Ezekiel 48:13
Ezekiel 48:13
"Alongside the territory of the priests, the Levites will have an allotment 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits wide. Its total length will be 25,000 cubits and its width 10,000 cubits.

"The land allotted to the Levites will be the same size and shape as that belonging to the priests--8-1/3 miles long and 3-1/3 miles wide. Together these portions of land will measure 8-1/3 miles long by 6-2/3 miles wide.

And alongside the territory of the priests, the Levites shall have an allotment 25,000 cubits in length and 10,000 in breadth. The whole length shall be 25,000 cubits and the breadth 20,000.

"Alongside the border of the priests the Levites shall have 25,000 cubits in length and 10,000 in width. The whole length shall be 25,000 cubits and the width 10,000.

And over against the border of the priests the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

Next to the territory of the priests, the Levites will have an area 8 1/3 miles long and 3 1/3 miles wide. The total length will be 8 1/3 miles and the width 3 1/3 miles.

"Alongside the border of the priests, the descendants of Levi are to be allotted 25,000 units in length and 10,000 units in width. The entire length is to be 25,000 units and its width 10,000 units.

"Alongside the border of the priests, the Levites will have an allotment eight and a quarter miles in length and three and one-third miles in width. The whole length will be eight and a quarter miles and the width three and one-third miles.

Alongside the land belonging to the priests will be the land belonging to the Levites. It will be 43,750 feet long and 17,500 feet wide.

And the portion of the Levites, shall be in front the border of the priests, of twenty-five thousand reeds in length, and of ten thousand in breadth; all the length shall be twenty-five thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

And opposite the border of the priests the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in width: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the width ten thousand.

And over against the border of the priests the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

And answerable unto the border of the priests, the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

And the Levites in like manner shall have by the borders of the priests five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth. All the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

And answering to the border of the priests, the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: the whole length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

And answerable unto the border of the priests, the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

And over against the border of the priests the Levites shall have five and twenty thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

Answerable to the border of the priests, the Levites shall have twenty-five thousand in length, and ten thousand in breadth: all the length shall be twenty-five thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

And to the Levites over-against the border of the priests are five and twenty thousand in length, and in breadth ten thousand, all the length is five and twenty thousand, and the breadth ten thousand.

Ezekieli 48:13
Përballë territorit të priftërinjve, Levitët do të kenë një sipërfaqe prej njëzet e pesëmijë kubitë gjatësi dhe dhjetëmijë gjerësi; tërë gjatësia do të jetë njëzet e pesëmijë kubitë dhe gjerësia dhjetëmijë.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 48:13
وللاويين على موازاة تخم الكهنة خمسة وعشرون الفا في الطول وعشرة آلاف في العرض الطول كله خمسة وعشرون الفا والعرض عشرة آلاف.

Dyr Heskiheel 48:13
Yn de Brender widerum steet wie de Priester ayn Flök mit zwölfaynhalb Meiln Löng und fümfe Bräitn zue.

Езекил 48:13
И съответстващ на границата на свещениците, левитите ще имат [дял] двадесет и пет хиляди [тръстики] дълъг и десет хиляди широк; цялата дължина да бъде двадесет и пет хиляди, и широчината десет хиляди.

以 西 結 書 48:13
利 未 人 所 得 的 地 要 長 二 萬 五 千 肘 , 寬 一 萬 肘 , 與 祭 司 的 地 界 相 等 , 都 長 二 萬 五 千 肘 , 寬 一 萬 肘 。

利 未 人 所 得 的 地 要 长 二 万 五 千 肘 , 宽 一 万 肘 , 与 祭 司 的 地 界 相 等 , 都 长 二 万 五 千 肘 , 宽 一 万 肘 。



Ezekiel 48:13
A levitima, baš kao i području svećeničkom: dvadeset i pet tisuća lakata u dužinu i deset tisuća lakata u širinu - ukupno dvadeset i pet tisuća lakata u dužinu, deset tisuća u širinu.

Ezechiele 48:13
Levítů pak díl bude naproti pomezí kněžskému, pětmecítma tisíc loket zdélí, a zšíří deset tisíc; každá dlouhost pětmecítma tisíc, a širokost deset tisíc.

Ezekiel 48:13
Og Leviterne skal have et lige saa stort Omraade som Præsterne, 25 000 Alen langt og 10 000 Alen bredt; den samlede Længde bliver saaledes 25 000 Alen, Bredden 20 000.

Ezechiël 48:13
Voorts zullen de Levieten tegenover de landpale der priesteren hebben de lengte van vijf en twintig duizend, en de breedte van tien duizend; de ganse lengte zal zijn vijf en twintig duizend, en de breedte tien duizend.

יחזקאל 48:13
וְהַלְוִיִּ֗ם לְעֻמַּת֙ גְּב֣וּל הַכֹּהֲנִ֔ים חֲמִשָּׁ֨ה וְעֶשְׂרִ֥ים אֶ֙לֶף֙ אֹ֔רֶךְ וְרֹ֖חַב עֲשֶׂ֣רֶת אֲלָפִ֑ים כָּל־אֹ֗רֶךְ חֲמִשָּׁ֤ה וְעֶשְׂרִים֙ אֶ֔לֶף וְרֹ֖חַב עֲשֶׂ֥רֶת אֲלָפִֽים׃

יג והלוים לעמת גבול הכהנים חמשה ועשרים אלף ארך ורחב עשרת אלפים כל ארך חמשה ועשרים אלף ורחב עשרת אלפים

והלוים לעמת גבול הכהנים חמשה ועשרים אלף ארך ורחב עשרת אלפים כל־ארך חמשה ועשרים אלף ורחב עשרת אלפים׃

Ezékiel 48:13
A Lévitáké pedig legyen a papok határa mentén huszonötezer [sing] hosszúság és tízezer szélesség; az egész hosszúság legyen huszonötezer és a szélesség tízezer.

Jeĥezkel 48:13
Kaj la Levidoj havos apud la limo de la pastroj dudek kvin mil da longo kaj dek mil da largxo; la tuta longo estos dudek kvin mil, kaj la largxo estos dek mil.

Mutta Leviläisillä pitää myös osa oleman, viisikolmattakymmenentuhatta leveä, pappein rajan tykönä; sillä kaikki pituus pitää oleman viisikolmattakymmentä tuhatta riukua ja leveys kymmenentuhatta riukua.

Ézéchiel 48:13
Et le long de la frontière des sacrificateurs, les Lévites auront une longueur de vingt-cinq mille, et une largeur de dix mille; toute la longueur sera de vingt-cinq mille, et la largeur, de dix mille.

Les Lévites auront, parallèlement à la limite des sacrificateurs, vingt-cinq mille cannes en longueur et dix mille en largeur, vingt-cinq mille pour toute la longueur et dix mille pour la largeur.

Car [la portion] des Lévites [sera] tout joignant les confins de ce qui appartiendra aux Sacrificateurs, [et elle aura] vingt-cinq mille [cannes] de longueur, et dix mille de largeur; tellement que toute la longueur sera de vingt-cinq mille [cannes], et la largeur de dix mille.

Hesekiel 48:13
Die Leviten aber sollen neben der Priester Grenze auch fünfundzwanzigtausend Ruten in die Länge und zehntausend in die Breite haben; denn alle Länge soll fünfundzwanzigtausend und die Breite zehntausend Ruten haben.

Die Leviten aber sollen neben der Priester Grenze auch fünfundzwanzigtausend Ruten in die Länge und zehntausend Ruten in die Breite haben; denn alle Länge soll fünfunzwanzigtausend und die Breite zehntausend Ruten haben.

den Leviten aber ein Gebiet entsprechend dem Gebiete der Priester: 25000 Ellen Länge und 10000 Ellen Breite, im Ganzen also eine Länge von 25000 und eine Breite von 20000 Ellen.

Ezechiele 48:13
I Leviti avranno, parallelamente alla frontiera de’ sacerdoti, una lunghezza di venticinquemila cubiti e una larghezza di diecimila cubiti: tutta la lunghezza sarà di venticinquemila, e la larghezza di diecimila.

I Leviti avranno, parallelamente alla frontiera de’ sacerdoti, una lunghezza di venticinquemila cubiti e una larghezza di diecimila cubiti: tutta la lunghezza sarà di venticinquemila, e la larghezza di diecimila.

Dan lagi pada orang Lewi juga akan ada dua puluh lima ribu hasta panjang dan sepuluh ribu hasta lebarnya berdompak dengan perhinggaan tanah imam-imam; semuanya panjangnya dua puluh lima ribu dan lebarnya sepuluh ribu hasta.

에스겔 48:13
제사장의 지계를 따라 레위 사람의 분깃을 주되 장이 이만 오천척이요 광이 일만 척으로 할지니 이 구역의 장이 이만 오천척이요 광이 각기 일만 척이라

Ezechiel 48:13
sed et Levitis similiter iuxta fines sacerdotum viginti quinque milia longitudinis et latitudinis decem milia omnis longitudo viginti et quinque milium et latitudo decem milium

Ezechielio knyga 48:13
Levitai šalia kunigų dalies gaus dvidešimt penkių tūkstančių nendrių ilgio ir dešimties tūkstančių nendrių pločio žemę. Visas plotas bus dvidešimt penkių tūkstančių ilgio ir dešimties tūkstančių pločio.

Ezekiel 48:13
Na i te ritenga ake o te rohe o to nga tohunga, kia rua tekau ma rima mano te roa o to nga Riwaiti; kia kotahi tekau mano te whanui, ko te roa katoa e rua tekau ma rima mano; ko te whanui kotahi tekau mano.

Esekiel 48:13
Og levittene skal ved siden av prestenes landemerke ha fem og tyve tusen stenger i lengde og ti tusen i bredde; lengden skal i alt være fem og tyve tusen stenger, og bredden ti tusen.

Ezequiel 48:13
A lo largo del límite de los sacerdotes, los levitas tendrán veinticinco mil codos de largo y diez mil de ancho. La longitud total será de veinticinco mil codos y la anchura de diez mil.

"A lo largo del límite de los sacerdotes, los Levitas tendrán 13,125 metros de largo y 5,250 metros de ancho. La longitud total será de 13.125 metros y la anchura de 5,250 metros.

Y la de los levitas, al lado del término de los sacerdotes, será de veinticinco mil cañas de longitud, y de diez mil de anchura; toda la longitud de veinticinco mil, y la anchura de diez mil.

Y la de los Levitas, al lado del término de los sacerdotes, será de veinticinco mil cañas de longitud, y de diez mil de anchura: toda la longitud de veinticinco mil, y la anchura de diez mil.

Y la de los levitas, será delante del término de los sacerdotes, de veinticinco mil cañas de longitud, y de diez mil de anchura; toda la longitud de veinticinco mil, y la anchura de diez mil.

Ezequiel 48:13
No entanto, os levitas também receberão uma área de doze quilômetros e meio de comprimento e cinco quilômetros de largura. Seu comprimento totalizará doze quilômetros e meio, e a sua largura cinco quilômetros.

Também os levitas terão, consoante o termo dos sacerdotes, vinte e cinco mil canas de comprimento, e de largura dez mil; todo o comprimento será vinte e cinco mil, e a largura dez mil.   

Ezechiel 48:13
Leviţii vor avea, alăturea cu hotarul preoţilor, douăzeci şi cinci de mii de coţi în lung şi zece mii în lat, douăzeci şi cinci de mii în toată lungimea şi zece mii în lăţime.

Иезекииль 48:13
И левиты получат также у священнического предела двадцать пять тысяч в длину и десять тысяч тростей в ширину; вся длина двадцать пять тысяч, а ширина десять тысяч тростей .

И левиты получат также у священнического предела двадцать пять тысяч в длину и десять тысяч [тростей] в ширину; вся длина двадцать пять тысяч, а ширина десять тысяч [тростей].[]

Hesekiel 48:13
Men leviterna skola få ett område motsvarande prästernas, i längd tjugufem tusen alnar och i bredd tiotusen -- längden överallt tjugufem tusen och bredden tio tusen.

Ezekiel 48:13
At ayon sa hangganan ng mga saserdote, ang mga Levita ay mangagkakaroon ng dalawang pu't limang libo ang haba, at sangpung libo ang luwang: ang buong haba ay magiging dalawang pu't limang libo, at ang luwang ay sangpung libo.

เอเสเคียล 48:13
เคียงข้างกับเขตแดนของปุโรหิตนั้นให้คนเลวีมีส่วนแบ่งยาวสองหมื่นห้าพันศอก กว้างหนึ่งหมื่นศอก ส่วนยาวทั้งสิ้นจะเป็นสองหมื่นห้าพันศอกและส่วนกว้างหนึ่งหมื่น

Hezekiel 48:13
‹‹Levililerin kâhinlerin sınırı yakınında 25 000 arşın uzunlukta, 10 000 arşın genişlikte bir payları olacak. Bu bölgenin uzunluğu 25 000 arşın, genişliği 10 000 arşın olacak.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 48:13
vì người Lê-vi sẽ choán phần rọc theo bờ cõi các thầy tế lễ, hai mươi lăm ngàn cần bề dài và mười ngàn bề ngang; nghĩa là cả bề dài hai mươi lăm ngàn cần, bề ngang mười ngàn cần.

Ezekiel 48:12
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