Ezekiel 26:10
Ezekiel 26:10
His horses will be so many that they will cover you with dust. Your walls will tremble at the noise of the warhorses, wagons and chariots when he enters your gates as men enter a city whose walls have been broken through.

The hooves of his horses will choke the city with dust, and the noise of the charioteers and chariot wheels will shake your walls as they storm through your broken gates.

His horses will be so many that their dust will cover you. Your walls will shake at the noise of the horsemen and wagons and chariots, when he enters your gates as men enter a city that has been breached.

"Because of the multitude of his horses, the dust raised by them will cover you; your walls will shake at the noise of cavalry and wagons and chariots when he enters your gates as men enter a city that is breached.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.

His horses will be so numerous that their dust will cover you. When he enters your gates as an army entering a breached city, your walls will shake from the noise of cavalry, wagons, and chariots.

There will be so many horses that the dust raised by them will cover you completely. The walls of your city will tremble from the noise of Nebuchadnezzar's cavalry, wagons, and chariots when they enter through the gates of your city, as men enter a city that has been breached.

He will cover you with the dust kicked up by his many horses. Your walls will shake from the noise of the horsemen, wheels, and chariots when he enters your gates like those who invade through a city's broken walls.

He will have so many horses that their dust will cover you. The noise from the war horses, wagon wheels, and chariots will shake your walls when he enters your gates. He will enter as people enter a conquered city.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee; thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen and of the wheels, and of the chariots when he shall enter into thy gates as men enter through breaches into a destroyed city.

Because of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover you: your walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into your gates, as men enter into a city in which is made a breach.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover you: your walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into your gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wagons, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.

By reason of the multitude of his horses, their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and wheels, and chariots, when they shall go in at thy gates, as by the entrance of a city that is destroyed.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee; thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter through thy gates, as a city is entered into, wherein is made a breach.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wagons, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city in which is made a breach.

By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover you: your walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wagons, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into your gates, as men enter into a city in which is made a breach.

From the abundance of his horses cover thee doth their dust, From the noise of horseman, and wheel, and rider, Shake do thy walls, in his coming in to thy gates, As the coming into a city broken-up.

Ezekieli 26:10
Për shkak të morisë së kuajve të tij do të mbulohesh nga pluhuri i tyre; muret e tua do të dridhen nga zhurma e kalorësve, të rrotave dhe të qerreve, kur të hyjë nëpër portat e tua, ashtu siç hyhet në një qytet nëpër të cilin është hapur një e çarë.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 26:10
ولكثرة خيله يغطيك غبارها. من صوت الفرسان والعجلات والمركبات تتزلزل اسوارك عند دخوله ابوابك كما تدخل مدينة مثغورة.

Dyr Heskiheel 26:10
Mit so vil Roß kimmt yr dyrher, däß di dyr Staaub dyrvon zuedöckt. D Reiter und Wagnröder wenn dyrherrumplnd, fangend deine Mauern s Zitern an, wenn yr durch deine Toerer einzieght wie in ayn Stat, daa wo d Mauern schoon zstürt seind.

Езекил 26:10
Понеже конете му са много, прахът им ще те покрие; стените ти ще се потресат от шума на конниците, на колите и на колесниците, когато влезе той в портите ти, както влизат в проломен град.

以 西 結 書 26:10
因 他 的 馬 匹 眾 多 , 塵 土 揚 起 遮 蔽 你 。 他 進 入 你 的 城 門 , 好 像 人 進 入 已 有 破 口 之 城 。 那 時 , 你 的 牆 垣 必 因 騎 馬 的 和 戰 車 、 輜 重 車 的 響 聲 震 動 。

因 他 的 马 匹 众 多 , 尘 土 扬 起 遮 蔽 你 。 他 进 入 你 的 城 门 , 好 像 人 进 入 已 有 破 口 之 城 。 那 时 , 你 的 墙 垣 必 因 骑 马 的 和 战 车 、 辎 重 车 的 响 声 震 动 。



Ezekiel 26:10
Od nebrojenih konja njegovih svega će te prašina prekriti, a od štropota konjanika i točkova i bojnih kola njihovih zadrhtat će zidine tvoje, kad bude prolazio kroz vrata tvoja, k'o što se prolazi kroz grad osvojen.

Ezechiele 26:10
Od množství koní jeho přikryje tě prach jejich; od hřmotu jezdců a kár i vozů zatřesou se zdi tvé, když on vcházeti bude do bran tvých, jako do průchodů města probořeného.

Ezekiel 26:10
Hans Heste skal myldre, saa Støvet, de rejser, skjuler dig; Ryttere, Hjul og Vogne skal larme, saa dine Mure ryster, naar han drager igennem dine Porte, som naar man trænger ind i en stormet By.

Ezechiël 26:10
Vanwege de menigte zijner paarden zal u derzelver stof bedekken; uw muren zullen beven vanwege het gedruis der ruiteren, en wielen, en wagenen, als hij door uw poorten zal intrekken, gelijk door de ingangen ener doorbrokene stad.

יחזקאל 26:10
מִשִּׁפְעַ֥ת סוּסָ֖יו יְכַסֵּ֣ךְ אֲבָקָ֑ם מִקֹּול֩ פָּרַ֨שׁ וְגַלְגַּ֜ל וָרֶ֗כֶב תִּרְעַ֙שְׁנָה֙ חֹֽומֹותַ֔יִךְ בְּבֹאֹו֙ בִּשְׁעָרַ֔יִךְ כִּמְבֹואֵ֖י עִ֥יר מְבֻקָּעָֽה׃

י משפעת סוסיו יכסך אבקם מקול פרש וגלגל ורכב תרעשנה חומותיך בבאו בשעריך כמבואי עיר מבקעה

משפעת סוסיו יכסך אבקם מקול פרש וגלגל ורכב תרעשנה חומותיך בבאו בשעריך כמבואי עיר מבקעה׃

Ezékiel 26:10
Lovainak sokasága miatt belep téged poruk; a lovagoknak, kerekeknek és szekereknek robogása miatt megrendülnek kõfalaid, mikor bemegy kapuidon, a mint be szoktak menni a megtörött városba.

Jeĥezkel 26:10
Pro la multo de siaj cxevaloj li kovros vin per polvo; de la bruo de la rajdistoj, radoj, kaj cxaroj ektremos viaj muregoj, kiam li eniros en viajn pordegojn, kiel oni eniras en urbon trarompitan.

Hänen monien hevostensa tomun pitää sinun peittämän; niin pitää myös sinun muuris vapiseman hänen hevostensa, vaunuinsa ja ratsumiestensä töminästä, kuin hänen sinun porteistas vaeltaa sisälle, niinkuin siihen kaupunkiin mennään, joka maahan kukistettu on.

Ézéchiel 26:10
A cause de la multitude de ses chevaux, leur poussière te couvrira; tes murailles trembleront au bruit de la cavalerie, et des roues et des chars, quand il entrera par tes portes comme on entre dans une ville ouverte par la brèche.

La multitude de ses chevaux te couvrira de poussière; tes murs trembleront au bruit des cavaliers, des roues et des chars, lorsqu'il entrera dans tes portes comme on entre dans une ville conquise.

La poussière de ses chevaux te couvrira à cause de leur multitude; tes murailles trembleront du bruit des gens de cheval, des charrettes, et des chariots, quand il entrera par tes portes, comme on entre dans une ville à laquelle on a fait brèche.

Hesekiel 26:10
Der Staub von der Menge seiner Pferde wird dich bedecken, so werden auch deine Mauern erbeben vor dem Getümmel seiner Rosse, Räder und Reiter, wenn er zu deinen Toren einziehen wird, wie man pflegt in eine zerrissene Stadt einzuziehen.

Der Staub von der Menge seiner Pferde wird dich bedecken; so werden auch deine Mauern erbeben vor dem Getümmel seiner Rosse, Räder und Reiter, wenn er zu deinen Toren einziehen wird, wie man pflegt in eine zerrissene Stadt einzuziehen.

Infolge des Heranflutens seiner Rosse wird dich ihr Staub bedecken; vom Gerassel der Reiter und Räder und Wagen werden deine Mauern erdröhnen, wenn er durch deine Thore eindringt, wie man eindringt in eine eroberte Stadt.

Ezechiele 26:10
La moltitudine de’ suoi cavalli sarà tale che la polvere sollevata da loro ti coprirà; lo strepito de’ suoi cavalieri, delle sue ruote e de’ suoi carri, farà tremare le tue mura, quand’egli entrerà per le tue porte, come s’entra in una città dove s’è aperta una breccia.

Cotanto sarà grande la moltitudine dei suoi cavalli, che la lor polvere ti coprirà; per lo strepito de’ cavalieri, e delle ruote, e de’ carri, le tue mura tremeranno, quando egli entrerà dentro alle tue porte, come si entra in una città sforzata.

Dari pada kebanyakan kudanya lebupun akan menudungi engkau, dan dari pada gemuruh bunyi segala orang berkendaraan dan jentera dan ratapun akan goncanglah segala pagar tembokmu, apabila ia masuk dari pada pintu-pintu gerbangmu seperti dari pada celahan tembok negeri yang sudah ditetas.

에스겔 26:10
말이 많으므로 그 티끌이 너를 가리울 것이며 사람이 훼파된 성 구멍으로 들어가는 것 같이 그가 네 성문으로 들어갈 때에 그 기병과 수레와 병거의 소리로 인하여 네 성곽이 진동할 것이며

Ezechiel 26:10
inundatione equorum eius operiet te pulvis eorum a sonitu equitum et rotarum et curruum movebuntur muri tui dum ingressus fuerit portas tuas quasi per introitus urbis dissipatae

Ezechielio knyga 26:10
Jo daugybės žirgų sukeltos dulkės apdengs tave. Raitelių, ratų bei kovos vežimų bildesys drebins tavo sienas, kai jis įsiverš pro vartus, lyg būtų įsiveržęs pro miesto pralaužtą sieną.

Ezekiel 26:10
I te tini o ana hoiho, ka taupokina koe e to ratou puehu; ka ngarue ou taiepa i te haruru o nga kaieke hoiho, o nga kata, o nga hariata, ina tomokia e ia ou kuwaha, ina pera ia me te hunga e tomo ana ki roto ki te pa kua pakaru.

Esekiel 26:10
Hans hester er så mange at støvet av dem skal dekke dig; for larmen av ryttere og hjul og vogner skal dine murer beve, når han drar inn gjennem dine porter, som en drar inn i en hærtatt by.

Ezequiel 26:10
Por la multitud de sus caballos, su polvo te cubrirá; por el estruendo de la caballería, de las carretas y de los carros, se estremecerán tus murallas cuando entre él por tus puertas como se entra en una ciudad en que se ha hecho brecha.

"Por la multitud de sus caballos, su polvo te cubrirá; por el estruendo de la caballería, de las carretas y de los carros, se estremecerán tus murallas cuando entre él por tus puertas como se entra en una ciudad en que se ha hecho brecha.

Por la multitud de sus caballos te cubrirá el polvo de ellos; con el estruendo de la caballería, y de las ruedas, y de los carros, temblarán tus muros, cuando él entre por tus puertas como por portillos de ciudad destruida.

Por la multitud de sus caballos te cubrirá el polvo de ellos: con el estruendo de los caballeros, y de las ruedas, y de los carros, temblarán tus muros, cuando entrare por tus puertas como por portillos de ciudad destruída.

Con la multitud de sus caballos te cubrirá el polvo de ellos; con el estruendo de los caballeros, y de las ruedas, y de los carros, temblarán tus muros, cuando entrare por tus puertas como por portillos de ciudad destruida.

Ezequiel 26:10
Pela multidão de seus cavalos vigorosos te cobrirá de pó; os teus muros tremerão com o estrondo dos cavaleiros, das carretas e dos carros de guerra, quando ele adentrar pelas teus portões, como pelas entradas de uma cidade em que se fez enorme brecha na muralha.

Por causa da multidão de seus cavalos te cobrirá o seu pó; os teus muros tremerão com o estrondo dos cavaleiros, e das carroças, e dos carros, quando ele entrar pelas tuas portas, como quem entra numa cidade em que se fez brecha.   

Ezechiel 26:10
Mulţimea cailor lui te va acoperi de praf, zidurile tale se vor cutremura de vuietul călăreţilor, roţilor şi carălor, cînd va intra Nebucadneţar pe porţile tale cum se intră într'o cetate cucerită,

Иезекииль 26:10
От множества коней его покроет тебя пыль, от шума всадников и колес и колесниц потрясутся стены твои, когда он будет входитьв ворота твои, как входят в разбитый город.

От множества коней его покроет тебя пыль, от шума всадников и колес и колесниц потрясутся стены твои, когда он будет входить в ворота твои, как входят в разбитый город.[]

Hesekiel 26:10
Hans hästar äro så många att dammet skall överhölja dig. Vid dånet av hans ryttare och av hans hjuldon och vagnar skola dina murar darra, när han drager in genom dina portar, såsom man drager in i en erövrad stad.

Ezekiel 26:10
Dahil sa kasaganaan ng kaniyang mga kabayo, tatakpan ka ng kaniyang alabok: ang iyong mga kuta ay uuga sa hugong ng mga mangangabayo, at ng mga kariton, at ng mga karo, pagka siya'y papasok sa iyong mga pintuang-bayan, na gaya ng pagpasok ng tao sa isang bayan na pinamutasan.

เอเสเคียล 26:10
ม้าของท่านมากมายจนฝุ่นม้าตลบคลุมเจ้าไว้ กำแพงเมืองของเจ้าจะสั่นสะเทือนด้วยเสียงพลม้าและเกวียนและรถรบ เมื่อท่านจะยกเข้าประตูเมืองของเจ้า อย่างกับคนเดินเข้าเมือง เมื่อเมืองนั้นแตกแล้ว

Hezekiel 26:10
Sayısız atının çıkardığı toz sizi örtecek. Duvarlarında gedik açılmış bir kente girer gibi kent kapılarınızdan girdiğinde, atlıların, tekerleklerin, savaş arabalarının gürültüsünden duvarlarınız sarsılacak.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 26:10
Ngựa của người nhiều lắm đến nỗi bụi đất che mầy đi. Các vách thành mầy rúng động vì tiếng của lính kỵ, của xe chở đồ, và của xe binh, khi kẻ nghịch vào bởi các cửa mầy, như vào trong một thành đã bị thua.

Ezekiel 26:9
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