Exodus 39:14
Exodus 39:14
There were twelve stones, one for each of the names of the sons of Israel, each engraved like a seal with the name of one of the twelve tribes.

Each stone represented one of the twelve sons of Israel, and the name of that tribe was engraved on it like a seal.

There were twelve stones with their names according to the names of the sons of Israel. They were like signets, each engraved with its name, for the twelve tribes.

The stones were corresponding to the names of the sons of Israel; they were twelve, corresponding to their names, engraved with the engravings of a signet, each with its name for the twelve tribes.

And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, every one with his name, according to the twelve tribes.

The 12 stones corresponded to the names of Israel's sons. Each stone was engraved like a seal with one of the names of the 12 tribes.

The stones corresponded to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve stones corresponding to their names, with the engraving of a signet, each with the name of one of the twelve tribes.

The stones were for the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, corresponding to the number of their names. Each name corresponding to one of the twelve tribes was like the engravings of a seal.

They corresponded to the 12 sons of Israel, by name, each stone engraved (like a signet ring) with the name of one of the 12 tribes.

The stones were in agreement with the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, in agreement with their names, like the engravings of a seal, each one in agreement with his name, according to the twelve tribes.

And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, every one with its name, according to the twelve tribes.

And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, every one with his name, according to the twelve tribes.

And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names; like the engravings of a signet, every one according to his name, for the twelve tribes.

And the twelve stones were engraved with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, each one with its several name.

And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, engraved as a seal, every one according to his name, for the twelve tribes.

And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names; like the engravings of a signet, every one according to his name, for the twelve tribes.

And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, every one with his name, according to the twelve tribes.

The stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names; like the engravings of a signet, everyone according to his name, for the twelve tribes.

And the stones, according to the names of the sons of Israel, are twelve, according to their names, openings of a signet, each according to his name, for the twelve tribes.

Eksodi 39:14
Gurët u korrespondonin emrave të bijve të Izraelit: dymbëdhjetë, simbas emrave të tyre të gdhendur si vula, secili me emrin e njërit nga dymbëdhjetë fiset.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 39:14
والحجارة كانت على اسماء بني اسرائيل اثني عشر على اسمائهم كنقش الخاتم. كل واحد على اسمه للاثني عشر سبطا.

Dyr Auszug 39:14
Zwölf Stäin warnd s also, und auf aynn iedn war ayn Nam von aynn Stamm von Isryheel drauf, wie myn s in aynn Siglring einschrimpfet.

Изход 39:14
И камъните бяха според имената на синовете на Израиля; те бяха дванадесет според техните имена; и на всеки от тях бе изрязано, като на печат, по едно име от дванадесетте племена.

出 埃 及 記 39:14
這 些 寶 石 都 是 按 著 以 色 列 十 二 個 兒 子 的 名 字 , 彷 彿 刻 圖 書 , 刻 十 二 個 支 派 的 名 字 。

这 些 宝 石 都 是 按 着 以 色 列 十 二 个 儿 子 的 名 字 , 彷 佛 刻 图 书 , 刻 十 二 个 支 派 的 名 字 。



Exodus 39:14
Na kamenima su bila imena Izraelovih sinova. Na broj ih je bilo dvanaest, kao i njihovih imena. Bila su urezana kao i pečati - svaki kamen s imenom jednoga od dvanaest plemena.

Exodus 39:14
Těch pak kamenů s jmény synů Izraelských bylo dvanácte vedlé jmen jejich, vyrytých, jako pečet ryta bývá, každý vedlé jména svého pro dvanáctero pokolení.

2 Mosebog 39:14
Der var tolv Sten, svarende til Israels Sønners Navne, en for hvert Navn; det var graveret Arbejde som Signeter, saaledes at hver Sten bar Navnet paa en af de tolv Stammer.

Exodus 39:14
Deze stenen nu, met de namen der zonen van Israel, waren twaalf, met hun namen, met zegelgravering; ieder met zijn naam, naar de twaalf stammen.

שמות 39:14
וְ֠הָאֲבָנִים עַל־שְׁמֹ֨ת בְּנֵי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֥ל הֵ֛נָּה שְׁתֵּ֥ים עֶשְׂרֵ֖ה עַל־שְׁמֹתָ֑ם פִּתּוּחֵ֤י חֹתָם֙ אִ֣ישׁ עַל־שְׁמֹ֔ו לִשְׁנֵ֥ים עָשָׂ֖ר שָֽׁבֶט׃

יד והאבנים על שמת בני ישראל הנה שתים עשרה--על שמתם  פתוחי חתם איש על שמו לשנים עשר שבט

והאבנים על־שמת בני־ישראל הנה שתים עשרה על־שמתם פתוחי חתם איש על־שמו לשנים עשר שבט׃

2 Mózes 39:14
A kövek pedig Izráel fiainak nevei szerint valának, tizenkettõ vala az õ nevök szerint, és pecsét módjára metszve, mindenik a reá való névvel, a tizenkét nemzetség szerint.

Moseo 2: Eliro 39:14
Kaj la sxtonoj estis laux la nomoj de la filoj de Izrael; dek du, laux iliaj nomoj, gravuritaj sigelile, cxiu kun sia nomo, por la dek du triboj.

Ja nämät kivet olivat Israelin lasten nimein jälkeen kaksitoistakymmentä, kaivetut sinetin tavalla, itsekukin nimeltänsä, kahdentoistakymmentä sukukunnan jälkeen.

Exode 39:14
Et les pierres étaient selon les noms des fils d'Israël, douze, selon leurs noms, en gravure de cachet, chacune selon son nom, pour les douze tribus.

Il y en avait douze, d'après les noms des fils d'Israël; elles étaient gravées comme des cachets, chacune avec le nom de l'une des douze tribus. -

Ainsi il y avait autant de pierres qu'il y avait de noms des enfants d'Israël, douze selon leurs noms, chacune d'elles gravée de gravure de cachet, selon le nom, [qu'elle devait porter, et] elles étaient pour les douze Tribus.

2 Mose 39:14
Und die Steine stunden nach den zwölf Namen der Kinder Israel, gegraben durch die Steinschneider, ein jeglicher seines Namens, nach den zwölf Stämmen.

Und die Steine standen nach den zwölf Namen der Kinder Israel, gegraben durch die Steinschneider, daß auf einem jeglichen ein Name stand nach den zwölf Stämmen. {~}

Es waren aber der Steine entsprechend den Namen der Israels-Söhne ihrer Zwölf, entsprechend ihren Namen, mittels Siegelstecherkunst mit dem Namen je eines der zwölf Stämme versehen.

Esodo 39:14
E le pietre corrispondevano ai nomi dei figliuoli d’Israele, ed erano dodici, secondo i loro nomi; erano incise come de’ sigilli, ciascuna col nome d’una delle dodici tribù.

E quelle pietre erano in numero di dodici, secondo i nomi dei figliuoli d’Israele; in ciascuna d’esse era scolpito, a lavoro d’intagli di suggello, il suo nome, per le dodici tribù.

Maka banyak permata itu sama dengan segala nama bani Israel, yaitu dua belas banyaknya, nama masing-masing diukir dalamnya dengan ukiran meterai, setuju dengan kedua belas suku bangsa itu.

출애굽기 39:14
이 보석들은 이스라엘 아들들의 이름 곧 그들의 이름대로 열 둘이라 인을 새김 같이 그 열 두 지파의 각 이름을 새겼으며

Exodus 39:14
ipsique lapides duodecim sculpti erant nominibus duodecim tribuum Israhel singuli per nomina singulorum

Iðëjimo knyga 39:14
Pačiuose akmenyse buvo įrėžti dvylikos Izraelio giminių vardai, kiekviename po vieną vardą.

Exodus 39:14
A rite tonu nga kohatu ki nga ingoa o nga tama a Iharaira kotahi tekau ma rua, rite tonu ki o ratou ingoa, i rite te tuhi ki to te hiri, tenei tangata me tona ingoa, tenei tangata me tona ingoa; rite tonu ki nga iwi kotahi tekau ma rua.

2 Mosebok 39:14
Stenene var tolv i tallet efter navnene på Israels sønner, en for hvert navn; på hver sten var navnet på en av de tolv stammer innskåret, likesom på et signet.

Éxodo 39:14
Y las piedras correspondían a los nombres de los hijos de Israel; eran doce, conforme a sus nombres, grabadas como las grabaduras de un sello, cada una con su nombre conforme a las doce tribus.

Las piedras correspondían a los nombres de los hijos de Israel. Eran doce, conforme a sus nombres, grabadas como las grabaduras de un sello, cada una con su nombre conforme a las doce tribus.

Y las piedras eran conforme a los nombres de los hijos de Israel, doce según los nombres de ellos; como grabaduras de sello, cada una con su nombre según las doce tribus.

Las cuales piedras eran conforme á los nombres de los hijos de Israel, doce según los nombres de ellos; como grabaduras de sello, cada una con su nombre según las doce tribus.

Las piedras eran conforme a los nombres de los hijos de Israel, doce conforme a los nombres de ellos; como grabaduras de sello, cada una conforme a su nombre según las doce tribus.

Éxodo 39:14
Havia doze pedras, uma pedra representando cada nome dos filhos e clãs de Israel, cada uma gravada como um lapidador grava um selo, com o nome de uma das doze tribos.

Estas pedras, pois, eram doze, segundo os nomes dos filhos de Israel; eram semelhantes a gravuras de selo, cada uma com o nome de uma das doze tribos.   

Exod 39:14
Erau douăsprezece, după numele fiilor lui Israel; erau săpate ca nişte peceţi, fiecare cu numele uneia din cele douăsprezece seminţii.

Исход 39:14
Камней было по числу имен сынов Израилевых: двенадцать было их, по числу имен их, ина каждом из них вырезано было, как на печати, по одному имени, для двенадцати колен.

Камней было по числу имен сынов Израилевых: двенадцать было их, по числу имен их, и на каждом из них вырезано было, [как] на печати, по одному имени, для двенадцати колен.[]

2 Mosebok 39:14
Stenarna voro tolv, efter Israels söners namn, en för vart namn; var sten bar namnet på en av de tolv stammarna, inristat på samma sätt som man graverar signetringar.

Exodus 39:14
At ang mga bato ay ayon sa mga pangalan ng mga anak ni Israel, labingdalawa, ayon sa kanilang mga pangalan; na ayos ukit ng isang panatak; bawa't isa'y ayon sa kaniyang pangalan, na ukol sa labingdalawang lipi.

อพยพ 39:14
พลอยเหล่านั้นมีชื่อเหล่าบุตรอิสราเอลสิบสองชื่อ จารึกไว้เหมือนแกะตรา มีชื่อตระกูลทุกตระกูลตามลำดับสิบสองตระกูล

Mısır'dan Çıkış 39:14
On iki taş vardı. Üzerlerine mühür oyar gibi İsrailoğullarının adları bir bir oyulmuştu. Bu taşlar İsrailin on iki oymağını simgeliyordu.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 39:14
Số ngọc là mười hai, tùy theo số danh của các con trai Y-sơ-ra-ên. Mỗi viên ngọc có khắc một tên trong mười hai chi phái Y-sơ-ra-ên như người ta khắc con dấu.

Exodus 39:13
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