Hosea 4:12
Hosea 4:12
My people consult a wooden idol, and a diviner's rod speaks to them. A spirit of prostitution leads them astray; they are unfaithful to their God.

They ask a piece of wood for advice! They think a stick can tell them the future! Longing after idols has made them foolish. They have played the prostitute, serving other gods and deserting their God.

My people inquire of a piece of wood, and their walking staff gives them oracles. For a spirit of whoredom has led them astray, and they have left their God to play the whore.

My people consult their wooden idol, and their diviner's wand informs them; For a spirit of harlotry has led them astray, And they have played the harlot, departing from their God.

My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

My people consult their wooden idols, and their divining rods inform them. For a spirit of promiscuity leads them astray; they act promiscuously in disobedience to their God.

My people seek counsel from their piece of wood, and their diviner's rod speaks to them. For a spirit of prostitution causes them to go astray; in their immorality they desert their God.

They consult their wooden idols, and their diviner's staff answers with an oracle. The wind of prostitution blows them astray; they commit spiritual adultery against their God.

My people ask their wooden idols for help. A piece of wood tells them what to do. A spirit of prostitution leads them astray. They commit adultery by giving themselves to other gods.

My people ask counsel of their wooden idol, and their stick declares unto them; for the spirit of whoredoms has caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring under their gods.

My people ask counsel of their idols of wood, and their staff advises unto them: for the spirit of harlotry has caused them to err, and they have played the harlot against their God.

My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declares to them: for the spirit of prostitutions has caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

My people ask counsel at their stock, and their staff declareth unto them; for the spirit of whoredom hath caused them to err, and they have played the harlot, departing from under their God.

My people have consulted their stocks, and their staff hath declared unto them: for the spirit of fornication hath deceived them, and they have committed fornication against their God.

My people ask counsel of their stock, and their staff declareth unto them; for the spirit of whoredoms causeth them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God:

My people ask counsel at their stock, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredom hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth to them: for the spirit of lewdness hath caused them to err, and they have gone astray from under their God.

My people consult with their wooden idol, and answer to a stick of wood. Indeed the spirit of prostitution has led them astray, and they have been unfaithful to their God.

My people at its staff asketh and its rod declareth to it, For a spirit of whoredoms hath caused to err, And they go a-whoring from under their God.

Osea 4:12
Populli im konsulton idhujt e tij prej druri dhe shkopi i tij i jep udhëzime, sepse fryma e prostitucionit i devijon, dhe ata kurvërohen, duke u shmangur nga Perëndia e tyre.

ﻫﻮﺷﻊ 4:12
شعبي يسأل خشبه وعصاه تخبره لان روح الزنى قد اضلّهم فزنوا من تحت الههم.

Dyr Hosen 4:12
befraagt s iewign aynn Holzkopf und haltt si an s Stäberlschmeissn. Yso höngt s drinn eyn dyr Unzucht. Seinn Got haat s hintlaassn; wo wär s daa non bösser wie ayn Huer?

Осия 4:12
Людете Ми се допитват до дървото си, И жезълът им им отговаря; Защото блуднически дух ги е заблудил, И те блудствуват [и въстанаха] изпод [властта на] своя Бог.

何 西 阿 書 4:12
我 的 民 求 問 木 偶 , 以 為 木 杖 能 指 示 他 們 ; 因 為 他 們 的 淫 心 使 他 們 失 迷 , 他 們 就 行 淫 離 棄   神 , 不 守 約 束 ,

我 的 民 求 问 木 偶 , 以 为 木 杖 能 指 示 他 们 ; 因 为 他 们 的 淫 心 使 他 们 失 迷 , 他 们 就 行 淫 离 弃   神 , 不 守 约 束 ,



Hosea 4:12
Narod moj savjet traži od drva, palica mu njegova daje odgovore: jer duh razvratni njih zavodi te se od Boga svoga bludu odaju.

Ozeáše 4:12
Lid můj dřeva svého se dotazuje, a hůl jeho oznamuje jemu; nebo je duch smilství v blud uvodí, aby smilnili, odcházejíce od Boha svého.

Hoseas 4:12
Mit Folk raadspørger sit Træ, og Svaret giver dets Stok; thi Horeaand ledte dem vild, de boler sig bort fra deres Gud.

Hosea 4:12
Mijn volk vraagt zijn hout, en zijn stok zal het hem bekend maken; want de geest der hoererijen verleidt hen, dat zij van onder hun God weghoereren.

הושע 4:12
עַמִּי֙ בְּעֵצֹ֣ו יִשְׁאָ֔ל וּמַקְלֹ֖ו יַגִּ֣יד לֹ֑ו כִּ֣י ר֤וּחַ זְנוּנִים֙ הִתְעָ֔ה וַיִּזְנ֖וּ מִתַּ֥חַת אֱלֹהֵיהֶֽם׃

יב עמי בעצו ישאל ומקלו יגיד לו  כי רוח זנונים התעה ויזנו מתחת אלהיהם

עמי בעצו ישאל ומקלו יגיד לו כי רוח זנונים התעה ויזנו מתחת אלהיהם׃

Hóseás 4:12
Népem az õ bálványát kérdezi, és az õ pálczája mond néki jövendõt; mert a fajtalanság lelke megtéveszt, és paráználkodnak az õ Istenök megett.

Hoŝea 4:12
Mia popolo demandas sian lignon, kaj gxia bastono donas al gxi respondon; cxar la spirito de malcxasteco erarigas ilin, kaj ili malcxastas kontraux sia Dio.

Minun kansani kysyy neuvoa puulta ja hänen sauvansa saarnaa hänelle; sillä huoruuden henki vietteli heitä, niin että he tekivät huorin Jumalaansa vastaan.

Osée 4:12
Mon peuple interroge son bois, et son bâton et son oracle, car l'esprit de fornication égare; et il se prostitue, se soustrayant à son Dieu.

Mon peuple consulte son bois, Et c'est son bâton qui lui parle; Car l'esprit de prostitution égare, Et ils se prostituent loin de leur Dieu.

Mon peuple demande avis à son bois, et son bâton lui répond : car l'esprit de fornication [les] a fait errer, et ils ont commis adultère se détournant de leur Dieu.

Hosea 4:12
Mein Volk fragt sein Holz, und sein Stab soll ihm predigen; denn der Hurereigeist verführet sie, daß sie wider ihren Gott Hurerei treiben.

Mein Volk fragt sein Holz, und sein Stab soll ihm predigen; denn der Hurerei-Geist verführt sie, daß sie wider ihren Gott Hurerei treiben.

Mein Volk befragt sein Stück Holz, und sein Stab giebt ihm Bescheid! Denn ein hurerischer Geist hat sie bethört, daß sie den Götzen statt ihrem Gotte dienen.

Osea 4:12
Il mio popolo consulta il suo legno, e il suo bastone gli dà delle istruzioni; poiché lo spirito della prostituzione lo svia, egli si prostituisce, sottraendosi al suo Dio.

Il mio popolo domanda il suo legno, e il suo bastone gli dà avviso; perciocchè lo spirito delle fornicazioni fa traviare; ed essi fornicano, sottraendosi dall’Iddio loro.

HOSEA 4:12
Bahwa umat-Ku bertanyakan kayunya dan tongkatnya patutlah memberi tahu kepadanya, karena nafsu persundalan sudah membujuk mereka itu, sehingga dengan berzinah mereka itu sudah undur dari pada Allahnya.

호세아 4:12
내 백성이 나무를 향하여 묻고 그 막대기는 저희에게 고하나니 이는 저희가 음란한 마음에 미혹되어 그 하나님의 수하를 음란하듯 떠났음이니라

Osee 4:12
populus meus in ligno suo interrogavit et baculus eius adnuntiavit ei spiritus enim fornicationum decepit eos et fornicati sunt a Deo suo

Ozëjo knyga 4:12
Mano tauta klausia medžio gabalo ir laukia atsakymo iš lazdos. Paleistuvystės dvasia juos suklaidino, ir paleistuvaudami jie paliko Dievą.

Hosea 4:12
E ui tikanga ana taku iwi ki a ratou rakau, ko to ratou tokotoko ano hoki hei whakaatu tikanga ki a ratou: kua pohehe hoki ratou i te wairua o te moepuku, kua maunu atu i raro i to ratou Atua ki te puremu.

Hoseas 4:12
Mitt folk spør sitt trestykke til råds, og dets kjepp gir det svar; for utuktens ånd har forvillet dem, så de driver hor og ikke vil stå under sin Gud.

Oseas 4:12
Mi pueblo consulta a su ídolo de madera, y su vara les informa; porque un espíritu de prostitución los ha descarriado, y se han prostituido, apartándose de su Dios.

Mi pueblo consulta a su ídolo de madera, y su vara les informa; Porque un espíritu de prostitución los ha descarriado, Y se han prostituido, apartándose de su Dios.

Mi pueblo a su ídolo de madera consulta, y su vara le responde; porque el espíritu de fornicaciones los ha engañado, y se han dado a la fornicación dejando a su Dios.

Mi pueblo á su madero pregunta, y su palo le responde: porque espíritu de fornicaciones lo engañó, y fornicaron debajo de sus dioses.

Mi pueblo a su madero pregunta, y su palo le responde, porque espíritu de fornicaciones lo engañó, y fornicaron debajo de sus dioses.

Oséias 4:12
Eis que o meu povo tem consultado ídolos de madeira, e de um pedaço de pau acreditam que recebem respostas. Ora, um espírito de prostituição os seduz; e eles, prostituindo-se, se afastam e abandonam o seu Elohim, Deus.

O meu povo consulta ao seu pau, e a sua vara lhe dá respostas, porque o espírito de luxúria os enganou, e eles, prostituindo-se, abandonam o seu Deus.   

Osea 4:12
Poporul Meu îşi întreabă lemnul lui, şi toiagul lui îi prooroceşte; căci duhul curviei îi duce în rătăcire, şi sînt necredincioşi Dumnezeului lor.

Осия 4:12
Народ Мой вопрошает свое дерево и жезл его дает ему ответ; ибо дух блуда ввел их в заблуждение, и, блудодействуя, они отступили от Бога своего.

Народ Мой вопрошает свое дерево и жезл его дает ему ответ; ибо дух блуда ввел их в заблуждение, и, блудодействуя, они отступили от Бога своего.[]

Hosea 4:12
Mitt folk frågar sin stock till råds och vill hämta besked av sin stav; ty en trolöshetens ande har fört dem vilse, så att de i trolös avfällighet hava lupit bort ifrån sin Gud.

Hosea 4:12
Ang aking bayan ay humingi ng payo sa kanilang tungkod, at ang kanilang tungkod ay nagpapahayag sa kanila; sapagka't ang pagpapatutot ay nagligaw sa kanila, at sila'y nagpatutot, na nagsisihiwalay sa kanilang Dios.

โฮเชยา 4:12
ประชาชนของเราไปขอความเห็นจากสิ่งที่ทำด้วยไม้ และไม้ติ้วก็แจ้งแก่เขาอย่างเปิดเผย เพราะจิตใจที่ชอบเล่นชู้นำให้เขาหลงไป และเขาทั้งหลายได้ละทิ้งพระเจ้าของเขาเสียเพื่อไปเล่นชู้

Hoşea 4:12
Halkım tahta puta danışıyor,
Değneğinden yanıt alıyor.
Çünkü zina ruhu onları saptırdı,
Kendi Tanrılarından ayrılarak zina ettiler.[]

OÂ-seâ 4:12
Dân ta hỏi tượng gỗ nó, thì gậy nó trả lời; vì lòng dâm làm lầm lạc chúng nó, và chúng nó phạm tội tà dâm mà lìa bỏ Ðức Chúa Trời mình.

Hosea 4:11
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