Isaiah 22:11
Isaiah 22:11
You built a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the Old Pool, but you did not look to the One who made it, or have regard for the One who planned it long ago.

Between the city walls, you build a reservoir for water from the old pool. But you never ask for help from the One who did all this. You never considered the One who planned this long ago.

You made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But you did not look to him who did it, or see him who planned it long ago.

And you made a reservoir between the two walls For the waters of the old pool. But you did not depend on Him who made it, Nor did you take into consideration Him who planned it long ago.

Ye made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof, neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago.

You made a reservoir between the walls for the waters of the ancient pool, but you did not look to the One who made it, or consider the One who created it long ago.

and built a reservoir between the walls to store water from the Old Pool. But you did not look at the One who did it, nor did you see the One who planned it long ago.

You made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool--but you did not trust in the one who made it; you did not depend on the one who formed it long ago!

You will build a reservoir between the two walls to hold the water of the Old Pool. You didn't look to Jerusalem's maker. You didn't see the one who formed it long ago.

Ye also made a moat between the two walls with the water of the old pool, but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof, nor had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago.

You made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but you have not looked unto its maker, neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago.

You made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but you have not looked to the maker thereof, neither had respect to him that fashioned it long ago.

ye made also a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But ye looked not unto him that had done this, neither had ye respect unto him that purposed it long ago.

And you made a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: and you have not looked up to the maker thereof, nor regarded him even at a distance, that wrought it long ago.

and ye have made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not had regard unto the maker thereof, neither have ye looked unto him that fashioned it long ago.

ye made also a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye looked not unto him that had done this, neither had ye respect unto him that fashioned it long ago.

Ye made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not looked to its maker, neither had respect to him that fashioned it long ago.

You also made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But you didn't look to him who had done this, neither did you have respect for him who purposed it long ago.

And a ditch ye made between the two walls, For the waters of the old pool, And ye have not looked unto its Maker, And its Framer of old ye have not seen.

Isaia 22:11
Përveç kësaj keni ndërtuar një rezervuar midis dy mureve për ujërat e hauzit të vjetër, por nuk keni parë se kush e ka bërë këtë, as nuk keni marrë parasysh kush e ka menduar këtë prej një kohe të gjatë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 22:11
وصنعتم خندقا بين السورين لمياه البركة العتيقة. لكن لم تنظروا الى صانعه ولم تروا مصوره من قديم.

Dyr Ieseien 22:11
Ös habtß sogar zwischn de zwo Mauern non ayn Böckn anglögt, däßß ys Wasser von n altn Weiher sammltß. Aber auf dönn habtß +nit gachtt, der wo hinter alln steet, nit auf dönn, der wo allss von dyr Weitn steuert!

Исая 22:11
Направихте и между двете стени [нов] водоем За водата на стария водоем; Но не погледнахте към Онзи, Който стори това, Нито дадохте внимание на Този Който го бе приготвил отдавна.

以 賽 亞 書 22:11
又 在 兩 道 城 牆 中 間 挖 一 個 聚 水 池 可 盛 舊 池 的 水 , 卻 不 仰 望 做 這 事 的 主 , 也 不 顧 念 從 古 定 這 事 的 。

又 在 两 道 城 墙 中 间 挖 一 个 聚 水 池 可 盛 旧 池 的 水 , 却 不 仰 望 做 这 事 的 主 , 也 不 顾 念 从 古 定 这 事 的 。



Isaiah 22:11
Između dva zida načiniste spremište za vodu iz starog ribnjaka. Ali se ne obazreste na Tvorca, nit' vidjeste onog što davno sve smisli.

Izaiáše 22:11
Udělali jste také stav mezi dvěma zdmi pro vody rybníka starého, aniž jste popatřili k Učiniteli jeho, a toho, kdo jej vzdělal od starodávna, neviděli jste.

Esajas 22:11
I gravede mellem de to Mure en Fordybning til den gamle Dams Vand. Men til ham, der virked det, skued I ikke, saa ej hen til ham, som beredte det for længst.

Jesaja 22:11
Ook zult gij een gracht maken tussen beide de muren, voor de wateren des ouden vijvers; maar gij zult niet opwaarts zien op Dien, Die zulks gedaan heeft, noch aanmerken Dien, Die dat van verre tijden geformeerd heeft.

ישעה 22:11
וּמִקְוָ֣ה ׀ עֲשִׂיתֶ֗ם בֵּ֚ין הַחֹ֣מֹתַ֔יִם לְמֵ֖י הַבְּרֵכָ֣ה הַיְשָׁנָ֑ה וְלֹ֤א הִבַּטְתֶּם֙ אֶל־עֹשֶׂ֔יהָ וְיֹצְרָ֥הּ מֵֽרָחֹ֖וק לֹ֥א רְאִיתֶֽם׃

יא ומקוה עשיתם בין החמתים למי הברכה הישנה ולא הבטתם אל עשיה ויצרה מרחוק לא ראיתם

ומקוה ׀ עשיתם בין החמתים למי הברכה הישנה ולא הבטתם אל־עשיה ויצרה מרחוק לא ראיתם׃

Ézsaiás 22:11
És árkot csináltok a két kõfal között a régi tó vizének; és nem tekintetek arra, a ki ezt cselekvé, és a ki régen elvégzé ezt, Õt nem látjátok!

Jesaja 22:11
Kaj inter la du muroj vi faris basenon por la akvo de la malnova lageto. Sed vi ne direktis vian rigardon al Tiu, kiu tion faris, kaj gxian antikvan Kreinton vi ne rigardis.

JESAJA 22:11
Ja teidän pitää tekemän vesihaudan molempain muurien välille, vanhan kalalammin vedestä; kuitenkin ette katso häntä, joka tämän tekee, ettekä katsele sitä, joka senkaltaisia on kaukaa toimittanut.

Ésaïe 22:11
et vous avez fait un réservoir entre les murs, pour les eaux du vieil étang; mais vous n'avez pas regardé vers celui qui a fait cela, ni tourné vos regards vers celui qui l'a formé dès longtemps.

Vous faites un réservoir entre les deux murs, Pour les eaux de l'ancien étang. Mais vous ne regardez pas vers celui qui a voulu ces choses, Vous ne voyez pas celui qui les a préparées de loin.

Vous avez aussi fait un réservoir d'eaux entre les deux murailles, pour les eaux du vieux étang; mais vous n'avez point regardé à celui qui l'a faite et formée dès longtemps.

Jesaja 22:11
Und werdet einen Graben machen zwischen beiden Mauern vom Wasser des alten Teichs. Noch sehet ihr nicht auf den, der solches tut, und schauet nicht auf den, der solches schaffet von ferne her.

und werdet einen Graben machen zwischen beiden Mauern vom Wasser des alten Teiches. Doch sehet ihr nicht auf den, der solches tut, und schauet nicht auf den, der solches schafft von ferneher.

und machtet ein Sammelbecken zwischen den beiden Mauern für das Wasser des alten Teichs - aber nach dem, der es bewirkt hatte, blicktet ihr nicht, und nach dem, der es von lange her ersonnen hatte, schautet ihr nicht.

Isaia 22:11
fate un bacino fra le due mura per le acque del serbatoio antico, ma non volgete lo sguardo a Colui che ha fatto queste cose, e non vedete Colui che da lungo tempo le ha preparate.

ed avete fatto fra le due mura un raccolto delle acque della pescina vecchia; ma non avete riguardato a colui che ha fatto questo, e non avete rivolti gli occhi a colui che ab antico l’ha formato.

YESAYA 22:11
dan kamupun membuat sebuah parit di antara dua lapis tembok itu bagi segala air dari dalam kolam lama; tetapi tiada kamu menengadah kepada Yang sudah menakdirkan perkara itu, dan matamupun tiada memandang kepada Yang sudah menyediakan dia dari dahulu-dahulu.

이사야 22:11
너희가 또 옛못의 물을 위하여 두 성벽 사이에 저수지를 만들었느니라 그러나 너희가 이 일을 하신 자를 앙망하지 아니하였고 이 일을 옛적부터 경영하신 자를 존경하지 아니하였느니라

Isaias 22:11
et lacum fecistis inter duos muros et aquam piscinae veteris et non suspexistis ad eum qui fecerat eam et operatorem eius de longe non vidistis

Izaijo knyga 22:11
Jūs padarėte saugyklą tarp abiejų sienų senojo tvenkinio vandeniui. Bet jūs pamiršote Tą, kuris visa tai darė, ir nekreipėte dėmesio į Jį.

Isaiah 22:11
Ka hanga ano e koutou he awa ki waenganui i nga taiepa e rua mo nga wai o te poka tawhito; kahore ia o koutou whakaaro ki te kaimahi o tena mea, kahore hoki e titiro ki tona kaihanga o mua noa atu.

Esaias 22:11
og I gjør en grav mellem begge murene for vannet fra den gamle dam; men I ser ikke op til ham som gjorde dette*, og ham som uttenkte det for lang tid siden, ser I ikke.

Isaías 22:11
Hicisteis un depósito entre las dos murallas para las aguas del estanque viejo. Pero no confiasteis en el que lo hizo, ni considerasteis al que hace mucho tiempo lo planeó.

Hicieron un depósito entre las dos murallas Para las aguas del estanque viejo. Pero ustedes no confiaron en Aquel que lo hizo, Ni consideraron al que hace mucho tiempo lo planeó.

E hicisteis foso entre los dos muros con las aguas del estanque antiguo; y no tuvisteis respeto al que lo hizo, ni mirasteis al que hace mucho tiempo lo labró.

E hicisteis foso entre los dos muros con las aguas de la pesquera vieja: y no tuvisteis respeto al que la hizo, ni mirasteis de lejos al que la labró.

E hicisteis foso entre los dos muros con las aguas de la pesquera vieja; y no tuvisteis respeto al que lo hizo, ni mirasteis desde la antiguedad al que lo labró.

Isaías 22:11
Construístes um reservatório entre os dois muros para a água da piscina antiga. Contudo, não voltastes os olhos para Aquele que fez todas estas construções, não vistes Aquele que desde há muito as planejou.

fizestes também um reservatório entre os dois muros para as águas da piscina velha; mas não olhastes para aquele que o tinha feito, nem considerastes o que o formou desde a antiguidade.   

Isaia 22:11
Faceţi o cămară între cele două ziduri, pentru apele iazului celui vechi; -dar nu vă uitaţi spre Cel ce a vrut aceste lucruri, nu vedeţi pe Cel ce de mult le -a pregătit.

Исаия 22:11
и устрояете между двумя стенами хранилище для вод старого пруда. А на Того, Кто этоделает, не взираете, и не смотрите на Того, Кто издавна определил это.

и устрояете между двумя стенами хранилище для вод старого пруда. А на Того, Кто это делает, не взираете, и не смотрите на Того, Кто издавна определил это.[]

Jesaja 22:11
Och mellan de båda murarna gjorden I en behållare för vattnet från Gamla dammen. Men I skådaden icke upp till honom som hade verkat detta; till honom som för länge sedan hade bestämt det sågen I icke.

Isaiah 22:11
Kayo'y nagsigawa naman ng tipunang tubig sa pagitan ng dalawang kuta para sa tubig ng dating tangke. Nguni't hindi ninyo tiningnan siyang gumawa nito, o nagpakundangan man kayo sa kaniya na naganyo nito na malaon na.

อิสยาห์ 22:11
ท่านทำที่ขับน้ำไว้ระหว่างกำแพงทั้งสองเพื่อรับน้ำของสระเก่า แต่ท่านมิได้มองดูผู้ที่ได้ทรงบันดาลเหตุ และมิได้เอาใจใส่ผู้ทรงวางแผนงานนี้ไว้นานมาแล้ว

Yeşaya 22:11
Eski Havuzun suları için
İki surun arasında bir depo yaptınız.
Ama bunu çok önceden tasarlayıp
Gerçekleştirmiş olan Tanrıya güvenmediniz,
Onu umursamadınız.[]

EÂ-sai 22:11
lại đào hồ giữa khoảng hai tường thành đặng chứa nước ao cũ. Nhưng các ngươi chẳng trông lên Ðấng làm nên sự đó; chẳng nhìn xem Ðấng đã định sự đó từ xưa.

Isaiah 22:10
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