Exodus 33:13
Exodus 33:13
If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people."

If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor. And remember that this nation is your very own people."

Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.”

"Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too, that this nation is Your people."

Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.

Now if I have indeed found favor in Your sight, please teach me Your ways, and I will know You and find favor in Your sight. Now consider that this nation is Your people."

Now, if I've found favor in your sight, please show me your ways so I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. And remember, this nation is your people."

Now if I have found favor in your sight, show me your way, that I may know you, that I may continue to find favor in your sight. And see that this nation is your people."

If you really are pleased with me, show me your ways so that I can know you and so that you will continue to be pleased with me. Remember: This nation is your people."

Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, show me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight; and consider that this nation is thy people.

Now therefore, I pray you, if I have found grace in your sight, show me now your way, that I may know you, that I may find grace in your sight: and consider that this nation is your people.

Now therefore, I pray you, if I have found grace in your sight, show me now your way, that I may know you, that I may find grace in your sight: and consider that this nation is your people.

Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found favor in thy sight, show me now thy ways, that I may know thee, to the end that I may find favor in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.

If therefore I have found favour in thy sight, show me thy face, that I may know thee, and may find grace before thy eyes: look upon thy people this nation.

And now, if indeed I have found grace in thine eyes, make me now to know thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thine eyes; and consider that this nation is thy people!

Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy ways, that I may know thee, to the end that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.

Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, show me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.

Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you, so that I may find favor in your sight: and consider that this nation is your people."

And now, if, I pray Thee, I have found grace in Thine eyes, cause me to know, I pray Thee, Thy way, and I know Thee, so that I find grace in Thine eyes, and consider that this nation is Thy people;'

Eksodi 33:13
Prandaj tani, që më ke me sy të mirë, më bëj të njohura rrugët e tua, që të kem mundësi të të njoh dhe të fitoj hir në sytë e tu. Merr parasysh gjithashtu se ky komb është populli yt".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 33:13
فالآن ان كنت قد وجدت نعمة في عينيك فعلّمني طريقك حتى اعرفك لكي اجد نعمة في عينيك. وانظر ان هذه الامة شعبك.

Dyr Auszug 33:13
Wenn i aber in deiner Gnaad bin, känntst myr doch sagn, auf wasst aushinwillst, däß i di kennenlern und deinn Willn erfülln kan. Schaug, die Leut seind decht dein Volk!"

Изход 33:13
Сега, прочее, аз съм придобил Твоето благоволение, покажи ми моля Ти се, пътя Си, за да Те позная и придобия благоволението Ти; и разсъждай, че тоя народ Твои люде са.

出 埃 及 記 33:13
我 如 今 若 在 你 眼 前 蒙 恩 , 求 你 將 你 的 道 指 示 我 , 使 我 可 以 認 識 你 , 好 在 你 眼 前 蒙 恩 。 求 你 想 到 這 民 是 你 的 民 。

我 如 今 若 在 你 眼 前 蒙 恩 , 求 你 将 你 的 道 指 示 我 , 使 我 可 以 认 识 你 , 好 在 你 眼 前 蒙 恩 。 求 你 想 到 这 民 是 你 的 民 。



Exodus 33:13
Stoga, ako uživam tvoju blagonaklonost, objavi mi svoje putove da te shvatim i da dalje uživam tvoju blagonaklonost. Promisli također da je ova svjetina tvoj narod."

Exodus 33:13
Již tedy, jestliže jsem jen nalezl milost před tebou, oznam mi, prosím, cestu svou, abych tě poznal, a abych nalezl milost před tebou; a pohleď, že národ tento jest lid tvůj.

2 Mosebog 33:13
Hvis jeg nu virkelig har fundet Naade for dine Øjne, saa lær mig dine Veje at kende, at jeg kan kende dig og finde Naade for dine Øjne; tænk dog paa, at dette Folk er dit Folk!«

Exodus 33:13
Nu dan, ik bidde, indien ik genade gevonden heb in Uw ogen, zo laat mij nu Uw weg weten, en ik zal U kennen, opdat ik genade vinde in Uw ogen; en zie aan, dat deze natie Uw volk is!

שמות 33:13
וְעַתָּ֡ה אִם־נָא֩ מָצָ֨אתִי חֵ֜ן בְּעֵינֶ֗יךָ הֹודִעֵ֤נִי נָא֙ אֶת־דְּרָכֶ֔ךָ וְאֵדָ֣עֲךָ֔ לְמַ֥עַן אֶמְצָא־חֵ֖ן בְּעֵינֶ֑יךָ וּרְאֵ֕ה כִּ֥י עַמְּךָ֖ הַגֹּ֥וי הַזֶּֽה׃

יג ועתה אם נא מצאתי חן בעיניך הודעני נא את דרכך ואדעך למען אמצא חן בעיניך וראה כי עמך הגוי הזה

ועתה אם־נא מצאתי חן בעיניך הודעני נא את־דרכך ואדעך למען אמצא־חן בעיניך וראה כי עמך הגוי הזה׃

2 Mózes 33:13
Most azért ha kedvet találtam szemeid elõtt, mutasd meg nékem a te útadat, hogy ismerjelek meg téged, hogy kedvet találhassak elõtted. És gondold meg, hogy e nép a te néped.

Moseo 2: Eliro 33:13
Nun, se mi akiris Vian favoron, volu sciigi al mi Vian vojon, por ke mi konu Vin, por akiri Vian favoron; kaj vidu, ke cxi tiu popolo estas Via popolo.

Nyt siis, jos minä muutoin olen armon löytänyt sinun edessäs, niin osota nyt minulle sinun ties, että minä sinut tuntisin ja löytäisin armon sinun edessäs: ja katso kuitenkin, että tämä väki on sinun kansas.

Exode 33:13
Et maintenant, je te prie, si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, fais-moi connaître, je te prie, ton chemin, et je te connaîtrai, afin que je trouve grâce à tes yeux; et considère que cette nation est ton peuple.

Maintenant, si j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, fais-moi connaître tes voies; alors je te connaîtrai, et je trouverai encore grâce à tes yeux. Considère que cette nation est ton peuple.

Or maintenant, je te prie, si j'ai trouvé grâce devant tes yeux, fais-moi connaître ton chemin, et je te connaîtrai, afin que je trouve grâce devant tes yeux; considère aussi que cette nation est ton peuple.

2 Mose 33:13
Habe ich denn Gnade vor deinen Augen funden, so laß mich deinen Weg wissen, damit ich dich kenne und Gnade vor deinen Augen finde. Und siehe doch, daß dies Volk dein Volk ist.

Habe ich denn Gnade vor deinen Augen gefunden, so laß mich deinen Weg wissen, damit ich dich kenne und Gnade vor deinen Augen finde. Und siehe doch, daß dies Volk dein Volk ist.

Wenn ich nun also Gnade bei dir gefunden habe, so weihe mich ein in deine Pläne und laß mich dich erkennen, damit ich Gnade vor dir finde, und bedenke doch, daß diese Leute dein Volk sind!

Esodo 33:13
Or dunque, se ho trovato grazia agli occhi tuoi, deh, fammi conoscere le tue vie, ond’io ti conosca e possa trovar grazia agli occhi tuoi. E considera che questa nazione è popolo tuo".

Ora dunque, se pure ho trovata grazia davanti agli occhi tuoi, fammi, ti prego, conoscere la tua via, e fa’ ch’io ti conosca; acciocchè io trovi grazia davanti agli occhi tuoi; e riguarda che questa nazione è tuo popolo.

Maka sekarangpun pintaku, jikalau aku telah mendapat rahmat pada pemandanganmu, biarlah kiranya aku mengetahui jalanmu, maka dapat kuketahui dengan sebenarnya, bahwa aku telah beroleh rahmat pada pemandangan-Mu, dan ingat apalah bahwa bangsa ini umat-Mu adanya!

출애굽기 33:13
내가 참으로 주의 목전에 은총을 입게 하시며 이 족속을 주의 백성으로 여기소서 !'

Exodus 33:13
si ergo inveni gratiam in conspectu tuo ostende mihi viam tuam ut sciam te et inveniam gratiam ante oculos tuos respice populum tuum gentem hanc

Iðëjimo knyga 33:13
Jei tad radau malonę Tavo akyse, apreikšk man savo kelius, kad Tave pažinčiau ir galėčiau atrasti malonę Tavo akyse, nes tie žmonės yra Tavo tauta”.

Exodus 33:13
Na, ki te mea kua manakohia ahau e koe, tena, whakaaturia mai ki ahau ou ara, kia mohio ai ahau ki a koe, kia manakohia ai ahau e koe; kia mahara hoki he iwi nau tenei iwi.

2 Mosebok 33:13
Dersom jeg nu har funnet nåde for dine øine, så la mig se din vei, så jeg kan kjenne dig og finne nåde for dine øine, og kom i hu at dette folk er ditt folk!

Éxodo 33:13
Ahora pues, si he hallado gracia ante tus ojos, te ruego que me hagas conocer tus caminos para que yo te conozca y halle gracia ante tus ojos. Considera también que esta nación es tu pueblo.

"Ahora pues, si he hallado gracia ante Tus ojos, Te ruego que me hagas conocer Tus caminos para que yo Te conozca y halle gracia ante Tus ojos. Considera también que esta nación es Tu pueblo."

Ahora, pues, si he hallado gracia en tus ojos, te ruego que me muestres ahora tu camino, para que te conozca, y que halle gracia en tus ojos; y considera que este pueblo es tu gente.

Ahora, pues, si he hallado gracia en tus ojos, ruégote que me muestres ahora tu camino, para que te conozca, porque halle gracia en tus ojos: y mira que tu pueblo es aquesta gente.

Ahora, pues, si he hallado ahora gracia en tus ojos, te ruego que me muestres tu camino, para que te conozca, para que halle gracia en tus ojos; y mira que tu pueblo es esta gente.

Éxodo 33:13
Agora, portanto, se me vês com agrado, mostra-me o teu caminho, a fim de que eu te conheça ainda mais e continue sendo agraciado com tua misericórdia. Lembra-te de que esta nação é o teu povo!”

Se eu, pois, tenho achado graça aos teus olhos, rogo-te que agora me mostres os teus caminhos, para que eu te conheça, a fim de que ache graça aos teus olhos; e considera que esta nação é teu povo.   

Exod 33:13
Acum, dacă am căpătat trecere înaintea Ta, arată-mi căile Tale; atunci Te voi cunoaşte, şi voi avea trecere înaintea Ta. Şi gîndeşte-Te că neamul aceasta este poporul Tău!``

Исход 33:13
итак, если я приобрел благоволение в очах Твоих, то молю: открой мне путь Твой, дабыя познал Тебя, чтобы приобрести благоволение в очах Твоих; и помысли, что сии люди Твой народ.

итак, если я приобрел благоволение в очах Твоих, то молю: открой мне путь Твой, дабы я познал Тебя, чтобы приобрести благоволение в очах Твоих; и помысли, что сии люди Твой народ.[]

2 Mosebok 33:13
Om jag alltså har funnit nåd för dina ögon, så låt mig se dina vägar och lära känna dig; jag vill ju finna nåd för dina ögon. Och se därtill, att detta folk är ditt folk.»

Exodus 33:13
Ngayon nga, isinasamo ko sa iyo, na kung ako'y nakasumpong ng biyaya sa iyong paningin, ay ituro mo sa akin ngayon ang iyong mga daan, upang ikaw ay aking makilala, na ano pa't ako'y makasumpong ng biyaya sa iyong paningin: at akalain mo, na ang bansang ito ay iyong bayan.

อพยพ 33:13
ฉะนั้นบัดนี้ ข้าพระองค์ทูลวิงวอนต่อพระองค์ ถ้าแม้ข้าพระองค์ได้รับพระกรุณาในสายพระเนตรของพระองค์แล้ว ขอทรงโปรดสำแดงพระมรรคาของพระองค์ให้ข้าพระองค์เห็นในกาลบัดนี้ เพื่อข้าพระองค์จะรู้จักพระองค์ แล้วจะรับพระกรุณาในสายพระเนตรของพระองค์ และขอทรงถือว่าชนชาตินี้เป็นพลไพร่ของพระองค์"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 33:13
Eğer benden hoşnutsan, lütfen şimdi bana yollarını göster ki, seni daha iyi tanıyıp hoşnut etmeye devam edeyim. Unutma, bu ulus senin halkındır.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 33:13
Vậy bây giờ, nếu tôi được ơn trước mặt Chúa, xin cho tôi biết đường của Chúa, để cho tôi biết Chúa và được ơn trước mặt Ngài. Xin cũng hãy nghĩ rằng dân nầy là dân của Ngài!

Exodus 33:12
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