Isaiah 32:4
Isaiah 32:4
The fearful heart will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear.

Even the hotheads will be full of sense and understanding. Those who stammer will speak out plainly.

The heart of the hasty will understand and know, and the tongue of the stammerers will hasten to speak distinctly.

The mind of the hasty will discern the truth, And the tongue of the stammerers will hasten to speak clearly.

The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

The reckless mind will gain knowledge, and the stammering tongue will speak clearly and fluently.

The hearts of reckless people will understand sound judgment, and the tongues of those who stammer will be ready to speak clearly.

The mind that acts rashly will possess discernment and the tongue that stutters will speak with ease and clarity.

Then those who are reckless will begin to understand, and those who stutter will speak quickly and clearly.

The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

And the heart of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

And the heart of fools shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of stammerers shall speak readily and plain.

and the heart of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.

The heart of the rash will understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers will be ready to speak plainly.

And the heart of those hastened Understandeth to know, And the tongue of stammerers hasteth to speak clearly.

Isaia 32:4
Zemra e njerëzve të pamend do të fitojë njohuri dhe gjuha e atyre që belbëzojnë do të flasë shpejt dhe qartë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 32:4
وقلوب المتسرعين تفهم علما وألسنة العييين تبادر الى التكلم فصيحا.

Dyr Ieseien 32:4
Die, wo nit durchblickend, kennend si auf aynmaal aus, und die, wo grad blooschnd, rödnd auf ainmaal klaar und deuttlich.

Исая 32:4
Също и сърцето на безразсъдните ще разбере мъдрост, И езикът на гъгнивите ще говори бърже и ясно.

以 賽 亞 書 32:4
冒 失 人 的 心 必 明 白 知 識 ; 結 巴 人 的 舌 必 說 話 通 快 。

冒 失 人 的 心 必 明 白 知 识 ; 结 巴 人 的 舌 必 说 话 通 快 。



Isaiah 32:4
srce nerazumnih shvaćat će mudrost, mucavci će govorit' okretno i razgovijetno;

Izaiáše 32:4
Pročež srdce bláznů nabude umění, a jazyk zajikavých prostranně a světle mluviti bude.

Esajas 32:4
letsindiges Hjerte skal nemme Kundskab, stammendes Tunge tale flydende, rent.

Jesaja 32:4
En het hart der onbedachtzamen zal de wetenschap verstaan, en de tong der stamelenden zal vaardig zijn, om bescheidenlijk te spreken.

ישעה 32:4
וּלְבַ֥ב נִמְהָרִ֖ים יָבִ֣ין לָדָ֑עַת וּלְשֹׁ֣ון עִלְּגִ֔ים תְּמַהֵ֖ר לְדַבֵּ֥ר צָחֹֽות׃

ד ולבב נמהרים יבין לדעת ולשון עלגים תמהר לדבר צחות

ולבב נמהרים יבין לדעת ולשון עלגים תמהר לדבר צחות׃

Ézsaiás 32:4
A hebehurgyák szíve ismerni tanul, és a dadogóknak nyelve gyorsan és világosan szól.

Jesaja 32:4
Kaj la koro de senprudentuloj lernos scion, kaj la lango de balbutantoj parolos rapide kaj klare.

Ja hulluin pitää oppiman taitoa, ja sopera kieli pitää selkeäksi tuleman ja selkeästi puhuman.

Ésaïe 32:4
et le coeur de ceux qui vont étourdiment sera intelligent dans la connaissance, et la langue de ceux qui bégaient parlera promptement et clairement.

Le coeur des hommes légers sera intelligent pour comprendre, Et la langue de ceux qui balbutient parlera vite et nettement.

Et le cœur des étourdis entendra la science; et la langue des bègues parlera aisément, et nettement.

Jesaja 32:4
und die Unvorsichtigen werden Klugheit lernen, und der Stammelnden Zunge wird fertig und reinlich reden.

und die Unvorsichtigen werden Klugheit lernen, und der Stammelnden Zunge wird fertig und reinlich reden.

Der Verstand der Voreiligen wird lernen, zu urteilen, und die Zunge der Stotternden wird geläufig Deutliches reden.

Isaia 32:4
Il cuore degli inconsiderati capirà la saviezza, e la lingua dei balbuzienti parlerà spedita e distinta.

E il cuore degl’inconsiderati intenderà scienza, e la lingua de’ balbettanti parlerà speditamente e nettamente.

Dan hati orang yang kurang ingat itu akan mengerti pengetahuan dan lidah orang telor akan berkata-kata dengan cepatnya dan fasihnya.

이사야 32:4
조급한 자의 마음이 지식을 깨닫고 어눌한 자의 혀가 민첩하여 말을 분명히 할 것이라

Isaias 32:4
et cor stultorum intelleget scientiam et lingua balborum velociter loquetur et plane

Izaijo knyga 32:4
Lengvabūdžiai supras pažinimą ir mikčiojančiųjų kalba bus aiški.

Isaiah 32:4
Ka matauria ano te matauranga e te ngakau o te hunga ponana, a ka hohoro te arero o nga reo kikiki ki te korero marama.

Esaias 32:4
de lettsindiges hjerte skal formå å skjønne, og de stammendes tunge skal ha lett for å tale klart.

Isaías 32:4
El corazón de los imprudentes discernirá la verdad, y la lengua de los tartamudos se apresurará a hablar claramente.

El corazón de los imprudentes discernirá la verdad, Y la lengua de los tartamudos se apresurará a hablar claramente.

Y el corazón de los necios entenderá para saber, y la lengua de los tartamudos hablará con fluidez y claridad.

Y el corazón de los necios entenderá para saber, y la lengua de los tartamudos será desenvuelta para hablar claramente.

Y el corazón de los tontos entenderá para saber, y la lengua de los tartamudos será desenvuelta para hablar claramente.

Isaías 32:4
O coração dos irrefletidos procurará adquirir a sabedoria, a língua dos gaguejantes falará com pleno desembaraço e com clareza.

O coração dos imprudentes entenderá o conhecimento, e a língua dos gagos estará pronta para falar distintamente.   

Isaia 32:4
Inima celor uşuratici va pricepe şi va înţelege, şi limba gîngavilor va vorbi iute şi desluşit.

Исаия 32:4
И сердце легкомысленных будет уметь рассуждать; и косноязычные будут говорить ясно.

И сердце легкомысленных будет уметь рассуждать; и косноязычные будут говорить ясно.[]

Jesaja 32:4
Då skola de lättsinnigas hjärtan bliva förståndiga och vinna kunskap, och de stammandes tungor skola tala flytande och tydligt.

Isaiah 32:4
Ang puso naman ng walang bahala ay makakaunawa ng kaalaman, at ang dila ng mga utal ay mangahahanda upang mangagsalita ng malinaw.

อิสยาห์ 32:4
จิตใจของคนที่หุนหันจะเข้าใจความรู้ และลิ้นของคนติดอ่างจะพูดฉะฉานอย่างทันควัน

Yeşaya 32:4
Düşüncesizin aklı bilgiye erecek,
Kekeme açık seçik, akıcı konuşacak.[]

EÂ-sai 32:4
Lòng của người hớp tớp sẽ hiểu sự khôn ngoan; lưỡi của người cà lăm sẽ nói dễ và rõ.

Isaiah 32:3
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