Ezekiel 39:23
Ezekiel 39:23
And the nations will know that the people of Israel went into exile for their sin, because they were unfaithful to me. So I hid my face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell by the sword.

The nations will then know why Israel was sent away to exile--it was punishment for sin, for they were unfaithful to their God. Therefore, I turned away from them and let their enemies destroy them.

And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they dealt so treacherously with me that I hid my face from them and gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they all fell by the sword.

"The nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile for their iniquity because they acted treacherously against Me, and I hid My face from them; so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and all of them fell by the sword.

And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.

And the nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile on account of their iniquity, because they dealt unfaithfully with Me. Therefore, I hid My face from them and handed them over to their enemies, so that they all fell by the sword.

The nations will also learn that because of Israel's sin the house of Israel went into captivity, since they were unfaithful in their behavior toward me. As a result, I hid my presence from them, turned them over to the control of their enemies, and they died by violence.

The nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile due to their iniquity, for they were unfaithful to me. So I hid my face from them and handed them over to their enemies; all of them died by the sword.

Then the nations will know that the people of Israel went into captivity because they did wrong and rebelled against me. So I hid my face from them and handed them over to their enemies. They were killed in battle.

And the Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity because they rebelled against me, and I hid my face from them and gave them into the hand of their enemies; so they all fell by the sword.

And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.

And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.

And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they trespassed against me, and I hid my face from them: so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword.

And the nations shall know that the house of Israel were made captives for their iniquity, because they forsook me, and I hid my face from them: and I delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and they fell all by the sword.

And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they were unfaithful against me; and I hid my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies, so that they fell all of them by the sword.

And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they trespassed against me, and I hid my face from them: so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword.

And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore I hid my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so they all fell by the sword.

The nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they trespassed against me, and I hid my face from them: so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword.

And known have the nations that for their iniquity, Removed have the house of Israel, Because they have trespassed against Me, And I do hide My face from them, And give them into the hand of their adversaries, And they fall by sword -- all of them.

Ezekieli 39:23
dhe kombet do të pranojnë që për shkak të paudhësisë së tij shtëpia e Izraelit shkon në robëri, sepse ishte treguar e pabesë me mua; prandaj u'a fsheha atyre fytyrën time, i dhashë në dorë të armiqve të tyre dhe ata ranë të gjithë nga shpata.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 39:23
وتعلم الامم ان بيت اسرائيل قد أجلوا باثمهم لانهم خانوني فحجبت وجهي عنهم وسلمتهم ليد مضايقيهم فسقطوا كلهم بالسيف.

Dyr Heskiheel 39:23
D Haidndietn gaand kennen, däß d Isryheeler wögn iener Schuld verschlöppt wurdnd. Denn sö wurdnd myr untreu; und drum gwill i von ien nix meer wissn und glifert s yn ienerne Feindd aus, yso däß allsand in n Krieg umkaamend.

Езекил 39:23
И народите ще познаят, че Израилевият дом бе пленен поради беззаконието си. Понеже станаха непокорни на Мене, затова скрих лицето Си от тях и ги предадох в ръката на неприятелите им; и те всички паднаха от нож.

以 西 結 書 39:23
列 國 人 也 必 知 道 以 色 列 家 被 擄 掠 是 因 他 們 的 罪 孽 。 他 們 得 罪 我 , 我 就 掩 面 不 顧 , 將 他 們 交 在 敵 人 手 中 , 他 們 便 都 倒 在 刀 下 。

列 国 人 也 必 知 道 以 色 列 家 被 掳 掠 是 因 他 们 的 罪 孽 。 他 们 得 罪 我 , 我 就 掩 面 不 顾 , 将 他 们 交 在 敌 人 手 中 , 他 们 便 都 倒 在 刀 下 。



Ezekiel 39:23
I znat će narodi da dom Izraelov bijaše odveden u ropstvo zbog svojih nedjela: iznevjerio mi se, pa sakrih lice svoje od njih i predadoh ih njihovim neprijateljima u ruke da od mača poginu.

Ezechiele 39:23
Zvědí také i národové, že pro svou nepravost zajat jest dům Izraelský, proto že se dopouštěli přestoupení proti mně; pročež jsem skryl tvář svou před nimi, a vydal jsem je v ruku protivníků jejich, aby padli mečem všickni napořád.

Ezekiel 39:23
og Folkene skal kende, at Israels Hus vandrede i Landflygtighed for deres Misgerningers Skyld, fordi de var troløse imod mig, saa jeg skjulte mit Aasyn for dem og gav dem i deres Fjenders Haand, hvorfor de alle faldt for Sværdet.

Ezechiël 39:23
En de heidenen zullen weten, dat die van het huis Israels gevankelijk zijn weggevoerd om hun ongerechtigheid, omdat zij tegen Mij hadden overtreden, en dat Ik Mijn aangezicht voor hen verborgen heb, en heb ze overgegeven in de hand hunner wederpartijders, zodat zij altemaal door het zwaard gevallen zijn;

יחזקאל 39:23
וְיָדְע֣וּ הַ֠גֹּויִם כִּ֣י בַעֲוֹנָ֞ם גָּל֣וּ בֵֽית־יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל עַ֚ל אֲשֶׁ֣ר מָֽעֲלוּ־בִ֔י וָאַסְתִּ֥ר פָּנַ֖י מֵהֶ֑ם וָֽאֶתְּנֵם֙ בְּיַ֣ד צָרֵיהֶ֔ם וַיִּפְּל֥וּ בַחֶ֖רֶב כֻּלָּֽם׃

כג וידעו הגוים כי בעונם גלו בית ישראל על אשר מעלו בי ואסתר פני מהם ואתנם ביד צריהם ויפלו בחרב כלם

וידעו הגוים כי בעונם גלו בית־ישראל על אשר מעלו־בי ואסתר פני מהם ואתנם ביד צריהם ויפלו בחרב כלם׃

Ezékiel 39:23
És megtudják a pogányok, hogy az õ vétke miatt vitetett fogságra Izráel háza, mivelhogy elpártolt tõlem, s én elrejtettem orczámat tõle; azért adtam õt ellenségei kezébe, és hullottak el fegyver miatt mindnyájan.

Jeĥezkel 39:23
Kaj la nacioj ekscios, ke la domo de Izrael estis forkondukita en kaptitecon pro siaj malbonagoj; pro tio, ke ili perfidis Min, Mi kasxis Mian vizagxon antaux ili kaj transdonis ilin en la manojn de iliaj malamikoj, kaj ili cxiuj falis de glavo.

Niin myös kaikkein pakanain pitää ymmärtämän Israelin huoneen pahain tekoinsa tähden viedyksi pois, sentähden että he minua vastaan rikkoneet ovat; ja minä peitin kasvoni heidän edestänsä, ja annoin heitä vihollistensa käsiin, niin että heidän kaikkein piti miekan kautta lankeeman.

Ézéchiel 39:23
Et les nations sauront que la maison d'Israël est allée en captivité à cause de son iniquité, parce qu'ils ont été infidèles envers moi, et que je leur avais caché ma face, et que je les avais livrés en la main de leurs ennemis; et ils sont tous tombés par l'épée.

Et les nations sauront que c'est à cause de ses iniquités Que la maison d'Israël a été conduite en captivité, A cause de ses infidélités envers moi; Aussi je leur ai caché ma face, Et je les ai livrés entre les mains de leurs ennemis, Afin qu'ils périssent tous par l'épée.

Et les nations sauront que la maison d'Israël avait été transportée en captivité à cause de son iniquité, parce qu'ils avaient péché contre moi, et que je leur avais caché ma face, et les avais livrés entre les mains de leurs ennemis, tellement qu'ils étaient tous tombés par l'épée.

Hesekiel 39:23
und die Heiden erfahren, wie das Haus Israel um seiner Missetat willen sei weggeführet, und daß sie sich an mir versündiget hatten. Darum habe ich mein Angesicht vor ihnen verborgen und habe sie übergeben in die Hände ihrer Widersacher, daß sie allzumal durchs Schwert fallen mußten.

und die Heiden erfahren, wie das Haus Israel um seiner Missetat willen sei weggeführt. Weil sie sich an mir versündigt hatten, darum habe ich mein Angesicht vor ihnen verborgen und habe sie übergeben in die Hände ihrer Widersacher, daß sie allzumal durchs Schwert fallen mußten.

Und die Völker sollen erkennen, daß das Haus Israel nur wegen seiner Verschuldung in die Verbannung wandern mußte, - deshalb, weil sie von mir abtrünnig geworden waren, so daß ich mein Angesicht vor ihnen verbarg und sie in die Gewalt ihrer Feinde dahingab, daß sie alle durchs Schwert fielen.

Ezechiele 39:23
e le nazioni conosceranno che la casa d’Israele è stata menata in cattività a motivo della sua iniquità, perché m’era stata infedele; ond’io ho nascosto a loro la mia faccia, e li ho dati in mano de’ loro nemici; e tutti quanti son caduti per la spada.

E le genti conosceranno che la casa d’Israele era stata menata in cattività per la sua iniquità; perciocchè avea misfatto contro a me; laonde io avea nascosta la mia faccia da loro, e li avea dati in man de’ lor nemici; ed erano tutti caduti per la spada.

Dan akan diketahui oleh segala orang kafir, bahwa mereka yang dari pada bangsa Israel itu sudah dibawa dengan tertawan oleh karena kejahatannya, sebab mereka itu sudah mendurhaka kepada-Ku, sehingga Aku menyamarkan muka-Ku dari padanya dan Kuserahkan mereka itu kepada tangan musuhnya, dan mereka itu sekalian rebah mati dimakan pedang.

에스겔 39:23
열국은 이스라엘 족속이 그 죄악으로 인하여 사로잡혀 갔던 줄 알지라 그들이 내게 범죄하였으므로 내 얼굴을 그들에게 가리우고 그들을 그 대적의 손에 붙여 다 칼에 엎드러지게 하였으되

Ezechiel 39:23
et scient gentes quoniam in iniquitate sua capta sit domus Israhel eo quod reliquerint me et absconderim faciem meam ab eis et tradiderim eos in manu hostium et ceciderint in gladio universi

Ezechielio knyga 39:23
Tautos žinos, kad Izraelis buvo patekęs į nelaisvę dėl savo nusikaltimų. Jie nusikalto man, todėl Aš nusigręžiau nuo jų ir atidaviau juos jų priešams.

Ezekiel 39:23
Ka mohio ano nga tauiwi, he he no te whare o Iharaira i whakaraua ai ratou: he pokanga ketanga no ta ratou ki ahau i huna ai e ahau toku mata ki a ratou, heoi tukua ana ratou e ahau ki te ringa o o ratou hoariri: a hinga katoa ana i te hoari.

Esekiel 39:23
Og folkene skal skjønne at det var for sin misgjernings skyld Israels hus blev bortført, fordi de var troløse mot mig, så jeg skjulte mitt åsyn for dem og gav dem i deres fienders hånd, og de falt for sverdet alle sammen;

Ezequiel 39:23
`Y sabrán las naciones que la casa de Israel fue al cautiverio por su iniquidad porque actuaron pérfidamente contra mí; escondí, pues, mi rostro de ellos, los entregué en manos de sus adversarios y todos ellos cayeron a espada.

"Las naciones sabrán que la casa de Israel fue al cautiverio por su iniquidad porque actuaron pérfidamente contra Mí; escondí, pues, Mi rostro de ellos, los entregué en manos de sus adversarios y todos ellos cayeron a espada.

Y sabrán las naciones que la casa de Israel fue llevada cautiva por su pecado; por cuanto se rebelaron contra mí, y yo escondí de ellos mi rostro, y los entregué en mano de sus enemigos, y cayeron todos a espada.

Y sabrán las gentes que la casa de Israel fué llevada cautiva por su pecado; por cuanto se rebelaron contra mí, y yo escondí de ellos mi rostro, y entreguélos en mano de sus enemigos, y cayeron todos á cuchillo.

Y sabrán los gentiles que la Casa de Israel fue llevada cautiva por su pecado; por cuanto se rebelaron contra mí, y yo escondí de ellos mi rostro, y los entregué en mano de sus enemigos, y cayeron todos a cuchillo.

Ezequiel 39:23
E as nações pagãs saberão que os israelitas foram mandados para o cativeiro por causa da sua malignidade, porque me foram infiéis. Por isso escondi deles a minha face e os entreguei nas mãos de seus inimigos, e eles tombaram ao fio da espada.

E as nações saberão que os da casa de Israel, por causa da sua iniqüidade, foram levados em cativeiro; porque se houveram traiçõeiramente para comigo, e eu escondi deles o meu rosto; por isso os entreguei nas mãos de seus adversários, e todos caíram à espada.   

Ezechiel 39:23
Şi neamurile vor cunoaşte că din pricina nelegiuirilor ei, a fost dusă casa lui Israel în robie, din pricina fărădelegilor ei, săvîrşite de ea împotriva Mea; de aceea le-am ascuns Faţa Mea, şi i-am dat în mînile vrăjmaşilor lor, ca să piară toţi ucişi de sabie.

Иезекииль 39:23
И узнают народы, что дом Израилев был переселен за неправду свою; за то, что они поступали вероломно предо Мною, Я сокрыл от них лице Мое и отдал их в руки врагов их, и все они пали от меча.

И узнают народы, что дом Израилев был переселен за неправду свою; за то, что они поступали вероломно предо Мною, Я сокрыл от них лице Мое и отдал их в руки врагов их, и все они пали от меча.[]

Hesekiel 39:23
Och folken skola förnimma att Israels barn blevo bortförda i fångenskap för sin missgärnings skull, eftersom de voro trolösa mot mig, så att jag måste fördölja mitt ansikte för dem; och jag gav dem då i deras ovänners hand, så att de allasammans föllo för svärd.

Ezekiel 39:23
At malalaman ng mga bansa na ang sangbahayan ni Israel ay pumasok sa pagkabihag dahil sa kanilang kasamaan; sapagka't sila'y nagsisalangsang laban sa akin, at ikinubli ko ang aking mukha sa kanila: sa gayo'y ibinigay ko sila sa kamay ng kanilang mga kaaway, at silang lahat ay nangabuwal sa pamamagitan ng tabak.

เอเสเคียล 39:23
และประชาชาติทั้งหลายจะทราบว่า วงศ์วานอิสราเอลได้ถูกกวาดไปเป็นเชลยเพราะเหตุความชั่วช้าของเขา เพราะเขาได้ละเมิดต่อเรา ดังนั้นเราจึงซ่อนหน้าของเราเสียจากเขา และมอบเขาไว้ในมือพวกศัตรูของเขา เขาจึงล้มลงด้วยดาบสิ้นทุกคน

Hezekiel 39:23
Uluslar İsrail halkının işlediği suç yüzünden, bana ihanet ettiği için sürgüne gittiğini anlayacaklar. Yüzümü onlardan gizledim, onları düşmanlarının eline teslim ettim, hepsi kılıçtan geçirildi.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 39:23
Bấy giờ các dân tộc sẽ biết rằng nhà Y-sơ-ra-ên đã bị đem đi làm phu tù vì cớ tội lỗi nó, vì cớ nó đã phạm tội nghịch cùng ta. Ấy vì vậy mà ta giấu mặt ta khỏi chúng nó, mà ta đã phó chúng nó trong tay những kẻ nghịch thù, và chúng nó chết hết thảy bởi gươm.

Ezekiel 39:22
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