Genesis 31:29
Genesis 31:29
I have the power to harm you; but last night the God of your father said to me, 'Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.'

I could destroy you, but the God of your father appeared to me last night and warned me, 'Leave Jacob alone!'

It is in my power to do you harm. But the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, ‘Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.’

"It is in my power to do you harm, but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, 'Be careful not to speak either good or bad to Jacob.'

It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

I could do you great harm, but last night the God of your father said to me: 'Watch yourself. Don't say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.'

It's actually in my power to do some serious evil to you, but last night the God of your father told me, 'Be careful what you say to Jacob whether good or evil.'

I have the power to do you harm, but the God of your father told me last night, 'Be careful that you neither bless nor curse Jacob.'

I have the power to harm you. Last night the God of your father said to me, 'Be careful not to say anything at all to Jacob.'

It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt, but the God of your father spoke unto me last night, saying, Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spoke unto me last night, saying, Take heed that you speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, Take you heed that you speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take heed to thyself that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

It is in my power to return thee evil: but the God of your father said to me yesterday: Take heed thou speak not any things harshly against Jacob.

It would be in the power of my hand to do you hurt; but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, Take care that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take heed to thyself that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spoke to me yesternight, saying, Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

It is in the power of my hand to hurt you, but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, 'Take heed to yourself that you don't speak to Jacob either good or bad.'

my hand is to God to do evil with you, but the God of your father yesternight hath spoken unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good unto evil.

Zanafilla 31:29
Tani unë kam në dorë t'ju bëj keq, por Perëndia i atit tënd më foli natën e kaluar, duke thënë: "Ruhu, mos t'i flasësh Jakobit as për mirë apo për keq".

ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 31:29
في قدرة يدي ان اصنع بكم شرا. ولكن اله ابيكم كلمني البارحة قائلا احترز من ان تكلم يعقوب بخير او شر.

De Bschaffung 31:29
I haet schoon d Macht dyrzue, däß i enk öbbs antue, aber dyr Got von enkern Vatern haat myr göstern bei dyr Nacht gsait, i sollet mi hüettn, dir aau blooß ayn Bissleyn öbbs vürzschmeissn.

Битие 31:29
Ръката ми е доволно силна да ви напакости; но Бог на баща ви ми говори нощес, казвайки: Внимавай да не речеш на Якова ни зло, ни добро.

創 世 記 31:29
我 手 中 原 有 能 力 害 你 , 只 是 你 父 親 的   神 昨 夜 對 我 說 : 你 要 小 心 , 不 可 與 雅 各 說 好 說 歹 。

我 手 中 原 有 能 力 害 你 , 只 是 你 父 亲 的   神 昨 夜 对 我 说 : 你 要 小 心 , 不 可 与 雅 各 说 好 说 歹 。



Genesis 31:29
U mojoj je ruci da s tobom loše postupim. Ali Bog tvoga oca noćas mi reče: 'Pazi da protiv Jakova ne poduzmeš ništa, ni dobro ni zlo!'

Genesis 31:29
Mělť bych dosti s to moci, abych vám zle učinil, ale Bůh otce vašeho mluvil mi noci pominulé, řka: Hleď, abys nemluvil s Jákobem nic jináč, než přátelsky.

1 Mosebog 31:29
Det stod nu i min Magt at handle ilde med dig; men din Faders Gud sagde til mig i Nat: Vogt dig vel for at sige saa meget som et ondt Ord til Jakob!

Genesis 31:29
Het ware in de macht mijner hand aan ulieden kwaad te doen; maar de God van ulieder vader heeft tot mij gisteren nacht gesproken, zeggende: Wacht u, van met Jakob te spreken, of goed, of kwaad.

בראשית 31:29
יֶשׁ־לְאֵ֣ל יָדִ֔י לַעֲשֹׂ֥ות עִמָּכֶ֖ם רָ֑ע וֵֽאלֹהֵ֨י אֲבִיכֶ֜ם אֶ֣מֶשׁ ׀ אָמַ֧ר אֵלַ֣י לֵאמֹ֗ר הִשָּׁ֧מֶר לְךָ֛ מִדַּבֵּ֥ר עִֽם־יַעֲקֹ֖ב מִטֹּ֥וב עַד־רָֽע׃

כט יש לאל ידי לעשות עמכם רע ואלהי אביכם אמש אמר אלי לאמר השמר לך מדבר עם יעקב--מטוב עד רע

יש־לאל ידי לעשות עמכם רע ואלהי אביכם אמש ׀ אמר אלי לאמר השמר לך מדבר עם־יעקב מטוב עד־רע׃

1 Mózes 31:29
Volna erõm hozzá, hogy rosszat tegyek veletek, de a ti atyátok Istene tegnap éjszaka megszólíta engem, ezt mondván: Vigyázz magadra, Jákóbnak se jót, se rosszat ne szólj.

Moseo 1: Genezo 31:29
Mi havas forton en mia mano, por fari al vi malbonon; sed la Dio de via patro hieraux diris al mi jene: Gardu vin, ke vi ne parolu kun Jakob bone aux malbone.

Ja minulla olis kyllä voimaa tehdä teille pahaa, mutta teidän isänne Jumala sanoi menneenä yönä minulle: kavahda itses puhumasta Jakobille hyvää eli pahaa.

Genèse 31:29
J'ai en ma main le pouvoir de vous faire du mal; mais le Dieu de votre père m'a parlé la nuit passée, disant: Garde-toi de parler à Jacob, ni en bien, ni en mal.

Ma main est assez forte pour vous faire du mal; mais le Dieu de votre père m'a dit hier: Garde-toi de parler à Jacob ni en bien ni en mal!

J'ai en main le pouvoir de vous faire du mal, mais le Dieu de votre père m'a parlé la nuit passée, et m'a dit : Prends garde de ne rien dire à Jacob en bien ni en mal.

1 Mose 31:29
Und ich hätte mit Gottes Hilfe wohl so viel Macht, daß ich euch könnte Übels tun; aber eures Vaters Gott hat gestern zu mir gesagt: Hüte dich, daß du mit Jakob nicht anders denn freundlich redest!

Und ich hätte wohl so viel Macht, daß ich euch könnte Übles tun; aber eures Vaters Gott hat gestern zu mir gesagt: Hüte dich, daß du mit Jakob nicht anders als freundlich redest. {~}

Ich hätte es wohl in der Gewalt, schlimm mit euch zu verfahren; aber der Gott deines Vaters hat in der vergangenen Nacht zu mir gesagt: Hüte dich, Jakob ein böses Wort zu sagen!

Genesi 31:29
Ora è in poter mio di farvi del male; ma l’Iddio del padre vostro mi parlò la notte scorsa, dicendo: Guardati dal parlare a Giacobbe, né in bene né in male.

E’ sarebbe in mio potere di farvi del male; ma l’Iddio del padre vostro mi parlò la notte passata, dicendo: Guardati che tu non venga a parole con Giacobbe, nè in bene, nè in male.

Adalah juga kuasa pada tanganku akan berbuat jahat kepadamu, tetapi malam tadi Allah bapamu telah berfirman kepadaku, firman-Nya: Ingat baik-baik; jangan engkau berkata-kata dengan Yakub atau baik atau jahat.

창세기 31:29
너를 해할만한 능력이 내 손에 있으나 너희 아버지의 하나님이 어제밤에 내게 말씀하시기를 너는 삼가 야곱에게 선악간 말하지 말라 하셨느니라

Genesis 31:29
valet quidem manus mea reddere tibi malum sed Deus patris vestri heri dixit mihi cave ne loquaris cum Iacob quicquam durius

Pradþios knyga 31:29
Aš galėčiau tau pakenkti, bet tavo tėvo Dievas sapne pasakė man: ‘Saugokis, nekalbėk su Jokūbu šiurkščiai’.

Genesis 31:29
He kaha kei toku ringa hei whakatupu kino i a koutou: otiia kua korero mai te Atua o to koutou papa ki ahau inapo, kua mea mai, Kia tupato kei korero atu koe, ahakoa pai, ahakoa kino, ki a Hakopa.

1 Mosebok 31:29
Jeg har det i min makt å gjøre ondt mot eder; men eders fars Gud sa til mig inatt: Vokt dig og si ikke noget til Jakob, hverken godt eller ondt!

Génesis 31:29
Tengo poder para hacerte daño, pero anoche el Dios de tu padre me habló, diciendo: ``Guárdate de hablar nada con Jacob ni bueno ni malo.

"Tengo poder para hacerte daño, pero anoche el Dios de tu padre me dijo: 'De ningún modo hables a Jacob ni bien ni mal.'

Poder hay en mi mano para haceros mal; mas el Dios de vuestro padre me habló anoche diciendo: Guárdate que no hables a Jacob descomedidamente.

Poder hay en mi mano para haceros mal: mas el Dios de vuestro padre me habló anoche diciendo: Guárdate que no hables á Jacob descomedidamente.

Poder hay en mi mano para haceros mal; mas el Dios de vuestro padre me habló anoche diciendo: Guárdate que no digas a Jacob ni bueno ni malo.

Gênesis 31:29
Agora, portanto, poderia causar-te sérios danos; entretanto, na noite passada, o Deus de teu pai, me preveniu com estas palavras: ‘Guarda-te, não digas nada a Jacó, não lhe faças qualquer promessa nem ameaça!’

Está no poder da minha mão fazer-vos o mal, mas o Deus de vosso pai falou-me ontem à noite, dizendo: Guarda-te, que não fales a Jacó nem bem nem mal.   

Geneza 31:29
Mîna mea este destul de tare ca să vă fac rău; dar Dumnezeul tatălui vostru mi -a zis în noaptea trecută: ,,Fereşte-te să spui o vorbă rea lui Iacov!``

Бытие 31:29
Есть в руке моей сила сделать вам зло; но Бог отца вашего вчера говорил ко мне и сказал: берегись, не говори Иакову ни хорошего, ни худого.

Есть в руке моей сила сделать вам зло; но Бог отца вашего вчера говорил ко мне и сказал: берегись, не говори Иакову ни хорошего, ни худого.[]

1 Mosebok 31:29
Det stode nu i min makt att göra eder ont; men eder faders Gud sade till mig i natt: 'Tag dig till vara för att tala något mot Jakob, vad det vara må.'

Genesis 31:29
Nasa kapangyarihan ng aking kamay ang gawan ko kayo ng masama: nguni't ang Dios ng inyong ama ay kinausap ako kagabi, na sinasabi, Ingatan mong huwag kang magsalita kay Jacob ng mabuti o masama man.

ปฐมกาล 31:29
เรามีกำลังพอที่จะทำอันตรายแก่เจ้าได้ แต่ในเวลากลางคืนวานนี้พระเจ้าแห่งบิดาเจ้ามาตรัสห้ามเราไว้ว่า `จงระวังตัว อย่าพูดดีหรือร้ายแก่ยาโคบเลย'

Yaratılış 31:29
Size kötülük yapacak güçteyim, ama babanın Tanrısı dün gece bana, ‹Dikkatli ol!› dedi, ‹Yakupa ne iyi, ne kötü hiçbir şey söyleme.›[]

Saùng-theá Kyù 31:29
Tay cậu có đủ quyền làm hại cháu; nhưng Ðức Chúa Trời của cha cháu đã mách bảo cùng cậu tối hôm qua rằng: Dầu lành dầu dữ, ngươi khá giữ mình đừng nói chi cùng Gia-cốp hết.

Genesis 31:28
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