Ezra 10:8
Ezra 10:8
Anyone who failed to appear within three days would forfeit all his property, in accordance with the decision of the officials and elders, and would himself be expelled from the assembly of the exiles.

Those who failed to come within three days would, if the leaders and elders so decided, forfeit all their property and be expelled from the assembly of the exiles.

and that if anyone did not come within three days, by order of the officials and the elders all his property should be forfeited, and he himself banned from the congregation of the exiles.

and that whoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the leaders and the elders, all his possessions should be forfeited and he himself excluded from the assembly of the exiles.

And that whosoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

Whoever did not come within three days would forfeit all his possessions, according to the decision of the leaders and elders, and would be excluded from the assembly of the exiles.

Whoever would not come within three days would forfeit his assets and be separated from the community of the returning exiles, just as the high officials and elders had advised.

Everyone who did not come within three days would thereby forfeit all his property, in keeping with the counsel of the officials and the elders. Furthermore, he himself would be excluded from the assembly of the exiles.

If any of them didn't come within three days as the leaders and the older men had advised, then they would lose all their property and be excluded from the community of former exiles.

and that whoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and of the elders, all his substance should be forfeited and himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

And that whosoever would not come within three days, according to the order of the leaders and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and he himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

And that whoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

and that whosoever came not within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and himself separated from the assembly of the captivity.

And that whosoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the ancients, all his substance should be taken away, and he should be cast out of the company of them that were returned from captivity.

and that whosoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be confiscated, and himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

and that whosoever came not within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and himself separated from the congregation of the captivity.

And that whoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

and that whoever didn't come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and himself separated from the assembly of the captivity.

and every one who cometh not in by the third day, according to the counsel of the heads and of the elders, all his substance is devoted, and himself separated from the assembly of the removal.

Esdra 10:8
në rast se dikush nuk do të vinte brenda tri ditëve sipas këshillës së krerëve dhe të pleqve, tërë pasuritë e tij do të konfiskoheshin dhe ai vetë do të përjashtohej nga asambleja e të kthyerve nga robëria.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 10:8
وكل من لا يأتي في ثلاثة ايام حسب مشورة الرؤساء والشيوخ يحرّم كل ماله وهو يفرز من جماعة اهل السبي

Dyr Esren 10:8
Ayn Ieder, wo nit in drei Täg kemmeb, hietnd d Vürsteeher und Dietwärt beschlossn, solleb mit n Einzug von n gantzn Bsiz und dyr Vermainsamung gstraafft werdn.

Ездра 10:8
и да бъде конфискуван целият имот на всеки, който не би дошъл в три дни според решението на началниците и старейшините, и сам той да бъде отлъчен от обществото на ония, които са били в плен.

以 斯 拉 記 10:8
凡 不 遵 首 領 和 長 老 所 議 定 、 三 日 之 內 不 來 的 , 就 必 抄 他 的 家 , 使 他 離 開 被 擄 歸 回 之 人 的 會 。

凡 不 遵 首 领 和 长 老 所 议 定 、 三 日 之 内 不 来 的 , 就 必 抄 他 的 家 , 使 他 离 开 被 掳 归 回 之 人 的 会 。



Ezra 10:8
a tko ne bude došao u Jeruzalem za tri dana, toga će pozvati glavari i starješine, bit će mu zaplijenjeno imanje i isključit će ga iz zbora povratnika.

Ezdrášova 10:8
Kdo by pak koli nepřišel ve třech dnech, podlé rady knížat a starších, aby všecken statek svůj propadl, a sám odloučen byl od shromáždění přestěhovaných.

Ezra 10:8
og enhver, som ikke indfandt sig Tredjedagen derefter ifølge Øversternes og de Ældstes Bestemmelse, al hans Ejendom skulde der lægges Band paa, og han selv skulde udelukkes fra deres Forsamling, der havde været i Landflygtighed.

Ezra 10:8
En al wie niet kwam in drie dagen, naar den raad der vorsten en der oudsten, al zijn have zou verbannen zijn; en hij zelf zou afgezonderd wezen van de gemeente der weggevoerden.

עזרא 10:8
וְכֹל֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר לֹֽא־יָבֹ֜וא לִשְׁלֹ֣שֶׁת הַיָּמִ֗ים כַּעֲצַ֤ת הַשָּׂרִים֙ וְהַזְּקֵנִ֔ים יָחֳרַ֖ם כָּל־רְכוּשֹׁ֑ו וְה֥וּא יִבָּדֵ֖ל מִקְּהַ֥ל הַגֹּולָֽה׃ ס

ח וכל אשר לא יבוא לשלשת הימים כעצת השרים והזקנים--יחרם כל רכושו והוא יבדל מקהל הגולה  {ס}

וכל אשר לא־יבוא לשלשת הימים כעצת השרים והזקנים יחרם כל־רכושו והוא יבדל מקהל הגולה׃ ס

Ezsdrás 10:8
Valaki pedig el nem jön harmadnapra, a fejedelmek és vének tanácsa szerint, adassék minden vagyona a templomnak, és õ maga vettessék ki a rabságból hazajötteknek gyülekezetébõl.

Ezra 10:8
kaj ke al cxiu, kiu ne venos tien post paso de tri tagoj, laux decido de la estroj kaj plejagxuloj estos anatemita lia tuta havo, kaj li estos ekskomunikita el la komunumo de la reenmigrintoj.

ESRA 10:8
Ja joka ei kolmena päivänä tullut päämiesten ja vanhimpain neuvon jälkeen, niin kaikki hänen tavaransa piti kirottu oleman, ja hän itse piti eroitettaman niiden joukosta, jotka vankina olivat olleet.

Esdras 10:8
et pour que quiconque ne viendrait pas dans les trois jours selon le conseil des chefs et des anciens tous ses biens fussent confisqués, et que lui-même fût séparé de la congrégation de ceux qui avaient été transportés.

et que, d'après l'avis des chefs et des anciens, quiconque ne s'y serait pas rendu dans trois jours aurait tous ses biens confisqués et serait lui-même exclu de l'assemblée des fils de la captivité.

Et que quiconque ne s'y rendrait pas dans trois jours, selon l'avis des principaux et des Anciens, tout son bien serait mis à l'interdit, et que pour lui, il serait séparé de l'assemblée de ceux de la captivité.

Esra 10:8
Und welcher nicht käme in dreien Tagen nach dem Rat der Obersten und Ältesten, des Habe sollte alle verbannet sein und er abgesondert von der Gemeine der Gefangenen.

Und welcher nicht käme in drei Tagen nach dem Rat der Obersten und Ältesten, des Habe sollte alle verbannt sein und er abgesondert von der Gemeinde der Gefangenen.

Und wer irgend am dritten Tage nicht erscheinen würde, wie es der Beschluß der Obersten und der Vornehmen forderte, dessen gesamte Habe sollte dem Banne verfallen, und er selbst aus der Gemeinde der Weggeführten ausgeschlossen werden.

Esdra 10:8
e che chiunque non venisse entro tre giorni seguendo il consiglio dei capi e degli anziani, tutti i suoi beni gli sarebbero confiscati, ed egli stesso sarebbe escluso dalla raunanza de’ reduci dalla cattività.

e che chiunque non verrebbe infra tre giorni, secondo il consiglio preso da’ principali e dagli Anziani, tutti i suoi beni sarebbero messi all’interdetto, ed egli sarebbe separato dalla raunanza di coloro ch’erano stati in cattività.

EZRA 10:8
Barangsiapa yang tiada datang ke sana dalam tiga hari itu, menurut bicara segala penghulu dan tua-tua, bahwa segala harta benda orang itu akan dikaramkan, dan ia sendiripun akan dikucilkan dari pada sidang orang yang dipindahkan itu.

에스라 10:8
누구든지 방백들과 장로들의 훈시를 좇아 삼일 내에 오지 아니하면 그 재산을 적몰하고 사로잡혔던 자의 회에서 쫓아내리라' 하매

Esdrae 10:8
et omnis qui non venerit in tribus diebus iuxta consilium principum et seniorum auferetur universa substantia eius et ipse abicietur de coetu transmigrationis

Ezdro knyga 10:8
Jei kas neateis per tris dienas, visas jo turtas kunigaikščių ir vyresniųjų nutarimu bus atimtas ir jis pats bus atskirtas nuo tremtinių.

Ezra 10:8
Na, ko te tangata e kore e tae mai i nga ra e toru, i ta nga rangatira ratou ko nga kaumatua i whakaaro ai, ka murua putia ona rawa katoa, a ka motuhia ia i roto i te whakaminenga o nga whakarau.

Esras 10:8
og om det var nogen som ikke kom innen tre dager, således som høvdingene og de eldste hadde fastsatt, skulde alt hans gods bannlyses, og han selv utelukkes fra de hjemkomnes menighet.

Esdras 10:8
y a cualquiera que no viniera dentro de tres días, conforme al consejo de los jefes y de los ancianos, le serían confiscadas todas sus posesiones y él mismo sería excluido de la asamblea de los desterrados.

y a cualquiera que no viniera dentro de tres días, conforme al consejo de los jefes y de los ancianos, le serían confiscadas todas sus posesiones y él mismo sería excluido de la asamblea de los desterrados.

Y que el que no viniese en un lapso de tres días, conforme al acuerdo de los príncipes y de los ancianos, perdiese toda su hacienda, y él fuese apartado de la congregación de aquellos que habían sido llevados en cautiverio.

Y que el que no viniera dentro de tres días, conforme al acuerdo de los príncipes y de los ancianos, perdiese toda su hacienda, y él fuese apartado de la compañía de los de la transmigración.

y que el que no viniera dentro de tres días, conforme al acuerdo de los príncipes y de los ancianos, perdiese toda su hacienda, y él fuese apartado de la compañía de los de la transmigración.

Esdras 10:8
E os oficiais e líderes baixaram uma convocação geral e decidiram que todo aquele que dentro de três dias não comparecesse, perderia todos os seus bens e seria excluído sumariamente da comunidade dos que voltaram do cativeiro.

e que todo aquele que dentro de três dias não viesse, segundo o conselho dos oficiais e dos anciãos, toda a sua fazenda se pusesse em interdito, e fosse ele excluído da congregação dos que voltaram do cativeiro.   

Ezra 10:8
şi că, după părerea căpeteniilor şi bătrînilor, oricui nu va veni în trei zile i se vor lua averile, şi el însuş va fi izgonit din adunarea fiilor robiei.

Ездра 10:8
а кто не придет чрез три дня, на все имение того, по определению начальствующих истарейшин, будет положено заклятие, и сам он будет отлучен от общества переселенцев.

а кто не придет чрез три дня, на все имение того, по определению начальствующих и старейшин, будет положено заклятие, и сам он будет отлучен от общества переселенцев.[]

Esra 10:8
och vilken som icke komme till den tredje dagen därefter, i enlighet med furstarnas och de äldstes beslut, hans hela egendom skulle givas till spillo, och han själv skulle avskiljas från de återkomna fångarnas församling.

Ezra 10:8
At yaong hindi pumaroon sa loob ng tatlong araw, ayon sa payo ng mga prinsipe at ng mga matanda, lahat niyang pag-aari ay sasamsamin, at ihihiwalay siya sa kapisanan ng sa pagkabihag.

เอสรา 10:8
และถ้าผู้ใดไม่มาภายในสามวัน ตามคำสั่งของเจ้าหน้าที่และพวกผู้ใหญ่ทั้งหลาย จะต้องริบทรัพย์สมบัติของเขาเสียทั้งสิ้น และผู้นั้นต้องขาดจากชุมนุมชนของพวกที่ถูกกวาดไปเป็นเชลย

Ezra 10:8
Halkın önderlerinin ve ileri gelenlerinin kararı uyarınca, üç gün içinde gelmeyenin bütün malına el konulacak, kendisi de sürgünden dönenler topluluğundan atılacaktı.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 10:8
Trong ba ngày, ai không vâng theo lịnh của các quan trưởng và trưởng lão mà đến, thì các tài sản người ấy sẽ bị tịch-phong, và chính người bị truất khỏi hội chúng của dân đã bị bắt làm phu tù được trở về.

Ezra 10:7
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