Isaiah 28:7
Isaiah 28:7
And these also stagger from wine and reel from beer: Priests and prophets stagger from beer and are befuddled with wine; they reel from beer, they stagger when seeing visions, they stumble when rendering decisions.

Now, however, Israel is led by drunks who reel with wine and stagger with alcohol. The priests and prophets stagger with alcohol and lose themselves in wine. They reel when they see visions and stagger as they render decisions.

These also reel with wine and stagger with strong drink; the priest and the prophet reel with strong drink, they are swallowed by wine, they stagger with strong drink, they reel in vision, they stumble in giving judgment.

And these also reel with wine and stagger from strong drink: The priest and the prophet reel with strong drink, They are confused by wine, they stagger from strong drink; They reel while having visions, They totter when rendering judgment.

But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

These also stagger because of wine and stumble under the influence of beer: priest and prophet stagger because of beer, they are confused by wine. They stumble because of beer, they are muddled in their visions, they stumble in their judgments.

These people also stagger from wine and reel from strong drink. Priests and prophets stagger from strong drink; they're drunk from wine; they reel from strong drink, waver when seeing visions, and stumble when rendering decisions.

Even these men stagger because of wine, they stumble around because of beer--priests and prophets stagger because of beer, they are confused because of wine, they stumble around because of beer; they stagger while seeing prophetic visions, they totter while making legal decisions.

Priests and prophets stagger from wine and wobble from too much liquor. They stagger from too much liquor and become confused from too much wine. They wobble because of their liquor. They stagger when they see visions. They swerve as they judge.

But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink; they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up by wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

And even these reel with wine, and stagger with strong drink; the priest and the prophet reel with strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they stagger with strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

But these also have been ignorant through wine, and through drunkenness have erred: the priest and the prophet have been ignorant through drunkenness, they are swallowed up with wine, they have gone astray in drunkenness, they have not known him that seeth, they have been ignorant of judgment.

But these also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are they gone astray. The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink; they are overpowered by wine, they are gone astray through strong drink; they have erred in vision, they have stumbled in judgment.

But these also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are gone astray; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are gone astray through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are overwhelmed with wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

They also reel with wine, and stagger with strong drink. The priest and the prophet reel with strong drink. They are swallowed up by wine. They stagger with strong drink. They err in vision. They stumble in judgment.

And even these through wine have erred, And through strong drink have wandered, Priest and prophet erred through strong drink, They have been swallowed up of the wine, They wandered because of the strong drink, They have erred in seeing, They have stumbled judicially.

Isaia 28:7
Por edhe këta shkojnë sa djathtas aq edhe majtas për shkak të verës dhe u merren këmbët nga pijet dehëse; prifti dhe profeti lëkunden për shkak të pijeve dehëse, lëkunden sikur të kishin vegime, ngurrojnë në dhënien e vendimeve.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 28:7
ولكن هؤلاء ايضا ضلوا بالخمر وتاهوا بالمسكر. الكاهن والنبي ترنحا بالمسكر ابتلعتهما الخمر تاها من المسكر ضلا في الرؤيا قلقا في القضاء.

Dyr Ieseien 28:7
Sogar de Priester und Weissagn daader z Ruslham nägglnd grad non vor lautter häckldicht von n Wein und Bier, aau bei ienerne Schau'n, und wenn s aft verkünddnd, auf was s kemmend seind.

Исая 28:7
Но и тия се побъркаха от виното И се заблудиха от спиртното питие; Свещеник и пророк се побъркаха от спиртно питие, Обладаха се от вино, заблудиха се от спиртно питие, Побъркаха се във видението, спъват се в съденето,

以 賽 亞 書 28:7
就 是 這 地 的 人 也 因 酒 搖 搖 晃 晃 , 因 濃 酒 東 倒 西 歪 。 祭 司 和 先 知 因 濃 酒 搖 搖 晃 晃 , 被 酒 所 困 , 因 濃 酒 東 倒 西 歪 。 他 們 錯 解 默 示 , 謬 行 審 判 。

就 是 这 地 的 人 也 因 酒 摇 摇 晃 晃 , 因 浓 酒 东 倒 西 歪 。 祭 司 和 先 知 因 浓 酒 摇 摇 晃 晃 , 被 酒 所 困 , 因 浓 酒 东 倒 西 歪 。 他 们 错 解 默 示 , 谬 行 审 判 。



Isaiah 28:7
Oni posrću od vina, teturaju od žestoka pića: svećenici i proroci od žestoka pića posrću; omami ih vino; teturaju od žestoka pića, posrću u viđenjima, ljuljaju se sudeći.

Izaiáše 28:7
Ale i ti od vína bloudí, a od opojného nápoje se potácejí. Kníže i prorok bloudí, přeplňujíce se nápojem opojným, pohlceni jsou od vína, potácejí se od nápoje opojného, bloudí u vidění, chybují v soudu.

Esajas 28:7
Ogsaa disse raver af Vin, er svimle af Drik, Præst og Profet, de raver af Drik, fra Samling af Vin og svimle af Drik; de raver under Syner, vakler, naar de dømmer.

Jesaja 28:7
En ook dwalen dezen van den wijn, en zij dolen van den sterken drank; de priester en de profeet dwalen van den sterken drank; zij zijn verslonden van den wijn, zij dolen van sterken drank; zij dwalen in het gezicht; zij waggelen in het gericht.

ישעה 28:7
וְגַם־אֵ֙לֶּה֙ בַּיַּ֣יִן שָׁג֔וּ וּבַשֵּׁכָ֖ר תָּע֑וּ כֹּהֵ֣ן וְנָבִיא֩ שָׁג֨וּ בַשֵּׁכָ֜ר נִבְלְע֣וּ מִן־הַיַּ֗יִן תָּעוּ֙ מִן־הַשֵּׁכָ֔ר שָׁגוּ֙ בָּֽרֹאֶ֔ה פָּק֖וּ פְּלִילִיָּֽה׃

ז וגם אלה ביין שגו ובשכר תעו  כהן ונביא שגו בשכר נבלעו מן היין תעו מן השכר שגו בראה פקו פליליה

וגם־אלה ביין שגו ובשכר תעו כהן ונביא שגו בשכר נבלעו מן־היין תעו מן־השכר שגו בראה פקו פליליה׃

Ézsaiás 28:7
De ezek is tántorognak a bor miatt, és szédülnek a részegítõ italtól: pap és próféta tántorog részegítõ ital miatt, a bor elnyelte õket, szédülnek a részegítõ ital miatt, tántorognak a jövendõlátásban, és inognak az ítéletmondásban;

Jesaja 28:7
Sed ankaux cxi tiuj sxanceligxas de vino kaj balancigxas de drinkajxo; pastro kaj profeto sxanceligxas de drinkajxo, senkonsciigxas de vino, vagas pro drinkajxo, eraras en la vidado, falpusxigxas cxe la jugxa verdikto.

Siihen myös ovat nämät hulluksi tulleet viinasta, ja hoipertelevat väkevistä juomista; sillä papit ja prohpetat ovat hullut väkevästä juomasta, he ovat uponneet viinaan, ja hoipertelevat väkevästä juomasta, he ovat erhettyneet ennustuksessa, ja ei osanneet oikeutta tuomiossa.

Ésaïe 28:7
Mais ceux-ci aussi ont erré par le vin et se sont égarés par la boisson forte. Le sacrificateur et le prophète ont erré par la boisson forte, ils sont dévorés par le vin, ils se sont égarés par la boisson forte; ils ont erré dans leur vision, ils ont bronché dans le jugement.

Mais eux aussi, ils chancellent dans le vin, Et les boissons fortes leur donnent des vertiges; Sacrificateurs et prophètes chancellent dans les boissons fortes, Ils sont absorbés par le vin, Ils ont des vertiges à cause des boissons fortes; Ils chancellent en prophétisant, Ils vacillent en rendant la justice.

Mais ceux-ci aussi se sont oubliés dans le vin, et se sont fourvoyés dans la cervoise; le Sacrificateur et le Prophète se sont oubliés dans la cervoise; ils ont été engloutis par le vin, ils se sont fourvoyés a cause de la cervoise; ils se sont oubliés dans la vision, ils ont bronché dans le jugement.

Jesaja 28:7
Dazu sind diese auch vom Wein toll worden und taumeln von starkem Getränk. Denn beide, Priester und Propheten, sind toll von starkem Getränke, sind in Wein ersoffen und taumeln von starkem Getränke; sie sind toll im Weissagen und köcken die Urteile heraus.

Aber auch diese sind vom Wein toll geworden und taumeln von starkem Getränk. Beide, Priester und Propheten, sind toll von starkem Getränk, sind in Wein ersoffen und taumeln von starkem Getränk; sie sind toll beim Weissagen und wanken beim Rechtsprechen.

Aber auch diese hier wanken vom Wein und taumeln vom Rauschtrank! Priester und Propheten wanken vom Rauschtrank, sind verwirrt vom Wein, taumeln vom Rauschtrank, wanken beim Schauen, schwanken beim Urteilsprechen!

Isaia 28:7
Ma anche questi barcollan per il vino, e vacillano per le bevande inebrianti; sacerdote e profeta barcollan per le bevande inebrianti, affogano nel vino, vacillano per le bevande inebrianti, barcollano profetizzando, tentennano rendendo giustizia.

Or anche costoro si sono invaghiti del vino, e son traviati nella cervogia; il sacerdote e il profeta si sono invaghiti della cervogia, sono stati perduti per lo vino, e traviati per la cervogia; hanno errato nella visione, si sono intoppati nel giudicio.

Tetapi ini juga sesat dalam air anggur dan berpusing-pusing dalam minuman yang keras, jikalau imam dan nabi sekalipun sesat dalam minuman keras, mereka itu sekalian teracap oleh air anggur, mereka itu berpusing-pusing oleh minuman yang keras, mereka itu sesat dalam khayal, mereka itu terhuyung-huyung dalam pehukuman.

이사야 28:7
이 유다 사람들도 포도주로 인하여 옆걸음 치며 독주로 인하여 비틀거리며 제사장과 선지자도 독주로 인하여 옆걸음 치며 포도주에 빠지며 독주로 인하여 비틀거리며 이상을 그릇 풀며 재판할때에 실수하나니

Isaias 28:7
verum hii quoque prae vino nescierunt et prae ebrietate erraverunt sacerdos et propheta nescierunt prae ebrietate absorti sunt a vino erraverunt in ebrietate nescierunt videntem ignoraverunt iudicium

Izaijo knyga 28:7
Tačiau šie apsvaigo nuo vyno, svyruoja nuo girtuokliavimo. Kunigas ir pranašas, apsvaigę nuo girtuokliavimo, nežino, ką darą. Jie klysta regėjimuose, suklumpa sprendimuose.

Isaiah 28:7
Otiia kua pohehe ano enei i te waina, a kua kototi ke i te wai kaha; ko te tohunga, ko te poropiti, kua pohehe i te wai kaha, kua horomia raua e te waina, a kua kotiti ke i te wai kaha; he titiro he ta raua, e tapepa ana ta raua whakawa.

Esaias 28:7
Men også de som er her*, raver av vin og tumler av sterk drikk; prest og profet raver av sterk drikk, er overveldet av vin, tumler av sterk drikk; de raver i sine syner, vakler i sine dommer;

Isaías 28:7
También estos se tambalean por el vino y dan traspiés por el licor: el sacerdote y el profeta por el licor se tambalean, están ofuscados por el vino, por el licor dan traspiés; vacilan en sus visiones, titubean al pronunciar juicio.

También éstos se tambalean por el vino y dan traspiés por el licor: El sacerdote y el profeta por el licor se tambalean, Están ofuscados por el vino, por el licor dan traspiés; Vacilan en sus visiones, Titubean al pronunciar juicio.

Mas también éstos erraron con el vino; y con el licor se entontecieron; el sacerdote y el profeta han errado a causa del licor, fueron trastornados por el vino, han divagado a causa del licor, erraron en la visión, tropezaron en el juicio.

Mas también éstos erraron con el vino; y con la sidra se entontecieron; el sacerdote y el profeta erraron con la sidra, fueron trastornados del vino, aturdiéronse con la sidra, erraron en la visión, tropezaron en el juicio.

Mas también éstos erraron con el vino; y con la sidra se entontecieron. El sacerdote y el profeta, erraron con la sidra, fueron trastornados del vino, se aturdieron con la sidra, erraron en la visión, tropezaron en el juicio.

Isaías 28:7
Mas estes também cambaleiam por causa de muito vinho e se desencaminham com a bebida forte; até o sacerdote e o profeta caminham cambaleantes por causa da bebida forte, estão tontos de vinho, perdem o equilíbrio e seus caminhos por causa da ingestão de grande quantidade de bebida forte; erram nas visões e tropeçam nos julgamentos.

Mas também estes cambaleiam por causa do vinho, e com a bebida forte se desencaminham; até o sacerdote e o profeta cambaleiam por causa da bebida forte, estão tontos do vinho, desencaminham-se por causa da bebida forte; erram na visão, e tropeçam no juizo.   

Isaia 28:7
Dar şi ei, se clatină de vin, şi băuturile tari îi ameţesc; preoţi şi prooroci sînt îmbătaţi de băuturi tari, sînt stăpîniţi de vin, au ameţeli din pricina băuturilor tari; se clatină cînd proorocesc, se poticnesc cînd judecă.

Исаия 28:7
Но и эти шатаются от вина и сбиваются с пути от сикеры; священник и пророк спотыкаются от крепких напитков; побеждены вином, обезумели от сикеры, в видении ошибаются, в суждении спотыкаются.

Но и эти шатаются от вина и сбиваются с пути от сикеры; священник и пророк спотыкаются от крепких напитков; побежденывином, обезумели от сикеры, в видении ошибаются, в сужденииспотыкаются.[]

Jesaja 28:7
Men också här raglar man av vin, stapplar man av starka drycker; både präster och profeter ragla av starka drycker, de äro överlastade av vin, de stappla av starka drycker; de ragla, när de profetera, de vackla, när de skipa rätt.

Isaiah 28:7
Gayon man ang mga ito ay gumigiray dahil sa alak, at dahil sa matapang na alak ay pahapayhapay; ang saserdote at ang propeta ay gumigiray dahil sa matapang na alak, sila'y nangasakmal ng alak, sila'y pahapayhapay dahil sa matapang na alak: sila'y nangamamali sa pangitain, sila'y nangatitisod sa paghatol.

อิสยาห์ 28:7
เขาเหล่านี้ซมซานไปด้วยเหล้าองุ่นเหมือนกัน และโซเซไปด้วยเมรัย ปุโรหิตและผู้พยากรณ์ก็ซมซานไปด้วยเมรัย เขาทั้งหลายถูกกลืนไปหมดด้วยเหล้าองุ่น เขาโซเซไปด้วยเมรัย เขาเห็นผิดไป เขาสะดุดในการให้คำพิพากษา

Yeşaya 28:7
Kâhinlerle peygamberler bile şarabın ve içkinin etkisiyle yalpalayıp sendeliyor; içkinin etkisiyle yalpalayıp sendeliyorlar, şaraba yenik düşmüşler. Yanlış görümler görüyorlar, kararlarında tutarsızlar.[]

EÂ-sai 28:7
Song những kẻ ấy cũng choáng váng vì rượu, xiêu tó vì các thứ rượu mạnh. Thầy tế lễ và đấng tiên tri đều choáng váng vì rượu mạnh, bị rượu nuốt đi, nhơn các thứ rượu mạnh mà xoàng ba; xem sự hiện thấy thì cắt nghĩa sai, xử kiện thì vấp ngã;

Isaiah 28:6
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