Ezra 6:8
Ezra 6:8
Moreover, I hereby decree what you are to do for these elders of the Jews in the construction of this house of God: Their expenses are to be fully paid out of the royal treasury, from the revenues of Trans-Euphrates, so that the work will not stop.

"Moreover, I hereby decree that you are to help these elders of the Jews as they rebuild this Temple of God. You must pay the full construction costs, without delay, from my taxes collected in the province west of the Euphrates River so that the work will not be interrupted.

Moreover, I make a decree regarding what you shall do for these elders of the Jews for the rebuilding of this house of God. The cost is to be paid to these men in full and without delay from the royal revenue, the tribute of the province from Beyond the River.

"Moreover, I issue a decree concerning what you are to do for these elders of Judah in the rebuilding of this house of God: the full cost is to be paid to these people from the royal treasury out of the taxes of the provinces beyond the River, and that without delay.

Moreover I make a decree what ye shall do to the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, forthwith expences be given unto these men, that they be not hindered.

I hereby issue a decree concerning what you must do, so that the elders of the Jews can rebuild the house of God: The cost is to be paid in full to these men out of the royal revenues from the taxes of the region west of the Euphrates River, so that the work will not stop.

Furthermore, I hereby decree what you are to do for the Jewish leaders who are building this Temple of God: you are to pay the expenses of these men out of the king's assets from taxes collected beyond the River so that they are not hindered.

"I also hereby issue orders as to what you are to do with those elders of the Jews in order to rebuild this temple of God. From the royal treasury, from the taxes of Trans-Euphrates the complete costs are to be given to these men, so that there may be no interruption of the work.

I am issuing this decree about how you must help the Jewish leaders rebuild God's temple: The cost [for this] should be paid out of the king's own money from the taxes [on the province] west of the Euphrates. Full payment should be made to these men so that the work is not interrupted.

And by me is given the commandment regarding what ye shall do with the elders of these Jews, to build this house of God: that of the king's goods, of the tribute from the other side of the river, the expenses be given unto these men, that they not cease.

Moreover I make a decree of what you shall do for the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, without delay expenses be given unto these men, that they be not hindered.

Moreover I make a decree what you shall do to the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, immediately expenses be given to these men, that they be not hindered.

Moreover I make a decree what ye shall do to these elders of the Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the River, expenses be given with all diligence unto these men, that they be not hindered.

I also have commanded what must be done by those ancients of the Jews, that the house of God may be built, to wit, that of the king's chest, that is, of the tribute that is paid out of the country beyond the river, the charges be diligently given to those men, lest the work be hindered.

Moreover, I give orders what ye shall do to these elders of the Jews, for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, of the tribute beyond the river, expenses be diligently given to these men, that they be not hindered.

Moreover I make a decree what ye shall do to these elders of the Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, expenses be given with all diligence unto these men, that they be not hindered.

Moreover, I make a decree what ye shall do to the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, forthwith expenses be given to these men, that they be not hindered.

Moreover I make a decree what you shall do to these elders of the Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the River, expenses be given with all diligence to these men, that they be not hindered.

And by me is made a decree concerning that which ye do with the elders of these Jews to build this house of God, that of the riches of the king, that are of the tribute beyond the river, speedily let the outlay be given to these men, that they cease not;

Esdra 6:8
Përveç kësaj po lëshoj një urdhër për atë që duhet të bëni për pleqtë e Judejve në rindërtimin e kësaj shtëpie të Perëndisë; këtyre njerëzve t'u paguhen tërë shpenzimet nga të ardhurat e mbretit që vijnë nga taksat e mbledhura matanë Lumit, me qëllim që punimet të mos ndërpriten.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 6:8
وقد صدر مني أمر بما تعملون مع شيوخ اليهود هؤلاء في بناء بيت الله هذا. فمن مال الملك من جزية عبر النهر تعط النفقة عاجلا لهؤلاء الرجال حتى لا يبطلوا.

Dyr Esren 6:8
I schaf enk aau an, wieß d Judauer Dietwärt bei n Bau von dönn Templ unterstützn solltß. Aus de Steuern für n Künig aus Wöstereuffret sollnd die Leut umgeehet ienerne Auslaagn zalt kriegn, däß s nit aufghaltn seind.

Ездра 6:8
При туй, относно онова, що трябва да направите за тия старейшини на юдеите, за построяването на тоя Божий дом, издавам указ да се дадат незабавно от царския имот, от данъка на [жителите] отвъд реката, разноските на тия човеци, за да не бъдат възпрепятствувани.

以 斯 拉 記 6:8
我 又 降 旨 , 吩 咐 你 們 向 猶 大 人 的 長 老 為 建 造 神 的 殿 當 怎 樣 行 , 就 是 從 河 西 的 款 項 中 , 急 速 撥 取 貢 銀 作 他 們 的 經 費 , 免 得 耽 誤 工 作 。

我 又 降 旨 , 吩 咐 你 们 向 犹 大 人 的 长 老 为 建 造 神 的 殿 当 怎 样 行 , 就 是 从 河 西 的 款 项 中 , 急 速 拨 取 贡 银 作 他 们 的 经 费 , 免 得 耽 误 工 作 。



Ezra 6:8
Evo mojih naredaba o vašem držanju prema starješinama judejskim kako bi se ponovo sagradio taj Dom Božji: od kraljevskog blaga - to jest od danka s onu stranu Rijeke - neka se plaća onim ljudima brižljivo, bez prijekida,

Ezdrášova 6:8
Ode mne také poručeno jest o tom, co byste měli činiti s staršími Židovskými při stavení toho domu Božího, totiž, aby z zboží královského, z důchodů, jenž jsou za řekou, bez meškání náklad dáván byl mužům těm, aby dílo nemělo překážky.

Ezra 6:8
Og hermed giver jeg Paabud om, hvorledes I skal stille eder over for disse Jødernes Ældste med Hensyn til Opførelsen af dette Gudshus: Af Kongens Skatteindtægter fra Landene hinsides Floden skal Omkostningerne nøjagtigt udredes til disse Mænd, og det ufortøvet;

Ezra 6:8
Ook wordt van mij bevel gegeven, wat gijlieden doen zult aan de oudsten dezer Joden, om dit huis Gods te bouwen; te weten, dat uit des konings goederen, van den cijns aan gene zijde der rivier, de onkosten dezen mannen spoediglijk gegeven worden, opdat men hen niet belette.

עזרא 6:8
וּמִנִּי֮ שִׂ֣ים טְעֵם֒ לְמָ֣א דִֽי־תַֽעַבְד֗וּן עִם־שָׂבֵ֤י יְהוּדָיֵא֙ אִלֵּ֔ךְ לְמִבְנֵ֖א בֵּית־אֱלָהָ֣א דֵ֑ךְ וּמִנִּכְסֵ֣י מַלְכָּ֗א דִּ֚י מִדַּת֙ עֲבַ֣ר נַהֲרָ֔ה אָסְפַּ֗רְנָא נִפְקְתָ֛א תֶּהֱוֵ֧א מִֽתְיַהֲבָ֛א לְגֻבְרַיָּ֥א אִלֵּ֖ךְ דִּי־לָ֥א לְבַטָּלָֽא׃

ח ומני שים טעם--למא די תעבדון עם שבי יהודיא אלך למבנא בית אלהא דך ומנכסי מלכא די מדת עבר נהרה אספרנא נפקתא תהוא מתיהבא לגבריא אלך די לא לבטלא

ומני שים טעם למא די־תעבדון עם־שבי יהודיא אלך למבנא בית־אלהא דך ומנכסי מלכא די מדת עבר נהרה אספרנא נפקתא תהוא מתיהבא לגבריא אלך די־לא לבטלא׃

Ezsdrás 6:8
És megparancsolom azt is, hogy mit cselekedjetek a zsidók ama véneivel, hogy megépítsék Isten ama házát; tudniillik a király folyóvizen túl való adójának kincseibõl pontosan költség adassék ama férfiaknak, és pedig félbeszakítás nélkül,

Ezra 6:8
Kaj de mi estas donata ordono pri tio, kio devas esti farata al la plejagxuloj de la Judoj por la konstruado de tiu domo:el la apartenajxo de la regxo, el la transriveraj impostoj oni tuj donu la elspezojn al tiuj homoj, por ke la laborado ne haltu.

ESRA 6:8
On myös käsketty minulta, mitä Juudan vanhimmille pitää annettaman, että he rakentaisivat tämän Jumalan huoneen, nimittäin: että sille väelle pitää juuri kiiruusti ylöspitämys annettaman kuninkaan verokalusta siltä puolelta virtaa, ja ei heitä estettämän.

Esdras 6:8
Et, de par moi, ordre est donné touchant ce que vous ferez à l'égard de ces anciens des Juifs pour la construction de cette maison de Dieu: Que, des biens du roi provenant du tribut de l'autre côté du fleuve, les dépenses soient promptement payées à ces hommes, pour qu'ils ne soient pas interrompus;

Voici l'ordre que je donne touchant ce que vous aurez à faire à l'égard de ces anciens des Juifs pour la construction de cette maison de Dieu: les frais, pris sur les biens du roi provenant des tributs de l'autre côté du fleuve, seront exactement payés à ces hommes, afin qu'il n'y ait pas d'interruption.

Et cet ordre est fait de ma part touchant ce que vous aurez à faire, avec les Anciens de ces Juifs pour rebâtir cette maison de Dieu, c'est que des finances du Roi qui reviennent des tailles de delà le fleuve, les frais soient incontinent fournis à ces gens-là, afin qu'on ne les fasse point chômer.

Esra 6:8
Auch ist von mir befohlen, was man den Ältesten Judas tun soll, zu bauen das Haus Gottes, nämlich, daß man aus des Königs Gütern von den Renten jenseit des Wassers mit Fleiß nehme und gebe es den Leuten, und daß man ihnen nicht wehre.

Auch ist von mir befohlen, was man den Ältesten der Juden tun soll, zu bauen das Haus Gottes; nämlich, daß man aus des Königs Gütern von den Renten jenseits des Wassers mit Fleiß nehme und gebe es den Leuten und daß man ihnen nicht wehre; {~} {~}

Und von mir ist Befehl ergangen in betreff dessen, was ihr diesen Vornehmen der Juden für den Bau dieses Tempels Gottes anweisen sollt. Und zwar sollen diesen Männern von den königlichen Einkünften aus den Steuern des Gebiets jenseits des Flusses die Kosten genau erstattet werden - ohne Versäumnis!

Esdra 6:8
E questo è l’ordine ch’io do relativamente al vostro modo di procedere verso quegli anziani de’ Giudei nella ricostruzione di quella casa di Dio: le spese, detratte dalle entrate del re provenienti dai tributi d’oltre il fiume, siano puntualmente pagate a quegli uomini, affinché i lavori non siano interrotti.

Ed intorno a ciò che voi avete a fare inverso cotesti Anziani de’ Giudei, per riedificar cotesta Casa di Dio, io ordino, che delle entrate del re, che si traggono da’ tributi di di là dal fiume, le spese sieno prontamente fornite a quelle genti; acciocchè non si facciano restare;

EZRA 6:8
Dan lagi titahku akan barang yang patut kamu perbuat kelak akan segala tua-tua orang Yahudi ini, supaya dibangunkannya pula bait-Ullah itu, yaitu dari pada harta baginda, dari pada bea yang di seberang sana sungai hendaklah diberikan dengan segera kepada orang-orang itu akan belanja, supaya jangan dirintangi akan mereka itu.

에스라 6:8
내가 또 조서를 내려서 하나님의 이 전을 건축함에 대하여 너희가 유다 사람의 장로들에게 행할 것을 알게 하노니 왕의 재산 곧 강 서편 세금 중에서 그 경비를 이 사람들에게 신속히 주어 저희로 지체치 않게 하라

Esdrae 6:8
sed et a me praeceptum est quid oporteat fieri a presbyteris Iudaeorum illis ut aedificetur domus Dei scilicet ut de arca regis id est de tributis quae dantur de regione trans Flumen studiose sumptus dentur viris illis ne inpediatur opus

Ezdro knyga 6:8
Be to, įsakau, kad jūs padengtumėte žydų vyresniesiems visas Dievo namų išlaidas iš karaliaus turtų, iš mokesčių, surenkamų anapus upės, kad jų darbas nebūtų trukdomas.

Ezra 6:8
Tenei ano tetahi tikanga aku mo ta koutou e mea ai ki aua kaumatua o nga Hurai, hei mea mo te hanganga o tenei whare o te Atua: kia hohoro te hoatu i etahi o nga taonga o te kingi, ara o te takoha i tera taha o te awa, ki ena tangata, hei utu mea, kei whakawarea ratou.

Esras 6:8
Og jeg har gitt befaling om hvorledes I skal gå frem mot disse jødenes eldste, så dette Guds hus kan bli bygget: Av de inntekter som kongen har av skatten fra landet hinsides elven, skal omkostningene nøiaktig utredes til disse menn, så arbeidet ikke skal bli hindret.

Esdras 6:8
Además, este es mi decreto en cuanto a lo que habéis de hacer por estos ancianos de Judá en la reedificación de esta casa de Dios: del tesoro real de los tributos del otro lado del río se han de pagar todos los gastos a este pueblo, y esto sin demora.

"Además, éste es mi decreto en cuanto a lo que han de hacer por estos ancianos de Judá en la reedificación de esta casa de Dios: del tesoro real de los tributos del otro lado del río se han de pagar todos los gastos a este pueblo, y esto sin demora.

Y por mí es dado mandamiento de lo que habéis de hacer con los ancianos de estos judíos, para edificar esta casa de Dios; que de la hacienda del rey, que tiene del tributo del otro lado del río, los gastos sean dados luego a aquellos varones, para que no cesen.

Y por mí es dado mandamiento de lo que habéis de hacer con los ancianos de estos Judíos, para edificar la casa de este Dios: que de la hacienda del rey, que tiene del tributo de la parte allá del río, los gastos sean dados luego á aquellos varones, para q

Y por mí es dado mandamiento de lo que habéis de hacer con los ancianos de estos judíos, para edificar esa Casa de Dios: que de la hacienda del rey, que tiene del tributo del otro lado del río, los gastos sean dados luego a aquellos varones, para que no cesen.

Esdras 6:8
De igual forma, por mim se decreta o que haveis de fazer a estes líderes dos judeus, a fim de que reconstruam este templo, a saber, que da tesouraria real, isto é, dos tributos provenientes da província do Eufrates-Oeste, se pague pontualmente toda a despesa destes homens, para que não haja qualquer paralisação no bom desenvolvimento da obra.

Além disso, por mim se decreta o que haveis de fazer para com esses anciãos dos judeus, para a edificação desta casa de Deus, a saber, que da fazenda do rei, dos tributos da província dalém do Rio, se pague prontamente a estes homens toda a despesa.   

Ezra 6:8
Iată porunca pe care o dau cu privire la ce veţi avea de făcut faţă de aceşti bătrîni ai Iudeilor, pentru zidirea acestei Case a lui Dumnezeu: cheltuielile, luate din averile împăratului venite din birurile de dincolo de Rîu, să fie plătite îndată oamenilor acestora, ca să nu înceteze lucrul.

Ездра 6:8
И от меня дается повеление о том, чем вы должны содействовать старейшинам тем Иудейским в построении того дома Божия, и именно : из имуществацарского – из заречной подати – немедленно берите и давайте тем людям, чтобы работа не останавливалась;

И от меня дается повеление о том, чем вы должны содействовать старейшинам тем Иудейским в построении того дома Божия, и [именно]: из имущества царского--[из] заречной подати--немедленно берите и давайте тем людям, чтобы работа не останавливалась;[]

Esra 6:8
Och härmed giver jag befallning om huru I skolen förfara med dessa judarnas äldste, när de bygga på detta Guds hus. Av de penningar som givas åt konungen i skatt från landet på andra sidan floden skall vad som fordras för omkostnaderna redligt utgivas åt dessa män, så att hinder icke uppstår i arbetet.

Ezra 6:8
Bukod dito'y gumagawa ako ng pasiya kung ano ang inyong gagawin sa mga matandang ito ng mga Judio sa pagtatayo ng bahay na ito ng Dios: na sa mga pag-aari ng hari, sa makatuwid baga'y sa buwis sa dako roon ng Ilog, ang mga magugugol ay ibigay ng buong sikap sa mga taong ito upang huwag mangagluwat.

เอสรา 6:8
ยิ่งกว่านั้นอีก เราออกกฤษฎีกาเกี่ยวกับสิ่งที่ท่านพึงกระทำเพื่อพวกผู้ใหญ่ของพวกยิวในการสร้างพระนิเวศของพระเจ้า ให้ชำระเงินค่าก่อสร้างแก่คนเหล่านี้เต็ม เพื่อพวกเขาไม่ถูกหยุดยั้ง เอาเงินจากราชทรัพย์ คือบรรณาการของมณฑลฟากแม่น้ำข้างโน้น

Ezra 6:8
Ayrıca Tanrının Tapınağının yeniden kurulması için Yahudi ileri gelenlerine neler yapmanız gerektiğini de size buyuruyorum: Bu adamların bütün giderleri kralın hazinesinden, Fıratın batı yakasındaki bölgeden toplanan vergilerden ödensin. Öyle ki, yapım işleri aksamasın.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 6:8
Nầy ta ra lịnh, truyền các ngươi phải làm gì đối với các trưởng lão dân Giu-đa, đặng giúp việc cất lại cái đền của Ðức Chúa Trời: Hãy lấy thuế khóa thâu ở bên kia sông, vội cấp phát các tiền chi phí cho những người đó, để công việc chẳng bị dứt chừng.

Ezra 6:7
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