Isaiah 32:14
Isaiah 32:14
The fortress will be abandoned, the noisy city deserted; citadel and watchtower will become a wasteland forever, the delight of donkeys, a pasture for flocks,

The palace and the city will be deserted, and busy towns will be empty. Wild donkeys will frolic and flocks will graze in the empty forts and watchtowers

For the palace is forsaken, the populous city deserted; the hill and the watchtower will become dens forever, a joy of wild donkeys, a pasture of flocks;

Because the palace has been abandoned, the populated city forsaken. Hill and watch-tower have become caves forever, A delight for wild donkeys, a pasture for flocks;

Because the palaces shall be forsaken; the multitude of the city shall be left; the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks;

For the palace will be forsaken, the busy city abandoned. The hill and the watchtower will become barren places forever, the joy of wild donkeys, and a pasture for flocks,

"For the palace will be abandoned, the noisy city deserted; the citadel and watchtower will become barren wastes forever, the delight of wild donkeys, and a pasture for flocks,

For the fortress is neglected; the once-crowded city is abandoned. Hill and watchtower are permanently uninhabited. Wild donkeys love to go there, and flocks graze there.

Palaces will be deserted. Noisy cities will be abandoned. Fortresses and watchtowers will become permanent caves. They will be a delight for wild donkeys and pastures for flocks

Because the palaces shall be forsaken; the noise of the city shall cease; the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks;

Because the palaces shall be forsaken; the multitude of the city shall be left; the forts and towers shall be for dens forever, a joy of wild donkeys, a pasture of flocks;

Because the palaces shall be forsaken; the multitude of the city shall be left; the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks;

For the palace shall be forsaken; the populous city shall be deserted; the hill and the watch-tower shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks;

For the house is forsaken, the multitude of the city is left, darkness and obscurity are come upon its dens for ever. A joy of wild asses, the pastures of docks,

For the palace shall be deserted, the multitude of the city shall be forsaken; hill and watchtower shall be caves for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks;

For the palace shall be forsaken; the populous city shall be deserted; the hill and the watch-tower shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks;

Because the palaces shall be forsaken; the multitude of the city shall be left; the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks;

For the palace will be forsaken. The populous city will be deserted. The hill and the watchtower will be for dens forever, a delight for wild donkeys, a pasture of flocks;

Surely the palace hath been left, The multitude of the city forsaken, Fort and watch-tower hath been for dens unto the age, A joy of wild asses -- a pasture of herds;

Isaia 32:14
Sepse pallati do të braktiset, qyteti i zhurmshëm do të shkretohet, Ofeli dhe kulla do të bëhen për gjithnjë shpella gëzimi për gomarët e egër dhe kullotë për kopetë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 32:14
لان القصر قد هدم. جمهور المدينة قد ترك. الاكمة والبرج صارا مغاير الى الابد مرحا لحمير الوحش مرعى للقطعان.

Dyr Ieseien 32:14
Denn de Pfläst seind verlaassn, und mucksmäuserlstaet ist s drinn wordn. Dyr Burgbichl mit n Landfrid ist für allweil veroedt. Wildösln tummlnd si dortn, und Herddn waidnend daadl.

Исая 32:14
Защото палата ще бъде изоставен, Шумният град ще бъде напуснат, Крепостта и кулата ще станат до века пещери, Наслаждение на диви осли, пасбище на стада,

以 賽 亞 書 32:14
因 為 宮 殿 必 被 撇 下 , 多 民 的 城 必 被 離 棄 ; 山 岡 望 樓 永 為 洞 穴 , 作 野 驢 所 喜 樂 的 , 為 羊 群 的 草 場 。

因 为 宫 殿 必 被 撇 下 , 多 民 的 城 必 被 离 弃 ; 山 冈 望 楼 永 为 洞 穴 , 作 野 驴 所 喜 乐 的 , 为 羊 群 的 草 场 。



Isaiah 32:14
Jer, napuštena bit će palača, opustjet će bučni grad; Ofel i kula postat će brlog dovijeka - bit će radost divljim magarcima, paša stadima,

Izaiáše 32:14
Nebo rozkošný palác opuštěn bude, hluk města přestane, hrad vysoký a věže obráceny budou v jeskyně na věčnost, k radosti divokým oslům, a ku pastvišti stádům.

Esajas 32:14
Thi Paladset er øde, Bylarmen standset, Ofel med Taarnet en Grushob for evigt, Vildæslers Fryd, en Græsgang for Hjorde —

Jesaja 32:14
Want het paleis zal verlaten zijn, het gewoel der stad zal ophouden; Ofel en de wachttorens zullen tot spelonken zijn, tot in der eeuwigheid, een vreugde der woudezelen, een weide der kudden.

ישעה 32:14
כִּֽי־אַרְמֹ֣ון נֻטָּ֔שׁ הֲמֹ֥ון עִ֖יר עֻזָּ֑ב עֹ֣פֶל וָבַ֜חַן הָיָ֨ה בְעַ֤ד מְעָרֹות֙ עַד־עֹולָ֔ם מְשֹׂ֥ושׂ פְּרָאִ֖ים מִרְעֵ֥ה עֲדָרִֽים׃

יד כי ארמון נטש המון עיר עזב עפל ובחן היה בעד מערות עד עולם--משוש פראים מרעה עדרים

כי־ארמון נטש המון עיר עזב עפל ובחן היה בעד מערות עד־עולם משוש פראים מרעה עדרים׃

Ézsaiás 32:14
A paloták elhagyatvák, a város zaja elnémult, torony és bástya barlangokká lettek örökre, hol a vadszamár kedvére él, a nyájak meg legelnek.

Jesaja 32:14
CXar la palacoj estos forlasitaj, la bruo de la urbo malaperos, la fortikajxoj kaj turoj farigxos por cxiam anstatauxajxo de kavernoj, gxojloko por sovagxaj azenoj, pasxtigxejo por brutaroj;

JESAJA 32:14
Sillä salit pitää hyljättämän, ja kansan paljous kaupungissa pitää vähenemän; niin että tornit ja linnat pitää tuleman ijankaikkiseksi luolaksi, ja metsän pedoille iloksi, ja laumoille laitumeksi;

Ésaïe 32:14
Car le palais est délaissé, le tumulte de la ville est abandonné. Ophel et la tour de la sentinelle seront des cavernes pour toujours, les délices des ânes sauvages, un pâturage des troupeaux,

Le palais est abandonné, La ville bruyante est délaissée; La colline et la tour serviront à jamais de cavernes; Les ânes sauvages y joueront, les troupeaux y paîtront,

Car le palais s'en va être abandonné; la multitude de la cité s'en va être délaissée; les lieux inacceccibles du pays et les forteresses seront autant de cavernes à toujours; là se joueront les ânes sauvages, et les petits y paîtront.

Jesaja 32:14
Denn die Paläste werden verlassen sein und die Menge in der Stadt einsam sein, daß die Türme und Festungen ewige Höhlen werden und dem Wild zur Freude, den Herden zur Weide,

Denn die Paläste werden verlassen sein und die Stadt, die voll Getümmel war, einsam sein, daß die Türme und Festen ewige Höhlen werden und dem Wild zur Freude, den Herden zur Weide,

Denn die Paläste sind verlassen, der Lärm der Stadt ist verödet. Ophel und Warte dienen für immer als Höhlen: eine Lust für Wildesel, ein Weideplatz für Herden -

Isaia 32:14
Poiché il palazzo sarà abbandonato, la città rumorosa sarà resa deserta, la collina e la torre saran per sempre ridotte in caverne, in luogo di spasso per gli onàgri e di pascolo pe’ greggi,

Perciocchè i palazzi saranno abbandonati, la città piena di popolo sarà lasciata; i castelli e le fortezze saranno ridotte in perpetuo in caverne, in sollazzo d’asini salvatici, in paschi di gregge.

YESAYA 32:14
Karena segala maligai sudah ditinggalkan sunyi, keramaian negeri sudah berubah menjadi kesunyian; keliling bukit dan bangun-bangun kelihatanlah tempat-tempat yang lapang beberapa zaman lamanya, yaitu tempat keledai hutan bersuka-suka dan kawan-kawan binatangpun mencahari makan,

이사야 32:14
필경은 위에서부터 성신을 우리에게 부어주시리니 광야가 아름다운 밭이 되며 아름다운 밭을 삼림으로 여기게 되리라

Isaias 32:14
domus enim dimissa est multitudo urbis relicta est tenebrae et palpatio factae sunt super speluncas usque in aeternum gaudium onagrorum pascua gregum

Izaijo knyga 32:14
Rūmai ištuštės, miesto triukšmas nutils, kalva ir stebėjimo bokštas virs lauku, kuriuo džiaugsis laukiniai asilai ir ganysis bandos.

Isaiah 32:14
No te mea ka mahue te whare kingi, ka whakarerea te pa tokomaha: ko te puke me te pourewa ka waiho hei ana a ake ake, hei mea e koa ai nga kaihe mohoao, hei wahi kai ma nga kahui;

Esaias 32:14
For palasset er forlatt, svermen i byen er borte; haug* og vakttårn er blitt til huler for evige tider, til fryd for villesler, til beite for buskap -

Isaías 32:14
Porque el palacio ha sido abandonado, hecha un desierto la populosa ciudad. Collado y atalaya se han convertido en cuevas para siempre, un deleite para asnos monteses, un pasto para rebaños;

Porque el palacio ha sido abandonado, hecha un desierto la populosa ciudad. Colina y atalaya se han convertido en cuevas para siempre, Un deleite para asnos monteses, un pasto para rebaños;

Porque los palacios serán abandonados, la multitud de la ciudad cesará; las torres y fortalezas se tornarán cuevas para siempre, donde retocen asnos monteses, y ganados hagan majada;

Porque los palacios serán desiertos, la multitud de la ciudad cesará: las torres y fortalezas se tornarán cuevas para siempre, donde huelguen asnos monteses, y ganados hagan majada:

Porque los palacios serán desiertos, el estruendo de la ciudad cesará; las torres y fortalezas se tornarán cuevas para siempre, donde descansen asnos monteses, y ganados hagan majada,

Isaías 32:14
A fortaleza será abandonada, a cidade barulhenta ficará deserta, a cidadela e a torre das sentinelas se tornarão covis, uma delícia para os jumentos, uma pastagem para os rebanhos,

Porque o palácio será abandonado, a cidade populosa ficará deserta; e o outeiro e a torre da guarda servirão de cavernas para sempre, para alegria dos asnos monteses, e para pasto dos rebanhos;   

Isaia 32:14
Casa împărătească este părăsită, cetatea gălăgioasă este lăsată; dealul şi turnul vor sluji pe vecie ca peşteri; măgarii sălbatici se vor juca în ele, şi turmele vor paşte,

Исаия 32:14
ибо чертоги будут оставлены; шумный город будет покинут; Офел и башня навсегда будут служить, вместо пещер, убежищем диких ослов и пасущихся стад,

ибо чертоги будут оставлены; шумный город будет покинут; Офел и башня навсегда будут служить, вместо пещер, убежищем диких ослов и пасущихся стад,[]

Jesaja 32:14
Ty palatsen äro övergivna, den folkrika staden ligger öde, Ofelhöjden med vakttornet är förvandlad till grotthålor för evig tid, till en plats, där vildåsnor hava sin fröjd och där hjordar beta --

Isaiah 32:14
Sapagka't ang bahay-hari ay mapapabayaan; ang mataong bayan ay magiging ilang; ang burol at ang bantayang moog ay magiging mga pinaka yungib magpakailan man, kagalakan ng mga mailap na asno, pastulan ng mga kawan;

อิสยาห์ 32:14
เพราะว่าพระราชวังจะถูกทอดทิ้ง เมืองที่มีคนหนาแน่นจะถูกทิ้งร้าง ป้อมปราการและหอคอยจะกลายเป็นถ้ำเป็นนิตย์ เป็นที่ชื่นบานของลาป่า เป็นลานหญ้าของฝูงแพะแกะ

Yeşaya 32:14
Çünkü saray ıssız,
Kalabalık kent bomboş kalacak.
Ofel Mahallesiyle gözcü kulesi
Bir çayırlığa dönecek;
Yaban eşeklerinin keyifle gezindiği,
Sürülerin otladığı bir yer olacak.[]

EÂ-sai 32:14
Vì cung điện vắng tanh, thành đông đúc hoang loạn; đồi và tháp từ nay sẽ trở nên sào huyệt đến đời đời, cho những lừa rừng choán làm nơi nghỉ, và những bầy vật thả ăn,

Isaiah 32:13
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