Ezra 6:9
Ezra 6:9
Whatever is needed--young bulls, rams, male lambs for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, and wheat, salt, wine and olive oil, as requested by the priests in Jerusalem--must be given them daily without fail,

"Give the priests in Jerusalem whatever is needed in the way of young bulls, rams, and male lambs for the burnt offerings presented to the God of heaven. And without fail, provide them with as much wheat, salt, wine, and olive oil as they need each day.

And whatever is needed—bulls, rams, or sheep for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, or oil, as the priests at Jerusalem require—let that be given to them day by day without fail,

"Whatever is needed, both young bulls, rams, and lambs for a burnt offering to the God of heaven, and wheat, salt, wine and anointing oil, as the priests in Jerusalem request, it is to be given to them daily without fail,

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the appointment of the priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail:

Whatever is needed--young bulls, rams, and lambs for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, or wheat, salt, wine, and oil, as requested by the priests in Jerusalem--let it be given to them every day without fail,

And be sure that you don't fail to provide their daily needs—including young bulls, rams, and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of Heaven, along with wheat, salt, wine, and oil, as the priests in Jerusalem tell you—

Whatever is needed--whether oxen or rams or lambs or burnt offerings for the God of heaven or wheat or salt or wine or oil, as required by the priests who are in Jerusalem--must be given to them daily without any neglect,

Also, whatever the priests in Jerusalem need for burnt offerings to the God of heaven-young bulls, rams, lambs, wheat, salt, wine, and olive oil-should be provided for them each day. Make sure that nothing is omitted.

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks and rams and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the word of the priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day that they not cease:

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the requirement of the priests who are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail:

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the appointment of the priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail:

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for burnt-offerings to the God of heaven; also wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the word of the priests that are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail;

And if it shall be necessary, let calves also, and lambs, and kids, for holocausts to the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the custom of the priests that are in Jerusalem, be given them day by day, that there be no complaint in any thing.

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks and rams and lambs, for the burnt-offerings to the God of the heavens, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the appointment of the priests that are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail;

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the word of the priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail:

And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt-offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the appointment of the priests who are at Jerusalem, let it be given to them day by day without fail:

That which they have need of, both young bulls, and rams, and lambs, for burnt offerings to the God of heaven; [also] wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the word of the priests who are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail;

and what they are needing -- both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs for burnt-offerings to the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil according to the saying of the priests who are in Jerusalem -- let be given to them day by day without fail,

Esdra 6:9
Gjërat e nevojshme për olokaustet e Perëndisë së qiellit: demat, deshtë, qengjat, bashkë me grurin, kripën, verën, vajin, duhet të dorëzohen çdo ditë, pa mosplotësuar kurrë kërkesat e priftërinjve që janë në Jeruzalem,

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 6:9
وما يحتاجون اليه من الثيران والكباش والخراف محرقة لاله السماء وحنطة وملح وخمر وزيت حسب قول الكهنة الذين في اورشليم لتعط لهم يوما فيوما حتى لا يهدأوا

Dyr Esren 6:9
Aane Saaumsal sollt ien aau töglich glifert werdn, was s laut de Ruslhamer Priester Stiern, Wider und Lämpln als Brandopfer für n Himmlgot brauchend, und aau Waitz und Salz und Wein und Öl,

Ездра 6:9
И каквото би им потрябвало, било телци, овни, или агнета, за всеизгарянията на небесния Бог, [тоже] жито, сол, вино, или дървено масло, според искането на свещениците, които са в Ерусалим, нека им се дават всеки ден непременно,

以 斯 拉 記 6:9
他 們 與 天 上 的 神 獻 燔 祭 所 需 用 的 公 牛 犢 、 公 綿 羊 、 綿 羊 羔 , 並 所 用 的 麥 子 、 鹽 、 酒 、 油 , 都 要 照 耶 路 撒 冷 祭 司 的 話 , 每 日 供 給 他 們 , 不 得 有 誤 ;

他 们 与 天 上 的 神 献 燔 祭 所 需 用 的 公 牛 犊 、 公 绵 羊 、 绵 羊 羔 , 并 所 用 的 麦 子 、 盐 、 酒 、 油 , 都 要 照 耶 路 撒 冷 祭 司 的 话 , 每 日 供 给 他 们 , 不 得 有 误 ;



Ezra 6:9
i što im bude trebalo za žrtve paljenice Bogu neba: junaca, ovnova i jaganjaca, i pšenice, soli, vina i ulja, neka im se redovito daje svakoga dana, prema uputama svećenika u Jeruzalemu.

Ezdrášova 6:9
A to, čehož by bylo potřebí, buď volků aneb skopců i beránků k zápalným obětem Boha nebeského, obilé, soli, vína i oleje, jakž by rozkázali kněží Jeruzalémští, nechť se jim dává na každý den, a to beze všeho podvodu,

Ezra 6:9
og hvad der ellers er Brug for: Tyre, Vædre og Lam til Brændofre for Himmelens Gud, Hvede, Salt, Vin og Olie, det skal efter Opgivende af Præsterne i Jerusalem udleveres dem Dag for Dag uden Afkortning,

Ezra 6:9
En wat nodig is, als jonge runderen, en rammen, en lammeren, tot brandofferen aan den God des hemels, tarwe, zout, wijn en olie, naar het zeggen der priesteren, die te Jeruzalem zijn, dat het hun dag bij dag gegeven worde, dat er geen feil zij;

עזרא 6:9
וּמָ֣ה חַשְׁחָ֡ן וּבְנֵ֣י תֹורִ֣ין וְדִכְרִ֣ין וְאִמְּרִ֣ין ׀ לַעֲלָוָ֣ן ׀ לֶאֱלָ֪הּ שְׁמַיָּ֟א חִנְטִ֞ין מְלַ֣ח ׀ חֲמַ֣ר וּמְשַׁ֗ח כְּמֵאמַ֨ר כָּהֲנַיָּ֤א דִי־בִירֽוּשְׁלֶם֙ לֶהֱוֵ֨א מִתְיְהֵ֥ב לְהֹ֛ם יֹ֥ום ׀ בְּיֹ֖ום דִּי־לָ֥א שָׁלֽוּ׃

ט ומה חשחן ובני תורין ודכרין ואמרין לעלון לאלה שמיא חנטין מלח חמר ומשח כמאמר כהניא די בירושלם להוא מתיהב להם יום ביום--די לא שלו

ומה חשחן ובני תורין ודכרין ואמרין ׀ לעלון ׀ לאלה שמיא חנטין מלח ׀ חמר ומשח כמאמר כהניא די־בירושלם להוא מתיהב להם יום ׀ ביום די־לא שלו׃

Ezsdrás 6:9
És a mik szükségesek, tulkok, kosok, bárányok, égõáldozatra a menny Istenének, búza, só, bor, és olaj, a jeruzsálemi papok szava szerint adassanak nékik naponként és pedig mulasztás nélkül,

Ezra 6:9
Kaj tiom estos necese da bovoj, sxafoj, aux sxafidoj por bruloferoj por Dio de la cxielo, da tritiko, salo, vino, oleo, kiel diros la pastroj en Jerusalem, oni donadu al ili cxiutage sen halto,

ESRA 6:9
Ja mitä tarvitaan mullia, ja oinaita, ja karitsoita uhriksi taivaan Jumalalle, nisuja, suoloja, viinaa ja öljyä, Jerusalemin pappein tavan jälkeen, niin pitää heille annettaman joka päivä ilman yhdettäkään erehdyksetä.

Esdras 6:9
et que ce qui leur est nécessaire, jeunes taureaux, et béliers, et agneaux, pour les holocaustes au Dieu des cieux, froment, sel, vin, et huile, selon l'ordre des sacrificateurs qui sont à Jérusalem, leur soit donné, jour par jour, sans manquer,

Les choses nécessaires pour les holocaustes du Dieu des cieux, jeunes taureaux, béliers et agneaux, froment, sel, vin et huile, seront livrées, sur leur demande, aux sacrificateurs de Jérusalem, jour par jour et sans manquer,

Et quant à ce qui sera nécessaire, soit veaux, soit moutons, ou agneaux pour les holocaustes [qu'il faut faire] au Dieu des cieux, soit blé, ou sel, ou vin et huile, ainsi que le diront les Sacrificateurs qui [sont] à Jérusalem, qu'on le leur donne chaque jour, sans y manquer.

Esra 6:9
Und ob sie bedürften Kälber, Lämmer oder Böcke zum Brandopfer dem Gott vom Himmel, Weizen, Salz, Wein und Öl nach der Weise der Priester zu Jerusalem, soll man ihnen geben täglich ihre Gebühr (und daß solches nicht hinlässig geschehe!),

und wenn sie bedürfen junge Farren, Widder oder Lämmer zum Brandopfer dem Gott des Himmels, Weizen, Salz, Wein und Öl, nach dem Wort der Priester zu Jerusalem soll man ihnen geben jeglichen Tag seine Gebühr, und daß solches nicht lässig geschehe! -,

Und was man nötig hat, sowohl junge Stiere als auch Widder und Lämmer zu Brandopfern für den Gott des Himmels, Weizen, Salz, Wein und Öl, soll ihnen nach der Angabe der Priester zu Jerusalem Tag für Tag ungeschmälert gegeben werden,

Esdra 6:9
E le cose necessarie per gli olocausti all’Iddio dei cieli: vitelli, montoni, agnelli; e frumento, sale, vino, olio, siano forniti ai sacerdoti di Gerusalemme a loro richiesta, giorno per giorno e senza fallo,

e che sia loro dato giorno per giorno, senza alcun fallo, ciò che sarà necessario: buoi, e montoni, ed agnelli, per fare olocausti all’Iddio del cielo; e grano, sale, vino, ed olio, secondo che diranno i sacerdoti che sono in Gerusalemme.

EZRA 6:9
Dan barang yang lagi ia berhajat itu, seperti lembu muda dan domba jantan dan anak domba akan korban bakaran bagi Allah, Tuhannya segala langit, dan lagi gandum, garam dan air anggur dan minyak, seturut kata segala imam yang di Yeruzalem itu, hendaklah diberikan kepadanya pada tiap-tiap hari dengan tiada bersalahan.

에스라 6:9
또 그 수용물 곧 하늘의 하나님께 드릴 번제의 수송아지와, 수양과, 어린 양과, 또 밀과, 소금과, 포도주와, 기름을 예루살렘 제사장의 소청대로 영락없이 날마다 주어

Esdrae 6:9
quod si necesse fuerit et vitulos et agnos et hedos in holocaustum Deo caeli frumentum sal vinum et oleum secundum ritum sacerdotum qui sunt in Hierusalem detur eis per dies singulos ne sit in aliquo querimonia

Ezdro knyga 6:9
Ko tik reikia dangaus Dievui deginamosioms aukoms: jaučių, avinų, ėriukų, kviečių, druskos, vyno ir aliejaus, kaip pasakys Jeruzalėje esą kunigai, privalote jiems kasdien nedelsiant suteikti,

Ezra 6:9
Na, ko nga mea e kore ana i a ratou, nga kuao puru, nga hipi toa, nga reme hei tahunga tinana ma te Atua o te rangi, te witi, te tote, te waina, te hinu, nga mea e whakaritea e nga tohunga i Hiruharama, kei mahue te hoatu ki a ratou i tena ra, i tena ra;

Esras 6:9
Og hvad som trenges, både kalver og værer og lam til brennoffer for himmelens Gud, hvete, salt, vin og olje, det skal efter opgivende av prestene i Jerusalem gis dem dag for dag uten avkortning,

Esdras 6:9
Y todo lo que se necesite: novillos, carneros y corderos para holocausto al Dios del cielo, y trigo, sal, vino y aceite de unción, según lo pidan los sacerdotes que están en Jerusalén, se les dará día por día sin falta,

"Y todo lo que se necesite: novillos, carneros y corderos para holocausto al Dios del cielo, y trigo, sal, vino y aceite de unción, según lo pidan los sacerdotes que están en Jerusalén, se les dará día por día sin falta,

Y lo que fuere necesario, becerros y carneros y corderos, para holocaustos al Dios del cielo, trigo, sal, vino y aceite, conforme a lo que dijeren los sacerdotes que están en Jerusalén, les sea dado cada día, sin falta;

Y lo que fuere necesario, becerros y carneros y corderos, para holucaustos al Dios del cielo, trigo, sal, vino y aceite, conforme á lo que dijeren los sacerdotes que están en Jerusalem, déseles cada un día sin obstáculo alguno;

Y lo que fuere necesario, becerros y carneros y corderos, para holocaustos al Dios del cielo, trigo, sal, vino y aceite, conforme a lo que dijeren los sacerdotes que están en Jerusalén, déseles cada día sin obstáculo alguno;

Esdras 6:9
E mais, entregai aos sacerdotes de Jerusalém todos os dias, sem falta, tudo o que eles disserem que precisam: novilhos, carneiros e cordeiros para holocaustos oferecidos ao Deus do céu, bem como trigo, sal, vinho e azeite.

Igualmente o que for necessário, como novilhos, carneiros e cordeiros, para holocaustos ao Deus do céu; também trigo, sal, vinho e azeite, segundo a palavra dos sacerdotes que estão em Jerusalém, dê-se-lhes isso de dia em dia sem falta;   

Ezra 6:9
Lucrurile trebuincioase pentru arderile de tot ale Dumnezeului cerurilor, viţei, berbeci şi miei, grîu, sare, vin şi untdelemn, să li se dea, la cerere, preoţilor din Ierusalim, zi de zi, şi fără nicio lipsă,

Ездра 6:9
и сколько нужно – тельцов ли, или овнов и агнцев, на всесожженияБогу небесному, также пшеницы, соли, вина и масла, как скажут священники Иерусалимские, пусть будет выдаваемо им изо дня в день без задержки,

и сколько нужно--тельцов ли, или овнов и агнцев, на всесожжения Богу небесному, также пшеницы, соли, вина и масла, как скажут священники Иерусалимские, пусть будет выдаваемо им изо дня в день без задержки,[]

Esra 6:9
Och vad de behöva, ungtjurar, vädurar och lamm till brännoffer åt himmelens Gud, så och vete, salt, vin och olja, det skall, efter uppgift av prästerna i Jerusalem, utgivas åt dem dag för dag utan någon försummelse,

Ezra 6:9
At ang kanilang kakailanganin, mga guyang toro, at gayon din ang mga tupa, at mga kordero, na ukol sa mga handog na susunugin para sa Dios ng langit; trigo, asin, alak, at langis, ayon sa salita ng mga saserdote na nangasa Jerusalem, ibigay sa kanila araw-araw na walang pagsala.

เอสรา 6:9
และสิ่งใดๆที่เขาต้องการ เช่น วัวหนุ่ม แกะผู้ หรือแกะสำหรับเครื่องเผาบูชาถวายแด่พระเจ้าแห่งฟ้าสวรรค์ ทั้งข้าวสาลี เกลือ น้ำองุ่น หรือน้ำมัน ตามที่ปุโรหิตเยรูซาเล็มกำหนดไว้ ให้มอบแก่เขาเป็นวันๆไปอย่าได้ขาด

Ezra 6:9
Yeruşalimdeki kâhinlerin bütün gereksinimlerini hiç aksatmadan her gün vereceksiniz: Göklerin Tanrısına sunulacak yakmalık sunular için genç boğalar, koçlar, kuzular ve buğday, tuz, şarap, zeytinyağı.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 6:9
Phàm vật chi cần kíp, hoặc bò tơ đực, chiên đực hay là chiên con, để dùng làm của lễ thiêu dâng cho Ðức Chúa Trời trên trời; hoặc lúa mì, muối, rượu, hay là dầu, theo lời của những thầy tế lễ ở tại Giê-ru-sa-lem, khá giao cho họ mỗi ngày, chớ thiếu,

Ezra 6:8
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