Genesis 50:17
Genesis 50:17
This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly.' Now please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of your father." When their message came to him, Joseph wept.

to say to you: 'Please forgive your brothers for the great wrong they did to you--for their sin in treating you so cruelly.' So we, the servants of the God of your father, beg you to forgive our sin." When Joseph received the message, he broke down and wept.

‘Say to Joseph, “Please forgive the transgression of your brothers and their sin, because they did evil to you.”’ And now, please forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of your father.” Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

'Thus you shall say to Joseph, "Please forgive, I beg you, the transgression of your brothers and their sin, for they did you wrong."' And now, please forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of your father." And Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren, and their sin; for they did unto thee evil: and now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake unto him.

Say this to Joseph: Please forgive your brothers' transgression and their sin--the suffering they caused you.' Therefore, please forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of your father." Joseph wept when their message came to him.

"Before he died, your father left some instructions. He told us, 'Tell Joseph, "Please forgive your brothers' offenses. I beg you, forgive their sins, because they wronged you."' So please forgive the transgression of the servants of your father's God." Joseph wept when they talked to him.

Tell Joseph this: Please forgive the sin of your brothers and the wrong they did when they treated you so badly.' Now please forgive the sin of the servants of the God of your father." When this message was reported to him, Joseph wept.

'This is what you should say to Joseph, "I'm begging you to forgive the crime and the sin your brothers committed against you. What they did to you was very evil.' " So now, please forgive our crime, because we are servants of your father's God." Joseph cried when he got their message.

So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren and their sin, for they did unto thee evil; and now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the slaves of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spoke unto him.

So shall you say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray you now, the trespass of your brothers, and their sin; for they did unto you evil: and now, we pray you, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of your father. And Joseph wept when they spoke unto him.

So shall you say to Joseph, Forgive, I pray you now, the trespass of your brothers, and their sin; for they did to you evil: and now, we pray you, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of your father. And Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the transgression of thy brethren, and their sin, for that they did unto thee evil. And now, we pray thee, forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake unto him.

That we should say thus much to thee from him: I beseech thee to forget the wickedness of thy brethren, and the sin and malice they practiced against thee: we also pray thee, to forgive the servants of the God of thy father this wickedness. And when Joseph heard this, he wept.

Thus shall ye speak to Joseph: Oh forgive, I pray thee, the transgression of thy brethren, and their sin! for they did evil to thee. And now, we pray thee, forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the transgression of thy brethren, and their sin, for that they did unto thee evil: and now, we pray thee, forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake unto him.

So shall ye say to Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren, and their sin; for they did to thee evil: and now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

'You shall tell Joseph, "Now please forgive the disobedience of your brothers, and their sin, because they did evil to you."' Now, please forgive the disobedience of the servants of the God of your father." Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

Thus ye do say to Joseph, I pray thee, bear, I pray thee, with the transgression of thy brethren, and their sin, for they have done thee evil; and now, bear, we pray thee, with the transgression of the servants of the God of thy father;' and Joseph weepeth in their speaking unto him.

Zanafilla 50:17
Kështu do t'i thoni Jozefit: Falu vëllezërve të tu të keqen që të kanë bërë, mëkatin e tyre, sepse të kanë bërë keq". Falu, pra, tani krimin shërbëtorëve të Perëndisë të atit tënd". Jozefi qau kur i folën kështu.

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 50:17
هكذا تقولون ليوسف آه اصفح عن ذنب اخوتك وخطيتهم فانهم صنعوا بك شرا. فالآن اصفح عن ذنب عبيد اله ابيك. فبكى يوسف حين كلموه.

De Bschaffung 50:17
'Geetß zo n Joseff und sagtß iem: Vergib diend yn deine Brüeder iener Untaat und Sündd, wenn s aau ayn schlimme Sach war!' Und dös wär ietz ünser Bitt: Vergib yn de Knecht von deinn Vatern seinn Got iener Untaat!" Wie yr dös z wissn gakriegt, kaam yn n Joseff s Reern aus.

Битие 50:17
Така да кажете на Иосифа: Прости, моля ти се, престъплението на братята си и греха им за злото, което ти сториха. И тъй, прости молим ти се, престъплението на слугите на бащиния ти Бог. А Иосиф се разплака, когато му говориха.

創 世 記 50:17
你 們 要 對 約 瑟 這 樣 說 : 從 前 你 哥 哥 們 惡 待 你 , 求 你 饒 恕 他 們 的 過 犯 和 罪 惡 。 如 今 求 你 饒 恕 你 父 親   神 之 僕 人 的 過 犯 。 他 們 對 約 瑟 說 這 話 , 約 瑟 就 哭 了 。

你 们 要 对 约 瑟 这 样 说 : 从 前 你 哥 哥 们 恶 待 你 , 求 你 饶 恕 他 们 的 过 犯 和 罪 恶 。 如 今 求 你 饶 恕 你 父 亲   神 之 仆 人 的 过 犯 。 他 们 对 约 瑟 说 这 话 , 约 瑟 就 哭 了 。



Genesis 50:17
Ovako recite Josipu: Oprosti braći svojoj zlo i grijeh što su onako okrutno prema tebi postupili.' Oprosti, dakle, uvredu slugama Boga svoga oca!" Na te riječi Josip brizne u plač.

Genesis 50:17
Takto díte Jozefovi: Prosím, odpusť již bratřím svým přestoupení a hřích jejich; nebo zle učinili tobě. Protož již odpusť, prosím, přestoupení služebníkům Boha, jehož ctil otec tvůj. I rozplakal se Jozef, když k němu mluvili.

1 Mosebog 50:17
at sige til Josef: Tilgiv dog dine Brødres Brøde og Synd, thi de har gjort ondt imod dig! Saa tilgiv nu din Faders Guds Tjenere deres Brøde!« Da græd Josef over deres Ord til ham.

Genesis 50:17
Zo zult gij tot Jozef zeggen: Ei, vergeef toch de overtreding uwer broederen, en hun zonde; want zij hebben u kwaad aangedaan; maar nu vergeef toch de overtreding der dienaren van den God uws vaders! En Jozef weende, als zij tot hem spraken.

בראשית 50:17
כֹּֽה־תֹאמְר֣וּ לְיֹוסֵ֗ף אָ֣נָּ֡א שָׂ֣א נָ֠א פֶּ֣שַׁע אַחֶ֤יךָ וְחַטָּאתָם֙ כִּי־רָעָ֣ה גְמָל֔וּךָ וְעַתָּה֙ שָׂ֣א נָ֔א לְפֶ֥שַׁע עַבְדֵ֖י אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֑יךָ וַיֵּ֥בְךְּ יֹוסֵ֖ף בְּדַבְּרָ֥ם אֵלָֽיו׃

יז כה תאמרו ליוסף אנא שא נא פשע אחיך וחטאתם כי רעה גמלוך ועתה שא נא לפשע עבדי אלהי אביך ויבך יוסף בדברם אליו

כה־תאמרו ליוסף אנא שא נא פשע אחיך וחטאתם כי־רעה גמלוך ועתה שא נא לפשע עבדי אלהי אביך ויבך יוסף בדברם אליו׃

1 Mózes 50:17
Így szóljatok Józsefhez: Kérünk téged, bocsásd meg a te atyádfiainak vétkét és bûnöket, mert gonoszul cselekedtek te ellened. Most azért bocsásd meg azoknak vétkét, a kik a te atyád Istenét szolgálják. József pedig sír vala, mikor ezt mondák néki.

Moseo 1: Genezo 50:17
Tiel diru al Jozef: Mi petas vin, pardonu la kulpon de viaj fratoj kaj ilian pekon, cxar ili faris al vi malbonon. Nun pardonu do la kulpon de la sklavoj de la Dio de via patro. Kaj Jozef ploris, kiam ili parolis al li.

Niin sanokaat Josephille: minä rukoilen, anna nyt veljilles anteeksi heidän rikoksensa ja pahatekonsa, että he niin pahoin ovat tehneet sinua vastaan. Anna nyt anteeksi, sinun isäs Jumalan palveliain pahateko. Mutta Joseph itki heidän näitä puhuissansa.

Genèse 50:17
Vous direz ainsi à Joseph: Pardonne, je te prie, la transgression de tes frères, et leur péché; car ils t'ont fait du mal. Et maintenant, pardonne, nous te prions, la transgression des serviteurs du Dieu de ton père. Et Joseph pleura quand ils lui parlèrent.

Vous parlerez ainsi à Joseph: Oh! pardonne le crime de tes frères et leur péché, car ils t'ont fait du mal! Pardonne maintenant le péché des serviteurs du Dieu de ton père! Joseph pleura, en entendant ces paroles.

Vous parlerez ainsi à Joseph : Je te prie, pardonne maintenant l'iniquité de tes frères, et leur péché; car ils t'ont fait du mal. Maintenant donc, je te supplie, pardonne cette iniquité aux serviteurs du Dieu de ton père. Et Joseph pleura quand on lui parla.

1 Mose 50:17
Also sollt ihr Joseph sagen: Lieber, vergib deinen Brüdern die Missetat und ihre Sünde, daß sie so übel an dir getan haben. Lieber, so vergib nun die Missetat uns, den Dienern des Gottes deines Vaters! Aber Joseph weinete, da sie solches mit ihm redeten.

Also sollt ihr Joseph sagen: Vergib doch deinen Brüdern die Missetat und ihre Sünde, daß sie so übel an dir getan haben. So vergib doch nun diese Missetat uns, den Dienern des Gottes deines Vaters. Aber Joseph weinte, da sie solches mit ihm redeten.

Sprecht also zu Joseph: Ach vergieb doch deinen Brüdern ihre Sünde und Verschuldung, daß sie dir Böses angethan haben! Also vergieb uns, die wir ja auch den Gott deines Vaters verehren, unsere Sünde! Da weinte Joseph, als sie so zu ihm sprachen.

Genesi 50:17
Dite così a Giuseppe: Deh, perdona ora ai tuoi fratelli il loro misfatto e il loro peccato; perché t’hanno fatto del male. Deh, perdona dunque ora il misfatto de’ servi dell’Iddio di tuo padre!" E Giuseppe, quando gli fu parlato così, pianse.

Dite così a Giuseppe: Perdona, ti prego, ora a’ tuoi fratelli il lor misfatto, e il lor peccato; conciossiachè essi ti abbiano fatto del male. Deh! perdona dunque ora a’ servitori dell’Iddio di tuo padre il lor misfatto. E Giuseppe pianse, quando coloro gli parlarono.

Demikian katakanlah olehmu kepada Yusuf: Ampunilah kiranya salah segala saudaramu dan dosanya, karena mereka itu telah berbuat jahat akan dikau; tetapi sekarang ampunilah kiranya salah hamba-hamba Allah bapamu itu. Maka menangislah Yusuf apabila mereka itu berkata-kata kepadanya.

창세기 50:17
너희는 이같이 요셉에게 이르라 네 형들이 네게 악을 행하였을지라도 이제 바라건대 그 허물과 죄를 용서하라 하셨다 하라 하셨나니 당신의 아버지의 하나님의 종들의 죄를 이제 용서하소서` 하매 요셉의 그 말을 들을 때에 울었더라

Genesis 50:17
ut haec tibi verbis illius diceremus obsecro ut obliviscaris sceleris fratrum tuorum et peccati atque malitiae quam exercuerunt in te nos quoque oramus ut servis Dei patris tui dimittas iniquitatem hanc quibus auditis flevit Ioseph

Pradþios knyga 50:17
kad sakytume tau: ‘Atleisk savo broliams jų nusikaltimą ir nuodėmę, nes jie piktai su tavimi pasielgė!’ Taigi dabar prašome: atleisk tavo tėvo Dievo tarnų nusikaltimą”. Juozapas verkė girdėdamas šiuos žodžius.

Genesis 50:17
Kia penei ta koutou kupu ki a Hohepa, Tena, whakarerea te he o ou tuakana, me to ratou hara; he kino hoki ta ratou mahi ki a koe: na, tena whakarerea te he o nga pononga a te Atua o tou papa. A ka tangi a Hohepa i a ratou kupu ki a ia.

1 Mosebok 50:17
Så skal I si til Josef: Tilgi, kjære, dine brødres misgjerning og deres synd, at de har gjort ille mot dig! Så tilgi nu oss, som også tjener din fars Gud, vår misgjerning! Og Josef gråt da de talte således til ham.

Génesis 50:17
``Así diréis a José: `Te ruego que perdones la maldad de tus hermanos y su pecado, porque ellos te trataron mal.' Y ahora, te rogamos que perdones la maldad de los siervos del Dios de tu padre. Y José lloró cuando le hablaron.

'Así dirán a José: "Te ruego que perdones la maldad de tus hermanos y su pecado, porque ellos te trataron mal."' Y ahora, te rogamos que perdones la maldad de los siervos del Dios de tu padre." Y José lloró cuando le hablaron.

Así diréis a José: Te ruego que perdones ahora la maldad de tus hermanos y su pecado, porque mal te trataron; por tanto, ahora te rogamos que perdones la maldad de los siervos del Dios de tu padre. Y José lloró mientras hablaban.

Así diréis á José: Ruégote que perdones ahora la maldad de tus hermanos y su pecado, porque mal te trataron: por tanto ahora te rogamos que perdones la maldad de los siervos del Dios de tu padre. Y José lloró mientras hablaban.

Así diréis a José: Te ruego que perdones ahora la maldad de tus hermanos, y su pecado, porque mal te galardonaron; por tanto ahora te rogamos que perdones la maldad de los siervos del Dios de tu padre. Y José lloró mientras hablaban.

Gênesis 50:17
‘Assim falareis a José: Perdoa a teus irmãos seu crime e seu pecado, todo o mal que te fizeram!’ Agora, pois, queiras tu perdoar os erros e os pecados dos servos do Deus de teu pai!” E José muito se comoveu e chorou diante das palavras que seus irmãos lhe enviaram.

Assim direis a José: Perdoa a transgressão de teus irmãos, e o seu pecado, porque te fizeram mal. Agora, pois, rogamos-te que perdoes a transgressão dos servos do Deus de teu pai. E José chorou quando eles lhe falavam.   

Geneza 50:17
,,Aşa să vorbiţi lui Iosif: ,Oh! iartă nelegiuirea fraţilor tăi şi păcatul lor, căci ţi-au făcut rău!` Iartă acum păcatul robilor Dumnezeului tatălui tău!`` Iosif a plîns cînd a auzit cuvintele acestea.

Бытие 50:17
так скажите Иосифу: прости братьям твоим вину и грех их, так какони сделали тебе зло. И ныне прости вины рабов Бога отца твоего. Иосиф плакал, когда ему говорили это.

так скажите Иосифу: прости братьям твоим вину и грех их, так как они сделали тебе зло. И ныне прости вины рабов Бога отца твоего. Иосиф плакал, когда ему говорили это.[]

1 Mosebok 50:17
'Så skolen I säga till Josef: Käre, förlåt dina bröder vad de hava brutit och syndat, i det att de hava handlat så illa mot dig.' Förlåt alltså nu din faders Guds tjänare vad de hava brutit.» Och Josef grät, när de läto säga detta till honom.

Genesis 50:17
Ganito sasabihin ninyo kay Jose. Ipatawad mo, isinasamo ko sa iyo ngayon, ang pagsalangsang ng iyong mga kapatid, at ang kanilang kasalanan; at ngayon, ay aming isinasamo sa iyo, na ipatawad mo ang mga pagsalangsang ng mga lingkod ng Dios ng iyong ama. At si Jose ay umiyak ng kanilang salitain sa kaniya.

ปฐมกาล 50:17
`พวกเจ้าจงเรียนโยเซฟว่า บัดนี้เราขอท่านโปรดให้อภัยการละเมิดและบาปของพวกพี่ชายที่ประทุษร้ายท่าน' บัดนี้ขอท่านโปรดให้อภัยการละเมิดของข้าพเจ้าทั้งหลายผู้รับใช้ของพระเจ้าของบิดาท่าน" โยเซฟจึงร้องไห้เมื่อฟังพี่ชายเรียนดังนี้

Yaratılış 50:17

Saùng-theá Kyù 50:17
Hãy nói lại cho Giô-sép như vầy: Ôi! xin hãy tha điều ác, tội phạm của các anh con đi, vì chúng nó đã lỗi cũng con đó; nhưng bây giờ cha xin con hãy tha tội kẻ tôi tớ của Ðức Chúa Trời cha. Nghe qua mấy lời nầy, Giô-sép bèn khóc.

Genesis 50:16
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