Esther 6:9
Esther 6:9
Then let the robe and horse be entrusted to one of the king's most noble princes. Let them robe the man the king delights to honor, and lead him on the horse through the city streets, proclaiming before him, 'This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!'"

Let the robes and the horse be handed over to one of the king's most noble officials. And let him see that the man whom the king wishes to honor is dressed in the king's robes and led through the city square on the king's horse. Have the official shout as they go, 'This is what the king does for someone he wishes to honor!'"

And let the robes and the horse be handed over to one of the king’s most noble officials. Let them dress the man whom the king delights to honor, and let them lead him on the horse through the square of the city, proclaiming before him: ‘Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.’”

and let the robe and the horse be handed over to one of the king's most noble princes and let them array the man whom the king desires to honor and lead him on horseback through the city square, and proclaim before him, 'Thus it shall be done to the man whom the king desires to honor.'"

And let this apparel and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man withal whom the king delighteth to honour, and bring him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honour.

Put the garment and the horse under the charge of one of the king's most noble officials. Have them clothe the man the king wants to honor, parade him on the horse through the city square, and proclaim before him, 'This is what is done for the man the king wants to honor.'"

Then give the robes and the horse to one of the king's most noble officials. Let them put the robes on the man whom the king desires to honor, and let them put him on the horse in the main square of the city. Then let them announce in front of him, 'This is what is done for the man whom the king desires to honor.'"

Then let this clothing and this horse be given to one of the king's noble officials. Let him then clothe the man whom the king wishes to honor, and let him lead him about through the plaza of the city on the horse, calling before him, 'So shall it be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor!'"

Give the robe and the horse to one of the king's officials, who is a noble. Put the robe on the man whom the king wishes to reward and have him ride on the horse in the city square. The king's servants are also to shout ahead of him, 'This is what is done for the man whom the king wishes to reward.'"

and let this apparel and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that he may clothe the man whom the king delights to honour and bring him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honour.

And let the robes and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man with whom the king delights to honor, and bring him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.

And let this apparel and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man with whom the king delights to honor, and bring him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.

and let the apparel and the horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man therewith whom the king delighteth to honor, and cause him to ride on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honor.

And let the first of the king's princes and nobles hold his horse, and going through the street of the city, proclaim before him and say: Thus shall he be honoured, whom the king hath a mind to honour.

and let the apparel and horse be delivered into the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, and let them array the man whom the king delights to honour, and cause him to ride on the horse through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honour!

and let the apparel and the horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man withal whom the king delighteth to honour, and cause him to ride on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honour.

And let this apparel and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man whom the king delighteth to honor, and bring him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honor.

Let the clothing and the horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes, that they may array the man whom the king delights to honor with them, and have him ride on horseback through the city square, and proclaim before him, 'Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor!'"

and to give the clothing and the horse into the hand of a man of the heads of the king, the chiefs, and they have clothed the man in whose honour the king hath delighted, and caused him to ride on the horse in a broad place of the city, and called before him: Thus it is done to the man in whose honour the king hath delighted.'

Ester 6:9
T'i dorëzohet rrobja dhe kali njerit prej princave më fisnikë të mbretit dhe t'i vishen rrobat njeriut që mbreti dëshiron të nderojë; pastaj të çohet me kalë nëpër rrugët e qytetit dhe të shpallet para tij: "Kështu veprohet me njeriun që mbreti dëshëron të nderojë!"".

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 6:9
ويدفع اللباس والفرس لرجل من رؤساء الملك الاشراف ويلبسون الرجل الذي سرّ الملك بان يكرمه ويركبونه على الفرس في ساحة المدينة وينادون قدامه هكذا يصنع للرجل الذي يسرّ الملك بان يكرمه.

D Öster 6:9
Dös Gwand und dös Roß übergaeb i yn ainn von de vürnaemstn Höfling; und der sollt dönn Man, wo dyr Künig auszaichnen will, dyrmit beklaidn und mit n Roß über n Haauptplaz weisn und vor iem ausrueffen: 'Yso mach myr s mit ainn, dönn wo dyr Künig bsunders eern will!'"

Естир 6:9
и тая одежда и коня да се дадат в ръката на един от по-видните царски първенци, за да облекат човека, когото царят благоволява да почете; и когато го развеждат възседнал на коня през градския площад, нека прогласяват пред него: Така ще се направи на човека, когото царят благоволява да почете.

以 斯 帖 記 6:9
都 交 給 王 極 尊 貴 的 一 個 大 臣 , 命 他 將 衣 服 給 王 所 喜 悅 尊 榮 的 人 穿 上 , 使 他 騎 上 馬 , 走 遍 城 裡 的 街 市 , 在 他 面 前 宣 告 說 : 王 所 喜 悅 尊 榮 的 人 , 就 如 此 待 他 。 」

都 交 给 王 极 尊 贵 的 一 个 大 臣 , 命 他 将 衣 服 给 王 所 喜 悦 尊 荣 的 人 穿 上 , 使 他 骑 上 马 , 走 遍 城 里 的 街 市 , 在 他 面 前 宣 告 说 : 王 所 喜 悦 尊 荣 的 人 , 就 如 此 待 他 。 」



Esther 6:9
Haljine i konja neka kralj preda jednome od najuglednijih kneževa kraljevih da bi taj obukao onoga koga kralj želi počastiti i na konju ga odveo na gradski trg uzvikujući pred njim: 'Tako biva onome koga kralj hoće da počasti!'

Ester 6:9
A dadouce roucho to i koně toho v ruku některého z nejznamenitějších knížat královských, ať oblekou muže toho, jehož král chce ctíti, a ať jej vodí na koni po ulici města, a volají před ním: Tak se má státi muži tomu, jehož král ctíti chce.

Ester 6:9
og man skal overgive Klædningen og Hesten til en af Kongens ypperste Fyrster og give den Mand, Kongen ønsker at hædre, Klædningen paa og føre ham paa Hesten over Byens Torv og raabe foran ham: Saaledes gør man ved den Mand, Kongen ønsker at hædre!«

Esther 6:9
En men zal dat kleed en dat paard geven in de hand van een uit de vorsten des konings, van de grootste heren, en men zal het dien man aantrekken, tot wiens eer de koning een welbehagen heeft; en men zal hem op dat paard doen rijden door de straten der stad, en men zal voor hem roepen: Alzo zal men dien man doen, tot wiens eer de koning een welbehagen heeft!

אסתר 6:9
וְנָתֹ֨ון הַלְּב֜וּשׁ וְהַסּ֗וּס עַל־יַד־אִ֞ישׁ מִשָּׂרֵ֤י הַמֶּ֙לֶךְ֙ הַֽפַּרְתְּמִ֔ים וְהִלְבִּ֙ישׁוּ֙ אֶת־הָאִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֣ץ בִּֽיקָרֹ֑ו וְהִרְכִּיבֻ֤הוּ עַל־הַסּוּס֙ בִּרְחֹ֣וב הָעִ֔יר וְקָרְא֣וּ לְפָנָ֔יו כָּ֚כָה יֵעָשֶׂ֣ה לָאִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֥ץ בִּיקָרֹֽו׃

ט ונתון הלבוש והסוס על יד איש משרי המלך הפרתמים והלבישו את האיש אשר המלך חפץ ביקרו והרכיבהו על הסוס ברחוב העיר וקראו לפניו ככה יעשה לאיש אשר המלך חפץ ביקרו

ונתון הלבוש והסוס על־יד־איש משרי המלך הפרתמים והלבישו את־האיש אשר המלך חפץ ביקרו והרכיבהו על־הסוס ברחוב העיר וקראו לפניו ככה יעשה לאיש אשר המלך חפץ ביקרו׃

Eszter 6:9
És adják azt a ruhát és lovat a király egyik legelsõ fejedelmének a kezébe, és öltöztessék fel azt a férfiút, a kinek a király tisztességet kiván, és hordozzák õt a lovon a város utczáin, és kiáltsák elõtte: Így cselekesznek a férfiúval, a kinek a király tisztességet kiván.

Ester 6:9
oni donu la veston kaj la cxevalon en la manon de unu el la plej eminentaj regxaj princoj, ke oni vestu la homon, kiun la regxo deziras honori, kaj rajdigu lin sur la cxevalo sur la strato de la urbo, kaj oni proklamadu antaux li:Tiele estas farate al la homo, kiun la regxo volas honori.

Ja vaatteet ja hevonen pitää annettaman yhden kuninkaan päämiehen käteen, joka on ylimmäisistä päämiehistä, että hän puettais sen miehen, jota kuningas tahtoo kunnioittaa, ja antais hänen ajaa hevosen selässä kaupungin kaduilla, ja huutaa hänen edellänsä: näin pitää sille miehelle tehtämän, jota kuningas tahtoo kunnioittaa.

Esther 6:9
et que le vêtement et le cheval soient remis aux mains d'un des princes du roi les plus illustres; et qu'on revête l'homme que le roi se plaît à honorer, et qu'on le promène par les rues de la ville, monté sur le cheval, et qu'on crie devant lui: C'est ainsi qu'on fait à l'homme que le roi se plaît à honorer.

remettre le vêtement et le cheval à l'un des principaux chefs du roi, puis revêtir l'homme que le roi veut honorer, le promener à cheval à travers la place de la ville, et crier devant lui: C'est ainsi que l'on fait à l'homme que le roi veut honorer!

Et qu'ensuite on donne ce vêtement et ce cheval à quelqu'un des principaux [et] des plus grands Seigneurs qui sont auprès du Roi, et qu'on revête l'homme que le Roi prend plaisir d'honorer, et qu'on le fasse aller à cheval par les rues de la ville; et qu'on crie devant lui : C'est ainsi qu'on doit faire à l'homme que le Roi prend plaisir d'honorer.

Ester 6:9
Und man soll solch Kleid und Roß geben in die Hand eines Fürsten des Königs, daß derselbe den Mann anziehe, den der König gerne ehren wollte, und führe ihn auf dem Roß in der Stadt Gassen und lasse rufen vor ihm her: So wird man tun dem Manne, den der König gerne ehren wollte.

und man soll solch Kleid und Roß geben in die Hand eines Fürsten des Königs, daß derselbe den Mann anziehe, den der König gern ehren wollte, und führe ihn auf dem Roß in der Stadt Gassen und lasse rufen vor ihm her: So wird man tun dem Mann, den der König gerne ehren will.

und übergebe das Gewand und das Roß einem von den Fürsten des Königs, den Edlen, damit man den Mann, dem der König gerne Ehre erweisen möchte, damit bekleide und ihn auf dem Roß auf dem Stadtplatz umherreiten lasse und vor ihm her ausrufe: So geschieht dem Manne, dem der König gern Ehre erweisen möchte!

Ester 6:9
si consegni la veste e il cavallo a uno dei principi più nobili del re; si rivesta di quella veste l’uomo che il re vuole onorare, lo si faccia percorrere a cavallo le vie della città, e si gridi davanti a lui: Così si fa all’uomo che il re vuole onorare!"

E que’ vestimenti, e quel cavallo, si converrebbero dare in mano di un personaggio d’infra i principi del re, d’infra i baroni; e colui il quale il re volesse onorare, dovrebbe esser vestito di que’ vestimenti, e farsi cavalcar quel cavallo per le strade della città; e si converrebbe gridar davanti a lui: Così deve farsi a colui, il quale il re vuole onorare.

Dan pakaian dan kuda itu diberikan kepada tangan barang seorang dari pada segala penghulu dan orang besar-besar duli tuanku, supaya dikenakannya kepada orang itu dan dinaikkannya di atas kuda itu dan diaraknya keliling segala lorong negeri sambil berseru-seru di hadapannya: Demikianlah dibuat akan orang yang hendak tersangat dipermuliakan oleh baginda!

에스더 6:9
그 왕복과 말을 왕의 방백 중 가장 존귀한 자의 손에 붙여서 왕이 존귀케 하시기를 기뻐하시는 사람에게 옷을 입히고 말을 태워서 성중 거리로 다니며 그 앞에서 반포하여 이르기를 왕이 존귀케 하기를 기뻐하시는 사람에게는 이같이 할 것이라 하게 하소서'

Esther 6:9
et primus de regis principibus ac tyrannis teneat equum eius et per plateam civitatis incedens clamet ac dicat sic honorabitur quemcumque rex voluerit honorare

Esteros knyga 6:9
Rūbus ir žirgą tegul jam paduoda vienas iš karaliaus kilmingiausiųjų kunigaikščių; jis teatveda karaliaus pagerbtąjį, užsodina jį ant žirgo ir, vesdamas žirgą miesto aikšte, tegul skelbia: ‘Taip padaroma tam vyrui, kurį karalius nori pagerbti!’ ”

Esther 6:9
Na ka hoatu taua kakahu me te hoiho ke te ringa o tetahi o nga tino rangatira a te kingi, kia whakakakahuria atu ki te tangata e pai ai te kingi kia whakahonoretia; na ka mea i a ia kia eke i runga i te hoiho i te waharoa o te pa, ka karanga haer e ai i mua i a ia, Ka peneitia te tangata e pai ai te kingi kia whakahonoretia.

Esters 6:9
og la så klædningen og hesten bli overgitt til en av kongens fornemste fyrster, og han skal la den mann kongen har lyst til å ære, få klædningen på og la ham ride på hesten gjennem byens gater og rope foran ham: Således gjøres det med den mann som kongen har lyst til å ære!

Ester 6:9
y el manto y el caballo sean entregados en mano de uno de los príncipes más nobles del rey, y vistan al hombre a quien el rey quiere honrar, le lleven a caballo por la plaza de la ciudad y pregonen delante de él: ``Así se hace al hombre a quien el rey quiere honrar.

y el manto y el caballo sean entregados en mano de uno de los príncipes más nobles del rey, y vistan al hombre a quien el rey quiere honrar, lo lleven a caballo por la plaza de la ciudad y anuncian delante de él: 'Así se hace al hombre a quien el rey quiere honrar.'"

y den la vestidura y el caballo en mano de alguno de los príncipes más nobles del rey, y vistan a aquel varón cuya honra desea el rey, y llévenlo en el caballo por la plaza de la ciudad, y pregonen delante de él: Así se hará al varón cuya honra desea el rey.

Y den el vestido y el caballo en mano de alguno de los príncipes más nobles del rey, y vistan á aquel varón cuya honra desea el rey, y llévenlo en el caballo por la plaza de la ciudad, y pregonen delante de él: Así se hará al varón cuya honra desea el rey

y den el vestido y el caballo en mano de alguno de los príncipes más nobles del rey, y vistan a aquel varón cuya honra desea el rey, y llévenlo en el caballo por la plaza de la ciudad, y pregonen delante de él: Así se hará al varón cuya honra desea el rey.

Ester 6:9
E mais, que tal ato envolva alguns dos mais ilustres príncipes do rei. Estes nobres cobrirão o homem a quem o rei deseja honrar com o manto real e o conduzirão sobre sua montaria pelas ruas da cidade, proclamando diante dele em alta voz: “Eis como se trata o homem a quem o rei tem a satisfação de homenagear!”

sejam entregues os trajes e o cavalo à mão dum dos príncipes mais nobres do rei, e vistam deles aquele homem a quem o rei se agrada honrar, e façam-no andar montado pela praça da cidade, e proclamem diante dele: Assim se faz ao homem a quem o rei se agrada honrar!   

Estera 6:9
Să se dea haina şi calul uneia din căpeteniile de seamă ale împăratului, apoi să înbrace cu haina pe omul acela pe care vrea să -l cinstească împăratul, să -l plimbe călare pe cal prin locul deschis al cetăţii, şi să se strige înaintea lui: ,Aşa se face omului pe care vrea împăratul să -l cinstească!``

Есфирь 6:9
и пусть подадут одеяние и коня в руки одному из первых князейцарских, – и облекут того человека, которого царь хочет отличить почестью, и выведут его на коне на городскую площадь, и провозгласят пред ним: так делается тому человеку, которого царь хочет отличить почестью!

и пусть подадут одеяние и коня в руки одному из первыхкнязей царских, г и облекут того человека, которого царь хочетотличить почестью, и выведут его на коне на городскую площадь, ипровозгласят пред ним: так делается тому человеку, которого царьхочет отличить почестью![]

Ester 6:9
och man skall överlämna klädnaden och hästen åt en av konungens förnämsta furstar, och klädnaden skall sättas på den man, som konungen vill ära, och man skall föra honom ridande på hästen fram på den öppna platsen i staden och utropa framför honom: 'Så gör man med den man, som konungen vill ära.'»

Esther 6:9
At ang bihisan at ang kabayo ay mabigay sa kamay ng isa sa pinakamahal na prinsipe ng hari, upang bihisang gayon ang lalake na kinalulugdang parangalin ng hari, at pasakayin siya sa kabayo sa lansangan ng bayan, at itanyag sa unahan niya; Ganito ang gagawin sa lalake na kinalulugdang parangalin ng hari.

เอสเธอร์ 6:9
ขอทรงมอบฉลองพระองค์และม้าในมือของเจ้านายผู้ใหญ่ยิ่งที่สุดคนหนึ่งของกษัตริย์ ขอให้แต่งคนที่กษัตริย์พอพระทัยจะประทานเกียรติยศ และขอให้ชายนั้นขึ้นนั่งหลังม้าไปตามถนนของกรุง และป่าวร้องไปข้างหน้าเขาว่า `ผู้ที่กษัตริย์พอพระทัยจะประทานเกียรติยศก็เป็นเช่นนี้แหละ'"

Ester 6:9
giysiyi ve atı en üst yöneticilerinden birine verir; o da kralın onurlandırmak istediği kişiyi giydirip atın üstünde kent meydanında gezdirir. Önden giderek, ‹Kralın onurlandırmak istediği kişiye böyle davranılır› diye bağırır.››[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 6:9
áo triều và ngựa thì hãy giao vào tay của một triều thần tối tôn của vua, để mặc cho người mà vua muốn tôn trọng, dẫn người cỡi ngựa dạo chơi các đường phố của thành nội, và la lên rằng: Người mà vua muốn tôn trọng được đãi như vậy.

Esther 6:8
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