Isaiah 3:24
Isaiah 3:24
Instead of fragrance there will be a stench; instead of a sash, a rope; instead of well-dressed hair, baldness; instead of fine clothing, sackcloth; instead of beauty, branding.

Instead of smelling of sweet perfume, she will stink. She will wear a rope for a sash, and her elegant hair will fall out. She will wear rough burlap instead of rich robes. Shame will replace her beauty.

Instead of perfume there will be rottenness; and instead of a belt, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a rich robe, a skirt of sackcloth; and branding instead of beauty.

Now it will come about that instead of sweet perfume there will be putrefaction; Instead of a belt, a rope; Instead of well-set hair, a plucked-out scalp; Instead of fine clothes, a donning of sackcloth; And branding instead of beauty.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.

Instead of perfume there will be a stench; instead of a belt, a rope; instead of beautifully styled hair, baldness; instead of fine clothes, sackcloth; instead of beauty, branding.

"And it will come about that instead of fragrance there will be a stench; instead of a belt, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a fine robe, sackcloth; and instead of beauty, shame.

A putrid stench will replace the smell of spices, a rope will replace a belt, baldness will replace braided locks of hair, a sackcloth garment will replace a fine robe, and a prisoner's brand will replace beauty.

Instead of the smell of perfume, there will be the smell of decay. They will wear ropes instead of belts. They will have bald heads instead of beautiful hair. They will wear sackcloth instead of expensive clothes. Their beauty will be scarred.

And it shall come to pass that instead of sweet perfumes, there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent and instead of well-set hair baldness and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth and burning instead of beauty.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet fragrance there shall be a stench; and instead of a sash, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a rich robe, a girding of sackcloth; and a burning scar instead of beauty.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet spices there shall be rottenness; and instead of a girdle, a rope; and instead of well set hair, baldness; and instead of a robe, a girding of sackcloth; branding instead of beauty.

And instead of a sweet smell there shall be stench, and instead of a girdle, a cord, and instead of curled hair, baldness, and instead of a stomacher, haircloth.

And it shall come to pass, instead of perfume there shall be rottenness; and instead of a girdle, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a robe of display, a girding of sackcloth; brand instead of beauty.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet spices there shall be rottenness; and instead of a girdle a rope; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth: branding instead of beauty.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be an offensive odor; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.

It shall happen that instead of sweet spices, there shall be rottenness; instead of a belt, a rope; instead of well set hair, baldness; instead of a robe, a wearing of sackcloth; and branding instead of beauty.

And it hath been, instead of spice is muck, And instead of a girdle, a rope, And instead of curled work, baldness, And instead of a stomacher a girdle of sackcloth.

Isaia 3:24
Dhe do të ndodhë që në vend të parfumit të ketë kalbësira, në vend të brezit një litar, në vend të kaçurelave shogësi, në vend të një veshjeje të kushtueshme një thes i ngushtë, një damkë zjarri në vend të bukurisë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 3:24
فيكون عوض الطيب عفونة وعوض المنطقة حبل وعوض الجدائل قرعة وعوض الديباج زنار مسح وعوض الجمال كي.

Dyr Ieseien 3:24
Dann habtß aynn Gstank statt n Waaß, aynn Strik für aynn Gürtl, ayn Plattn statt de Wuggerln, aynn Sak statt aynn Föstgwand, ja, d Schandd statt dyr Schoen.

Исая 3:24
И вместо благоухание ще има гнилота, Вместо пояс, въже, Вместо накъдрени коси, плешивост, Вместо нагръдник, опасване с вретище, И вместо красота, [белези от] изгаряне.

以 賽 亞 書 3:24
必 有 臭 爛 代 替 馨 香 , 繩 子 代 替 腰 帶 , 光 禿 代 替 美 髮 , 麻 衣 繫 腰 代 替 華 服 , 烙 傷 代 替 美 容 。

必 有 臭 烂 代 替 馨 香 , 绳 子 代 替 腰 带 , 光 秃 代 替 美 发 , 麻 衣 系 腰 代 替 华 服 , 烙 伤 代 替 美 容 。



Isaiah 3:24
Mjesto miomirisa, smrad; mjesto pojasa, konopac; mjesto kovrča, tjeme obrijano; mjesto gizdave halje, kostrijet; mjesto ljepote, žig.

Izaiáše 3:24
A budeť místo vonných věcí hnis, a místo pasů roztržení, a místo strojení kadeří lysina, a místo širokého podolku bude přepásání pytlem, obhoření pak místo krásy.

Esajas 3:24
For Vellugt kommer der Stank, i Stedet for Bælte Reb, for Fletninger skaldet Isse, for Stadsklæder Sæk om Hofte, for Skønhedsmærke Brændemærke.

Jesaja 3:24
En het zal geschieden, dat er voor specerij stank zal zijn, en lossigheid voor een gordel, en kaalheid in plaats van haarvlechten, en omgording eens zaks in plaats van een wijden rok, en verbranding in plaats van schoonheid.

ישעה 3:24
וְהָיָה֩ תַ֨חַת בֹּ֜שֶׂם מַ֣ק יִֽהְיֶ֗ה וְתַ֨חַת חֲגֹורָ֤ה נִקְפָּה֙ וְתַ֨חַת מַעֲשֶׂ֤ה מִקְשֶׁה֙ קָרְחָ֔ה וְתַ֥חַת פְּתִיגִ֖יל מַחֲגֹ֣רֶת שָׂ֑ק כִּי־תַ֖חַת יֹֽפִי׃

כד והיה תחת בשם מק יהיה ותחת חגורה נקפה ותחת מעשה מקשה קרחה ותחת פתיגיל מחגרת שק  כי תחת יפי

והיה תחת בשם מק יהיה ותחת חגורה נקפה ותחת מעשה מקשה קרחה ותחת פתיגיל מחגרת שק כי־תחת יפי׃

Ézsaiás 3:24
A tükröket, a gyolcsingeket, a fõkötõket és a keczeléket:

Jesaja 3:24
Kaj anstataux bonodoro estos malbonodoro, kaj anstataux zono estos sxnuro, kaj anstataux krispaj haroj estos kalvo, kaj anstataux eleganta mantelo estos sako, anstataux beleco estos brulmakuloj.

Ja pitää häijy löyhkä hyvän hajun edestä oleman, ja nuora vyön edestä, ja paljas pää kaharain hiusten edestä, ja ahdas säkki avaran hameen edestä. Nämät kaikki sinun kauneutes siaan.

Ésaïe 3:24
Et il arrivera qu'au lieu de parfum il y aura pourriture; et au lieu de ceinture, une corde; et au lieu de cheveux artistement tressés, une tête chauve; et au lieu d'une robe d'apparat, un sarrau de toile à sac; flétrissure, au lieu de beauté.

Au lieu de parfum, il y aura de l'infection; Au lieu de ceinture, une corde; Au lieu de cheveux bouclés, une tête chauve; Au lieu d'un large manteau, un sac étroit; Une marque flétrissante, au lieu de beauté.

Et il arrivera qu'au lieu de senteurs aromatiques, il y aura de la puanteur; et au lieu d'être ceintes, elles seront découvertes, et au lieu de cheveux frisés, elles auront la tête chauve; et au lieu de ceintures de cordon, [elles seront ceintes] de cordes de sac; et au lieu d'un beau teint, elles auront le teint tout hâlé.

Jesaja 3:24
und wird Gestank für guten Geruch sein und ein loses Band für einen Gürtel und eine Glatze für ein kraus Haar und für einen weiten Mantel ein enger Sack; solches alles anstatt deiner Schöne.

und es wird Gestank für guten Geruch sein, und ein Strick für einen Gürtel, und eine Glatze für krauses Haar, und für einen weiten Mantel ein enger Sack; solches alles anstatt deiner Schöne.

Und dann - Statt des Balsams giebt's Moder und statt der Schärpe den Strick, statt des kunstvollen Gekräusels die Glatze und statt des Prachtmantels Umgürtung mit härenem Gewand, Brandmal statt der Schöne!

Isaia 3:24
Invece del profumo s’avrà fetore; invece di cintura, una corda; invece di riccioli calvizie; invece d’ampio manto, un sacco stretto; un marchio di fuoco invece di bellezza.

Ed avverrà che, in luogo di buono odore, vi sarà marcia; e in luogo di cintura, squarciatura; e in luogo d’increspatura di capelli, calvezza; e in luogo di fascia da petto, cinto di sacco; e in luogo di bellezza, arsura.

Maka akan jadi kelak bahwa ada bau busuk akan ganti harum minyak bau-bauan, dan kain compang-camping akan ganti pakaian yang indah-indah, dan gundul kepala akan ganti ikal-ikalan rambut, dan kain kambeli akan ganti pakaian hari raya dan arang di muka akan ganti elok paras.

이사야 3:24
그 때에 썩은 냄새가 향을 대신하고 노끈이 띠를 대신하고 대머리가 숱한 머리털을 대신하고 굵은 베옷이 화려한 옷을 대신하고 자자한 흔적이 고운 얼굴을 대신할 것이며

Isaias 3:24
et erit pro suavi odore fetor et pro zona funiculus et pro crispanti crine calvitium et pro fascia pectorali cilicium

Izaijo knyga 3:24
Vietoje kvepalų bus smarvė, vietoje juostos­virvė; vietoje gražios šukuosenos­plikė, vietoje apsiausto­ašutinė; vietoje grožio­įdeginta žymė.

Isaiah 3:24
Na he kakara pai i mua, tera e puta ake he piro; he whitiki, tuku iho he tawhetawhe; he koukou huatau, tau iho he pakira kau; he tatua whakapaipai, kopakina iho ki te kakahu taratara: he ataahua, hunuhunua ake.

Esaias 3:24
Og det skal skje: I stedet for balsam skal det være stank, og for belte rep, og for kunstig krusede krøller skallet hode, og for vid kappe trang sekk, brennemerke for skjønnhet.

Isaías 3:24
Y sucederá que en vez de perfume aromático habrá podredumbre; en vez de cinturón, cuerda; en vez de peinado artificioso, calvicie; en vez de ropa fina, ceñidor de cilicio; cicatriz en vez de hermosura.

Y sucederá que en vez de perfume aromático habrá podredumbre. En vez de cinturón, cuerda; En vez de peinado artificioso, calvicie; En vez de ropa fina, ceñidor de cilicio; Cicatriz en vez de hermosura.

Y será que en vez de perfume aromático vendrá hediondez; y cuerda en vez de cinturón; y calvez en lugar de la compostura del cabello; y en lugar de ropa de gala ceñimiento de cilicio; y quemadura en vez de hermosura.

Y será que en lugar de los perfumes aromáticos vendrá hediondez; y desgarrón en lugar de cinta; y calvez en lugar de la compostura del cabello; y en lugar de faja ceñimiento de saco; y quemadura en vez de hermosura.

Y será que en lugar de los perfumes aromáticos vendrá hediondez; y desgarrón en lugar de cinta; y calvicie en lugar de la compostura del cabello; y en lugar de faja ceñimiento de cilicio; y quemadura en vez de hermosura.

Isaías 3:24
Em lugar de bálsamo perfumado haverá mau cheiro; em vez de belos cintos, apenas uma corda rota; em lugar de lindos penteados, apenas uma cabeça raspada, em vez de roupas finas, vestes de tristeza e lamento; em lugar de belos rostos e corpos, marcas de ferro em brasa e cicatrizes.

E será que em lugar de perfume haverá mau cheiro, e por cinto, uma corda; em lugar de encrespadura de cabelos, calvície; e em lugar de veste luxuosa, cinto de cilício; e queimadura em lugar de formosura.   

Isaia 3:24
Şi atunci în loc de miros plăcut va fi putoare; în loc de brîu, o funie; în loc de păr încreţit, un cap pleşuv, în loc de mantie largă, un sac strîmt; un semn de înfierare, în loc de frumuseţă.

Исаия 3:24
Мужи твои падут от меча, и храбрые твои – на войне.

Мужи твои падут от меча, и храбрые твои--на войне.[]

Jesaja 3:24
Och där skall vara stank i stället för vällukt, rep i stället för bälte, skalligt huvud i stället för krusat hår, hölje av säcktyg i stället för högtidsmantel, märken av brännjärn i stället för skönhet.

Isaiah 3:24
At mangyayari na sa halip na mga mainam na especia ay kabulukan; at sa halip na pamigkis ay panali; at sa halip na buhok na ayos ay kakalbuhan; at sa halip na pamigkis na mainam ay pamigkis na kayong magaspang; hero sa halip ng kagandahan.

อิสยาห์ 3:24
ต่อมาแทนน้ำอบจะมีแต่ความเน่า แทนผ้าคาดเอวจะมีเชือก แทนผมดัดจะมีแต่ศีรษะล้าน แทนเสื้องามล้ำค่าจะคาดเอวด้วยผ้ากระสอบ แทนความงดงามจะมีแต่รอยไหม้

Yeşaya 3:24
O zaman güzel kokunun yerini pis koku,
Kuşağın yerini ip,
Lüleli saçın yerini kel kafa,
Süslü giysinin yerini çul,
Güzelliğin yerini dağlama izi alacak.[]

EÂ-sai 3:24
Sẽ có mùi hôi hám thay vì thơm tho; dây tói thay vì nịt lưng; đầy sói thay vì tóc quăn; bao gai quấn mình thay vì áo dài phấp phới; dấu phỏng thay vì sắc đẹp.

Isaiah 3:23
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