Exodus 32:30
Exodus 32:30
The next day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a great sin. But now I will go up to the LORD; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin."

The next day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a terrible sin, but I will go back up to the LORD on the mountain. Perhaps I will be able to obtain forgiveness for your sin."

The next day Moses said to the people, “You have sinned a great sin. And now I will go up to the LORD; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.”

On the next day Moses said to the people, "You yourselves have committed a great sin; and now I am going up to the LORD, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin."

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto the LORD; peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin.

The following day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a grave sin. Now I will go up to the LORD; perhaps I will be able to atone for your sin."

The next day Moses told the people, "You committed a great sin, and now I'll go up to the LORD, and perhaps I can make atonement for your sin."

The next day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a very serious sin, but now I will go up to the LORD--perhaps I can make atonement on behalf of your sin."

The next day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a serious sin. Now I will go up the mountain to the LORD. Maybe I will be able to make a payment for your sin and make peace with the LORD for your sin."

And it came to pass on the next day that Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin, but now I will go up unto the LORD; peradventure I shall make reconciliation for your sin.

And it came to pass on the next day, that Moses said unto the people, you have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto the LORD; perhaps I shall make an atonement for your sin.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said to the people, You have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up to the LORD; peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto Jehovah; peradventure I shall make atonement for your sin.

And when the next day was come, Moses spoke to the people: You have sinned a very great sin: I will go up to the Lord, if by any means I may be able to entreat him for your crime.

And it came to pass the next day, that Moses said to the people, Ye have sinned a great sin. And now I will go up to Jehovah: perhaps I shall make atonement for your sin.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto the LORD; peradventure I shall make atonement for your sin.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said to the people, Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up to the LORD; it may be I shall make an atonement for your sin.

It happened on the next day, that Moses said to the people, "You have sinned a great sin. Now I will go up to Yahweh. Perhaps I shall make atonement for your sin."

And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that Moses saith unto the people, 'Ye -- ye have sinned a great sin, and now I go up unto Jehovah, if so be I atone for your sin.'

Eksodi 32:30
Të nesërmen Moisiu i tha popullit: "Ju keni bërë një mëkat të madh; por tani unë do të ngjitem tek Zoti; ndofta do të mund të bëj shlyerjen për mëkatin tuaj".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 32:30
وكان في الغد ان موسى قال للشعب انتم قد اخطأتم خطية عظيمة. فاصعد الآن الى الرب لعلي اكفّر خطيتكم.

Dyr Auszug 32:30
Eyn n naehstn Tag eyn dyr Frueh spraach dyr Mosen zo n Volk: "Ös habtß ayn ganz ayn schwaere Sündd begangen. Ietz steig in non aynmaal zo n Herrn aufhin; villeicht kan i für enk non Vergöbung erwirken."

Изход 32:30
А на следния ден Моисей рече на людете: Вие сте сторили голям грях; но сега ще се възкача към Господа, дано да мога да Го умилостивя за греха ви.

出 埃 及 記 32:30
到 了 第 二 天 , 摩 西 對 百 姓 說 : 你 們 犯 了 大 罪 。 我 如 今 要 上 耶 和 華 那 裡 去 , 或 者 可 以 為 你 們 贖 罪 。

到 了 第 二 天 , 摩 西 对 百 姓 说 : 你 们 犯 了 大 罪 。 我 如 今 要 上 耶 和 华 那 里 去 , 或 者 可 以 为 你 们 赎 罪 。



Exodus 32:30
Sutradan reče Mojsije narodu: "Težak ste grijeh počinili. Ipak ću se Jahvi popeti. Možda za vaš grijeh oproštenje pribavim."

Exodus 32:30
A když bylo nazejtří, řekl Mojžíš lidu: Vy jste zhřešili hříchem velikým. Protož nyní vstoupím k Hospodinu, zda bych ho ukrotil pro hřích váš.

2 Mosebog 32:30
Næste Dag sagde Moses til Folket: »I har begaaet en stor Synd; men nu vil jeg stige op til HERREN, maaske kan jeg skaffe Soning for eders Synd!«

Exodus 32:30
En het geschiedde des anderen daags, dat Mozes tot het volk zeide: Gijlieden hebt een grote zonde gezondigd; doch nu, ik zal tot den HEERE opklimmen; misschien zal ik een verzoening doen voor uw zonde.

שמות 32:30
וַיְהִי֙ מִֽמָּחֳרָ֔ת וַיֹּ֤אמֶר מֹשֶׁה֙ אֶל־הָעָ֔ם אַתֶּ֥ם חֲטָאתֶ֖ם חֲטָאָ֣ה גְדֹלָ֑ה וְעַתָּה֙ אֶֽעֱלֶ֣ה אֶל־יְהוָ֔ה אוּלַ֥י אֲכַפְּרָ֖ה בְּעַ֥ד חַטַּאתְכֶֽם׃

ל ויהי ממחרת ויאמר משה אל העם אתם חטאתם חטאה גדלה ועתה אעלה אל יהוה אולי אכפרה בעד חטאתכם

ויהי ממחרת ויאמר משה אל־העם אתם חטאתם חטאה גדלה ועתה אעלה אל־יהוה אולי אכפרה בעד חטאתכם׃

2 Mózes 32:30
És másnap monda Mózes a népnek: Nagy bûnt követtetek el, most azért felmegyek az Úrhoz, talán kegyelmet nyerhetek a ti bûneiteknek.

Moseo 2: Eliro 32:30
La sekvantan tagon Moseo diris al la popolo:Vi pekis per granda peko; nun mi supreniros al la Eternulo, eble mi akiros pardonon por via peko.

Toisna päivänä sanoi Moses kansalle: te olette tehneet suuren synnin; ja nyt minä astun ylös Herran tykö, jos minä mitämaks taidan sovittaa teidän rikoksenne.

Exode 32:30
Et il arriva, le lendemain, que Moïse dit au peuple: Vous avez commis un grand péché, et maintenant je monterai vers l'Éternel: peut-être ferai-je propitiation pour votre péché.

Le lendemain, Moïse dit au peuple: Vous avez commis un grand péché. Je vais maintenant monter vers l'Eternel: j'obtiendrai peut-être le pardon de votre péché.

Et le lendemain Moïse dit au peuple : vous avez commis un grand péché; mais je monterai maintenant vers l'Eternel; et peut-être, je ferai propitiation pour votre péché.

2 Mose 32:30
Des Morgens sprach Mose zum Volk: Ihr habt eine große Sünde getan; nun will ich hinaufsteigen zu dem HERRN, ob ich vielleicht eure Sünde versöhnen möge.

Des Morgens sprach Mose zum Volk: Ihr habt eine große Sünde getan; nun will ich hinaufsteigen zu dem HERRN, ob ich vielleicht eure Sünde versöhnen möge. {~}

Des andern Tags aber sprach Mose zu dem Volke: Ihr habt euch sehr schwer versündigt! Ich will daher zu Jahwe hinaufsteigen; vielleicht kann ich euch Verzeihung auswirken für eure Sünde.

Esodo 32:30
L’indomani Mosè disse al popolo: "Voi avete commesso un gran peccato; ma ora io salirò all’Eterno; forse otterrò che il vostro peccato vi sia perdonato".

ma ora io salirò al Signore: forse farò io che vi sia perdonato il vostro peccato.

Hata, maka keesokan harinya kata Musa kepada orang banyak itu: Bahwa kamu sudah berbuat dosa yang amat besar; maka sekarang aku hendak naik menghadap Tuhan, kalau-kalau aku dapat mengadakan gafirat atas dosa kamu itu.

출애굽기 32:30
이튿날 모세가 백성에게 이르되 `너희가 큰 죄를 범하였도다 내가 이제 여호와께로 올라가노니 혹 너희의 죄를 속할까 하노라' 하고

Exodus 32:30
facto autem die altero locutus est Moses ad populum peccastis peccatum maximum ascendam ad Dominum si quo modo eum quivero deprecari pro scelere vestro

Iðëjimo knyga 32:30
Kitą dieną Mozė kalbėjo tautai: “Labai nusidėjote: eisiu pas Viešpatį, gal kaip nors sutaikinsiu jus dėl jūsų nusikaltimo”.

Exodus 32:30
Na, i te aonga ake, ka mea a Mohi ki te iwi, Kua hara koutou, he nui te hara: na, me haere ahau aianei ki runga, ki a Ihowa; tera pea e taea e ahau te whakamarie mo to koutou hara.

2 Mosebok 32:30
Dagen efter sa Moses til folket: I har gjort en stor synd. Nu vil jeg stige op til Herren; kanskje jeg kunde gjøre soning for eders synd.

Éxodo 32:30
Y sucedió que al día siguiente dijo Moisés al pueblo: Vosotros habéis cometido un gran pecado, y yo ahora voy a subir al SEÑOR, quizá pueda hacer expiación por vuestro pecado.

Al día siguiente Moisés dijo al pueblo: "Ustedes han cometido un gran pecado, y ahora yo voy a subir al SEÑOR. Quizá pueda hacer expiación por su pecado."

Y aconteció que el día siguiente dijo Moisés al pueblo: Vosotros habéis cometido un gran pecado; mas yo subiré ahora a Jehová; quizá le aplacaré acerca de vuestro pecado.

Y aconteció que el día siguiente dijo Moisés al pueblo: Vosotros habéis cometido un gran pecado: mas yo subiré ahora á Jehová; quizá le aplacaré acerca de vuestro pecado.

Y aconteció que el día siguiente dijo Moisés al pueblo: Vosotros habéis cometido un gran pecado; mas yo subiré ahora al SEÑOR; por ventura le aplacaré acerca de vuestro pecado.

Éxodo 32:30
No dia seguinte, Moisés avisou ao povo: “Vós cometestes uma falta muito grave. Contudo, vou subir a Yahweh e buscar uma expiação para o vosso pecado!”

No dia seguinte disse Moisés ao povo Vós tendes cometido grande pecado; agora porém subirei ao Senhor; porventura farei expiação por vosso pecado.   

Exod 32:30
A doua zi, Moise a zis poporului: ,,Aţi făcut un păcat foarte mare. Am să mă sui acum la Domnul: poate că voi căpăta iertare pentru păcatul vostru.``

Исход 32:30
На другой день сказал Моисей народу: вы сделали великий грех; итак я взойду к Господу, не заглажу ли греха вашего.

На другой день сказал Моисей народу: вы сделали великий грех; итак я взойду к Господу, не заглажу ли греха вашего.[]

2 Mosebok 32:30
Dagen därefter sade Mose till folket: »I haven begått en stor synd. Jag vill nu stiga upp till HERREN och se till, om jag kan bringa försoning för eder synd.»

Exodus 32:30
At nangyari ng kinabukasan, na sinabi ni Moises sa bayan, Kayo'y nagkasala ng malaking kasalanan: at ngayo'y sasampahin ko ang Panginoon; marahil ay aking matutubos ang inyong kasalanan.

อพยพ 32:30
ครั้นวันรุ่งขึ้น โมเสสจึงกล่าวแก่พลไพร่ว่า "ท่านทั้งหลายทำบาปอันใหญ่ยิ่ง แต่บัดนี้เราจะขึ้นไปเฝ้าพระเยโฮวาห์ ชะรอยเราจะทำการลบมลทินบาปของท่านได้"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 32:30
Ertesi gün halka, ‹‹Korkunç bir günah işlediniz›› dedi, ‹‹Şimdi RABbin huzuruna çıkacağım. Belki günahınızı bağışlatabilirim.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 32:30
Ngày mai, Môi-se nói cùng dân sự rằng: Các ngươi đã phạm một tội rất trọng; song bây giờ ta lên đến Ðức Giê-hô-va, có lẽ ta sẽ được chuộc tội các ngươi chăng.

Exodus 32:29
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