Genesis 38:16
Genesis 38:16
Not realizing that she was his daughter-in-law, he went over to her by the roadside and said, "Come now, let me sleep with you." "And what will you give me to sleep with you?" she asked.

So he stopped and propositioned her. "Let me have sex with you," he said, not realizing that she was his own daughter-in-law. "How much will you pay to have sex with me?" Tamar asked.

He turned to her at the roadside and said, “Come, let me come in to you,” for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. She said, “What will you give me, that you may come in to me?”

So he turned aside to her by the road, and said, "Here now, let me come in to you"; for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. And she said, "What will you give me, that you may come in to me?"

And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?

He went over to her and said, "Come, let me sleep with you," for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. She said, "What will you give me for sleeping with me?""

So on the way, he turned aside, approached her, and said, "Come on! Let's have some sex!" But he didn't realize that he was talking to his own daughter-in-law. "What will you give me," she asked, "in order to have sex with me?"

He turned aside to her along the road and said, "Come on! I want to have sex with you." (He did not realize it was his daughter-in-law.) She asked, "What will you give me in exchange for having sex with you?"

Since he didn't know she was his daughter-in-law, he approached her by the roadside and said, "Come on, let's sleep together!" She asked, "What will you pay to sleep with me?"

And he turned unto her by the way and said, Come now, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee (for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law). And she said, What wilt thou give me that thou may come in unto me?

And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray you, let me come in unto you; (for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law.) And she said, What will you give me, that you may come in unto me?

And he turned to her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray you, let me come in to you; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What will you give me, that you may come in to me?

And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Come, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee: for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law. And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?

And going to her, he said: Suffer me to lie with thee: for he knew her not to be his daughter in law. And she answered: What wilt thou give me to en joy my company?

And he turned aside to her by the way, and said, Come, I pray thee, let me go in to thee; for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in to me?

And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee: for he knew not that she was his daughter in law. And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?

And he turned to her by the way, and said, Come, I pray thee, let me have access to thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law:) and she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayst have access to me?

He turned to her by the way, and said, "Please come, let me come in to you," for he didn't know that she was his daughter-in-law. She said, "What will you give me, that you may come in to me?"

and he turneth aside unto her by the way, and saith, 'Come, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee,' (for he hath not known that she is his daughter-in-law); and she saith, 'What dost thou give to me, that thou mayest come in unto me?'

Zanafilla 38:16
Prandaj ai iu afrua asaj në rrugë dhe i tha: "Lërmë të hyj te ti". Në të vërtetë nuk e dinte se ajo ishte nusja e djalit të tij. Ajo iu përgjegj: "Çfarë do të më japësh për të hyrë tek unë?"

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 38:16
فمال اليها على الطريق وقال هاتي ادخل عليك. لانه لم يعلم انها كنته. فقالت ماذا تعطيني لكي تدخل عليّ.

De Bschaffung 38:16
Daa bog yr von n Wög wögg, gieng zo irer hin und gsait: "Na, wie wär s n mit üns Zwai?" Er gwaiß ja nit, däß s sein Schnur war. Si gantwortt: "Was gibst myr n dyrfür?"

Битие 38:16
Той, прочее, свърна към нея на пътя и рече: Остави ме, моля, да вляза при тебе; (защото не позна, че беше снаха му). И тя рече: Какво ще ми дадеш, за да влезеш при мене?

創 世 記 38:16
猶 大 就 轉 到 他 那 裡 去 , 說 : 來 罷 ! 讓 我 與 你 同 寢 。 他 原 不 知 道 是 他 的 兒 婦 。 他 瑪 說 : 你 要 與 我 同 寢 , 把 甚 麼 給 我 呢 ?

犹 大 就 转 到 他 那 里 去 , 说 : 来 罢 ! 让 我 与 你 同 寝 。 他 原 不 知 道 是 他 的 儿 妇 。 他 玛 说 : 你 要 与 我 同 寝 , 把 甚 麽 给 我 呢 ?



Genesis 38:16
Svrati se on k njoj i reče: "Daj da ti priđem!" Nije znao da mu je nevjesta. A ona odgovori: "Što ćeš mi dati da uđeš k meni?"

Genesis 38:16
Protož uchýliv se k ní s cesty, řekl: Dopusť medle, ať vejdu k tobě. (Nebo nevěděl, aby nevěsta jeho byla.) I řekla: Co mi dáš, jestliže vejdeš ke mně?

1 Mosebog 38:16
og han bøjede af fra Vejen og kom hen til hende og sagde: »Lad mig gaa ind til dig!« Thi han vidste ikke, at det var hans Sønnekone. Men hun sagde: »Hvad giver du mig derfor!«

Genesis 38:16
En hij week tot haar naar den weg, en zeide: Kom toch, laat mij tot u ingaan; want hij wist niet, dat zij zijn schoondochter was. En zij zeide: Wat zult gij mij geven, dat gij tot mij ingaat?

בראשית 38:16
וַיֵּ֨ט אֵלֶ֜יהָ אֶל־הַדֶּ֗רֶךְ וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ הָֽבָה־נָּא֙ אָבֹ֣וא אֵלַ֔יִךְ כִּ֚י לֹ֣א יָדַ֔ע כִּ֥י כַלָּתֹ֖ו הִ֑וא וַתֹּ֙אמֶר֙ מַה־תִּתֶּן־לִּ֔י כִּ֥י תָבֹ֖וא אֵלָֽי׃

טז ויט אליה אל הדרך ויאמר הבה נא אבוא אליך כי לא ידע כי כלתו הוא ותאמר מה תתן לי כי תבוא אלי

ויט אליה אל־הדרך ויאמר הבה־נא אבוא אליך כי לא ידע כי כלתו הוא ותאמר מה־תתן־לי כי תבוא אלי׃

1 Mózes 38:16
És hozzá tére az útra és monda: Engedd meg kérlek, hogy menjek be te hozzád, mert nem tudja vala, hogy az õ menye az. Ez pedig monda: Mit adsz nékem ha bejösz hozzám?

Moseo 1: Genezo 38:16
Kaj li turnis sin al sxi cxe la vojo, kaj diris: Lasu min enveni al vi. CXar li ne sciis, ke tio estas lia bofilino. Kaj sxi diris: Kion vi donos al mi, se vi envenos al mi?

Ja hän poikkesi tien oheen hänen tykönsä, ja sanoi: annas minun maata kanssas; sillä ei hän tietänyt sitä miniäksensä. Hän vastasi: mitäs minun annat, jos sinä makaisit minun kanssani?

Genèse 38:16
Et il se détourna vers elle, dans le chemin, et dit: Permets, je te prie, que je vienne vers toi. Car il ne savait pas que ce fût sa belle-fille. Et elle dit: Que me donneras-tu, afin que tu viennes vers moi?

Il l'aborda sur le chemin, et dit: Laisse-moi aller vers toi. Car il ne connut pas que c'était sa belle-fille. Elle dit: Que me donneras-tu pour venir vers moi?

Et il se détourna vers elle au chemin, et lui dit : Permets, je te prie, que je vienne vers toi; car il ne savait pas que ce [fût] sa belle-fille. Et elle répondit : Que me donneras-tu afin que tu viennes vers moi?

1 Mose 38:16
Und machte sich zu ihr am Wege und sprach: Lieber, laß mich bei dir liegen. Denn er wußte nicht, daß sie seine Schnur wäre. Sie antwortete: Was willst du mir geben, daß du bei mir liegest?

Und er machte sich zu ihr am Wege und sprach: Laß mich doch zu dir kommen; denn er wußte nicht, daß es seine Schwiegertochter wäre. Sie antwortete: Was willst du mir geben, daß du zu mir kommst?

Da bog er zu ihr ab und sprach: Laß mich dir beiwohnen! Denn er wußte nicht, daß es seine Schwiegertochter war. Sie erwiderte: Was giebst du mir dafür, daß du mir beiwohnen darfst?

Genesi 38:16
E accostatosi a lei sulla via, le disse: "Lasciami venire da te!" Poiché non sapeva ch’ella fosse sua nuora. Ed ella rispose: "Che mi darai per venire da me?"

E, stornatosi verso lei in su la via, le disse: Deh! permetti che io entri da te perciocchè egli non sapeva ch’ella fosse sua nuora. Ed ella gli disse: Che mi darai, perchè tu entri da me?

Maka singgahlah Yehuda kepada perempuan itu serta katanya: Marilah engkau, biarlah aku berseketiduran dengan dikau. Maka tiada diketahuinya akan perempuan itu menantunya. Lalu sahut perempuan itu: Apakah hendak kauberikan daku, supaya engkau beseketiduran dengan aku?

창세기 38:16
길곁으로 그에게 나아가 가로되 `청컨대 나로 네게 들어가게 하라' 하니 그 자부인줄 알지 못하였음이라 그가 가로되 `당신이 무엇을 주고 내게 들어 오려느냐 ?'

Genesis 38:16
ingrediensque ad eam ait dimitte me ut coeam tecum nesciebat enim quod nurus sua esset qua respondente quid mihi dabis ut fruaris concubitu meo

Pradþios knyga 38:16
Jis pasuko prie jos ir tarė: “Leisk man įeiti pas tave”. Jis nežinojo, kad tai buvo jo marti, o ji klausė: “Ką man duosi?”

Genesis 38:16
Na ka peka ia ki te ara ki a ia, ka mea, Tukua atu ahau, ne? kia haere atu ki a koe; kihai hoki ia i mohio ko tana hunaonga ia. A ka mea ia, He aha tau e homai ai ki ahau, ki te haere mai koe ki ahau?

1 Mosebok 38:16
Så bøide han av fra veien og gikk bort til henne og sa: Kom, la mig gå inn til dig! For han visste ikke at det var hans sønnekone. Da sa hun: Hvad vil du gi mig for å gå inn til mig?

Génesis 38:16
Y se desvió hacia ella junto al camino, y le dijo: Vamos, déjame estar contigo; pues no sabía que era su nuera. Y ella dijo: ¿Qué me darás por estar conmigo?

Y se acercó a ella junto al camino, y le dijo: "Vamos, déjame estar contigo;" pues no sabía que era su nuera. "¿Qué me darás por estar conmigo?" le dijo ella.

Y se apartó del camino hacia ella, y le dijo: Vamos, déjame ahora allegarme a ti; pues no sabía que era su nuera; y ella dijo: ¿Qué me darás, si te allegares a mí?

Y apartóse del camino hacia ella, y díjole: Ea, pues, ahora entraré á ti; porque no sabía que era su nuera; y ella dijo: ¿Qué me has de dar, si entrares á mí?

Y se apartó del camino hacia ella, y le dijo: Ea, pues, ahora entraré a ti; porque no sabía que era su nuera; y ella dijo: ¿Qué me has de dar, si entrares a mí?

Gênesis 38:16
Não percebendo que se tratava de sua nora, dirigiu-se a ela, à beira da estrada, e a convidou: “Vem, deixa-me possuir-te!” Porquanto não podia imaginar que aquela mulher fosse sua própria nora. E a mulher indagou: “Que me darás para coabitares comigo?”

E dirigiu-se para ela no caminho, e disse: Vem, deixa-me estar contigo; porquanto não sabia que era sua nora. Perguntou-lhe ela: Que me darás, para estares comigo?   

Geneza 38:16
S'a abătut la ea din drum, şi a zis: ,,Lasă-mă să mă culc cu tine!`` Căci n'a cunoscut -o că era noru-sa. Ea a zis: ,,Ce-mi dai ca să te culci cu mine?``

Бытие 38:16
Он поворотил к ней и сказал: войду я к тебе. Ибоне знал, что это невестка его. Она сказала: что ты дашь мне, если войдешь ко мне?

Он поворотил к ней и сказал: войду я к тебе. Ибо не знал, что это невестка его. Она сказала: что ты дашь мне, если войдешь ко мне?[]

1 Mosebok 38:16
Och han vek av till henne, där hon satt vid vägen, och sade: »Kom, låt mig gå in till dig.» Ty han visste icke att det var hans sonhustru. Hon svarade: »Vad vill du giva mig för att få gå in till mig?»

Genesis 38:16
At lumapit sa kaniya, sa tabi ng daan, at sinabi, Narito nga, ipinamamanhik ko sa iyo na ako'y pasipingin mo sa iyo: sapagka't hindi niya nakilalang kaniyang manugang. At kaniyang sinabi, Anong ibibigay mo sa akin sa iyong pagsiping sa akin?

ปฐมกาล 38:16
ยูดาห์จึงได้เข้าไปพูดกับหญิงริมทางนั้นว่า "มาเถิด ให้เราเข้านอนด้วย" (เพราะไม่ทราบว่านางเป็นสะใภ้ของตน) นางจึงว่า "ท่านจะให้อะไรสำหรับการที่เข้าหาข้าพเจ้า"

Yaratılış 38:16
Yolun kenarına, ona doğru seğirterek, kendi gelini olduğunu bilmeden, ‹‹Hadi gel, seninle yatmak istiyorum›› dedi. Tamar, ‹‹Seninle yatarsam, bana ne vereceksin?›› diye sordu.[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 38:16
bèn lại gần mà nói rằng: Hãy cho ta đến cùng nàng; vì cớ ngươi không biết nàng là dâu mình. Nàng đáp rằng: Ngươi sẽ cho tôi món chi đặng đi đến cùng tôi?

Genesis 38:15
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