Hosea 9:12
Hosea 9:12
Even if they rear children, I will bereave them of every one. Woe to them when I turn away from them!

Even if you do have children who grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone.

Even if they bring up children, I will bereave them till none is left. Woe to them when I depart from them!

Though they bring up their children, Yet I will bereave them until not a man is left. Yes, woe to them indeed when I depart from them!

Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them!

Even if they raise children, I will bereave them of each one. Yes, woe to them when I depart from them!

Even if they rear their children, I will, in turn, make them childless— in fact, woe to them when I turn away from them!

Even if they raise their children, I will take away every last one of them. Woe to them! For I will turn away from them.

Even if they bring up children, I will take those children away before they grow up. Yes, how horrible it will be for them when I leave them.

Though they bring up their sons, yet I will bereave them, that there shall not be a man left; yea, woe also to them when I depart from them!

Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them!

Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yes, woe also to them when I depart from them!

Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, so that not a man shall be left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them!

And though they should bring up their children, I will make them without children among men: yea, and woe to them, when I shall depart from them.

For even should they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that not a man remain: for woe also to them when I shall have departed from them!

Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there be not a man left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them!

Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yes, woe also to them when I depart from them!

Though they bring up their children, yet I will bereave them, so that not a man shall be left. Indeed, woe also to them when I depart from them!

For though they nourish their sons, I have made them childless -- without man, Surely also, woe to them, when I turn aside from them.

Osea 9:12
Edhe sikur të rritin bijtë e tyre, unë do t'i lë pa ata, deri sa të mos mbetet më asnjë njeri; po, mjerë ata kur të largohem prej tyre!

ﻫﻮﺷﻊ 9:12
وان ربّوا اولادهم اثكلهم اياهم حتى لا يكون انسان. ويل لهم ايضا متى انصرفت عنهم.

Dyr Hosen 9:12
Aau wenn s die Kinder, wo s schoon habnd, eyn d Hoeh bringend, nimm i s ien dienert; daa bleibt kains übrig. Wee ien, wenn i mi von ien abwendd!

Осия 9:12
Но и да отхранят чадата си, Пак ще ги обезчадя тъй щото да не остане човек; Защото горко им, когато се оттегля от тях!

何 西 阿 書 9:12
縱 然 養 大 兒 女 , 我 卻 必 使 他 們 喪 子 , 甚 至 不 留 一 個 。 我 離 棄 他 們 , 他 們 就 有 禍 了 。

纵 然 养 大 儿 女 , 我 却 必 使 他 们 丧 子 , 甚 至 不 留 一 个 。 我 离 弃 他 们 , 他 们 就 有 祸 了 。



Hosea 9:12
Ako i podignu svoje sinove, oduzet ću ih prije dobi muževne, da, teško njima kada ih ostavim!

Ozeáše 9:12
A byť pak i odchovali syny své, však je zbavím věku zmužilého; nýbrž i jim běda, když já se od nich odvrátím.

Hoseas 9:12
Ja, selv om de opfostrer Sønner, jeg lader dem dø ud uden Børn. Ja, ve ogsaa dem, naar jeg viger fra dem!

Hosea 9:12
Ofschoon zij hun kinderen mochten groot maken, Ik zal er hen toch van beroven, dat zij onder de mensen niet zullen zijn; want ook, wee hun, als Ik van hen zal geweken zijn!

הושע 9:12
כִּ֤י אִם־יְגַדְּלוּ֙ אֶת־בְּנֵיהֶ֔ם וְשִׁכַּלְתִּ֖ים מֵֽאָדָ֑ם כִּֽי־גַם־אֹ֥וי לָהֶ֖ם בְּשׂוּרִ֥י מֵהֶֽם׃

יב כי אם יגדלו את בניהם ושכלתים מאדם  כי גם אוי להם בשורי מהם

כי אם־יגדלו את־בניהם ושכלתים מאדם כי־גם־אוי להם בשורי מהם׃

Hóseás 9:12
Mert még ha felnevelnék is fiaikat, mégis gyermektelenekké teszem õket; sõt még nékik is jaj, ha elfordulok tõlök.

Hoŝea 9:12
Kaj se ili ecx edukus siajn infanojn, Mi tamen seninfanigos ilin, ke ili ne havu homojn; cxar ve al ili, kiam Mi forigos Min de ili.

Ja ehkä vielä lapsiansa kasvattaisivat, niin minä tahdon kuitenkin heidät lapsettomaksi tehdä, ettei heidän pidä ensinkään kansa oleman. Voi myös heitä, kuin minä heistä luovun!

Osée 9:12
Quand même ils élèveraient leurs fils, je les priverais de fils, en sorte qu'il n'y ait pas d'homme. Car aussi, malheur à eux, lorsque je me serai retiré d'eux!

S'ils élèvent leurs enfants, Je les en priverai avant qu'ils soient des hommes; Et malheur à eux, quand je les abandonnerai!

Que s'ils élèvent leurs enfants, je les en priverai, [tellement que pas un d'entre eux] ne deviendra homme; car aussi, malheur à eux, quand je me serai retiré d'eux.

Hosea 9:12
Und ob sie ihre Kinder gleich erzögen, will ich sie doch ohne Kinder machen, daß sie nicht Leute sein sollen. Auch wehe ihnen, wenn ich von ihnen bin gewichen!

Und ob sie ihre Kinder gleich erzögen, will ich sie doch ohne Kinder machen, daß keine Leute mehr sein sollen. Auch weh ihnen, wenn ich von ihnen gewichen bin! {~}

Selbst wenn sie ihre Söhne großziehen, will ich sie derselben berauben, so daß es an Menschen fehlt. Ja, auch wehe über sie selbst, wenn ich meinen Blick von ihnen abwende!

Osea 9:12
Se pure allevano i loro figliuoli, io li priverò d’essi, in guisa che non rimanga loro alcun uomo; sì, guai ad essi quando m’allontanerò da loro!

Che se pure allevano i lor figliuoli, io li priverò d’essi, togliendoli d’infra gli uomini; perciocchè, guai pure a loro, quando io mi sarò ritratto da loro!

HOSEA 9:12
Jikalau mereka itu memeliharakan anak-anak sekalipun, Aku juga merampas dia, sehingga seorangpun tiada lagi; wai, bahkan, berlapis-lapis wai bagi mereka itu apabila Aku sudah menjauhkan diriku dari padanya.

호세아 9:12
혹 저희가 자식을 기를지라도 내가 그 자식을 없이 하여 한 사람도 남기지 아니할 것이라 내가 저희를 떠나는 때에는 저희에게 화가 미치리로다

Osee 9:12
quod si et enutrierint filios suos absque liberis eos faciam in hominibus sed et vae eis cum recessero ab eis

Ozëjo knyga 9:12
Jeigu jie užaugintų vaikus, Aš iš jų atimsiu juos. Vargas jiems, kai nuo jų pasitrauksiu!

Hosea 9:12
Ahakoa whakatupu noa ratou i a ratou tamariki, ka kore i ahau, a kore iho he tangata e mahue: ina, aue te mate mo ratou ua mahue ratou i ahau!

Hoseas 9:12
Ja, selv om de opfør sine barn, vil jeg gjøre dem barnløse, så intet menneske blir tilbake; for ve dem når jeg forlater dem!

Oseas 9:12
Aunque críen a sus hijos, se los quitaré hasta que no quede hombre alguno. Sí, ¡ay de ellos también cuando de ellos me aparte!

Aunque críen a sus hijos, Se los quitaré hasta que no quede hombre alguno. Sí, ¡ay de ellos también cuando de ellos Me aparte!

Y si llegaren a grandes sus hijos, los quitaré de entre los hombres, porque ¡ay de ellos también, cuando de ellos me aparte!

Y si llegaren á grandes sus hijos, quitarélos de entre los hombre, porque ¡ay de ellos también, cuando de ellos me apartare!

Y si llegaren a grandes sus hijos, yo los quitaré de entre los hombres, porque ¡ay de ellos también, cuando de ellos me apartare!

Oséias 9:12
Ainda que venham a criar seus filhos, Eu mesmo os privarei da companhia deles, a fim de que não lhes reste mais ninguém. Ai do povo quando Eu me afastar de Efraim!

Ainda que venham criar seus filhos, eu os privarei deles, para que não fique nenhum homem. Ai deles, quando deles eu me apartar!   

Osea 9:12
Chiar dacă îşi vor creşte copiii, îi voi lipsi de ei înainte ca să ajungă oameni mari; şi vai de ei, cînd Îmi voi întoarce privirile dela ei!

Осия 9:12
А хотя бы они и воспитали детей своих, отниму их; ибо горе им, когда удалюсь от них!

А хотя бы они и воспитали детей своих, отниму их; ибо горе им, когда удалюсь от них![]

Hosea 9:12
Och om de än få uppföda barn åt sig, skall jag taga dessa ifrån dem, så att ingen människa bliver kvar. Ja, ve dem själva, när jag viker ifrån dem!

Hosea 9:12
Bagaman kanilang pinalalaki ang kanilang mga anak, gayon ma'y aking babawaan sila, na walang tao; oo, sa aba nila pagka ako'y humiwalay sa kanila!

โฮเชยา 9:12
ถึงแม้ว่าเขาจะเลี้ยงลูกไว้ได้จนโต เราก็จะพรากเขาไปเสียจนไม่เหลือสักคนเดียว เออ วิบัติแก่เขา เมื่อเราพรากจากเขาไป

Hoşea 9:12
Çocuklarını büyütseler bile,
Çocuklarından edeceğim onları,
Kimse kalmayıncaya dek;
Evet, vay başlarına,
Onları terk ettiğimde![]

OÂ-seâ 9:12
Vì dầu chúng nó được nuôi con cái, ta cũng cất lấy đi, đến nỗi không một người nam nào còn lại. Thật, khi ta lìa bỏ chúng nó, thì kinh niên thay cho chúng nó!

Hosea 9:11
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