Hosea 9:10
Hosea 9:10
"When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert; when I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing the early fruit on the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and became as vile as the thing they loved.

The LORD says, "O Israel, when I first found you, it was like finding fresh grapes in the desert. When I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing the first ripe figs of the season. But then they deserted me for Baal-peor, giving themselves to that shameful idol. Soon they became vile, as vile as the god they worshiped.

Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the fig tree in its first season, I saw your fathers. But they came to Baal-peor and consecrated themselves to the thing of shame, and became detestable like the thing they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your forefathers as the earliest fruit on the fig tree in its first season. But they came to Baal-peor and devoted themselves to shame, And they became as detestable as that which they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at her first time: but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto that shame; and their abominations were according as they loved.

I discovered Israel like grapes in the wilderness. I saw your fathers like the first fruit of the fig tree in its first season. But they went to Baal-peor, consecrated themselves to Shame, and became detestable, like the thing they loved.

"I found Israel, as one finds grapes in the wilderness; Your ancestors seemed to me like the fruit gleaned from a fig tree's first harvest. When they went to Baal-peor, they devoted themselves to that filth, and they became loathsome, like what they loved.

When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the wilderness. I viewed your ancestors like an early fig on a fig tree in its first season. Then they came to Baal-Peor and they dedicated themselves to shame--they became as detestable as what they loved.

[The LORD said,] "When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert. When I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing the first figs of the harvest. But they went to Baal Peor and worshiped shameful idols. They became as disgusting as the things they worshiped.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the early fruit of the fig tree in her beginning; but they went in unto Baalpeor and separated themselves unto shame and made themselves as abominable as that which they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstfruits on the fig tree in its first season: but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto that shame; and they became abominations like the thing they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the fig tree at her first time: but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves to that shame; and their abominations were according as they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the first-ripe in the fig-tree at its first season: but they came to Baal-peor, and consecrated themselves unto the shameful thing, and became abominable like that which they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the desert, I saw their fathers like the firstfruits of the fig tree in the top thereof: but they went in to Beelphegor, and alienated themselves to that confusion, and became abominable, as those things were, which they loved.

I found Israel as grapes in the wilderness; as first-ripe fruit on the fig-tree, I saw your fathers at the beginning: they went to Baal-Peor, and separated themselves unto that shame, and became abominations like their lover.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at her first season: but they came to Baal-peor, and consecrated themselves unto the shameful thing, and became abominable like that which they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the fig-tree at her first time: but they went to Baal-peor, and separated themselves to that shame; and their abominations were according as they loved.

I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness. I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the fig tree at its first season; but they came to Baal Peor, and consecrated themselves to the shameful thing, and became abominable like that which they loved.

As grapes in a wilderness I found Israel, As the first-fruit in a fig-tree, at its beginning, I have seen your fathers, They -- they have gone in to Baal-Peor, And are separated to a shameful thing, And are become abominable like their love.

Osea 9:10
Unë gjeta Izraelin si rrushi në shkretëtirë, pashë etërit tuaj si fiqtë e parë mbi një fik të ri. Por, mbasi arritën në Baal-peor, u dhanë pas poshtërsisë dhe u bënë të neveritshëm si ajo që ata donin.

ﻫﻮﺷﻊ 9:10
وجدت اسرائيل كعنب في البرية. رأيت آباءكم كباكورة على تينة في اولها. اما هم فجاءوا الى بعل فغور ونذروا انفسهم للخزي وصاروا رجسا كما احبوا.

Dyr Hosen 9:10
Isryheel war für mi wie Traubn, die wo myn mittndrinn in dyr Wüestn finddt. Wie über d Vorfeign gafreu i mi über enkerne Vätter. Die aber kaamend gan n Pegorbägl und gweihend si yn dönn Got, der wo nix bringt. Grad so abscheuhlich wurdnd s wie dös Trumm, wo s gvereernd.

Осия 9:10
Намерих Израиля, [че беше за Мене] като грозде в пустиня; Видях бащите ви, [че бяха] като първозрелите на смоковницата В първата й година; Но те отидоха при Ваалфегора, Предадоха себе си на това срамотно нещо, И станаха гнусни като обичните си [идоли].

何 西 阿 書 9:10
主 說 : 我 遇 見 以 色 列 如 葡 萄 在 曠 野 ; 我 看 見 你 們 的 列 祖 如 無 花 果 樹 上 春 季 初 熟 的 果 子 。 他 們 卻 來 到 巴 力 毗 珥 專 拜 那 可 羞 恥 的 , 就 成 為 可 憎 惡 的 , 與 他 們 所 愛 的 一 樣 。

主 说 : 我 遇 见 以 色 列 如 葡 萄 在 旷 野 ; 我 看 见 你 们 的 列 祖 如 无 花 果 树 上 春 季 初 熟 的 果 子 。 他 们 却 来 到 巴 力 毗 珥 专 拜 那 可 羞 耻 的 , 就 成 为 可 憎 恶 的 , 与 他 们 所 爱 的 一 样 。



Hosea 9:10
Kao grožđe u pustinji nađoh ja Izraela, kao rani plod na smokvi vidjeh oce vaše; oni dođoše u Baal Peor, posvetiše se sramoti i postadoše grozote kao ljubimci njihovi.

Ozeáše 9:10
Jako hrozny na poušti nalezl jsem byl Izraele, jako ranní fíky v prvotinách jejich popatřil jsem na otce vaše; oni odešli za Belfegor, a oddali se té ohavnosti, protož budouť ohavní, tak jakž se jim líbilo.

Hoseas 9:10
Som Druer i Ørkenen fandt jeg Israel, som tidligmodne Figner paa Træet saa jeg eders Fædre. De kom til Ba'al-Peor, til Skændselen viede de sig, som Efraims Elskere blev de en væmmelig Hob.

Hosea 9:10
Ik vond Israel als druiven in de woestijn, Ik zag uw vaderen als de eerste vrucht aan den vijgeboom in haar beginsel; maar zij gingen in tot Baal-Peor, en zonderden zich af tot die schaamte, en werden gans verfoeilijk naar hun boelerij.

הושע 9:10
כַּעֲנָבִ֣ים בַּמִּדְבָּ֗ר מָצָ֙אתִי֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל כְּבִכּוּרָ֤ה בִתְאֵנָה֙ בְּרֵ֣אשִׁיתָ֔הּ רָאִ֖יתִי אֲבֹֽותֵיכֶ֑ם הֵ֜מָּה בָּ֣אוּ בַֽעַל־פְּעֹ֗ור וַיִּנָּֽזְרוּ֙ לַבֹּ֔שֶׁת וַיִּהְי֥וּ שִׁקּוּצִ֖ים כְּאָהֳבָֽם׃

י כענבים במדבר מצאתי ישראל--כבכורה בתאנה בראשיתה ראיתי אבותיכם המה באו בעל פעור וינזרו לבשת ויהיו שקוצים כאהבם

כענבים במדבר מצאתי ישראל כבכורה בתאנה בראשיתה ראיתי אבותיכם המה באו בעל־פעור וינזרו לבשת ויהיו שקוצים כאהבם׃

Hóseás 9:10
Mint szõlõfürtöket a pusztában, úgy találtam Izráelt; mint a fügefa elsõ termésének zsengéjét, úgy néztem a ti atyáitokat; [de] bementek Baál-Peorhoz és a gyalázatosnak adták magokat, és útálatossá váltak, mint a mit szerettek.

Hoŝea 9:10
Kiel vinberojn en la dezerto Mi trovis Izraelon; kiel unuan frukton sur la figarbo en la komenco de gxia matureco Mi vidis viajn patrojn; sed ili iris al Baal-Peor, kaj konsekris sin al la hontindajxo, kaj farigxis abomeninduloj, kiel ilia amato.

Minä löysin Israelin niinkuin viinamarjat korvessa, ja näin teidän isänne niinkuin fikunapuussa uutisfikunat; mutta he menivät sitte Baalpeorin tykö, ja lupasivat heitänsä sille häpiälliselle epäjumalalle, ja tulivat niin julmaksi kuin se, jota he rakastivat.

Osée 9:10
J'ai trouvé Israël comme des raisins dans le désert; j'ai vu vos pères au commencement comme le premier fruit du figuier. Ils sont allés à Baal-Péor, et ils se sont voués à cette honteuse idole, et sont devenus abominables comme leur amant.

J'ai trouvé Israël comme des raisins dans le désert, J'ai vu vos pères comme les premiers fruits d'un figuier; Mais ils sont allés vers Baal-Peor, Ils se sont consacrés à l'infâme idole, Et ils sont devenus abominables comme l'objet de leur amour.

J'avais, [dira-t-il], trouvé Israël comme des grappes dans un désert; j'avais vu vos pères comme un premier fruit en un figuier dans son commencement; [mais] ils sont entrés vers Bahal-péhor, et se sont séparés pour aller après une chose honteuse, et se sont rendus abominables comme ce qu'ils ont aimé.

Hosea 9:10
Ich fand Israel in der Wüste wie Trauben und sah eure Väter wie die ersten Feigen am Feigenbaum; aber hernach gingen sie zu Baal-Peor und gelobten sich dem schändlichen Abgott und wurden ja so greulich als ihre Buhlen.

Ich fand Israel in der Wüste wie Trauben und sah eure Väter wie die ersten Feigen am Feigenbaum; aber hernach gingen sie zu Baal-Peor und gelobten sich dem schändlichen Abgott und wurden ja so greulich wie ihre Buhlen.

Einst habe ich Israel gefunden wie Trauben in der Steppe, eure Vorfahren erblickt wie eine Frühfrucht an einem jungtragenden Feigenbaum. Als sie aber nach Baal Peor kamen, weihten sie sich dem Götzendient und wurden abscheulich wie der Gott, dem sie anhingen.

Osea 9:10
Io trovai Israele come delle uve nel deserto; vidi i vostri padri come i fichi primaticci d’un fico che frutta la prima volta; ma, non appena giunsero a Baal-peor, si appartarono per darsi all’ignominia degl’idoli, e divennero abominevoli come la cosa che amavano.

Io trovai Israele, come delle uve nel deserto; io riguardai i vostri padri, come i frutti primaticci nel fico, nel suo principio. Essi entrarono da Baal-peor, e si separarono dietro a quella cosa vergognosa, e divennero abbominevoli, come ciò che amavano.

HOSEA 9:10
Bahwa Aku sudah mendapat Israel seperti buah anggur di padang belantara. Aku memandang kepada nenek moyang kamu seperti kepada buah pohon ara yang baharu pada permulaannya; maka mereka itu sudah pergi mendapatkan Baal Peor dan diserahkannya dirinya kepada berhala tahi itu dan mereka itu menjadi keji seperti barang yang disukainya.

호세아 9:10
옛적에 내가 이스라엘 만나기를 광야에서 포도를 만남 같이 하였으며 너희 열조 보기를 무화과나무에서 처음 맺힌 첫 열매를 봄 같이 하였거늘 저희가 바알브올에 가서 부끄러운 우상에게 몸을 드림으로 저희의 사랑하는 우상같이 가증하여졌도다

Osee 9:10
quasi uvas in deserto inveni Israhel quasi prima poma ficulneae in cacumine eius vidi patres eorum ipsi autem intraverunt ad Beelphegor et abalienati sunt in confusione et facti sunt abominabiles sicut ea quae dilexerunt

Ozëjo knyga 9:10
Man Izraelis buvo kaip vynuogės dykumoje, jūsų tėvai kaip ankstyvi figmedžio vaisiai. O jie nuėjo pas Baal Peorą, pasišventė gėdai ir tapo pasibjaurėtini kaip ir tie, kuriuos jie pamilo.

Hosea 9:10
I toku tutakinga ki a Iharaira, i rite ratou ki te karepe i te koraha; i toku kitenga i o koutou matua i rite ratou ki te matamua o te piki i te mea katahi nei ka hua; heoi haere ana ratou ki a Paarapeoro, na wehe ana ratou i a ratou ki taua han ga whakama, mea ana kia whakarihariha ratou kia rite ki ta ratou i matenui ai.

Hoseas 9:10
Som druer i ørkenen fant jeg Israel, som den tidligste frukt på et fikentre i dets første tid så jeg eders fedre; men da de kom til Ba'al-Peor, vidde de sig til avgudsdyrkelsen og blev vederstyggelige likesom den de elsket.

Oseas 9:10
Como uvas en el desierto hallé a Israel; como las primicias de la higuera en su primera cosecha vi a vuestros padres. Pero fueron a Baal-peor y se consagraron a la vergüenza, y se hicieron tan abominables como lo que amaban.

Como uvas en el desierto hallé a Israel; Como las primicias de la higuera en su primera cosecha vi a sus padres. Pero fueron a Baal Peor y se consagraron a la vergüenza, Y se hicieron tan abominables como lo que amaban.

Como uvas en el desierto hallé a Israel; como la fruta temprana de la higuera en su principio vi a vuestros padres. Ellos entraron a Baal-peor, y se apartaron para vergüenza, y se hicieron abominables como aquello que amaron.

Como uvas en el desierto hallé á Israel: como la fruta temprana de la higuera en su principio vi á vuestros padres. Ellos entraron á Baal-peor, y se apartaron para vergüenza, é hiciéronse abominables como aquello que amaron.

Como uvas en el desierto hallé a Israel; como la fruta temprana de la higuera en su principio vi a vuestros padres. Ellos entraron a Baal-peor, y se apartaron para vergüenza, y se hicieron abominables como aquello que amaron.

Oséias 9:10
Quando encontrei Israel, fiquei tão alegre como quem acha uvas no deserto; quando vi os vossos antepassados, foi como contemplar os primeiros frutos de uma figueira. Entretanto, quando eles chegaram a Baal-Peor, deus do monte Peor, consagraram-se àquele ídolo ignóbil e se tornaram tão abomináveis quanto aquilo que amaram.

Achei a Israel como uvas no deserto, vi a vossos pais como a fruta temporã da figueira no seu princípio; mas eles foram para Baal- Peor, e se consagraram a essa coisa vergonhosa, e se tornaram abomináveis como aquilo que amaram.   

Osea 9:10
Am găsit pe Israel ca pe nişte struguri în pustie, am văzut pe părinţii voştri ca pe cele dintîi roade ale unui smochin, în primăvară; dar ei s'au dus la Baal-Peor, s'au pus în slujba idolului scîrbos, şi au ajuns urîcioşi ca şi acela pe care îl iubeau.

Осия 9:10
Как виноград в пустыне, Я нашел Израиля; как первую ягоду на смоковнице, в первое время ее, увидел Я отцов ваших, – но они пошли к Ваал-Фегору и предались постыдному, и сами стали мерзкими, как те, которых возлюбили.

Как виноград в пустыне, Я нашел Израиля; как первую ягоду на смоковнице, в первое время ее, увидел Я отцов ваших, --но они пошли к Ваал-Фегору и предались постыдному, и сами стали мерзкими, как те, которых возлюбили.[]

Hosea 9:10
Såsom druvor i öknen fann jag Israel; jag såg edra fäder såsom förstlingsfrukter på ett fikonträd, då det begynner bära frukt. Men när de kommo till Baal-Peor, invigde de sig åt skändlighetsguden och blevo en styggelse lika honom som de älskade.

Hosea 9:10
Aking nasumpungan ang Israel na parang ubas sa ilang; aking nakita ang inyong mga magulang na parang unang bunga sa puno ng higos sa kaniyang unang kapanahunan: nguni't sila'y nagsiparoon kay Baalpeor, at nangagsitalaga sa mahalay na bagay, at naging kasuklamsuklam na gaya ng kanilang iniibig.

โฮเชยา 9:10
เราพบอิสราเอลเหมือนพบผลองุ่นอยู่ในถิ่นทุรกันดาร เราพบบรรพบุรุษของเจ้าทั้งหลายเหมือนพบผลมะเดื่อรุ่นแรกที่ต้นมะเดื่อเมื่อออกในฤดูแรก แต่เขาไปหาพระบาอัลเปโอร์ และถวายตัวของเขาไว้แด่สิ่งอันน่าอดสูนั้น และกลายเป็นสิ่งที่น่าสะอิดสะเอียนอย่างสิ่งที่เขารักนั้น

Hoşea 9:10
‹‹İsrail çölde
Bir salkım üzüm gibi geldi bana,
Atalarıysa incir ağacının ilk ürünü gibi.
Ama Baal-Peora geldiklerinde
Utanç dolu puta adadılar kendilerini,
Sevdikleri şey kadar iğrenç oldular.[]

OÂ-seâ 9:10
Ta đã gặp Y-sơ-ra-ên, như gặp trái nho trong đồng vắng; ta đã thấy tổ phụ các ngươi như trái chín đầu trên cây vả tơ. Nhưng chúng nó đã vào nơi Ba-anh-Phê-rô; dâng mình cho vật xấu hổ, và cũng trở nên gớm ghiếc như vật chúng nó đã yêu.

Hosea 9:9
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