Isaiah 32:5
Isaiah 32:5
No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected.

In that day ungodly fools will not be heroes. Scoundrels will not be respected.

The fool will no more be called noble, nor the scoundrel said to be honorable.

No longer will the fool be called noble, Or the rogue be spoken of as generous.

The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.

A fool will no longer be called a noble, nor a scoundrel said to be important.

People will no longer call a fool noble, nor will a bad person be declared honorable.

A fool will no longer be called honorable; a deceiver will no longer be called principled.

Godless fools will no longer be called nobles, nor will scoundrels be considered gentlemen.

The vile person shall no longer be called liberal, nor the greedy said to be bountiful.

The foolish person shall be no more called noble, nor the miser said to be bountiful.

The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.

The fool shall be no more called noble, nor the churl said to be bountiful.

The fool shall no more be called prince: neither shall the deceitful be called great:

The vile man shall be no more called noble, nor the churl said to be bountiful:

The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.

The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.

The fool will no longer be called noble, nor the scoundrel be highly respected.

A fool is no more called 'noble,' And to a miser it is not said, 'rich;'

Isaia 32:5
Njeriu i përçmuar nuk do të thirret më fisnik, as i pandershmi nuk do të thirret i pavlerë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 32:5
ولا يدعى اللئيم بعد كريما ولا الماكر يقال له نبيل.

Dyr Ieseien 32:5
Ayn Narr werd niemer als eerbar angschaut und ayn Lump niemer als edl.

Исая 32:5
Подлият не ще се нарича вече великодушен, Нито ще се казва сребролюбецът щедър;

以 賽 亞 書 32:5
愚 頑 人 不 再 稱 為 高 明 , 吝 嗇 人 不 再 稱 為 大 方 。

愚 顽 人 不 再 称 为 高 明 , 吝 啬 人 不 再 称 为 大 方 。



Isaiah 32:5
pokvarenjaka neće više zvati plemenitim, varalicu neće više držat' odličnikom.

Izaiáše 32:5
Nebudeť více nazýván nešlechetný šlechetným, a skrbný nebude slouti štědrým.

Esajas 32:5
Daaren skal ikke mer kaldes ædel, højsindet ikke Skalken.

Jesaja 32:5
De dwaas zal niet meer genoemd worden milddadig, en de gierige zal niet meer mild geheten worden.

ישעה 32:5
לֹֽא־יִקָּרֵ֥א עֹ֛וד לְנָבָ֖ל נָדִ֑יב וּלְכִילַ֕י לֹ֥א יֵֽאָמֵ֖ר שֹֽׁועַ׃

ה לא יקרא עוד לנבל נדיב ולכילי לא יאמר שוע

לא־יקרא עוד לנבל נדיב ולכילי לא יאמר שוע׃

Ézsaiás 32:5
Nem nevezik a bolondot többé nemesnek, és a csalárdot sem hívják nagylelkûnek.

Jesaja 32:5
Oni ne plu nomos malnoblulon noblulo, kaj pri avarulo oni ne plu diros, ke li estas bonfaranto.

Ei hullua pidä enää pääruhtinaaksi kutsuttaman, eikä ahnetta herraksi.

Ésaïe 32:5
L'homme vil ne sera plus appelé noble, et on ne dira pas l'avare généreux.

On ne donnera plus à l'insensé le nom de noble, Ni au fourbe celui de magnanime.

Le chiche ne sera plus appelé libéral, et l'avare ne sera plus nommé magnifique.

Jesaja 32:5
Es wird nicht mehr ein Narr Fürst heißen noch ein Geiziger HERR genannt werden.

Es wird nicht mehr ein Narr Fürst heißen noch ein Geiziger Herr genannt werden.

Einen Frevler wird man nicht mehr edel nennen, noch einen Schurken vornehm heißen.

Isaia 32:5
Lo scellerato non sarà più chiamato nobile, e l’impostore non sarà più chiamato magnanimo.

Lo stolto non sarà più chiamato principe, e l’avaro non sarà più detto magnifico.

Maka orang kikir itu tiada lagi akan dikatakan dermawan dan orang gelojohpun tiada lagi akan dikatakan murah.

이사야 32:5
어리석은 자를 다시 존귀하다 칭하지 아니하겠고 궤휼한 자를 다시 정대하다 말하지 아니하리니

Isaias 32:5
non vocabitur ultra is qui insipiens est princeps neque fraudulentus appellabitur maior

Izaijo knyga 32:5
Kvailio nebevadins kilniu, apgaviko­garbingu.

Isaiah 32:5
E kore te wairangi e kiia i muri he ohaoha, e kore ano te kaiponu e kiia he atawhai.

Esaias 32:5
Dåren skal ikke mere kalles edel, og den svikefulle skal ikke kalles høimodig.

Isaías 32:5
Ya no se llamará noble al necio, ni al tramposo se le dirá generoso.

Ya no se llamará noble al necio, Ni se le dirá generoso al tramposo.

El mezquino nunca más será llamado liberal, ni el avaro será llamado generoso.

El mezquino nunca más será llamado liberal, ni será dicho generoso el avariento.

El mezquino nunca más será llamado liberal, ni será dicho generoso el avariento.

Isaías 32:5
Já não se chamará nobre ao tolo nem se dirá ilustre àquele que é trapaceiro!

Ao tolo nunca mais se chamará nobre, e do avarento nunca mais se dirá que é generoso.   

Isaia 32:5
Nebunul nu se va mai numi ales la suflet, nici mişelul nu se va mai numi cu inimă largă.

Исаия 32:5
Невежду уже не будут называть почтенным, и о коварном не скажут, что он честный.

Невежду уже не будут называть почтенным, и о коварном не скажут, что он честный.[]

Jesaja 32:5
Dåren skall då icke mer heta ädling, ej heller bedragaren kallas herre.

Isaiah 32:5
Ang taong mangmang ay hindi na tatawagin pang dakila o ang magdaraya man ay sasabihing magandang-loob.

อิสยาห์ 32:5
เขาจะไม่เรียกคนเลวทรามว่าคนใจกว้างอีก หรือคนถ่อยว่าเป็นคนอารี

Yeşaya 32:5
Artık budalaya soylu,
Alçağa saygın denmeyecek.[]

EÂ-sai 32:5
Kẻ dại dột sẽ chẳng được xưng là cao sang, người rít róng chẳng được xưng là rộng rãi.

Isaiah 32:4
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