Ezekiel 12:7
Ezekiel 12:7
So I did as I was commanded. During the day I brought out my things packed for exile. Then in the evening I dug through the wall with my hands. I took my belongings out at dusk, carrying them on my shoulders while they watched.

So I did as I was told. In broad daylight I brought my pack outside, filled with the things I might carry into exile. Then in the evening while the people looked on, I dug through the wall with my hands and went out into the night with my pack on my shoulder.

And I did as I was commanded. I brought out my baggage by day, as baggage for exile, and in the evening I dug through the wall with my own hands. I brought out my baggage at dusk, carrying it on my shoulder in their sight.

I did so, as I had been commanded. By day I brought out my baggage like the baggage of an exile. Then in the evening I dug through the wall with my hands; I went out in the dark and carried the baggage on my shoulder in their sight.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for captivity, and in the even I digged through the wall with mine hand; I brought it forth in the twilight, and I bare it upon my shoulder in their sight.

So I did just as I was commanded. In the daytime I brought out my bags like an exile's bags. In the evening I dug through the wall by hand; I took them out in the dark, carrying them on my shoulder in their sight.

I did just as I was commanded. I brought out the luggage as if it were luggage for exile. I did this during the day. Then in the evening I dug a hole in the wall with my hand and brought the luggage out in total darkness and carried it out on my shoulder while they were watching.

So I did just as I was commanded. I carried out my belongings packed for exile during the day, and at evening I dug myself a hole through the wall with my hands. I went out in the darkness, carrying my baggage on my shoulder while they watched.

I did what I was ordered to do. During the day I brought out bags as if I were going into exile. In the evening I dug a hole through the wall. I brought out my bags in the dark. I let the people see me as I carried my bags on my shoulders.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for a journey, and in the evening I dug through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the night, and I bore it upon my shoulder in their sight.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my belongings by day, as belongings for captivity, and in the evening I dug through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the twilight, and I bore it upon my shoulder in their sight.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for captivity, and in the even I dig through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the twilight, and I bore it on my shoulder in their sight.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for removing, and in the even I digged through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the dark, and bare it upon my shoulder in their sight.

I did therefore as he had commanded me: I brought forth my goods by day, as the goods of one that removeth: and in the evening I digged through the wall with my hand: and I went forth in the dark, and was carried on men's shoulders in their sight.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my baggage by day, as a captive's baggage, and in the even I digged through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the dark, and bore it upon my shoulder, in their sight.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for removing, and in the even I digged through the wall with mine hand; I brought it forth in the dark, and bare it upon my shoulder in their sight.

And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for captivity, and in the evening I digged through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the twilight, and I bore it upon my shoulder in their sight.

I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for removing, and in the even I dug through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the dark, and bore it on my shoulder in their sight.

And I do so, as I have been commanded; my vessels I have brought forth as vessels of removal by day, and at even I have dug for me through the wall with the hand; in the darkness I have brought forth, on the shoulder I have borne away, before their eyes.

Ezekieli 12:7
Unë bëra pikërisht ashtu si më kishte urdhëruar; ditën nxora jashtë bagazhin tim, si bagazhi i dikujt që shkon në mërgim dhe në mbrëmje, me duar, hapa një vrimë në mur; kur u err e çova jashtë bagazhin tim dhe e vura mbi kurriz para syve të tyre.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 12:7
ففعلت هكذا كما أمرت فأخرجت أهبتي كأهبة الجلاء نهارا وفي المساء نقبت لنفسي في الحائط بيدي واخرجت في العتمة وحملت على كتفي قدام عيونهم

Dyr Heskiheel 12:7
Wie s myr angschafft war, yso gmach i s. Bei n Tag gricht i verder n Haus mein Sach zamm, wie öbber, wo verschlöppt werd. Auf Nacht braach i mit de Höndd ayn Loch durch d Wand durchhin und troch vor ienerne Augn in dyr Dunkl furt, mit meinn Pak auf de Axln.

Езекил 12:7
И сторих каквото ми бе заповядано; изнесох вещите си денем като вещи за преселване, и привечер си прокопах стената с ръка; и на мръкване ги изнесох пред очите им, като ги дигнах на рамена.

以 西 結 書 12:7
我 就 照 著 所 吩 咐 的 去 行 , 白 日 帶 出 我 的 物 件 , 好 像 預 備 擄 去 使 用 的 物 件 。 到 了 晚 上 , 我 用 手 挖 通 了 牆 。 天 黑 的 時 候 , 就 當 他 們 眼 前 搭 在 肩 頭 上 帶 出 去 。

我 就 照 着 所 吩 咐 的 去 行 , 白 日 带 出 我 的 物 件 , 好 像 预 备 掳 去 使 用 的 物 件 。 到 了 晚 上 , 我 用 手 挖 通 了 墙 。 天 黑 的 时 候 , 就 当 他 们 眼 前 搭 在 肩 头 上 带 出 去 。



Ezekiel 12:7
Učinih kako mi bijaše zapovjeđeno: obdan iznesoh zavežljaj, zavežljaj izgnanički, a obnoć prokopah zid rukama i njima na oči po mrkloj noći vrgoh zavežljaj na ramena.

Ezechiele 12:7
I učinil jsem tak, jakž rozkázáno bylo. Věci své vynesl jsem, jakožto ty, s nimiž bych se stěhoval ve dne, u večer pak prokopal jsem sobě zed rukou; po tmě jsem je vynesl, na rameni nesa před očima jejich.

Ezekiel 12:7
Og jeg gjorde, som der bødes mig: Jeg bar ved højlys Dag mine Sager udenfor, som om jeg skulde i Landflygtighed, og om Aftenen slog jeg med Haanden Hul i Væggen, og i Bælgmørke drog jeg ud; jeg tog det paa Skulderen i deres Paasyn.

Ezechiël 12:7
En ik deed alzo, gelijk als mij bevolen was; ik bracht mijn gereedschap uit bij dag, als het gereedschap dergenen, die vertrekken; daarna in den avond doorgroef ik mij den wand met de hand; ik bracht het uit in donker, en ik droeg het op den schouder voor hun ogen.

יחזקאל 12:7
וָאַ֣עַשׂ כֵּן֮ כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר צֻוֵּיתִי֒ כֵּ֠לַי הֹוצֵ֜אתִי כִּכְלֵ֤י גֹולָה֙ יֹומָ֔ם וּבָעֶ֛רֶב חָתַֽרְתִּי־לִ֥י בַקִּ֖יר בְּיָ֑ד בָּעֲלָטָ֥ה הֹוצֵ֛אתִי עַל־כָּתֵ֥ף נָשָׂ֖אתִי לְעֵינֵיהֶֽם׃ פ

ז ואעש כן כאשר צויתי כלי הוצאתי ככלי גולה יומם ובערב חתרתי לי בקיר ביד בעלטה הוצאתי על כתף נשאתי לעיניהם  {פ}

ואעש כן כאשר צויתי כלי הוצאתי ככלי גולה יומם ובערב חתרתי־לי בקיר ביד בעלטה הוצאתי על־כתף נשאתי לעיניהם׃ פ

Ezékiel 12:7
Úgy cselekedtem azért, a mint parancsolva vala nékem; eszközeimet kihordám nappal, mint vándorútra való eszközöket, és este átlyukasztám a falat kezemmel; a sötétben kivivém, vállamra emelém szemök láttára.

Jeĥezkel 12:7
Kaj mi agis tiel, kiel estis ordonite al mi:miajn necesajxojn mi elportis, kiel necesajxojn de migranto, cxe la taglumo; kaj vespere mi trabatis al mi per la mano aperturon en la muro, en mallumo mi elportis, kaj levis sur mian sxultron antaux iliaj okuloj.

Ja minä tein, niinkuin minulle käsketty oli, ja kannoin aseeni edes, niikuin minun piti vaeltaman valkialla päivällä, ja ehtoona kangotin minä itseni lävitse seinän kädellä. Ja kuin pimiä oli tullut, otin minä sen olalleni ja kannoin sen ulos heidän silmäinsä edessä.

Ézéchiel 12:7
Et je fis comme il m'avait été commandé: je sortis de jour mon bagage, comme un bagage de transporté, et, sur le soir, je perçai le mur avec la main: je le mis dehors dans l'obscurité, je le portai sur l'épaule, sous leurs yeux.

Je fis ce qui m'avait été ordonné: je sortis de jour mes effets comme des effets de voyage, le soir je perçai la muraille avec la main, et je les sortis pendant l'obscurité et les mis sur mon épaule, en leur présence.

Je fis donc comme il m'avait été commandé : je portai dehors durant le jour mon équipage tel qu'est l'équipage d'un homme qui déloge, et sur le soir je me perçai la paroi avec la main, je le tirai dehors sur la brune, [et] le portai sur l'épaule, eux le voyant.

Hesekiel 12:7
Und ich tat, wie mir befohlen war, und trug mein Gerät heraus, wie Wandergerät, bei lichtem Tage; und am Abend brach ich mit der Hand durch die Wand; und da es dunkel worden war, nahm ich's auf die Schulter und trug's heraus vor ihren Augen.

Und ich tat wie mir befohlen war, und trug mein Gerät heraus wie Wandergerät bei lichtem Tage; und am Abend brach ich mit der Hand durch die Wand; und das es dunkel geworden war, nahm ich's auf die Schulter und trug's hinaus vor ihren Augen.

Da that ich also, wie mir befohlen war: meine Gerätschaften brachte ich bei Tage heraus wie Wandergeräte und am Abend stieß ich mir mit der Hand ein Loch durch die Wand, im Finstern zog ich aus; auf der Schulter trug ich es vor ihren Augen.

Ezechiele 12:7
E io feci così come m’era stato comandato; trassi fuori di giorno il mio bagaglio, bagaglio di esiliato, e sulla sera feci con le mie mani un foro nel muro; e quando fu buio portai fuori il bagaglio, e me lo misi su le spalle in loro presenza.

Ed io feci così, come mi era stato comandato; di giorno trassi fuori i miei arnesi, simili a quelli d’un uomo che vada in paese strano; e in su la sera mi feci un foro nella parete con la mano; e in su l’imbrunir della notte trassi fuori quegli arnesi, e li portai in su le spalle, nel lor cospetto.

Hata, maka kuperbuatlah seperti pesan-Nya kepadaku, pada siang hari kubawa keluar akan barang-barangku yang kemas-kemas itu selaku orang yang pergi berjalan, dan pada petang hari kukoreklah pagar tembok terus dengan tanganku sendiri, setelah gelap keluarlah aku di hadapan mata mereka itu sambil menanggung barang-barangku di atas bahuku.

에스겔 12:7
내가 그 명대로 행하여 낮에 나의 행구를 이사하는 행구같이 내어 놓고 저물 때에 내 손으로 성벽을 뚫고 캄캄할 때에 행구를 내어다가 그 목전에서 어깨에 메고 나가니라

Ezechiel 12:7
feci ergo sicut praeceperat mihi vasa mea protuli quasi vasa transmigrantis per diem et vespere perfodi mihi parietem manu in caligine egressus sum et in umeris portatus in conspectu eorum

Ezechielio knyga 12:7
Aš padariau, kaip man buvo įsakyta: savo mantą kaip persikėlimo mantą išnešiau dienos metu, vakare pralaužiau sieną. Kai sutemo, užsidėjęs daiktus ant pečių, išėjau, jiems matant.

Ezekiel 12:7
Na mahia ana e ahau nga mea i whakahaua mai ai ahau; whakaputaina ana e ahau aku mea i te awatea, nga mea a te heke, a i te ahiahi ka pokaia e ahau te taiepa he mea mea na toku ringa; i whakaputaina e ahau i te pouri, amohia ana e ahau i runga i toku pokohiwi i ta ratou tirohanga.

Esekiel 12:7
Og jeg gjorde således som det var sagt mig: Mine ting bar jeg ut om dagen. som om jeg skulde gå i landflyktighet, og om aftenen brøt jeg mig med hånden et hull i veggen; i mørket bar jeg mine ting ut; på skulderen tok jeg dem midt for deres øine.

Ezequiel 12:7
Yo hice tal como se me había mandado. Saqué mi equipaje de día como el equipaje de un desterrado; y al atardecer cavé con mis manos a través del muro; salí en la oscuridad y cargué el equipaje sobre los hombros, ante sus ojos.

Yo hice tal como se me había mandado. Saqué mi equipaje de día como el equipaje de un desterrado. Entonces al atardecer cavé con mis manos a través del muro; salí en la oscuridad y cargué el equipaje sobre los hombros, a la vista de ellos.

Y yo hice así como me fue mandado; saqué mi equipaje de día, como equipaje de cautivo, y a la tarde horadé la pared a mano; salí de noche, y llevé mi equipaje sobre los hombros a vista de ellos.

Y yo hice así como me fué mandado: saqué mis aparejos de día, como aparejos de partida, y á la tarde horadé la pared á mano; salí de noche, y llevélos sobre los hombros á vista de ellos.

Y yo hice así como me fue mandado; saqué mis aparejos de día, como aparejos de partida, y a la tarde horadé la pared a mano; salí de noche, y los llevé sobre los hombros a vista de ellos.

Ezequiel 12:7
Então eu fiz tudo o que me foi ordenado. Durante o dia levei para fora o meu fardo, como se estivesse pronto para refugiar-me em terras estrangeiras; então, ao entardecer, cavei com as próprias mãos uma abertura na parede; e saí às escuras, carregando os meus pertences sobre os ombros diante da admiração de todos.

E fiz assim, como se me deu ordem: os meus trastes tirei para fora de dia, como para o exílio; então à tarde fiz com a mão uma abertura na parede; às escuras saí, carregando-os aos ombros, à vista deles.   

Ezechiel 12:7
Am făcut cum mi se poruncise: mi-am scos lucrurile ziua ca pentru călătorie, seara am spart zidul cu mîna, şi le-am scos pe negură şi le-am pus pe umăr, în faţa lor.

Иезекииль 12:7
И сделал я, как повелено было мне; вещи мои, как вещи нужные при переселении, вынес днем, а вечером проломал себе рукою отверстие в стене, впотьмах вынес ношу и поднял на плечо перед глазами их.

И сделал я, как повелено было мне; вещи мои, как вещи нужные при переселении, вынес днем, а вечером проломал себе рукою отверстие в стене, впотьмах вынес ношу и поднял на плечо перед глазами их.[]

Hesekiel 12:7
Och jag gjorde såsom han bjöd mig; på ljusa dagen förde jag ut mitt bohag, såsom skulle jag gå i landsflykt. Sedan, om aftonen, gjorde jag mig med handen en öppning i väggen, och när det hade blivit alldeles mörkt, förde jag det ut genom den och bar det så på axeln, i deras åsyn.

Ezekiel 12:7
At aking ginawang gayon na gaya ng iniutos sa akin: aking inilabas ang aking daladalahan sa araw, na gaya ng daladalahan sa paglipat, at sa hapon ay bumutas ako ng aking kamay sa pader; aking inilabas sa dilim, at pinasan ko sa aking balikat sa kanilang paningin.

เอเสเคียล 12:7
ข้าพเจ้าก็กระทำตามที่ข้าพเจ้ารับบัญชามา ข้าพเจ้านำข้าวของออกมาในเวลากลางวัน เหมือนข้าวของเพื่อการถูกกวาดไปเป็นเชลย ในเวลาเย็นข้าพเจ้าก็เจาะกำแพงด้วยมือของข้าพเจ้าเอง ข้าพเจ้าออกไปในเวลามืด แบกสัมภาระของข้าพเจ้าไปท่ามกลางสายตาของเขา

Hezekiel 12:7
Bana verilen buyruk uyarınca davrandım. Gündüzün sürgüne gidecekmiş gibi eşyalarımı çıkardım. Akşam elimle duvarı deldim. Eşyalarımı karanlıkta çıkarıp onlar izlerken sırtımda taşıdım.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 12:7
Ta làm theo lời Chúa đã phán dặn: mang đồ vật đi giữa ban ngày như đồ vật kẻ dời đi, đến chiều ta lấy chính tay mình mà xoi tường. Ta đem đồ vật đi trong lúc tối, và vác trên vai ta trước mắt chúng nó.

Ezekiel 12:6
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