin ang inumin ng uhaw.

อิสยาห์ 32:6
เพราะคนเลวทรามจะพูดอย่างเลวทราม และใจของเขาก็ปองความชั่วช้า เพื่อประกอบความหน้าซื่อใจคด เพื่อออกปากพูดความผิดเกี่ยวกับพระเยโฮวาห์ เพื่อทำจิตใจของคนหิวให้อดอยากและจะไม่ให้คนกระหายได้ดื่ม

Yeşaya 32:6
Çünkü budala saçmalıyor,
Aklı fikri hep kötülükte.
İşi gücü fesat işlemek,
RABbe ilişkin yanlış sözler söylemek,
Açları aç bırakmak,
Susamışlardan suyu esirgemek.[]

EÂ-sai 32:6
Vì kẻ dại dột sẽ nói những lời dại dột, lòng họ xiêu về sự gian dối, đặng phạm các tội ác, đặng nói những sự sai lầm nghịch cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va, đặng làm cho kẻ đói trống bụng và kẻ khát hết đồ uống.

Isaiah 32:5
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