Exodus 33:12
Exodus 33:12
Moses said to the LORD, "You have been telling me, 'Lead these people,' but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, 'I know you by name and you have found favor with me.'

One day Moses said to the LORD, "You have been telling me, 'Take these people up to the Promised Land.' But you haven't told me whom you will send with me. You have told me, 'I know you by name, and I look favorably on you.'

Moses said to the LORD, “See, you say to me, ‘Bring up this people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.’

Then Moses said to the LORD, "See, You say to me, 'Bring up this people!' But You Yourself have not let me know whom You will send with me. Moreover, You have said, 'I have known you by name, and you have also found favor in My sight.'

And Moses said unto the LORD, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.

Moses said to the LORD, "Look, You have told me, 'Lead this people up,' but You have not let me know whom You will send with me. You said, 'I know you by name, and you have also found favor in My sight.'

Moses told the LORD, "Look, you have told me, 'Bring up this people,' but you haven't let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, 'I know you by name,' and also, 'You have found favor in my sight.'

Moses said to the LORD, "See, you have been saying to me, 'Bring this people up,' but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. But you said, 'I know you by name, and also you have found favor in my sight.'

Moses said to the LORD, "You've been telling me to lead these people, but you haven't let me know whom you're sending with me. You've also said, 'I know you by name, and I'm pleased with you.'

And Moses said unto the LORD, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring this people out, and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou saith, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.

And Moses said unto the LORD, See, you say unto me, Bring up this people: and you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, I know you by name, and you have also found grace in my sight.

And Moses said to the LORD, See, you say to me, Bring up this people: and you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, I know you by name, and you have also found grace in my sight.

And Moses said unto Jehovah, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found favor in my sight.

And Moses said to the Lord; Thou commandest me to lead forth this people: and thou dost not let me know whom thou wilt send with me, especially whereas thou hast said: I know thee by name, and thou hast found favour in my sight.

And Moses said to Jehovah, Behold, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people; but thou dost not let me know whom thou wilt send with me; and thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in mine eyes.

And Moses said unto the LORD, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.

And Moses said to the LORD, See, thou sayest to me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.

Moses said to Yahweh, "Behold, you tell me, 'Bring up this people:' and you haven't let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, 'I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.'

And Moses saith unto Jehovah, 'See, Thou art saying unto me, Bring up this people, and Thou hast not caused me to know whom Thou dost send with me; and Thou hast said, I have known thee by name, and also thou hast found grace in Mine eyes.

Eksodi 33:12
Pastaj Moisiu i tha Zotit: "Pa shiko, ti më thua: "Bëj që ky popull të ngjitet". Por ti nuk më ke thënë cilin do të dërgosh me mua. Megjithatë ke thënë: "Unë të njoh personalisht dhe ke gjetur hir në sytë e mi".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 33:12
وقال موسى للرب انظر. انت قائل لي أصعد هذا الشعب. وانت لم تعرّفني من ترسل معي. وانت قد قلت عرفتك باسمك. ووجدت ايضا نعمة في عينيّ.

Dyr Auszug 33:12
Dyr Mosen gsait zo n Herrn: "Herr, du tuest di leicht; i soll zwaar dös Volk aufhinfüern, aber du haast myr s non nit z wissn gmacht, wemst mitschickst. Du haast diend gsait: 'I kenn deinn Nam und haan dyr mein Gnaad gschenkt.'

Изход 33:12
Моисей, прочее, рече Господу: Ето, Ти ми казваш: Води тия люде; но не си ми явил, кого ще изпратиш с мене; но пак Ти си ми рекъл: Тебе познавам по име, още си придобил Моето благоволение.

出 埃 及 記 33:12
摩 西 對 耶 和 華 說 : 你 吩 咐 我 說 : 將 這 百 姓 領 上 去 , 卻 沒 有 叫 我 知 道 你 要 打 發 誰 與 我 同 去 , 只 說 : 我 按 你 的 名 認 識 你 , 你 在 我 眼 前 也 蒙 了 恩 。

摩 西 对 耶 和 华 说 : 你 吩 咐 我 说 : 将 这 百 姓 领 上 去 , 却 没 有 叫 我 知 道 你 要 打 发 谁 与 我 同 去 , 只 说 : 我 按 你 的 名 认 识 你 , 你 在 我 眼 前 也 蒙 了 恩 。



Exodus 33:12
Mojsije oslovi Jahvu: "Vidi, ti si meni rekao: 'Povedi ovaj narod', ali mi nisi objavio koga ćeš sa mnom poslati. Još si mi rekao: 'Znam te po imenu, i ti uživaš moju blagonaklonost.'

Exodus 33:12
I řekl Mojžíš Hospodinu: Pohleď, ty velíš mi, abych vedl lid tento, a neoznámils mi, koho pošleš se mnou, ještos pravil: Znám tě ze jména, k tomu také nalezl jsi milost přede mnou.

2 Mosebog 33:12
Moses sagde til HERREN: »Se, du siger til mig: Før dette Folk frem! Men du har ikke ladet mig vide, hvem du vil sende med mig; og dog har du sagt: Jeg kender dig ved Navn, og du har fundet Naade for mine Øjne!

Exodus 33:12
En Mozes zeide tot den HEERE: Zie, Gij zegt tot mij: Voer dit volk op! maar Gij laat mij niet weten, wien Gij met mij zult zenden; daar Gij gezegd hebt: Ik ken u bij name! en ook: Gij hebt genade gevonden in Mijn ogen!

שמות 33:12
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֜ה אֶל־יְהוָ֗ה רְ֠אֵה אַתָּ֞ה אֹמֵ֤ר אֵלַי֙ הַ֚עַל אֶת־הָעָ֣ם הַזֶּ֔ה וְאַתָּה֙ לֹ֣א הֹֽודַעְתַּ֔נִי אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־תִּשְׁלַ֖ח עִמִּ֑י וְאַתָּ֤ה אָמַ֙רְתָּ֙ יְדַעְתִּ֣יךָֽ בְשֵׁ֔ם וְגַם־מָצָ֥אתָ חֵ֖ן בְּעֵינָֽי׃

יב ויאמר משה אל יהוה ראה אתה אמר אלי העל את העם הזה ואתה לא הודעתני את אשר תשלח עמי ואתה אמרת ידעתיך בשם וגם מצאת חן בעיני

ויאמר משה אל־יהוה ראה אתה אמר אלי העל את־העם הזה ואתה לא הודעתני את אשר־תשלח עמי ואתה אמרת ידעתיך בשם וגם־מצאת חן בעיני׃

2 Mózes 33:12
És monda Mózes az Úrnak: Lásd, te [azt] mondod nékem, vidd el ezt a népet, de nem mutattad meg nékem kit küldesz velem; pedig [azt] mondtad [nékem:] név szerint ismerlek téged, és kedvet találtál szemeim elõtt.

Moseo 2: Eliro 33:12
Kaj Moseo diris al la Eternulo:Vidu, Vi diras al mi:Konduku cxi tiun popolon; kaj Vi ne sciigis al mi, kiun Vi sendos kun mi, kvankam Vi diris:Mi konas vin laux via nomo, kaj vi akiris Mian favoron.

Ja Moses sanoi Herralle: katso, sinä sanot minulle: johdata tämä kansa, ja et sinä ilmoittanut, kenenkä sinä lähetät minun kanssani; ja kuitenkin sinä sanoit minulle: minä tunnen sinun nimeltäs, ja sinä olet myös armon löytänyt minun edessäni.

Exode 33:12
Et Moïse dit à l'Éternel: Regarde, tu me dis: Fais monter ce peuple; et tu ne m'as pas fait connaître celui que tu enverras avec moi; et tu as dit: Je te connais par nom, et tu as aussi trouvé grâce à mes yeux.

Moïse dit à l'Eternel: Voici, tu me dis: Fais monter ce peuple! Et tu ne me fais pas connaître qui tu enverras avec moi. Cependant, tu as dit: Je te connais par ton nom, et tu as trouvé grâce à mes yeux.

Moïse donc dit à l'Eternel : regarde, tu m'as dit : fais monter ce peuple, et tu ne m'as point fait connaître celui que tu dois envoyer avec moi; tu as même dit : je te connais par ton nom, et aussi, tu as trouvé grâce devant mes yeux

2 Mose 33:12
Und Mose sprach zu dem HERRN: Siehe, du sprichst zu mir: Führe das Volk hinauf, und lässest mich nicht wissen, wen du mit mir senden willst, so du doch gesagt hast: Ich kenne dich mit Namen, und hast Gnade vor meinen Augen funden.

Und Mose sprach zu dem HERRN: Siehe, du sprichst zu mir: Führe das Volk hinauf! und läßt mich nicht wissen, wen du mit mir senden willst, so du doch gesagt hast: Ich kenne dich mit Namen, und du hast Gnade vor meinen Augen gefunden.

Hierauf sprach Mose zu Jahwe: Du befiehlst mir freilich: Führe dieses Volk hinweg! hast mir aber nicht kund gethan, wen du mir als Begleiter mitsenden willst. Und du hast ja doch gesagt: Ich kenne dich mit Namen; auch hast du Gnade bei mir gefunden!

Esodo 33:12
E Mosè disse all’Eterno: "Vedi, tu mi dici: Fa’ salire questo popolo! e non mi fai conoscere chi manderai meco. Eppure hai detto: Io ti conosco personalmente ed anche hai trovato grazia agli occhi miei.

E Mosè disse al Signore: Vedi, tu mi dici: Mena fuori questo popolo; e tu non mi hai fatto conoscere chi tu manderai meco; e pur tu mi hai detto: Io ti ho conosciuto per nome, e anche tu hai trovata grazia davanti agli occhi miei.

Maka sembah Musa kepada Tuhan: Bahwasanya firman-Mu kepadaku: Hantarkanlah orang banyak ini naik; maka tiada Engkau memberitahu aku, siapa yang hendak Kausuruhkan sertaku, tetapi firman-Mu juga: Bahwa Aku mengenal engkau dengan namamu! dan lagi: Engkau telah beroleh rahmat pada pemandangan-Ku!

출애굽기 33:12
모세가 여호와께 고하되 `보시옵소서 ! 주께서 나더러 이 백성을 인도하여 올라가라 하시면서 나와 함께 보낼 자를 내게 지시하지 아니하시나이다 주께서 전에 말씀하시기를 나는 이름으로도 너를 알고 너도 내 앞에 은총을 입었다 하셨사온즉

Exodus 33:12
dixit autem Moses ad Dominum praecipis ut educam populum istum et non indicas mihi quem missurus es mecum praesertim cum dixeris novi te ex nomine et invenisti gratiam coram me

Iðëjimo knyga 33:12
Mozė tarė Viešpačiui: “Liepei išvesti šitą tautą ir nepasakei, ką siųsi su manimi, tačiau sakei: ‘Aš tave pažįstu ir žinau tavo vardą, tu radai malonę mano akyse’.

Exodus 33:12
A i mea a Mohi ki a Ihowa, Titiro, kua mea mai nei koe ki ahau, Kawea tenei iwi ki runga: a kahore i whakaaturia mai e koe ki ahau tau e unga ai hei hoa moku. Kua mea mai ano koe ki ahau, E mohio ana ahau ki a koe, ki tou ingoa hoki, kua manakoh ia ano koe e ahau.

2 Mosebok 33:12
Og Moses sa til Herren: Se, du sier til mig: Før dette folk op! Men du har ikke latt mig vite hvem du vil sende med mig, enda du selv har sagt: Jeg kjenner dig ved navn, og du har funnet nåde for mine øine.

Éxodo 33:12
Y Moisés dijo al SEÑOR: Mira, tú me dices: ``Haz subir a este pueblo; pero tú no me has declarado a quién enviarás conmigo. Además has dicho: ``Te he conocido por tu nombre, y también has hallado gracia ante mis ojos.

Entonces Moisés dijo al SEÑOR: "Mira, Tú me dices: 'Haz subir a este pueblo.' Pero Tú no me has declarado a quién enviarás conmigo. Además has dicho: 'Te he conocido por tu nombre, y también has hallado gracia ante Mis ojos.'

Y dijo Moisés a Jehová: Mira, tú me dices a mí: Saca este pueblo: y tú no me has declarado a quién has de enviar conmigo: sin embargo, tú dices: Yo te he conocido por tu nombre, y has hallado también gracia en mis ojos.

Y dijo Moisés á Jehová: Mira, tú me dices á mí: Saca este pueblo: y tú no me has declarado á quién has de enviar conmigo: sin embargo, tú dices: Yo te he conocido por tu nombre, y has hallado también gracia en mis ojos.

Y dijo Moisés al SEÑOR: Mira, tú me dices a mí: Saca este pueblo; y tú no me has declarado a quién has de enviar conmigo; sin embargo , tú dices: Yo te he conocido por tu nombre, y has hallado también gracia en mis ojos.

Éxodo 33:12
Moisés argumentou diante de Yahweh: “Tu me disseste: ‘Faze subir este povo’, mas não me revelaste quem mandarás comigo. Contudo disseste: ‘Conheço-te pelo nome, e encontraste graça aos meus olhos’.

E Moisés disse ao Senhor: Eis que tu me dizes: Faze subir a este povo; porém não me fazes saber a quem hás de enviar comigo. Disseste também: Conheço-te por teu nome, e achaste graça aos meus olhos.   

Exod 33:12
Moise a zis Domnului: ,,Iată, Tu îmi zici: ,Du pe poporul acesta!` Şi nu-mi arăţi pe cine vei trimete cu mine. Însă, Tu ai zis: ,Eu te cunosc pe nume, şi ai căpătat trecere înaintea Mea!`

Исход 33:12
Моисей сказал Господу: вот, Ты говоришь мне: веди народ сей, а не открыл мне, кого пошлешь со мною, хотя Ты сказал: „Я знаю тебя по имени, и ты приобрел благоволение в очах Моих";

Моисей сказал Господу: вот, Ты говоришь мне: веди народ сей, а не открыл мне, кого пошлешь со мною, хотя Ты сказал: `Я знаю тебя по имени, и ты приобрел благоволение в очах Моих`;[]

2 Mosebok 33:12
Och Mose sade till HERREN: »Väl säger du till mig: 'För detta folk ditupp'; men du har icke låtit mig veta vem du vill sända med mig Du har dock sagt: 'Jag känner dig vid namn, och du har funnit nåd för mina ögon.'

Exodus 33:12
At sinabi ni Moises sa Panginoon, Tingnan mo, iyong sinasabi sa akin: Isampa mo ang bayang ito: at hindi mo ipinakilala sa akin kung sino yaong susuguin mo na kasama ko. Gayon ma'y iyong sinabi, Aking nakikilala ka sa pangalan, at ikaw rin naman ay nakasumpong ng biyaya sa aking paningin.

อพยพ 33:12
โมเสสกราบทูลพระเยโฮวาห์ว่า "ดูเถิด พระองค์ได้ตรัสสั่งข้าพระองค์ว่า `จงนำพลไพร่นี้ขึ้นไป' แต่พระองค์มิได้แจ้งให้ข้าพระองค์ทราบว่า จะใช้ผู้ใดขึ้นไปกับข้าพระองค์ แม้กระนั้นพระองค์ก็ยังตรัสกับข้าพระองค์ว่า `เรารู้จักเจ้าตามชื่อของเจ้า และเจ้าก็ได้รับความกรุณาในสายตาของเราด้วย'

Mısır'dan Çıkış 33:12
Musa RABbe şöyle dedi: ‹‹Bana, ‹Bu halka öncülük et› diyorsun, ama kimi benimle göndereceğini söylemedin. Bana, ‹Seni adınla tanıyorum, senden hoşnudum› demiştin.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 33:12
Môi-se thưa cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va rằng: Nầy, Chúa phán cùng tôi rằng: Hãy đem dân sự nầy lên! Song Chúa chẳng cho tôi biết Chúa sai ai đi cùng tôi. Vả, Chúa có phán rằng: Ta biết ngươi vì danh ngươi, và ngươi được ơn trước mặt ta.

Exodus 33:11
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