Exodus 5:14
Exodus 5:14
And Pharaoh's slave drivers beat the Israelite overseers they had appointed, demanding, "Why haven't you met your quota of bricks yesterday or today, as before?"

Then they whipped the Israelite foremen they had put in charge of the work crews. "Why haven't you met your quotas either yesterday or today?" they demanded.

And the foremen of the people of Israel, whom Pharaoh’s taskmasters had set over them, were beaten and were asked, “Why have you not done all your task of making bricks today and yesterday, as in the past?”

Moreover, the foremen of the sons of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten and were asked, "Why have you not completed your required amount either yesterday or today in making brick as previously?"

And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and to day, as heretofore?

Then the Israelite foremen, whom Pharaoh's slave drivers had set over the people, were beaten and asked, "Why haven't you finished making your prescribed number of bricks yesterday or today, as you did before?"

The Israeli supervisors whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had appointed over them were beaten and told, "Why didn't you, both yesterday and today, fulfill your quota for making bricks as before?"

The Israelite foremen whom Pharaoh's slave masters had set over them were beaten and were asked, "Why did you not complete your requirement for brickmaking as in the past--both yesterday and today?"

Pharaoh's slave drivers had placed Israelite foremen in charge of the people. The slave drivers beat the foremen and said, "You didn't finish all the bricks you were ordered to make yesterday or today. Why didn't you make as many as you used to?"

And the officers of the sons of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and they demanded, Why have ye not fulfilled your quotas in making brick both yesterday and today, as until now?

And the officers of the children of Israel, that Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and asked, Why have you not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and today, as before?

And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Why have you not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and to day, as heretofore?

And the officers of the children of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task both yesterday and to-day, in making brick as heretofore?

And they that were over the works of the children of Israel were scourged by Pharao's taskmasters, saying: Why have you not made up the task of bricks both yesterday and to day as before?

And the officers of the children of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and it was said, Why have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick, both yesterday and to-day, as heretofore?

And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task both yesterday and today, in making brick as heretofore?

And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's task-masters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Why have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick, both yesterday and to-day, as heretofore?

The officers of the children of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, "Why haven't you fulfilled your quota both yesterday and today, in making brick as before?"

And the authorities of the sons of Israel, whom the exactors of Pharaoh have placed over them, are beaten, saying, 'Wherefore have ye not completed your portion in making brick as heretofore, both yesterday and to-day?'

Eksodi 5:14
Dhe kryepunëtorët e skuadrave të bijve të Izraelit, të caktuar mbi ta nga kontrollorët e Faraonit, i rrahën dhe i pyetën: "Pse nuk e keni përfunduar, dje dhe sot si më parë, sasinë e caktuar të tullave?".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 5:14
فضرب مدبرو بني اسرائيل الذين اقامهم عليهم مسخّرو فرعون وقيل لهم لماذا لم تكملوا فريضتكم من صنع اللبن امس واليوم كالامس واول من امس.

Dyr Auszug 5:14
Yn n Färgn seine Antreiber schluegnd de isryheelischn Aufseher, wo s eingsötzt hietnd, und gaplerrnd: "Habtß heint wider aynmaal enker Soll Ziegln nit erfüllt - neulich gieng s non?!"

Изход 5:14
И надзирателите, поставени над израилтяните от Фараоновите настойници, бяха бити, като им казаха: Защо не изкарахте, и вчера и днес, определеното на вас число тухли, както по-напред?

出 埃 及 記 5:14
法 老 督 工 的 , 責 打 他 所 派 以 色 列 人 的 官 長 , 說 : 你 們 昨 天 今 天 為 甚 麼 沒 有 照 向 來 的 數 目 做 磚 、 完 你 們 的 工 作 呢 ?

法 老 督 工 的 , 责 打 他 所 派 以 色 列 人 的 官 长 , 说 : 你 们 昨 天 今 天 为 甚 麽 没 有 照 向 来 的 数 目 做 砖 、 完 你 们 的 工 作 呢 ?



Exodus 5:14
A bilježnike koje faraonovi nadglednici bijahu postavili nad Izraelcima tukli su i korili: "Zašto niste ni jučer ni danas napravili opeke koliko i prije?"

Exodus 5:14
I biti jsou šafáři synů Izraelských, kteréž ustanovili nad nimi úředníci Faraonovi, a mluveno k nim: Proč jste nevyplnili úkolu svého v díle cihel, jako prvé, ani včera ani dnes?

2 Mosebog 5:14
Og Israeliternes Opsynsmænd, som Faraos Fogeder havde sat over dem, fik Prygl, og der blev sagt til dem: »Hvorfor stryger I ikke mere det fastsatte Antal Teglsten ligesom før?«

Exodus 5:14
En de ambtlieden der kinderen Israels, die Farao's aandrijvers over hen gesteld hadden, werden geslagen, en men zeide: Waarom hebt gijlieden uw gezette werk niet voleindigd, in het maken der tichelstenen, gelijk te voren, alzo ook gisteren en heden?

שמות 5:14
וַיֻּכּ֗וּ שֹֽׁטְרֵי֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֲשֶׁר־שָׂ֣מוּ עֲלֵהֶ֔ם נֹגְשֵׂ֥י פַרְעֹ֖ה לֵאמֹ֑ר מַדּ֡וּעַ לֹא֩ כִלִּיתֶ֨ם חָקְכֶ֤ם לִלְבֹּן֙ כִּתְמֹ֣ול שִׁלְשֹׁ֔ם גַּם־תְּמֹ֖ול גַּם־הַיֹּֽום׃

יד ויכו שטרי בני ישראל אשר שמו עלהם נגשי פרעה לאמר  מדוע לא כליתם חקכם ללבן כתמול שלשם--גם תמול גם היום

ויכו שטרי בני ישראל אשר־שמו עלהם נגשי פרעה לאמר מדוע לא כליתם חקכם ללבן כתמול שלשם גם־תמול גם־היום׃

2 Mózes 5:14
És verettetének az Izráel fiai közül való felvigyázók, a kiket a Faraó sarczoltatói rendeltek vala föléjök, mondván: Miért nem végeztétek el a rátok vetett téglaszámot sem tegnap, sem ma úgy, mint ennekelõtte?

Moseo 2: Eliro 5:14
Kaj la kontrolistojn Izraelidojn, starigitajn super ili de la voktoj de Faraono, oni batadis, dirante:Kial vi ne pretigis vian ordonitan nombron da brikoj hieraux kaj hodiaux, kiel gxis nun?

Ja Israelin lasten haltiat, jotka Pharaon teettäjät heidän päällensä asettaneet olivat, piestiin ja sanottiin heille: miksi ette eilen eikä tänäpänä täyttäneet teidän määrättyä päivätyötänne tiilein tekemisessä, niinkuin ennenkin.

Exode 5:14
Et les commissaires des fils d'Israël, qu'avaient établis sur eux les exacteurs du Pharaon, furent battus, il leur fut dit: Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas achevé votre tâche en faisant des briques, hier et aujourd'hui, comme auparavant?

On battit même les commissaires des enfants d'Israël, établis sur eux par les inspecteurs de Pharaon: Pourquoi, disait-on, n'avez-vous pas achevé hier et aujourd'hui, comme auparavant, la quantité de briques qui vous avait été fixée?

Même les Commissaires des enfants d'Israël, que les exacteurs de Pharaon avaient établis sur eux, furent battus, [et on leur] dit : pourquoi n'avez-vous point achevé votre tâche en faisant des briques hier et aujourd'hui, comme auparavant?

2 Mose 5:14
Und die Amtleute der Kinder Israel, welche die Vögte Pharaos über sie gesetzet hatten, wurden geschlagen, und ward zu ihnen gesagt: Warum habt ihr weder heute noch gestern euer gesetzt Tagwerk getan, wie vorhin?

Und die Amtleute der Kinder Israel, welche die Vögte Pharaos über sie gesetzt hatten, wurden geschlagen, und ward zu ihnen gesagt: Warum habt ihr weder heute noch gestern euer gesetztes Tagewerk getan wie bisher? {~}

Den Aufsehern der Israeliten aber, welche die Fronvögte des Pharao ihnen als Vorgesetzte gegeben hatten, ließ man Schläge geben und fragte sie: Warum habt ihr den Betrag an Backsteinen, der euch bisher auferlegt war, in den letzten Tagen nicht voll geliefert?

Esodo 5:14
E i sorveglianti de’ figliuoli d’Israele stabiliti sopra loro dagli ispettori di Faraone, furon battuti; e fu loro detto: "Perché non avete fornito, ieri e oggi come prima, la quantità di mattoni che v’è imposta?"

E i rettori dei figliuoli d’Israele, i quali i commissari di Faraone aveano costituiti sopra loro, furono battuti; e fu lor detto: Perchè non avete voi fornito ieri ed oggi la somma de’ mattoni che vi è imposta, come per addietro?

Maka segala mandur bani Israel, yang diangkat oleh segala pengerah Firaun atas mereka itu, ia itu dipalu oranglah sambil katanya: Mengapa kelamarin dan hari ini tiada kamu menghabiskan tugas kamu pada membakar batu seperti dahulu?

출애굽기 5:14
바로의 간역자들이 자기들의 세운바 이스라엘 자손의 패장들을 때리며 가로되 '너희가 어찌하여 어제와 오늘에 만드는 벽돌의 수효를 전과 같이 채우지 아니하였느냐 ?' 하니라

Exodus 5:14
flagellatique sunt qui praeerant operibus filiorum Israhel ab exactoribus Pharaonis dicentibus quare non impletis mensuram laterum sicut prius nec heri nec hodie

Iðëjimo knyga 5:14
Ir izraelitus, kuriuos faraono prievaizdai buvo paskyrę darbų prižiūrėtojais, mušė, sakydami: “Kodėl vakar ir šiandien nepagaminote nustatyto plytų kiekio kaip anksčiau?”

Exodus 5:14
Na ka whiua nga rangatira o nga tama a Iharaira i whakaritea mo ratou e nga kaiakiaki a Parao, ka mea ratou, He aha te whakaotia ai inanahi, inaianei, a koutou pereki i whakaritea ki a koutou, te pera ai me o mua ra?

2 Mosebok 5:14
Og opsynsmennene som Faraos arbeidsfogder hadde satt over Israels barn, fikk hugg, og arbeidsfogdene sa til dem: Hvorfor har I ikke gjort ferdig den fastsatte mengde teglsten, likesom før, hverken igår eller idag?

Éxodo 5:14
Y azotaban a los jefes de los hijos de Israel que los capataces de Faraón habían puesto sobre ellos, diciéndo les : ¿Por qué no habéis terminado, ni ayer ni hoy, la cantidad de ladrillos requerida como antes?

Y azotaban a los jefes de los Israelitas que los capataces de Faraón habían puesto sobre ellos, diciéndoles: "¿Por qué no han terminado, ni ayer ni hoy, la cantidad de ladrillos requerida como antes?"

Y azotaban a los capataces de los hijos de Israel, que los cuadrilleros de Faraón habían puesto sobre ellos, diciendo: ¿Por qué no habéis cumplido vuestra tarea de ladrillo ni ayer ni hoy, como antes?

Y azotaban á los capataces de los hijos de Israel, que los cuadrilleros de Faraón habían puesto sobre ellos, diciendo: ¿Por qué no habéis cumplido vuestra tarea de ladrillo ni ayer ni hoy, como antes?

Y azotaban a los gobernadores de los hijos de Israel, que los cuadrilleros del Faraón habían puesto sobre ellos, diciendo: ¿Por qué no habéis cumplido vuestra tarea de ladrillo ni ayer ni hoy, como antes?

Éxodo 5:14
Os capatazes israelitas indicados pelos feitores do Faraó eram açoitados e interrogados: “Por que, ontem e hoje, não acabastes de fazer os tijolos conforme o vosso rendimento de anteontem?”

E foram açoitados os oficiais dos filhos de Israel, postos sobre eles pelos exatores de Faraó, que reclamavam: Por que não acabastes nem ontem nem hoje a vossa tarefa, fazendo tijolos como dantes?   

Exod 5:14
Au bătut chiar pe logofeţii copiilor lui Israel, puşi peste ei de isprăvniceii lui Faraon. ,,Pentruce``, li se zicea, ,,n'aţi isprăvit ieri şi azi, ca mai înainte, numărul de cărămizi, care vă fusese hotărît?``

Исход 5:14
А надзирателей из сынов Израилевых, которых поставили над ними приставники фараоновы, били, говоря: почему вы вчера и сегодня не изготовляете урочного числа кирпичей, как было до сих пор?

А надзирателей из сынов Израилевых, которых поставили над ними приставники фараоновы, били, говоря: почему вы вчера и сегодня не изготовляете урочного числа кирпичей, как было до сих пор?[]

2 Mosebok 5:14
Och Israels barns tillsyningsmän, de som Faraos fogdar hade satt över dem, fingo uppbära hugg och slag, och man sade till dem: »Varför haven I icke såsom förut fullgjort edert förelagda dagsverke i tegel, varken i går eller i dag?»

Exodus 5:14
At ang mga pinuno sa mga anak ni Israel na ipinaglalagay sa kanila ng mga tagapagpaatag ni Faraon, ay nangapalo, at sa kanila'y sinabi, Bakit hindi ninyo tinapos ang inyong gawain kahapon at ngayon, sa paggawa ng laryo, na gaya ng dati?

อพยพ 5:14
นายกองของชนชาติอิสราเอล ซึ่งนายงานของฟาโรห์ตั้งให้เป็นผู้บังคับเขานั้น ก็ถูกโบยตีและถูกถามว่า "ทำไมหมู่นี้จึงไม่ได้อิฐที่เกณฑ์ไว้เต็มจำนวน ทั้งวานนี้และวันนี้ เหมือนแต่ก่อน"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 5:14
Firavunun angaryacılarının atadığı İsrailli görevliler, ‹‹Niçin dün ve bugün daha önceki gibi gereken sayıda kerpiç yaptırmadınız?›› diyerek dövüldüler.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 5:14
Những phái viên trong vòng dân Y-sơ-ra-ên mà các đốc dịch của Pha-ra-ôn đã lập lên trên dân đó, bị đánh và quở rằng: Sao hôm qua và ngày nay, các ngươi chẳng làm xong phần định về việc mình làm gạch y như trước?

Exodus 5:13
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