Isaiah 28:2
Isaiah 28:2
See, the Lord has one who is powerful and strong. Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind, like a driving rain and a flooding downpour, he will throw it forcefully to the ground.

For the Lord will send a mighty army against it. Like a mighty hailstorm and a torrential rain, they will burst upon it like a surging flood and smash it to the ground.

Behold, the Lord has one who is mighty and strong; like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest, like a storm of mighty, overflowing waters, he casts down to the earth with his hand.

Behold, the Lord has a strong and mighty agent; As a storm of hail, a tempest of destruction, Like a storm of mighty overflowing waters, He has cast it down to the earth with His hand.

Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Look, the Lord has a strong and mighty one-- like a devastating hail storm, like a storm with strong flooding waters. He will bring it across the land with His hand.

Look! The LORD has one who is mighty and strong, like a hailstorm and destructive tempest, like a storm of mighty, overflowing water— and he will give rest to the land.

Look, the sovereign master sends a strong, powerful one. With the force of a hailstorm or a destructive windstorm, with the might of a driving, torrential rainstorm, he will knock that crown to the ground with his hand.

The Lord has one who is strong and powerful. He is like a hailstorm, a destructive wind. He is like a thunderstorm, an overwhelming flood. He will throw them to the ground forcefully.

Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one who as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, which like a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, like a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with his hand.

Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one; as a tempest of hail, a destroying storm, as a tempest of mighty waters overflowing, will he cast down to the earth with the hand.

Behold the Lord is mighty and strong, as a storm of hail: a destroying whirlwind, as the violence of many waters overflowing, and sent forth upon a spacious land.

Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, as a storm of hail and a destroying tempest; as a storm of mighty waters overflowing, shall he cast down to the earth with might.

Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one; as a tempest of hail, a destroying storm, as a tempest of mighty waters overflowing, shall he cast down to the earth with the hand.

Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one. Like a storm of hail, a destroying storm, and like a storm of mighty waters overflowing, he will cast them down to the earth with his hand.

Lo, a mighty and strong one is to the Lord, As a storm of hail -- a destructive shower, As an inundation of mighty waters overflowing, He cast down to the earth with the hand.

Isaia 28:2
Ja, Zoti ka një njeri të fortë dhe të fuqishëm, si një stuhi breshëri, si një tufan shkatërrues; si një aluvion ujërash të fuqishëm përmbytëse; ai do t'i hedhë për tokë me dorën e tij.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 28:2
هوذا شديد وقوي للسيد كانهيال البرد كنوء مهلك كسيل مياه غزيرة جارفة قد ألقاه الى الارض بشدة.

Dyr Ieseien 28:2
Dyr Trechtein haat schoon ainn hint, der wo mit derer Kroon aufraeumt wie ayn Schauer, ayn Morddssturm older ayn gscheider Schüterer.

Исая 28:2
Ето, от Господа идва един мощен и силен, Който, като буря с град и опустошителна вихрушка, Като буря от силни прелели води, Ще [ги] хвърли с ръката си на земята.

以 賽 亞 書 28:2
看 哪 , 主 有 一 大 能 大 力 者 , 像 一 陣 冰 雹 , 像 毀 滅 的 暴 風 , 像 漲 溢 的 大 水 , 他 必 用 手 將 冠 冕 摔 落 於 地 。

看 哪 , 主 有 一 大 能 大 力 者 , 像 一 阵 冰 雹 , 像 毁 灭 的 暴 风 , 像 涨 溢 的 大 水 , 他 必 用 手 将 冠 冕 摔 落 於 地 。



Isaiah 28:2
Evo, od Gospoda jaki i moćni, kao pljusak s tučom, kao vihor razorni, prolom oblaka i povodanj, i svom ih snagom na zemlju baca.

Izaiáše 28:2
Aj, silný a mocný Páně jako příval s krupobitím, jako povětří vyvracející, jako povodeň vod prudkých a rozvodnilých prudce až k zemi porazí.

Esajas 28:2
Se, Herren har en vældig Kæmpe til Rede; som Skybrud af Hagl, som hærgende Storm, som Skybrud af mægtige skyllende Vande slaar han til Jorden med Vælde.

Jesaja 28:2
Ziet, de Heere heeft een sterke en machtige, er is gelijk een hagelvloed, een poort des verderfs; gelijk een vloed der sterke wateren; die overvloeien, zal Hij ze ter aarde nederwerpen met de hand.

ישעה 28:2
הִנֵּ֨ה חָזָ֤ק וְאַמִּץ֙ לַֽאדֹנָ֔י כְּזֶ֥רֶם בָּרָ֖ד שַׂ֣עַר קָ֑טֶב כְּ֠זֶרֶם מַ֣יִם כַּבִּירִ֥ים שֹׁטְפִ֛ים הִנִּ֥יחַ לָאָ֖רֶץ בְּיָֽד׃

ב הנה חזק ואמץ לאדני כזרם ברד שער קטב כזרם מים כבירים שטפים הניח לארץ--ביד

הנה חזק ואמץ לאדני כזרם ברד שער קטב כזרם מים כבירים שטפים הניח לארץ ביד׃

Ézsaiás 28:2
Ímé, egy erõs és hatalmas [jõ] az Úrtól, mint jégfergeteg, veszedelmes szélvész, mint özönlõ erõs vizeknek áradása: földhöz veri kezével azt!

Jesaja 28:2
Jen la Sinjoro havas fortulon kaj potenculon; kiel hajla pluvego, kiel pereiga ventego, kiel inundo de forta disversxigxinta akvo, li potence jxetos ilin sur la teron.

Katso, väkevä ja voimallinen Herralta, niinkuin raesade, niinkuin vahingollinen tuuli, niinkuin vesimyrsky, joka väkevästi lankee, pitää väkivallalla maahan päästettämän;

Ésaïe 28:2
Voici, le Seigneur a un instrument fort et puissant, comme un orage de grêle, un tourbillon de destruction: comme un orage de puissantes eaux qui débordent, il renversera par terre avec force.

Voici venir, de la part du Seigneur, un homme fort et puissant, Comme un orage de grêle, un ouragan destructeur, Comme une tempête qui précipite des torrents d'eaux: Il la fait tomber en terre avec violence.

Voici, le Seigneur [a en main] un fort et puissant homme, ressemblant à une tempête de grêle, à un tourbillon qui brise tout, à une tempête de grosses eaux débordées; il jettera [tout] par terre avec la main.

Jesaja 28:2
Siehe, ein Starker und Mächtiger vom HERRN, wie ein Hagelsturm, wie ein schädlich Wetter, wie ein Wassersturm, die mächtiglich einreißen, wird ins Land gelassen mit Gewalt,

Siehe, ein Starker und Mächtiger vom HERRN wie ein Hagelsturm, wie ein schädliches Wetter, wie ein Wassersturm, der mächtig einreißt, wirft sie zu Boden mit Gewalt,

Fürwahr einen Starken und Mächtigen hat der Herr in Bereitschaft! Wie ein Hagelunwetter, ein schneidender Sturm, wie ein Guß von gewaltigen, strömenden Wassern wird er sie mit der Hand zu Boden werfen,

Isaia 28:2
Ecco venire, da parte del Signore, un uomo forte, potente, come una tempesta di grandine, un uragano distruttore, come una piena di grandi acque che straripano; ei getta quella corona a terra con violenza.

Ecco, il Signore ha appo sè un uomo forte e potente, che sarà come un nembo di gragnuola, come un turbo fracassante; egli atterrerà ogni cosa con la mano, a guisa d’una piena di grandi acque traboccanti.

Bahwasanya pada Tuhan adalah suatu yang kuat dan berkuasa, suatu yang seperti hujan air beku dan ribut yang membinasakan, seperti air bah, yang bergelora dan meliputi semuanya, maka Iapun akan mengempaskan mereka itu ke bumi dengan tangan-Nya.

이사야 28:2
보라, 주께 있는 강하고 힘 있는 자가 쏟아지는 우박 같이 파괴하는 광풍 같이 큰 물의 창일함 같이 손으로 그 면류관을 땅에 던지리니

Isaias 28:2
ecce validus et fortis Domini sicut impetus grandinis turbo confringens sicut impetus aquarum multarum inundantium et emissarum super terram spatiosam

Izaijo knyga 28:2
Štai Viešpaties stiprusis ir galingasis kaip smarki kruša, kaip laužantis viesulas, kaip baisus lietus, kaip plūstantis vanduo užtvindys žemę.

Isaiah 28:2
Nana, he mea kaha, he mea pakari ta te Ariki; koia ano kei te awha whatu, kei te tupuhi e wawahi ana, kei te waipuke, he wai nui e ngawha atu ana, ka taia iho ano e tona ringa ki te whenua.

Esaias 28:2
Se, Herren sender en som er sterk og veldig*, lik en haglskur, en ødeleggende storm; som en flom av mektige, overstrømmende vann slår han alt til jorden med makt.

Isaías 28:2
He aquí que uno, fuerte y poderoso, de parte del Señor, como tormenta de granizo, tempestad destructora, como tormenta de violentas aguas desbordadas, los ha lanzado a tierra con su mano.

Miren, uno fuerte y poderoso de parte del Señor, Como tormenta de granizo, tempestad destructora, Como tormenta de violentas aguas desbordadas, Los ha lanzado a tierra con Su mano.

He aquí, Jehová tiene un fuerte y poderoso; que es como turbión de granizo y como tormenta destructora; como ímpetu de recias aguas desbordadas, los derribará a tierra con su mano.

He aquí Jehová tiene un fuerte y poderoso: como turbión de granizo y como torbellino trastornador; como ímpetu de recias aguas que inundan, con fuerza derriba á tierra.

He aquí, el SEÑOR tiene uno valiente y fuerte que viene como turbión de granizo, y como torbellino trastornador; como ímpetu de recias aguas que salen de madre, con fuerza de mano derriba a tierra.

Isaías 28:2
Vêde! O Eterno envia alguém que é poderoso e forte. Como a chuva de granizo e vento arrasador, como violento aguaceiro e tromba d’água que tudo inunda, ele a lançará com força ao chão.

Eis que o Senhor tem um valente e poderoso; como tempestade de saraiva, tormenta destruidora, como tempestade de impetuosas águas que transbordam, ele a derrubará violentamente por terra.   

Isaia 28:2
Iată că vine dela Domnul, un om tare şi puternic, ca o furtună de piatră, ca o vijelie nimicitoare, ca o rupere de nori cu mari şivoaie de ape, care o doboară cu putere la pămînt.

Исаия 28:2
Вот, крепкий и сильный у Господа, как ливень с градом и губительный вихрь, как разлившееся наводнение бурных вод, с силою повергает его на землю.

Вот, крепкий и сильный у Господа, как ливень с градом игубительный вихрь, как разлившееся наводнение бурных вод, с силоюповергает его на землю.[]

Jesaja 28:2
Se, från Herren kommer en som är stark och väldig, lik en hagelskur, en förödande storm, lik en störtskur med väldiga, översvämmande vatten, som slår allt till jorden med mat.

Isaiah 28:2
Narito, ang Panginoon ay may isang makapangyarihan at malakas na sugo parang bagyo ng granizo, na manggigibang bagyo, parang unos ng bumubugsong tubig na bumabaha, ay ibubuwal niya sa lupa sa pamamagitan ng malakas na kamay.

อิสยาห์ 28:2
ดูเถิด องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าทรงมีผู้หนึ่งที่มีกำลังและแข็งแรง เหมือนพายุลูกเห็บ อันเป็นพายุทำลาย เหมือนพายุน้ำที่กำลังไหลท่วม ซึ่งจะเหวี่ยงลงถึงดินด้วยพระหัตถ์

Yeşaya 28:2
Rabbin güçlü kudretli bir adamı var. Dolu fırtınası gibi, harap eden kasırga gibi, silip süpüren güçlü sel gibi o kenti şiddetle yere çalacak.[]

EÂ-sai 28:2
Nầy, từ nơi Chúa có một người mạnh và có quyền, giống như cơn bão mưa đá, như trận gió phá hại, như nước lớn vỡ bờ. Người sẽ lấy tay ném cả xuống đất.

Isaiah 28:1
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