Genesis 34:7
Genesis 34:7
Meanwhile, Jacob's sons had come in from the fields as soon as they heard what had happened. They were shocked and furious, because Shechem had done an outrageous thing in Israel by sleeping with Jacob's daughter--a thing that should not be done.

Meanwhile, Jacob's sons had come in from the field as soon as they heard what had happened. They were shocked and furious that their sister had been raped. Shechem had done a disgraceful thing against Jacob's family, something that should never be done.

The sons of Jacob had come in from the field as soon as they heard of it, and the men were indignant and very angry, because he had done an outrageous thing in Israel by lying with Jacob’s daughter, for such a thing must not be done.

Now the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it; and the men were grieved, and they were very angry because he had done a disgraceful thing in Israel by lying with Jacob's daughter, for such a thing ought not to be done.

And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done.

Jacob's sons returned from the field when they heard about the incident and were deeply grieved and angry. For Shechem had committed an outrage against Israel by raping Jacob's daughter, and such a thing should not be done.

Just then Jacob's sons arrived from the field. When they heard what had happened, they were distraught with grief and livid with anger toward Shechem, because he had committed a disgraceful deed in Israel by forcing Jacob's daughter to have sex, an act that never should have happened.

Now Jacob's sons had come in from the field when they heard the news. They were offended and very angry because Shechem had disgraced Israel by sexually assaulting Jacob's daughter, a crime that should not be committed.

Jacob's sons came in from the open country as soon as they heard the news. The men felt outraged and very angry because Shechem had committed such a godless act against Israel's family by raping Jacob's daughter. This shouldn't have happened.

And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it; and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter, a thing which ought not to be done.

And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very angry, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done.

And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had worked folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter: which thing ought not to be done.

And the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done.

Behold his sons came from the field: and hearing what had passed, they were exceeding angry, because he had done a foul thing in Israel, and committed an unlawful act, in ravishing Jacob's daughter,

And the sons of Jacob came from the fields when they heard it; and the men were grieved, and they were very angry, because he had wrought what was disgraceful in Israel, in lying with Jacob's daughter, which thing ought not to be done.

And the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done.

And the sons of Jacob came from the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel, in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done.

The sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it. The men were grieved, and they were very angry, because he had done folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; a which thing ought not to be done.

and the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard, and the men grieve themselves, and it is very displeasing to them, for folly he hath done against Israel, to lie with the daughter of Jacob -- and so it is not done.

Zanafilla 34:7
Sapo dëgjuan për atë që kishte ndodhur, bijtë e Jakobit u kthyen nga fushat; ata ishin të hidhëruar dhe shumë të zemëruar, sepse ai kishte kryer një veprim të turpshëm në Izrael, duke rënë në shtrat me të bijën e Jakobit, gjë që nuk duhej bërë.

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 34:7
واتى بنو يعقوب من الحقل حين سمعوا. وغضب الرجال واغتاظوا جدا لانه صنع قباحة في اسرائيل بمضاجعة ابنة يعقوب. وهكذا لا يصنع.

De Bschaffung 34:7
Wie yn n Jaaggenn seine Sün zueherkaamend und allss erfuernd, warnd die närrisch entsötzt und gaboosernd. Ayn Schandtaat an Isryheel war dös, däß dyr Sichham mit dyr Tochter von n Jaaggenn öbbs hiet; öbbs Sölchers darf nit sein!

Битие 34:7
А като чуха за [станалото], Якововите синове дойдоха от полето; и тия мъже се наскърбиха и много се разгневиха, загдето той сторил безчестие на Израиля, като изнасилил Якововата дъщеря,- нещо, което не трябваше да стане.

創 世 記 34:7
雅 各 的 兒 子 們 聽 見 這 事 , 就 從 田 野 回 來 , 人 人 忿 恨 , 十 分 惱 怒 ; 因 示 劍 在 以 色 列 家 作 了 醜 事 , 與 雅 各 的 女 兒 行 淫 , 這 本 是 不 該 做 的 事 。

雅 各 的 儿 子 们 听 见 这 事 , 就 从 田 野 回 来 , 人 人 忿 恨 , 十 分 恼 怒 ; 因 示 剑 在 以 色 列 家 作 了 丑 事 , 与 雅 各 的 女 儿 行 淫 , 这 本 是 不 该 做 的 事 。



Genesis 34:7
upravo kad su se Jakovljevi sinovi vraćali iz polja. Kad su čuli vijest, ljudi su bili ojađeni i vrlo ljuti. Što je Šekem učinio - legavši s Jakovljevom kćeri - u Izraelu je bila sramota. To se nije smjelo trpjeti.

Genesis 34:7
A v tom synové Jákobovi přišli s pole; a uslyšavše o tom, bolestí naplněni jsou muži ti, a rozhněvali se velmi, proto že hanebnou věc učinil v Izraeli, ležav se dcerou Jákobovou, čehož činiti nenáleželo.

1 Mosebog 34:7
Men da Jakobs Sønner hørte det, kom de hjem fra Marken; og Mændene græmmede sig og var saare opbragte, fordi han havde øvet Skændselsdaad i Israel ved at ligge hos Jakobs Datter; thi sligt bør ikke ske.

Genesis 34:7
En de zonen van Jakob kwamen van het veld, als zij dit hoorden; en het smartte deze mannen, en zij ontstaken zeer, omdat hij dwaasheid in Israel gedaan had, Jakobs dochter beslapende, hetwelk alzo niet zoude gedaan worden.

בראשית 34:7
וּבְנֵ֨י יַעֲקֹ֜ב בָּ֤אוּ מִן־הַשָּׂדֶה֙ כְּשָׁמְעָ֔ם וַיִּֽתְעַצְּבוּ֙ הָֽאֲנָשִׁ֔ים וַיִּ֥חַר לָהֶ֖ם מְאֹ֑ד כִּֽי־נְבָלָ֞ה עָשָׂ֣ה בְיִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל לִשְׁכַּב֙ אֶת־בַּֽת־יַעֲקֹ֔ב וְכֵ֖ן לֹ֥א יֵעָשֶֽׂה׃

ז ובני יעקב באו מן השדה כשמעם ויתעצבו האנשים ויחר להם מאד  כי נבלה עשה בישראל לשכב את בת יעקב וכן לא יעשה

ובני יעקב באו מן־השדה כשמעם ויתעצבו האנשים ויחר להם מאד כי־נבלה עשה בישראל לשכב את־בת־יעקב וכן לא יעשה׃

1 Mózes 34:7
Mikor Jákób fiai megjövének a mezõrõl és meghallák a [dolgot,] elkeseredének s nagyon megharaguvának azok az emberek, azért hogy ocsmányságot cselekedett Izráelben, Jákób leányával hálván, a minek nem kellett volna történni.

Moseo 1: Genezo 34:7
Sed la filoj de Jakob venis de la kampo. Kiam ili auxdis, la viroj cxagrenigxis kaj forte kolerigxis, ke li faris malnoblajxon en Izrael, kusxinte kun la filino de Jakob, kio ne devis esti farata.

Silloin tulivat Jakobin pojat kedolta: ja koska he sen kuulivat, tulivat miehet surulliseksi, ja vihastuivat sangen kovin; että hän oli tehnyt tyhmyyden Israelissa, maaten Jakobin tyttären: sillä ei ollut se oikein tehty.

Genèse 34:7
Et les fils de Jacob vinrent des champs lorsqu'ils apprirent ce qui était arrivé, et ces hommes furent affligés, et ils furent très-irrités, parce qu'on avait commis une infamie en Israël, en couchant avec la fille de Jacob, ce qui ne devait point se faire.

Et les fils de Jacob revenaient des champs, lorsqu'ils apprirent la chose; ces hommes furent irrités et se mirent dans une grande colère, parce que Sichem avait commis une infamie en Israël, en couchant avec la fille de Jacob, ce qui n'aurait pas dû se faire.

Et les fils de Jacob étant revenus des champs, et ayant appris [ce qui était arrivé], ils en eurent une grande douleur, et furent fort irrités de l'infamie que [Sichem] avait commise contre Israël, en couchant avec la fille de Jacob, ce qui ne se devait point faire.

1 Mose 34:7
Indes kamen die Söhne Jakobs vom Felde. Und da sie es höreten, verdroß es die Männer und wurden sehr zornig, daß er eine Narrheit an Israel begangen und Jakobs Tochter beschlafen hatte; denn so sollte es nicht sein.

Indes kamen die Söhne Jakobs vom Felde. Und da sie es hörten, verdroß es die Männer, und sie wurden sehr zornig, daß er eine Torheit an Israel begangen und bei Jakobs Tochter gelegen hatte, denn so sollte es nicht sein.

Als nun die Söhne Jakobs vom Weideplatz kamen und es hörten, da wurden sie erbittert und gerieten in großen Zorn. Denn damit, daß er die Tochter Jakobs beschlief, hatte er gethan, was als eine schwere Schandthat in Israel empfunden wurde; derartiges hätte nimmermehr geschehen sollen!

Genesi 34:7
E i figliuoli di Giacobbe, com’ebbero udito il fatto, tornarono dai campi; e questi uomini furono addolorati e fortemente adirati perché costui aveva commessa un’infamia in Israele, giacendosi con la figliuola di Giacobbe: cosa che non era da farsi.

E quando i figliuoli di Giacobbe ebbero inteso il fatto, se ne vennero da’ campi; e quegli uomini furono addolorati, e gravemente adirati, che colui avesse commessa villania in Israele, giacendosi con la figliuola di Giacobbe; il che non si conveniva fare.

Maka apabila datanglah anak-anak Yakub dari padang dan didengarnya hal itu, maka sakit hatilah mereka itu serta marahlah ia sangat, sebab Sikhem telah membuat suatu perkara bodoh dalam Israel, yaitu dipercabulnya anak Yakub, yang sekali-kali tiada patut diperbuatnya.

창세기 34:7
야곱의 아들들은 들에서 이를 듣고 돌아와서 사람 사람이 근심하고 심히 노하였으니 이는 세겜이 야곱의 딸을 강간하여 이스라엘에게 부끄러운 일 곧 행치 못할 일을 행하였음이더라

Genesis 34:7
ecce filii eius veniebant de agro auditoque quod acciderat irati sunt valde eo quod foedam rem esset operatus in Israhel et violata filia Iacob rem inlicitam perpetrasset

Pradþios knyga 34:7
Jokūbo sūnūs, tai išgirdę, parėjo iš laukų. Jie įsižeidė ir labai supyko, nes Sichemas padarė gėdą Izraeliui, gulėdamas su Jokūbo dukterimi, nors nederėjo taip daryti.

Genesis 34:7
Na ka haere mai nga tama a Hakopa i te parae, i to ratou rongonga; a ka matangerengere aua tangata, ka tino riri hoki, mo tana mahi wairangi i roto i a Iharaira, i a ia i takoto ra ki te tamahine a Hakopa; he mahi hoki kihai i tika.

1 Mosebok 34:7
Jakobs sønner kom hjem fra marken da de fikk høre om dette; og mennene gremmet sig og var harmfulle; for han* hadde gjort en skammelig gjerning mot Israel ved å ligge hos Jakobs datter. Slikt burde ikke skje.

Génesis 34:7
Y los hijos de Jacob regresaron del campo al oírlo. Y aquellos hombres se entristecieron y se irritaron en gran manera porque Siquem había cometido una infamia en Israel acostándose con la hija de Jacob, pues tal cosa no debe hacerse.

Y los hijos de Jacob regresaron del campo al oírlo. Y aquellos hombres estaban muy tristes e irritados en gran manera porque Siquem había cometido una terrible ofensa (infamia) en Israel acostándose con la hija de Jacob, pues tal cosa no debe hacerse.

Y los hijos de Jacob vinieron del campo cuando lo supieron; y se entristecieron los varones, y se llenaron de ira, porque hizo vileza en Israel acostándose con la hija de Jacob, lo que no se debía haber hecho.

Y los hijos de Jacob vinieron del campo cuando lo supieron; y se entristecieron los varones, y se ensañaron mucho, porque hizo vileza en Israel echándose con la hija de Jacob, lo que no se debía haber hecho.

Y los hijos de Jacob vinieron del campo cuando lo supieron; y se entristecieron los varones, y se ensañaron mucho, porque hizo vileza en Israel acostándose con la hija de Jacob, lo que no se debía haber hecho.

Gênesis 34:7
Quando os filhos de Jacó regressaram dos campos e ouvindo tudo o que ocorrera, indignaram-se e muito se iraram, porquanto Siquém havia praticado um ato de extrema vergonha contra Israel, desonrando a filha de Jacó – atitude absolutamente ultrajante.

Os filhos de Jacó, pois, vieram do campo logo que souberam do caso; e entristeceram-se e iraram-se muito, porque Siquém havia cometido uma insensatez em Israel, deitando-se com a filha de Jacó, coisa que não se devia fazer.   

Geneza 34:7
Dar cînd s'au întors fiii lui Iacov dela păşune, şi au auzit lucrul acesta, s'au supărat şi s'au mîniat foarte tare; pentrucă Sihem săvîrşise o mişelie în Israel, culcîndu-se cu fata lui Iacov: aşa ceva n'ar fi trebuit să se facă niciodată.

Бытие 34:7
Сыновья же Иакова пришли с поля, и когда услышали, то огорчились мужи те и воспылали гневом, потому что бесчестие сделал он Израилю, переспав с дочерью Иакова, а так не надлежало делать.

Сыновья же Иакова пришли с поля, и когда услышали, то огорчились мужи те и воспылали гневом, потому что бесчестие сделал он Израилю, переспав с дочерью Иакова, а так не надлежало делать.[]

1 Mosebok 34:7
Men när Jakobs söner kommo hem från marken, sedan de hade fått höra vad som hade hänt, blevo de förbittrade och vredgades högeligen över att han hade gjort vad som var en galenskap i Israel, i det han hade lägrat Jakobs dotter -- en otillbörlig gärning.

Genesis 34:7
At ang mga anak ni Jacob ay nagsiuwi mula sa parang nang kanilang mabalitaan: at nangagdamdam ang mga lalake, at nagningas ang kanilang galit, sapagka't gumawa ng kaululan sa Israel, na sinipingan ang anak ni Jacob; bagay na di nararapat gawin.

ปฐมกาล 34:7
เมื่อพวกบุตรชายของยาโคบได้ยินข่าวนั้นก็กลับมาจากนา ต่างก็โศกเศร้าและโกรธยิ่งนักเพราะเชเคมได้กระทำความโง่เขลาในพวกอิสราเอล โดยข่มขืนบุตรสาวของยาโคบ ซึ่งเป็นการไม่สมควร

Yaratılış 34:7
Yakupun oğulları olayı duyar duymaz kırdan döndüler. Üzüntülü ve çok öfkeliydiler. Çünkü Şekem Yakupun kızıyla yatarak İsrailin onurunu kırmıştı. Böyle bir şey olmamalıydı.[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 34:7
Các con trai Gia-cốp ở ngoài đồng trở về, vừa hay được việc ấy, bèn nổi nóng và giận lắm, vì việc ô danh mà Si-chem đã xui cho họ Y-sơ-ra-ên, nằm cùng con gái của Gia-cốp, là việc chẳng bao giờ nên làm.

Genesis 34:6
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