Haggai 2:14
Haggai 2:14
Then Haggai said, "'So it is with this people and this nation in my sight,' declares the LORD. 'Whatever they do and whatever they offer there is defiled.

Then Haggai responded, "That is how it is with this people and this nation, says the LORD. Everything they do and everything they offer is defiled by their sin.

Then Haggai answered and said, “So is it with this people, and with this nation before me, declares the LORD, and so with every work of their hands. And what they offer there is unclean.

Then Haggai said, "'So is this people. And so is this nation before Me,' declares the LORD, 'and so is every work of their hands; and what they offer there is unclean.

Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

Then Haggai replied, "So is this people, and so is this nation before Me"--this is the LORD's declaration. "And so is every work of their hands; even what they offer there is defiled."

Then Haggai answered, "'That's how I look at this people and this nation,' declares the LORD. 'And that's how it is with everything they undertake and with what they offer there—it is unclean.

Then Haggai responded, "'The people of this nation are unclean in my sight,' says the LORD. 'And so is all their effort; everything they offer is also unclean.

Then Haggai answered, "In the same way, I have decided that these people are unclean, and so is this nation, declares the LORD. So is everything they do. Whatever offering they bring is unclean.

Then Haggai answered, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, said the LORD; and so is every work of their hands, and all that they offer here is unclean.

Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, says the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, said the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

Then answered Haggai and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith Jehovah; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

And Aggeus answered, and said: So is this people, and so is this nation before my face, saith the Lord, and so is all the work of their hands: and all that they have offered there, shall be defiled.

Then answered Haggai and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith Jehovah, and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

Then answered Haggai and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.

Then Haggai answered, "'So is this people, and so is this nation before me,' says Yahweh; 'and so is every work of their hands. That which they offer there is unclean.

And Haggai answereth and saith, 'So is this people, and so is this nation before Me -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and so is every work of their hands, and that which they bring near there -- it is unclean.

Hagai 2:14
Atëherë Hagai u përgjigj dhe tha: "Kështu është ky popull, kështu është ky komb përpara meje", thotë Zoti, "dhe kështu është çdo punë e duarve të tyre, dhe ajo që më ofrojnë atje është e papastër.

ﺣﺠﻲ 2:14
فاجاب حجي وقال. هكذا هذا الشعب وهكذا هذه الامة قدامي يقول الرب وهكذا كل عمل ايديهم وما يقربونه هناك هو نجس.

Dyr Häggäus 2:14
Daa drauf gerwidert dyr Häggäus: Seghtß; und gnaun yso seind in meine Augn die Leut allsand, sait dyr Trechtein, und allss, was s darbringend, +dyrmit: Unrain seind s!

Агей 2:14
Тогава Агей отговаряйки рече: Така са тия люде, и така е тоя народ, пред Мене, казва Господ, така е и всяко дело на ръцете им; и каквото принасят там е нечисто.

哈 該 書 2:14
於 是 哈 該 說 : 耶 和 華 說 : 這 民 這 國 , 在 我 面 前 也 是 如 此 ; 他 們 手 下 的 各 樣 工 作 都 是 如 此 ; 他 們 在 壇 上 所 獻 的 也 是 如 此 。

於 是 哈 该 说 : 耶 和 华 说 : 这 民 这 国 , 在 我 面 前 也 是 如 此 ; 他 们 手 下 的 各 样 工 作 都 是 如 此 ; 他 们 在 坛 上 所 献 的 也 是 如 此 。



Haggai 2:14
Onda Hagaj ovako reče: Takav je i ovaj puk, takav je ovaj narod preda mnom - riječ je Jahvina - takvo je svako djelo ruku njihovih, i sve što ovdje prinose: sve je nečisto!

Aggea 2:14
Tedy odpovídaje Aggeus, řekl: Tak lid tento a tak národ tento před tváří mou, praví Hospodin, a tak všecko dílo rukou jejich, i cožkoli obětovali tam, nečisté bylo.

Haggaj 2:14
Saa tog Haggaj til Orde og sagde: Saaledes er det i mine Øjne med disse Mennesker, saaledes med dette Folk, lyder det fra HERREN, og saaledes med alt deres Hænders Værk og med, hvad de ofrer der: det er urent.

Haggaï 2:14
Dit is die stad, die opspringt van vreugde, die zeker woont, die in haar hart zegt: Ik ben het, en buiten mij is geen meer; hoe is zij geworden tot woestheid, een rustplaats van het gedierte! Een ieder, die daardoor trekt, zal ze aanfluiten, hij zal zijn hand bewegen.

חגי 2:14
וַיַּ֨עַן חַגַּ֜י וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֵּ֣ן הָֽעָם־הַ֠זֶּה וְכֵן־הַגֹּ֨וי הַזֶּ֤ה לְפָנַי֙ נְאֻם־יְהוָ֔ה וְכֵ֖ן כָּל־מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה יְדֵיהֶ֑ם וַאֲשֶׁ֥ר יַקְרִ֛יבוּ שָׁ֖ם טָמֵ֥א הֽוּא׃

יד ויען חגי ויאמר כן העם הזה וכן הגוי הזה לפני נאם יהוה וכן כל מעשה ידיהם ואשר יקריבו שם טמא הוא

ויען חגי ויאמר כן העם־הזה וכן־הגוי הזה לפני נאם־יהוה וכן כל־מעשה ידיהם ואשר יקריבו שם טמא הוא׃

Aggeus 2:14
Aggeus pedig felele, és mondá: Épp így e nép és épp így e nemzet én elõttem, azt mondja az Úr, és épp így kezöknek minden munkája, és a mit ide felhoznak: tisztátalan az.

Ĥagaj 2:14
Tiam HXagaj diris:Tia estas cxi tiu popolo, kaj tia estas cxi tiu gento antaux Mi, diras la Eternulo, kaj tiaj estas cxiuj faroj de iliaj manoj; kaj cxio, kion ili tie alportas, estas malpura.

Niin Haggai vastasi ja sanoi: juuri niin on tämä kansa, ja nämät ihmiset minun edessäni, sanoo Herra, ja kaikki heidän kättensä työt, ja mitä he uhraavat, on saastainen.

Aggée 2:14
Et Aggée répondit et dit: Ainsi est ce peuple, et ainsi est cette nation devant moi, dit l'Éternel, et ainsi est toute l'oeuvre de leurs mains, et ce qu'ils présentent là est impur.

Alors Aggée, reprenant la parole, dit: Tel est ce peuple, telle est cette nation devant moi, dit l'Eternel, Telles sont toutes les oeuvres de leurs mains; Ce qu'ils m'offrent là est souillé.

Alors Aggée répondit, et dit : Ainsi est ce peuple, et ainsi est cette nation devant ma face, dit l'Eternel ; et ainsi est toute l'œuvre de leurs mains; même ce qu'ils offrent ici, est souillé.

Haggai 2:14
Haggai sprach: Wo aber ein Unreiner von einem berührten Aas dieser eines anrührete, würde es auch unrein? Die Priester antworteten und sprachen: Es würde unrein.

Da antwortete Haggai und sprach: Ebenalso sind dies Volk und diese Leute vor mir auch, spricht der HERR; und all ihrer Hände Werk und was sie opfern ist unrein. {~}

Da hob Haggai an und sprach: So verhält es sich mit diesem Volk und so mit dieser Nation in meinen Augen, ist der Spruch Jahwes, so auch mit allem Thun ihrer Hände: was sie mir dort als Opfer darbringen, ist alles unrein.

Aggeo 2:14
Allora Aggeo replicò e disse: Così è questo popolo, così è questa nazione nel mio cospetto, dice l’Eterno; e così è tutta l’opera delle loro mani; e tutto quello che m’offrono là è impuro.

Ed Aggeo rispose, e disse: Così è questo popolo, e così, è questa nazione, nel mio cospetto, dice il Signore; e così è ogni opera delle lor mani; anzi quello stesso che offeriscono quivi è immondo.

HAGAI 2:14
Maka sahut Hajai, katanya: Begitulah hal bangsa ini dan begitulah hal kebanyakan orang ini di hadapan hadirat-Ku, demikianlah firman Tuhan, dan begitulah hal segala perbuatan tangan mereka itu dan barang yang dipersembahkannya di sana, semuanya itu najis adanya!

학개 2:14
이에 학개가 대답하여 가로되 여호와의 말씀에 내 앞에서 이 백성이 그러하고 이 나라가 그러하고 그 손의 모든 일도 그러하고 그들이 거기서 드리는 것도 부정하니라

Aggaeus 2:14
(2-15) et respondit Aggeus et dixit sic populus iste et sic gens ista ante faciem meam dicit Dominus et sic omne opus manuum eorum et omnia quae obtulerint ibi contaminata erunt

Agëjo knyga 2:14
Tada Agėjas tarė: “Tokia yra ši tauta ir šie žmonės mano akivaizdoje,­sako Viešpats.­Ir tokie yra jų visi darbai, ir tai, ką jie aukoja, yra sutepta.

Haggai 2:14
Na ka oho a Hakai, ka mea, He pena ano enei tangata, he pena ano te iwi i toku aroaro nei, e ai ta Ihowa, he pena ano nga mahi katoa a o ratou ringa; ko nga mea katoa e whakaherea ana e ratou ki reira, he poke.

Haggai 2:14
Da tok Haggai til orde og sa: Således er det med dette folk, og således er det med disse mennesker i mine øine, sier Herren, og således er det med all deres henders gjerning; og det de ofrer der*, det er urent.

Hageo 2:14
Entonces volvió a hablar Hageo y dijo: ``Así es este pueblo y así es esta nación delante de mí--declara el SEÑOR-- ``y así es toda obra de sus manos; y lo que aquí ofrecen, inmundo es.

Entonces volvió a hablar Hageo: " 'Así es este pueblo y así es esta nación delante de Mí,' declara el SEÑOR, 'y así es toda obra de sus manos; y lo que aquí ofrecen, inmundo es.

Y respondió Hageo y dijo: Así es este pueblo, y esta nación delante de mí, dice Jehová; y así es toda obra de sus manos; y todo lo que aquí ofrecen es inmundo.

Y respondió Haggeo y dijo: Así es este pueblo, y esta gente, delante de mí, dice Jehová; y asimismo toda obra de sus manos; y todo lo que aquí ofrecen es inmundo.

Y respondió Hageo y dijo: Así es este pueblo, y esta gente, delante de mí, dijo el SEÑOR; y asimismo toda obra de sus manos; y todo lo que aquí ofrecen es inmundo.

Ageu 2:14
Então Ageu comunicou a resposta do SENHOR, explicando: “É exatamente isso o que se passa com este povo e com toda esta nação. Tudo o que fazem e tudo o que conseguem oferecer é tâmê’, impuro!

Ao que respondeu Ageu, dizendo: Assim é este povo, e assim é esta nação diante de mim, diz o Senhor; assim é toda a obra das suas mãos; e tudo o que ali oferecem imundo é.   

Hagai 2:14
Atunci Hagai, luînd iarăş cuvîntul, a zis: ,Tot aşa este şi poporul acesta, tot aşa este şi neamul acesta înaintea Mea, zice Domnul, aşa sînt toate lucrările mînilor lor: ce-Mi aduc ei acolo ca jertfă, este spurcat!

Аггей 2:14
Тогда отвечал Аггей и сказал: таков этот народ, таково это племя предо Мною, говорит Господь, и таковы все дела рук их! И что они приносят там, все нечисто.

Тогда отвечал Аггей и сказал: таков этот народ, таково это племя предо Мною, говорит Господь, и таковы все дела рук их! И что они приносят там, все нечисто.[]

Haggai 2:14
Då tog Haggai till orda och sade: »Så är det med detta folk och så är det med detta släkte inför mig, säger HERREN, och så är det med allt deras händers verk: vad de där offra, det är orent.

Haggai 2:14
Nang magkagayo'y sumagot si Hagai, at nagsabi, Gayon nga ang bayang ito, at gayon ang bansang ito sa harap ko, sabi ng Panginoon; at gayon ang bawa't gawa ng kanilang mga kamay; at ang kanilang inihahandog doon ay marumi.

ฮักกัย 2:14
ฮักกัยจึงตอบว่า "พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสว่า ต่อหน้าเรา ชนชาตินี้เป็นอย่างนั้นและประชาชาตินี้ก็เป็นอย่างนั้น ผลงานทุกอย่างที่มือของเขากระทำเป็นอย่างนั้นด้วย และสิ่งใดๆที่เขาถวายบูชาที่นั่น ก็เป็นมลทิน

Hagay 2:14
Bunun üzerine Hagay şöyle dedi: ‹‹RAB, ‹Bu halk, bu ulus gözümde böyledir› diyor, ‹Her yaptıkları, sunakta her sundukları da kirlidir.› ››[]

A-gheâ 2:14
A-ghê bèn nói rằng: Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Dân nầy nước nầy ở trước mặt ta cũng vậy; cả công việc tay chúng nó làm ra cũng vậy; vật chúng nó dâng tại đây cũng bị ô uế.

Haggai 2:13
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