Haggai 2:16
Haggai 2:16
When anyone came to a heap of twenty measures, there were only ten. When anyone went to a wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were only twenty.

When you hoped for a twenty-bushel crop, you harvested only ten. When you expected to draw fifty gallons from the winepress, you found only twenty.

how did you fare? When one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty.

from that time when one came to a grain heap of twenty measures, there would be only ten; and when one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there would be only twenty.

Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressfat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.

what state were you in? When someone came to a grain heap of 20 measures, it only amounted to 10; when one came to the winepress to dip 50 measures from the vat, it only amounted to 20.

When someone came to a pile of grain to get 20 measures, there were only ten. Or when someone approached the wine press to siphon out 50 measures, there were only 20.

From that time when one came expecting a heap of twenty measures, there were only ten; when one came to the wine vat to draw out fifty measures from it, there were only twenty.

When anyone came to a pile of grain [to get] 20 measures, there would be only 10. And when anyone came to a wine vat to draw out 50 measures, there would be only 20 in it.

since these things were: when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten; when one came to the pressfat to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.

Since those days were, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the winepress to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.

Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the fat press for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.

Through all that time, when one came to a heap of twenty measures , there were but ten; when one came to the winevat to draw out fifty vessels , there were but twenty.

When you went to a heap of twenty bushels, and they became ten: and you went into the press, to press out fifty vessels, and they became twenty.

before those days were, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten; when one came to the vat to draw out fifty press-measures, there were but twenty.

Through all that time, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten; when one came to the winefat for to draw out fifty vessels, there were but twenty.

Since those days were, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the press-vat to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.

Through all that time, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were only ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw out fifty, there were only twenty.

From that time one hath come to a heap of twenty, And it hath been ten, He hath come unto the wine-fat to draw out fifty purahs, And it hath been twenty.

Hagai 2:16
Më parë kur dikush shkonte para një kapice që mendohej se kishte njëzet masa, kishte vetëm dhjetë; kur dikush shkonte te buti për të nxjerrë nga buti pesëdhjetë bate, kishte vetëm njëzet.

ﺣﺠﻲ 2:16
مذ تلك الايام كان احدكم يأتي الى عرمة عشرين فكانت عشرة. أتى الى حوض المعصرة ليغرف خمسين فورة فكانت عشرين.

Dyr Häggäus 2:16
wie gieng s n enk daa? Warnd daa Schaeub, daa wo myn gmaint haet, ja, acht Galfln känntnd schoon aushergeen, drash myn halt grad viere ausher. Haet myn gmaint, mit derer Torgglfüllung kännt myn auf zwainzg Schöffln Wein kemmen, warnd s halt grad achte.

Агей 2:16
През цялото това време, когато някой отидеше при един куп, [който е бил] от двадесет [мери], те излязоха само десет; когато отидеше при лина за да източи петдесет [мери], имаше само двадесет;

哈 該 書 2:16
在 那 一 切 日 子 , 有 人 來 到 穀 堆 , 想 得 二 十 斗 , 只 得 了 十 斗 。 有 人 來 到 酒 池 , 想 得 五 十 桶 , 只 得 了 二 十 桶 。

在 那 一 切 日 子 , 有 人 来 到 谷 堆 , 想 得 二 十 斗 , 只 得 了 十 斗 。 有 人 来 到 酒 池 , 想 得 五 十 桶 , 只 得 了 二 十 桶 。



Haggai 2:16
kakvi ono bijaste? Dolažaste hrpi od dvadeset mjerica, a bješe ih samo deset! Dolažaste kaci da zahvatite pedeset mjerica, a bješe ih samo dvadeset!

Aggea 2:16
Od toho času, když přišel někdo k hromadě dvadcíti, bylo jen deset; když přišel k kádi, aby nabral padesáte z presu, bylo jen dvadcet.

Haggaj 2:16
hvorledes gik det eder da? Naar man kom til en Dynge Korn paa tyve Maal, var der ti; og kom man til en Vinperse for at øse halvtredsindstyve Maal af Kummen, var der tyve.

Haggaï 2:16
Dit is die stad, die opspringt van vreugde, die zeker woont, die in haar hart zegt: Ik ben het, en buiten mij is geen meer; hoe is zij geworden tot woestheid, een rustplaats van het gedierte! Een ieder, die daardoor trekt, zal ze aanfluiten, hij zal zijn hand bewegen.

חגי 2:16
מִֽהְיֹותָ֥ם בָּא֙ אֶל־עֲרֵמַ֣ת עֶשְׂרִ֔ים וְהָיְתָ֖ה עֲשָׂרָ֑ה בָּ֣א אֶל־הַיֶּ֗קֶב לַחְשֹׂף֙ חֲמִשִּׁ֣ים פּוּרָ֔ה וְהָיְתָ֖ה עֶשְׂרִֽים׃

טז מהיותם בא אל ערמת עשרים והיתה עשרה בא אל היקב לחשף חמשים פורה והיתה עשרים

מהיותם בא אל־ערמת עשרים והיתה עשרה בא אל־היקב לחשף חמשים פורה והיתה עשרים׃

Aggeus 2:16
Az elõtt elmentek a huszas garmadához, és tíz lett; elmentek a sajtóhoz, hogy ötven vederrel merítsenek, és húsz lett.

Ĥagaj 2:16
kiam iu venis al garbaro, kiu devis havi dudek mezurojn, gxi havis nur dek; kiam iu venis al la vinpremejo, por cxerpi kvindek mezurojn, trovigxis nur dudek;

Että kuin joku tuli ohraläjän tykö, jolla piti kaksikymmentä mittaa oleman, niin siellä oli kymmenen; koska hän tuli viinakuurnan tykö, ja luuli viisikymmentä aamia täyttävänsä, niin siellä oli kaksikymmentä.

Aggée 2:16
si l'on venait à un tas de vingt boisseaux, il y en avait dix; si l'on venait à la cuve pour puiser cinquante mesures, il y en avait vingt;

Alors, quand on venait à un tas de vingt mesures, Il n'y en avait que dix; Quand on venait à la cuve pour puiser cinquante mesures, Il n'y en avait que vingt.

Avant cela, [dis-je], quand on est venu à un monceau [de blé], [au lieu] de vingt [mesures], il ne s'y en est trouvé que dix; et quand on est venu au pressoir, au lieu de puiser du pressoir cinquante [mesures], il ne s'y en est trouvé que vingt.

Haggai 2:16
Und nun schauet, wie es euch gegangen ist von diesem Tage an und zuvor, ehe denn ein Stein auf den andern gelegt ward am Tempel des HERRN:

daß, wenn einer zum Kornhaufen kam, der zwanzig Maß haben sollte, so waren kaum zehn da; kam er zur Kelter und meinte fünfzig Eimer zu schöpfen, so waren kaum zwanzig da.

Wie war es mit euch bestellt? Man kam zu einem Getreidehaufen von vermeintlich zwanzig Scheffeln, aber es gab nur zehn; man kam zur Kufe, um fünfzig Maß zu schöpfen, aber es gab nur zwanzig.

Aggeo 2:16
Durante tutto quel tempo, quand’uno veniva a un mucchio di venti misure, non ve n’eran che dieci; quand’uno veniva al tino per cavarne cinquanta misure, non ve n’eran che venti.

da che le cose sono andate così, altri è venuto ad un mucchio di venti misure, e ve ne sono state sol dieci; altri è venuto al tino per attingere cinquanta barili, e ve ne sono stati sol venti.

HAGAI 2:16
Pada masa orang belum membuat dia, tatkala datanglah orang kepada timbunan gandum yang dua puluh gantang, maka didapatinya akan hanya sepuluh gantang, dan tatkala ia datang kepada tempat air anggur hendak menciduk lima puluh takar dari dalam apitan, maka didapatinya akan hanya dua puluh.

학개 2:16
그 때에는 이십석 곡식더미에 이른즉 십석 뿐이었고 포도즙 틀에 오십 그릇을 길으려 이른즉 이십 그릇 뿐이었었느니라

Aggaeus 2:16
(2-17) cum accederetis ad acervum viginti modiorum et fierent decem intraretis ad torcular ut exprimeretis quinquaginta lagoenas et fiebant viginti

Agëjo knyga 2:16
Jūs ateidavote prie dvidešimties saikų javų krūvos, o atrasdavote tik dešimt. Priėję prie spaustuvo pasisemti penkiasdešimt saikų, terasdavote dvidešimt.

Haggai 2:16
I taua wa puta noa, ki te tae tetahi tangata ki tetahi puranga e rua tekau nei ona mehua, na kotahi tonu tekau; ki te haere ki te poka waina ki te utu mai i etahi oko e rima tekau, na e rua tonu tekau.

Haggai 2:16
Kom nogen i den tid til en haug med kornbånd som han tenkte skulde gi tyve mål, så blev det bare ti; kom nogen til persekaret for å øse op femti spann, så blev det bare tyve.

Hageo 2:16
desde aquel tiempo, venía alguno a un montón de veinte medidas, y había sólo diez; venía alguno al lagar para sacar cincuenta cántaros, y había sólo veinte.

en aquel tiempo, cuando alguien buscaba un montón de 20 medidas, sólo encontraba 10; venía alguien al lagar para sacar 50 cántaros, y sólo sacaba 20.

Antes que fuesen estas cosas, venían al montón de veinte, y había diez; venían al lagar para sacar cincuenta cántaros del lagar, y había veinte.

Antes que fuesen estas cosas, venían al montón de veinte hanegas, y había diez; venían al lagar para sacar cincuenta cántaros del lagar, y había veinte.

Antes que fuesen estas cosas , venían al montón de veinte efas , y había diez; venían al lagar para sacar cincuenta c ntaros del lagar, y había veinte.

Ageu 2:16
Ora, o que é que ocorria? Se alguém ia até um depósito procurando vinte medidas, ou seja, duzentos quilos de trigo, só conseguia comprar cem quilos; quando vinha ao tanque de espremer uvas para adquirir cinquenta medidas, ou cem litros, só podia levar quarenta litros!

quando alguém vinha a um montão de trigo de vinte medidas, havia somente dez; quando vinha ao lagar para tirar cinqüenta, havia somente vinte.   

Hagai 2:16
Atunci, cînd veneau la o grămadă de douăzeci de măsuri, nu erau în ea decît zece; cînd veneau la teasc să scoată cincizeci de măsuri, nu erau în el decît douăzeci!

Аггей 2:16
Приходили бывало к копне, могущей приносить двадцать мер, и оказывалось только десять; приходили к подточилию, чтобы начерпать пятьдесят мер из подточилия, а оказывалось только двадцать.

Приходили бывало к копне, могущей приносить двадцать мер, и оказывалось только десять; приходили к подточилию, чтобы начерпать пятьдесят мер из подточилия, а оказывалось только двадцать.[]

Haggai 2:16
huru härförinnan, om någon kom till en sädesskyl som skulle giva tjugu mått, den gav allenast tio, och huru, om någon kom till vinpressen för att ösa upp femtio kärl, den gav allenast tjugu.

Haggai 2:16
Nang buong panahong yaon, pagka ang isa ay lumalapit sa isang bunton ng dalawang pung takal, may sangpu lamang; pagka ang isa ay lumalapit sa pigaan ng alak upang kumuha ng limang pung sisidlan, may dalawang pu lamang.

ฮักกัย 2:16
ก่อนสิ่งเหล่านี้เกิดขึ้น เมื่อผู้ใดมายังกองข้าวคิดว่าจะตวงได้ยี่สิบถัง ก็มีแต่สิบถัง เมื่อผู้หนึ่งมาถึงบ่อเก็บน้ำองุ่นเพื่อตักเอาห้าสิบถัง ก็มีแต่ยี่สิบถัง

Hagay 2:16

A-gheâ 2:16
Trải qua cả lúc đó, khi người ta đến một đống lúa đáng được hai mươi lường, chỉ được có mười; và khi người ta đến bàn ép rượu, đáng được năm mươi lường, chỉ được có hai mươi.

Haggai 2:15
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