Exodus 32:29
Exodus 32:29
Then Moses said, "You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day."

Then Moses told the Levites, "Today you have ordained yourselves for the service of the LORD, for you obeyed him even though it meant killing your own sons and brothers. Today you have earned a blessing."

And Moses said, “Today you have been ordained for the service of the LORD, each one at the cost of his son and of his brother, so that he might bestow a blessing upon you this day.”

Then Moses said, "Dedicate yourselves today to the LORD-- for every man has been against his son and against his brother-- in order that He may bestow a blessing upon you today."

For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves to day to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

Afterward Moses said, "Today you have been dedicated to the LORD, since each man went against his son and his brother. Therefore you have brought a blessing on yourselves today."

Moses said, "You have been ordained to serve the LORD today, and you have brought a blessing on yourselves today because every man opposed his son or brother."

Moses said, "You have been consecrated today for the LORD, for each of you was against his son or against his brother, so he has given a blessing to you today."

Moses said, "Today you are ordained as the LORD's priests. God gave you a blessing today because each of you fought with your own sons and brothers."

Then Moses had said, Today you have consecrated yourselves to the LORD, for each one has consecrated in his son and in his brother, that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man upon the cost of his son, and his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man on his son, and on his brother; that he may bestow on you a blessing this day.

And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves to-day to Jehovah, yea, every man against his son, and against his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

And Moses said: You have consecrated your hands this day to the Lord, every man in his son and in his brother, that a blessing may be given to you.

And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves to-day to Jehovah, yea, every man with his son, and with his brother, and bring on yourselves a blessing to-day.

And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, yea, every man against his son, and against his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves to-day to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

Moses said, "Consecrate yourselves today to Yahweh, yes, every man against his son, and against his brother; that he may bestow on you a blessing this day."

and Moses saith, 'Consecrate your hand to-day to Jehovah, for a man is against his son, and against his brother, so as to bring on you to-day a blessing.'

Eksodi 32:29
Pastaj Moisiu tha: "Shenjtërohuni sot Zotit, që ai t'ju japë një bekim, sepse secili prej jush ka qënë kundër birit të tij dhe vëllait të tij".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 32:29
وقال موسى املأوا ايديكم اليوم للرب حتى كل واحد بابنه وباخيه. فيعطيكم اليوم بركة.

Dyr Auszug 32:29
Aft gsait dyr Mosen: "Von heint an seitß für n Dienst für n Herrn gweiht, weilß um seiner willn nit aynmaal Sün und Brüeder gschoont habtß. Dösswögn gibt enk dyr Herr heint dönn Freituem."

Изход 32:29
Защото Моисей беше казал: Посветете себе си днес Господу, [като се дигнете] всеки против сина си и против брата си, за да ви се даде днес благословение.

出 埃 及 記 32:29
摩 西 說 : 今 天 你 們 要 自 潔 , 歸 耶 和 華 為 聖 , 各 人 攻 擊 他 的 兒 子 和 弟 兄 , 使 耶 和 華 賜 福 與 你 們 。

摩 西 说 : 今 天 你 们 要 自 洁 , 归 耶 和 华 为 圣 , 各 人 攻 击 他 的 儿 子 和 弟 兄 , 使 耶 和 华 赐 福 与 你 们 。



Exodus 32:29
Danas ste se posvetili Jahvi za službu, reče Mojsije, "tko uz cijenu svoga sina, tko uz cijenu svoga brata, tako da vam danas daje blagoslov."

Exodus 32:29
Nebo řekl byl Mojžíš: Posvěťtež dnes rukou svých Hospodinu, jeden každý na synu svém a na bratru svém, aby vám dal dnes požehnání.

2 Mosebog 32:29
Og Moses sagde: »Fra i Dag af skal I være Præster for HERREN, thi ingen skaanede Søn eller Broder, derfor skal Velsignelse komme over eder i Dag.«

Exodus 32:29
Want Mozes had gezegd: Vult heden uw handen den HEERE; want elk zal zijn tegen zijn zoon, en tegen zijn broeder; en dit, opdat Hij heden een zegen over ulieden geve!

שמות 32:29
וַיֹּ֣אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֗ה מִלְא֨וּ יֶדְכֶ֤ם הַיֹּום֙ לַֽיהוָ֔ה כִּ֛י אִ֥ישׁ בִּבְנֹ֖ו וּבְאָחִ֑יו וְלָתֵ֧ת עֲלֵיכֶ֛ם הַיֹּ֖ום בְּרָכָֽה׃

כט ויאמר משה מלאו ידכם היום ליהוה כי איש בבנו ובאחיו--ולתת עליכם היום ברכה

ויאמר משה מלאו ידכם היום ליהוה כי איש בבנו ובאחיו ולתת עליכם היום ברכה׃

2 Mózes 32:29
És mondá Mózes: Ma szenteljétek kezeiteket az Úrnak, kiki az õ fia és attyafia ellen, hogy áldása szálljon ma reátok.

Moseo 2: Eliro 32:29
Kaj Moseo diris:Konsekru vin hodiaux al la Eternulo, cxiu sur sia filo kaj sur sia frato, por ke estu donata al vi hodiaux beno.

Moses sanoi: pyhittäkäät tänäpänä teidän kätenne Herralle, itsekukin pojassansa ja veljessänsä, että hän tänäpänä antais teille siunauksen.

Exode 32:29
Et Moïse dit: Consacrez-vous aujourd'hui à l'Éternel, chacun dans son fils et dans son frère, afin de faire venir aujourd'hui sur vous une bénédiction.

Moïse dit: Consacrez-vous aujourd'hui à l'Eternel, même en sacrifiant votre fils et votre frère, afin qu'il vous accorde aujourd'hui une bénédiction.

Car Moïse avait dit : consacrez aujourd'hui vos mains à l'Eternel, chacun même contre son fils, et contre son frère, afin que vous attiriez aujourd'hui sur vous la bénédiction.

2 Mose 32:29
Da sprach Mose: Füllet heute eure Hände dem HERRN, ein jeglicher an seinem Sohn und Bruder, daß heute über euch der Segen gegeben werde.

Da sprach Mose: Füllet heute eure Hände dem HERRN, ein jeglicher an seinem Sohn und Bruder, daß heute über euch der Segen gegeben werde. {~}

Da sprach Mose: Füllt euch heute die Hand für Jahwe - denn ein jeder war wider seinen Sohn und seinen Bruder -, damit fortan Segen auf euch ruhe!

Esodo 32:29
Or Mosè avea detto: "Consacratevi oggi all’Eterno, anzi ciascuno si consacri a prezzo del proprio figliuolo e del proprio fratello, onde l’Eterno v’impartisca una benedizione".

Or Mosè avea lor detto: Consacratevi oggi al Signore; anzi ciascuno si consacri nel suo proprio figliuolo, e nel suo fratello; e ciò affin di attrarre oggi benedizione sopra voi. E IL giorno seguente, Mosè disse al popolo: Voi avete commesso un gran peccato;

Karena Musa telah berkata demikian: Sucikanlah dirimu bagi Tuhan pada hari ini, seorangpun jangan sayang akan anaknya atau akan saudaranya, supaya pada hari ini kamu beroleh berkat dari pada Tuhan!

출애굽기 32:29
모세가 이르되 `각 사람이 그 아들과 그 형제를 쳤으니 오늘날 여호와께 헌신하게 되었느니라 그가 오늘날 너희에게 복을 내리시리라'

Exodus 32:29
et ait Moses consecrastis manus vestras hodie Domino unusquisque in filio et fratre suo ut detur vobis benedictio

Iðëjimo knyga 32:29
Nes Mozė sakė: “Pasišvęskite šiandien Viešpačiui, nesigailėkite savo sūnaus nė brolio, kad jums tektų palaiminimas”.

Exodus 32:29
Na Mohi hoki i mea, Hei runga i tana tama, i tona teina, te whakatohungatanga ki a Ihowa o tera, o tera, o koutou aianei; kia homai ai e ia he manaaki ki a koutou aianei.

2 Mosebok 32:29
For Moses sa: Innvi eder idag til prester for Herren, om det så er med blodet av sønn eller bror; så skal han idag gi eder sin velsignelse.

Éxodo 32:29
Y Moisés dijo: Consagraos hoy al SEÑOR, pues cada uno ha estado en contra de su hijo y en contra de su hermano, para que hoy El os dé una bendición.

Entonces Moisés dijo: "Conságrense hoy al SEÑOR, pues cada uno ha estado en contra de su hijo y en contra de su hermano, para que hoy El les dé una bendición."

Entonces Moisés dijo: Hoy os habéis consagrado a Jehová, porque cada uno se ha consagrado en su hijo, y en su hermano, para que Él dé hoy bendición sobre vosotros.

Entonces Moisés dijo: Hoy os habéis consagrado á Jehová, porque cada uno se ha consagrado en su hijo, y en su hermano, para que dé él hoy bendición sobre vosotros.

Entonces Moisés dijo: Hoy os habéis consagrado al SEÑOR, porque cada uno se ha consagrado en su hijo, y en su hermano, para que dé él hoy bendición sobre vosotros.

Éxodo 32:29
Moisés então declarou aos levitas: “Hoje passastes pela prova de matar os vossos próprios filhos e irmãos e, dessa maneira, vos consagrastes como sacerdotes ao serviço de Yahweh, o SENHOR. E, porque vos submetestes a isso, Deus vos deu neste dia uma grande bênção!”

Porquanto Moisés tinha dito: Consagrai-vos hoje ao Senhor; porque cada um será contra o seu filho, e contra o seu irmão; para que o Senhor vos conceda hoje uma bênção.   

Exod 32:29
Moise a zis: ,,Predaţi-vă azi în slujba Domnului, chiar cu jertfa fiului şi fratelui vostru, pentruca binecuvîntarea Lui să vină astăzi peste voi!``

Исход 32:29
Ибо Моисей сказал: сегодня посвятите руки ваши Господу, каждый в сыне своем и брате своем, да ниспошлет Он вам сегодня благословение.

Ибо Моисей сказал: сегодня посвятите руки ваши Господу, каждый в сыне своем и брате своем, да ниспошлет Он вам сегодня благословение.[]

2 Mosebok 32:29
Och Mose sade: »Eftersom I nu haven stått emot edra egna söner och bröder, mån I i dag taga handfyllning till HERRENS tjänst, för att välsignelse i dag må komma över eder.»

Exodus 32:29
At sinabi ni Moises, Italaga ninyo ang inyong sarili ngayon sa Panginoon, oo, bawa't lalake laban sa kaniyang anak na lalake, at laban sa kaniyang kapatid na lalake, upang kaniyang ipagkaloob sa inyo ang pagpapala sa araw na ito.

อพยพ 32:29
ด้วยโมเสสกล่าวไว้แล้วว่า "ในวันนี้ท่านทั้งหลายจงสถาปนาตัวเองรับใช้พระเยโฮวาห์ จงให้ทุกคนสู้รบกับบุตรชายและพี่น้องของตน เพื่อวันนี้พระองค์จะได้อำนวยพระพรแก่ท่านทั้งหลาย"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 32:29
Musa, ‹‹Bugün kendinizi RABbe adamış oldunuz›› dedi, ‹‹Herkes öz oğluna, öz kardeşine düşman kesildiği için bugün RAB sizi kutsadı.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 32:29
Vả, Môi-se đã truyền rằng: Ngày nay mỗi người trong vòng các ngươi hãy dâng tay mình cho Ðức Giê-hô-va, chẳng sá chi đến con trai hay là anh em mình, hầu cho các ngươi được ơn phước vậy.

Exodus 32:28
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