Exodus 21:19
Exodus 21:19
the one who struck the blow will not be held liable if the other can get up and walk around outside with a staff; however, the guilty party must pay the injured person for any loss of time and see that the victim is completely healed.

If he is later able to walk outside again, even with a crutch, the assailant will not be punished but must compensate his victim for lost wages and provide for his full recovery.

then if the man rises again and walks outdoors with his staff, he who struck him shall be clear; only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall have him thoroughly healed.

if he gets up and walks around outside on his staff, then he who struck him shall go unpunished; he shall only pay for his loss of time, and shall take care of him until he is completely healed.

If he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

if he can later get up and walk around outside leaning on his staff, then the one who struck him will be exempt from punishment. Nevertheless, he must pay for his lost work time and provide for his complete recovery."

and the injured person then gets up and walks around outside with the help of his staff, the one who struck him is not liable, except that he is to compensate him for his loss of time and take care of his complete recovery.

and then if he gets up and walks about outside on his staff, then the one who struck him is innocent, except he must pay for the injured person's loss of time and see to it that he is fully healed.

If the injured man can get up again and walk around outside with a cane, the one who hit him must not be punished. He must pay the injured man for the loss of his time and for all his medical expenses.

if he rises again and walks abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be absolved, only he shall pay for the loss of his time and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

If he rises again, and walks about upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be clear: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

If he rise again, and walk abroad on his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

if he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

If he rise again and walk abroad upon his staff, he that struck him shall be quit, yet so that he make restitution for his work, and for his expenses upon the physicians.

if he rise, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that struck him be guiltless; only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

if he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

If he shall rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.

if he rises again and walks around with his staff, then he who struck him shall be cleared: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall provide for his healing until he is thoroughly healed.

if he rise, and hath gone up and down without on his staff, then hath the smiter been acquitted; only his cessation he giveth, and he is thoroughly healed.

Eksodi 21:19
dhe në se pastaj ngrihet dhe ecën jashtë duke u mbështetur me bastun, ai që e ka goditur do të nxirret i pafajshëm; do ta zhdëmtojë vetëm për kohën e humbur dhe do ta kurojë deri në shërim të plotë.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 21:19
فان قام وتمشى خارجا على عكّازه يكون الضارب بريئا. الا انه يعوض عطلته وينفق على شفائه.

Dyr Auszug 21:19
yso däß der aft wider aynmaal aufkan und mit Krueggenn umaynandgeen, aft sollt dyr ain freigsprochen werdn. D Saaumsal und Hailung mueß yr iem aber zaln.

Изход 21:19
и ако [последният] се привдигне и излиза [макар] с тояга, тогава оня, който го е ударил, ще бъде невинен, само ще плати за денгубата му и ще направи да бъде съвършено изцерен.

出 埃 及 記 21:19
若 再 能 起 來 扶 杖 而 出 , 那 打 他 的 可 算 無 罪 ; 但 要 將 他 耽 誤 的 工 夫 用 錢 賠 補 , 並 要 將 他 全 然 醫 好 。

若 再 能 起 来 扶 杖 而 出 , 那 打 他 的 可 算 无 罪 ; 但 要 将 他 耽 误 的 工 夫 用 钱 赔 补 , 并 要 将 他 全 然 医 好 。



Exodus 21:19
ali poslije ustane i mogne izlaziti, makar i sa štapom, onda onome koji ga je udario neka je oprošteno, samo neka mu plati njegov gubitak vremena i pribavi mu posvemašnje izlječenje.

Exodus 21:19
A potom by povstal a chodil vně o holi své: již nebude vinen ten, kdož urazil; toliko co zatím obmeškal, to jemu nahradí, a na vyhojení jeho naloží.

2 Mosebog 21:19
saa skal Gerningsmanden være sagesløs, hvis han kan staa op og gaa ud støttet til sin Stok; kun skal han godtgøre ham hans Tidsspilde og sørge for hans Helbredelse.

Exodus 21:19
Indien hij weder opstaat, en op straat gaat bij zijn stok, zo zal hij, die hem sloeg, onschuldig zijn; alleen zal hij geven hetgeen hij verzuimd heeft, en hij zal hem volkomen laten helen.

שמות 21:19
אִם־יָק֞וּם וְהִתְהַלֵּ֥ךְ בַּח֛וּץ עַל־מִשְׁעַנְתֹּ֖ו וְנִקָּ֣ה הַמַּכֶּ֑ה רַ֥ק שִׁבְתֹּ֛ו יִתֵּ֖ן וְרַפֹּ֥א יְרַפֵּֽא׃ ס

יט אם יקום והתהלך בחוץ על משענתו--ונקה המכה  רק שבתו יתן ורפא ירפא  {ס}

אם־יקום והתהלך בחוץ על־משענתו ונקה המכה רק שבתו יתן ורפא ירפא׃ ס

2 Mózes 21:19
Ha felkél, és mankóján kinn jár: ne legyen büntetve az, a ki megütötte; csupán fekvéséért fizessen és gyógyíttassa meg.

Moseo 2: Eliro 21:19
se li levigxos kaj irados ekstere per apogilo, tiam la batinto estu senkulpa; li nur kompensu al li lian malliberigitecon kaj zorgu pri lia kuracado.

Jos hän paranee, niin että hän käy ulos sauvansa nojalla, niin sen pitää syyttömän oleman joka löi: ainoastaan maksakaan hänen työnsä vahingon, josta hän on estetyksi tullut, ja hänen pitää kaiketi hänen terveeksi laittaman.

Exode 21:19
s'il se lève et marche dehors sur son bâton, celui qui l'a frappé sera tenu pour quitte; seulement, il payera son chômage, et le fera guérir complètement.

celui qui aura frappé ne sera point puni, dans le cas où l'autre viendrait à se lever et à se promener dehors avec son bâton. Seulement, il le dédommagera de son interruption de travail, et il le fera soigner jusqu'à sa guérison.

S'il se lève, et mArche dehors s'appuyant sur son bâton, celui qui l'aura frappé, sera absous; toutefois il le dédommagera de ce qu'il a chômé, et le fera guérir entièrement.

2 Mose 21:19
kommt er auf, daß er ausgehet an seinem Stabe so soll, der ihn schlug, unschuldig sein, ohne daß er ihm bezahle, was er versäumet hat, und das Arztgeld gebe.

kommt er auf, daß er ausgeht an seinem Stabe, so soll, der ihn schlug, unschuldig sein, nur daß er ihm bezahle, was er versäumt hat, und das Arztgeld gebe. {~}

so soll, wenn der Geschlagene wieder aufkommt und auf seinen Stock gestützt im Freien herumgehen kann, der Thäter frei ausgehen; bloß für die Zeit, wo er unthätig bleiben mußte, soll er ihn entschädigen und für seine Heilung Sorge tragen.

Esodo 21:19
se si rileva e può camminar fuori appoggiato al suo bastone, colui che lo percosse sarà assolto; soltanto, lo indennizzerà del tempo che ha perduto e lo farà curare fino a guarigione compiuta.

se egli si rileva, e cammina fuori in sul suo bastone, colui che l’avrà percosso sia assolto; sol gli paghi ciò ch’egli è stato a bada, e lo faccia medicare fino a compiuta guarigione.

jikalau orang itu bangkit berdiri pula serta berjalan di luar dengan bersandar pada tongkatnya, maka orang yang sudah memalu akan dia tiada bersalah, hanya akan digantinya rugi dari karena berhenti kerjanya dan disuruhnya obati dia sampai dia sembuh sakit.

출애굽기 21:19
지팡이를 짚고 기동하면 그를 친 자가 형벌은 면하되 기간 손해를 배상하고 그로 전치되게 할지니라

Exodus 21:19
si surrexerit et ambulaverit foris super baculum suum innocens erit qui percussit ita tamen ut operas eius et inpensas in medicos restituat

Iðëjimo knyga 21:19
ir jeigu jis atsikelia ir pasiremdamas lazda gali vaikščioti, sumušėjas nebaudžiamas, tik privalo atlyginti už sugaištą laiką ir sumokėti visas gydymo išlaidas.

Exodus 21:19
Ki te ara ake ia, a ka haereere ki waho me te toko i tana tokotoko, katahi ka kore te hara o te tangata i patua ai ia; otiia me utu e ia tona whakamangeretanga ki te mahi, me mea hoki kia ata rongoatia kia ora ai.

2 Mosebok 21:19
dersom han da kommer op igjen og går ute med stav, da skal den som slo, være fri for straff; men han skal gi ham vederlag for den tid han har tapt, og koste full lægedom på ham.

Éxodo 21:19
y se levanta y anda afuera con su bastón, el que lo hirió será absuelto; sólo pagará por su tiempo perdido, y lo cuidará hasta que esté completamente curado.

y se levanta y anda afuera con su bastón, el que lo hirió será absuelto. Sólo pagará por su tiempo perdido, y lo cuidará hasta que esté completamente curado.

si se levantare y anduviere fuera sobre su báculo, entonces el que le hirió será absuelto; solamente le compensará por el tiempo perdido, y hará que le curen.

Si se levantare y anduviere fuera sobre su báculo, entonces será el que le hirió absuelto: solamente le satisfará lo que estuvo parado, y hará que le curen.

si se levantare y anduviere fuera sobre su bordón, entonces será el que le hirió absuelto; solamente le satisfará lo que estuvo parado, y hará que le curen.

Éxodo 21:19
se ele se levantar e andar, ainda que apoiado no seu cajado, então será absolvido aquele que o feriu; somente lhe pagará o tempo que perdeu e se responsabilizará por todos os gastos com sua plena recuperação.

se ele tornar a levantar-se e andar fora sobre o seu bordão, então aquele que o feriu será absolvido; somente lhe pagará o tempo perdido e fará que ele seja completamente curado.   

Exod 21:19
cel ce l -a lovit să nu fie pedepsit, dacă celalt se va scula şi se va plimba afară, sprijinit pe un toiag. Numai să -l despăgubească pentru încetarea lucrului lui şi să -l îngrijească pînă la vindecare.

Исход 21:19
то, если он встанет и будет выходить из дома с помощьюпалки, ударивший не будет повинен смерти ; только пусть заплатит за остановку в его работе и даст на лечение его.

то, если он встанет и будет выходить из дома с помощью палки, ударивший не будет повинен [смерти]; только пусть заплатит за остановку в его работе и даст на лечение его.[]

2 Mosebok 21:19
dock att han sedan kommer sig och kan gå ute, stödd vid sin stav, så skall den som slog honom vara fri ifrån straff; allenast ersätte han honom för den tid han har förlorat och besörje sjukvård åt honom.

Exodus 21:19
Kung makabangon uli, at makalakad sa tulong ng kaniyang tungkod, ay ligtas nga yaong sumakit sa kaniya; pagbabayaran lamang niya ang panahong nasayang, at kaniyang pagagalinging maigi.

อพยพ 21:19
ถ้าผู้ที่ถูกเจ็บนั้นลุกขึ้น ถือไม้เท้าเดินออกไปได้อีก ผู้ตีนั้นก็พ้นโทษ แต่เขาจะต้องเสียค่าป่วยการ และค่ารักษาบาดแผลจนหายเป็นปกติ

Mısır'dan Çıkış 21:19
sonra kalkıp değnekle dışarıda gezebilirse, vuran adam suçsuz sayılacaktır. Yalnız yaralının kaybettiği zamanın karşılığını ödeyecek ve tümüyle iyileşmesini sağlayacaktır.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 21:19
nếu đứng dậy chống gậy đi ra ngoài được, người đánh đó sẽ được tha tội. Nhưng chỉ phải đền tiền thiệt hại trong mấy ngày nghỉ và nuôi cho đến khi lành mạnh.

Exodus 21:18
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