Haggai 2:12
Haggai 2:12
If someone carries consecrated meat in the fold of their garment, and that fold touches some bread or stew, some wine, olive oil or other food, does it become consecrated?'" The priests answered, "No."

'If one of you is carrying some meat from a holy sacrifice in his robes and his robe happens to brush against some bread or stew, wine or olive oil, or any other kind of food, will it also become holy?' " The priests replied, "No."

‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?’” The priests answered and said, “No.”

If a man carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and touches bread with this fold, or cooked food, wine, oil, or any other food, will it become holy?'" And the priests answered, "No."

If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

If a man is carrying consecrated meat in the fold of his garment, and it touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any other food, does it become holy?" The priests answered, "No."

"If a man carries consecrated meat in the folds of his garment, and if his garment touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any other edible thing, will these things become consecrated?"'" The priests answered, "No."

If someone carries holy meat in a fold of his garment and that fold touches bread, a boiled dish, wine, olive oil, or any other food, will that item become holy?'" The priests answered, "It will not."

Suppose a person carries meat set aside for a holy purpose and he folds it up in his clothes. If his clothes touch bread, boiled food, wine, oil, or any kind of food, does that make the food holy?" The priests answered, "No."

If one bears holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt touches bread or pottage or wine, or oil or any food, shall it be made holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

If one bears holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt does touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any food, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any food, shall it become holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

If a man carry sanctified flesh in the skirt of his garment, and touch with his skirt, bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat: shall it be sanctified? And the priests answered, and said: No.

If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any food shall it become holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it become holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

If one shall bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt shall touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any food, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.

'If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and with his fold touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any food, will it become holy?'" The priests answered, "No."

Lo, one doth carry holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and he hath come with his skirt against the bread, or against the pottage, or against the wine, or against the oil, or against any food -- is it holy?' And the priests answer and say, 'No.'

Hagai 2:12
Në qoftë se dikush mban në cepin e rrobës së tij mish të shenjtëruar dhe me cepin prek bukë ose ushqim të gatuar, verë ose vaj, ose çfarëdo ushqim tjetër, a do të bëhet i shenjtëruar ky?". Priftërinjtë u përgjigjen dhe thanë: Jo!".

ﺣﺠﻲ 2:12
ان حمل انسان لحما مقدسا في طرف ثوبه ومس بطرفه خبزا او طبيخا او خمرا او زيتا او طعاما ما فهل يتقدس. فاجاب الكهنة وقالوا لا.

Dyr Häggäus 2:12
Wenn öbber ayn heiligs Opferfleish eyn s Gwand eingwicklt haat und mit n Zipfl dyrvon allssgfaer ayn ayn Broot, öbbs Kochts, aynn Wein older Öl older was dyrwöll zo n Össn ankimmt, werd dös naacherd dyrdurch gheiligt? De Priester gsagnd ganz klaar: Nän!

Агей 2:12
Ако носи някой осветено месо в полата на дрехата си, и с полата допре хляб, или вариво, или вино, или дървено масло, или какво да било ястие, това ще се освети ли? И свещениците в отговор рекоха: Няма [да се освети].

哈 該 書 2:12
說 : 若 有 人 用 衣 襟 兜 聖 肉 , 這 衣 襟 挨 著 餅 , 或 湯 , 或 酒 , 或 油 , 或 別 的 食 物 , 便 算 為 聖 麼 ? 祭 司 說 : 不 算 為 聖 。

说 : 若 有 人 用 衣 襟 兜 圣 肉 , 这 衣 襟 挨 着 饼 , 或 汤 , 或 酒 , 或 油 , 或 别 的 食 物 , 便 算 为 圣 麽 ? 祭 司 说 : 不 算 为 圣 。



Haggai 2:12
'Kad bi tko u skutu svoje haljine nosio posvećeno meso, ili bi se skutom dotakao kruha, jela, vina, ulja ili kakve god hrane, bi li to postalo sveto?' Svećenici odgovoriše: Ne!

Aggea 2:12
Ej, kdyby někdo nesl maso svaté v křídle sukně své, aneb dotkl by se křídlem svým chleba, neb vaření, neb vína, neb oleje, neb jakéžkoli krmě, zdali bude posvěcen? I odpověděli kněží a řekli: Nikoli.

Haggaj 2:12
»Dersom en Mand bærer helligt Kød i sin Kappeflig og med Fligen rører ved Brød eller noget, som er kogt, eller ved Vin eller Olie eller nogen Slags Mad, bliver disse Ting saa hellige?« Præsterne svarede nej.

Haggaï 2:12
Dit is die stad, die opspringt van vreugde, die zeker woont, die in haar hart zegt: Ik ben het, en buiten mij is geen meer; hoe is zij geworden tot woestheid, een rustplaats van het gedierte! Een ieder, die daardoor trekt, zal ze aanfluiten, hij zal zijn hand bewegen.

חגי 2:12
הֵ֣ן ׀ יִשָּׂא־אִ֨ישׁ בְּשַׂר־קֹ֜דֶשׁ בִּכְנַ֣ף בִּגְדֹ֗ו וְנָגַ֣ע בִּ֠כְנָפֹו אֶל־הַלֶּ֨חֶם וְאֶל־הַנָּזִ֜יד וְאֶל־הַיַּ֧יִן וְאֶל־שֶׁ֛מֶן וְאֶל־כָּל־מַאֲכָ֖ל הֲיִקְדָּ֑שׁ וַיַּעֲנ֧וּ הַכֹּהֲנִ֛ים וַיֹּאמְר֖וּ לֹֽא׃

יב הן ישא איש בשר קדש בכנף בגדו ונגע בכנפו אל הלחם ואל הנזיד ואל היין ואל שמן ואל כל מאכל--היקדש ויענו הכהנים ויאמרו לא

הן ׀ ישא־איש בשר־קדש בכנף בגדו ונגע בכנפו אל־הלחם ואל־הנזיד ואל־היין ואל־שמן ואל־כל־מאכל היקדש ויענו הכהנים ויאמרו לא׃

Aggeus 2:12
Ha szentelt húst visz valaki az õ köntösének szárnyában, és illeti annak szárnyával a kenyeret vagy a fõzeléket, vagy a bort, vagy az olajat, vagy bármi más eleséget: vajjon szent-e az? És felelének a papok, és mondák: Nem.

Ĥagaj 2:12
Jen homo portis sanktigitan viandon en la basko de sia vesto, kaj per sia basko li ektusxis panon aux ion kuiritan aux vinon aux oleon aux ian mangxajxon-cxu gxi tiam farigxos sankta? La pastroj respondis kaj diris:Ne.

Jos joku kantais pyhitettyä lihaa helmassansa, ja satuttais sitte vaatteensa helman leipään, puuroon, viinaan, öljyyn, eli mikä ruoka se olis, tulisko se myös pyhäksi? ja papit vastasivat ja sanoivat: ei.

Aggée 2:12
Si un homme porte de la chair sainte dans la pan de sa robe, et qu'il touche avec le pan de sa robe du pain, ou quelque mets, ou du vin, ou de l'huile, ou quoi que ce soit qu'on mange, ce qu'il a touché sera-t-il sanctifié? Et les sacrificateurs répondirent et dirent: Non.

Si quelqu'un porte dans le pan de son vêtement de la chair consacrée, et qu'il touche avec son vêtement du pain, des mets, du vin, de l'huile, ou un aliment quelconque, ces choses seront-elles sanctifiées? Les sacrificateurs répondirent: Non!

Si quelqu'un porte au coin de son vêtement de la chair sanctifiée, et qu'il touche du coin de son vêtement à du pain, ou à quelque chose cuite, ou à du vin, ou à de l'huile, ou à quelque viande que ce soit, cela en sera-t-il sanctifié? Et les Sacrificateurs répondirent, et dirent : Non.

Haggai 2:12
So spricht der HERR Zebaoth: Frage die Priester um das Gesetz und sprich:

Wenn jemand heiliges Fleisch trüge in seines Kleides Zipfel und rührte darnach an mit seinem Zipfel Brot, Gemüse, Wein, Öl oder was es für Speise wäre: würde es auch heilig? und die Priester antworteten und sprachen: Nein.

Gesetzt, es trägt jemand im Zipfel seines Gewandes heiliges Fleisch und berührt darnach mit seinem Zipfel Brot oder Gekochtes oder Wein oder Öl oder irgend etwas Genießbares, wird dieses dadurch geheiligt? Da gaben die Priester zur Antwort: Nein!

Aggeo 2:12
Se uno porta nel lembo della sua veste della carne consacrata, e con quel suo lembo tocca del pane, o una vivanda cotta, o del vino, o dell’olio, o qualsivoglia altro cibo, quelle cose diventeranno esse consacrate? I sacerdoti riposero e dissero: No.

Se un uomo porta della carne consacrata nel lembo del suo vestimento, e tocca col suo lembo del pane, o della polta, o del vino, o dell’olio, o qualunque altra vivanda, sarà quella santificata? E i sacerdoti risposero, e dissero: No.

HAGAI 2:12
Apabila seorang membawa akan daging yang suci dalam punca kainnya, maka dengan punca itu terkenalah ia kepada roti atau kepada gulai atau kepada air anggur atau kepada minyak atau kepada barang makanan, bolehkah ia itu jadi suci? Maka sahut segala imam itu, katanya: Tak boleh.

학개 2:12
사람이 옷자락에 거룩한 고기를 쌌는데 그 옷자락이 만일 떡에나 국에나 포도주에나 기름에나 다른 식물에 닿았으면 그것이 성물이 되겠느냐 하라 학개가 물으매 제사장들이 대답하여 가로되 `아니니라'

Aggaeus 2:12
(2-13) si tulerit homo carnem sanctificatam in ora vestimenti sui et tetigerit de summitate eius panem aut pulmentum aut vinum aut oleum aut omnem cibum numquid sanctificabitur respondentes autem sacerdotes dixerunt non

Agëjo knyga 2:12
‘Jei kas neša pašvęstą mėsą savo drabužio skverne ir skvernu paliečia duoną, viralą, vyną, aliejų ar bet kokį valgį, ar tas maistas tampa šventu?’ ” Kunigai atsakė: “Ne”.

Haggai 2:12
Ki te maua e tetahi tangata he kikokiko tapu i te pito o tona kakahu, a ka pa taua pito ona ki tetahi taro, ki tetahi mea ranei e kohuatia ana, ki te waina, ki te hinu, ki tetahi kai ranei, a tapu ranei? Na ka whakahoki nga tohunga ka mea, Kahor e.

Haggai 2:12
Om nogen bærer hellig kjøtt i folden av sin kappe og med den kommer nær noget brød eller noget kokt eller vin eller olje eller noget slags mat, blir det da hellig? Prestene svarte: Nei.

Hageo 2:12
`Si alguno lleva carne consagrada en la falda de su vestidura, y toca con su falda pan, alimento cocido, vino, aceite o cualquier otro alimento, ¿quedará éste consagrado?' Y los sacerdotes respondieron, y dijeron: No.

'Si alguien lleva carne consagrada en la falda de su vestidura, y con su falda toca pan, alimento cocido, vino, aceite o cualquier otro alimento, ¿quedará éste consagrado?'" Y los sacerdotes respondieron: "No."

Si llevare alguno las carnes santificadas en el extremo de su vestidura, y con el extremo de ella tocare pan, o vianda, o vino, o aceite, o cualquier otra comida, ¿será santificada? Y respondieron los sacerdotes, y dijeron: No.

Si llevare alguno las carnes sagradas en la falda de su ropa, y con el vuelo de ella tocare el pan, ó la vianda, ó el vino, ó el aceite, ú otra cualquier comida, ¿será santificado? Y respondieron los sacerdotes, y dijeron: No.

Si llevare alguno las carnes sagradas en la falda de su ropa, y con el vuelo de ella tocare el pan, o la vianda, o el vino, o el aceite, u otra comida cualquiera, ¿ser santificada? Y respondieron los sacerdotes, y dijeron: No.

Ageu 2:12
Se alguém levar carne consagrada na borda de suas vestes, e com elas tocar num pão, ou em algo cozido, ou em vinho, ou em azeite, ou ainda em qualquer tipo de alimento, isso se tornará consagrado?”Ao que os sacerdotes prontamente responderam: “Não”.

Se alguém levar na aba de suas vestes carne santa, e com a sua aba tocar no pão, ou no guisado, ou no vinho, ou no azeite, ou em qualquer outro mantimento, ficará este santificado? E os sacerdotes responderam: Não.   

Hagai 2:12
,Dacă poartă cineva în poala hainei sale carne sfinţită, şi atinge cu haina lui pîne, bucate ferte, vin, untdelemn, sau o mîncare oarecare, lucrurile acestea vor fi sfinţite?` Preoţii au răspuns: ,Nu!`

Аггей 2:12
если бы кто нес освященное мясо в поле одежды своей и полою своеюкоснулся хлеба, или чего-либо вареного, или вина, или елея, или какой-нибудь пищи: сделается ли это священным? И отвечали священники и сказали: нет.

если бы кто нес освященное мясо в поле одежды своей и полою своею коснулся хлеба, или чего-либо вареного, или вина, или елея, или какой-нибудь пищи: сделается ли это священным? И отвечали священники и сказали: нет.[]

Haggai 2:12
»Om någon bär heligt kött i fliken av sin mantel och så med fliken kommer vid något bakat eller kokt, eller vid vin eller olja, eller vid något annat som man förtär, månne detta därigenom bliver heligt?» Prästerna svarade och sade: »Nej.»

Haggai 2:12
Kung ang isang tao ay may dala sa kaniyang kandungan na banal na karne, at magsagi ng kaniyang laylayan ang tinapay, o ulam, o alak, o langis, o anomang pagkain, magiging banal pa baga? At ang mga saserdote ay nagsisagot, at nangagsabi, Hindi.

ฮักกัย 2:12
ถ้าผู้ใดยกชายเสื้อคลุมทำพกห่อเนื้อบริสุทธิ์ไป หากว่าชายเสื้อตัวนั้นไปถูกขนมปังหรือแกง หรือน้ำองุ่น หรือน้ำมัน หรืออาหารใดๆ สิ่งนั้นจะพลอยบริสุทธิ์ไปด้วยหรือไม่ พวกปุโรหิตตอบว่า "ไม่บริสุทธิ์"

Hagay 2:12
Eğer biri giysisinin kıvrımları arasında kutsanmış et taşır ve o kıvrım ekmeğe, yemeğe, şaraba, zeytinyağına ya da başka bir yiyeceğe değerse, o yiyecek kutsal olur mu?› ›› Kâhinler, ‹‹Hayır›› diye yanıtladılar.[]

A-gheâ 2:12
Nếu có kẻ gói thịt thánh trong chéo áo, và chéo áo mình đụng đến bánh, hoặc vật gì nấu chín, hoặc rượu, hoặc dầu, hay là đồ ăn gì, thì vậy đó có nên thánh không? Các thầy tế lễ đều đáp rằng: Không.

Haggai 2:11
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