Esther 1:8
Esther 1:8
By the king's command each guest was allowed to drink with no restrictions, for the king instructed all the wine stewards to serve each man what he wished.

By edict of the king, no limits were placed on the drinking, for the king had instructed all his palace officials to serve each man as much as he wanted.

And drinking was according to this edict: “There is no compulsion.” For the king had given orders to all the staff of his palace to do as each man desired.

The drinking was done according to the law, there was no compulsion, for so the king had given orders to each official of his household that he should do according to the desires of each person.

And the drinking was according to the law; none did compel: for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

and no restraint was placed on the drinking. The king had ordered every wine steward in his household to serve as much as each person wanted.

According to the king's decree the drinking was not compulsory because the king instructed every steward in his house to serve each individual what he desired.

There were no restrictions on the drinking, for the king had instructed all of his supervisors that they should do as everyone so desired.

The drinking followed this rule: Drink as you please. (The king had ordered all the waiters in his palace to let everyone do as he pleased.)

And the drink was according to this law: let no one constrain themselves; for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house that they should do according to the will of each one.

And the drinking was according to the law; none did compel: for so the king had ordered all the officers of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

And the drinking was according to the law; none did compel: for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

And the drinking was according to the law; none could compel: for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

Neither was there any one to compel them to drink that were not willing, but as the king had appointed, who set over every table one of his nobles, that every man might take what he would.

And the drinking was, according to commandment, without constraint; for so the king had appointed to all the magnates of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

And the drinking was according to the law; none could compel: for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

And the drinking was according to the law; none constrained: for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

In accordance with the law, the drinking was not compulsory; for so the king had instructed all the officials of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure.

And the drinking is according to law, none is pressing, for so hath the king appointed for every chief one of his house, to do according to the pleasure of man and man.

Ester 1:8
Në bazë të ligjit, askush nuk ishte i detyruar të pinte; në fakt mbreti kishte udhëruar tërë funksionarët e shtëpisë së tij t'i shërbenin secilit atë që dëshironte.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 1:8
وكان الشرب حسب الأمر. لم يكن غاصب لانه هكذا رسم الملك على كل عظيم في بيته ان يعملوا حسب رضا كل واحد.

D Öster 1:8
Bei dönn Saus galt d Loossung: "Dyrlaaubt ist allss!", wie s dyr Künig yn seine Pflastamptner non aignst gsait hiet.

Естир 1:8
А пиенето ставаше според една издадена заповед, че никой не бива да принуждава, защото царят беше заповядал така на всичките си домостроители, да постъпват според волята на всекиго.

以 斯 帖 記 1:8
喝 酒 有 例 , 不 准 勉 強 人 , 因 王 吩 咐 宮 裡 的 一 切 臣 宰 , 讓 人 各 隨 己 意 。

喝 酒 有 例 , 不 准 勉 强 人 , 因 王 吩 咐 宫 里 的 一 切 臣 宰 , 让 人 各 随 己 意 。



Esther 1:8
Pilo se po nekom pravilu, ali ne prisilno, jer je kralj bio naredio svim nadzirateljima svoga dvora da sa svakim postupaju prema njegovoj želji.

Ester 1:8
Ale ku pití, podlé nařízení, žádný nenutil. Nebo tak poručil král všechněm správcům domu svého, aby činili podlé vůle jednoho každého.

Ester 1:8
og ved Drikkelaget gjaldt den Regel, at man ikke nødte nogen; thi Kongen havde paalagt alle sine Hovmestre at lade enhver om, hvor meget han vilde have.

Esther 1:8
En het drinken geschiedde naar de wet, dat niemand dwong; want alzo had de koning vastelijk bevolen aan alle groten zijns huizes, dat zij doen zouden naar den wil van een iegelijk.

אסתר 1:8
וְהַשְּׁתִיָּ֥ה כַדָּ֖ת אֵ֣ין אֹנֵ֑ס כִּי־כֵ֣ן ׀ יִסַּ֣ד הַמֶּ֗לֶךְ עַ֚ל כָּל־רַ֣ב בֵּיתֹ֔ו לַעֲשֹׂ֖ות כִּרְצֹ֥ון אִישׁ־וָאִֽישׁ׃

ח והשתיה כדת אין אנס  כי כן יסד המלך על כל רב ביתו--לעשות כרצון איש ואיש  {ס}

והשתיה כדת אין אנס כי־כן ׀ יסד המלך על כל־רב ביתו לעשות כרצון איש־ואיש׃

Eszter 1:8
És az ivás, rendelet folytán, kényszer nélkül [történt;] mert így hagyta meg a király háza minden gondviselõjének, hogy kinek-kinek akarata szerint cselekedjenek.

Ester 1:8
La trinkado estis en ordo, neniu devigis; cxar tiel la regxo ordonis al cxiuj administrantoj de sia domo, ke oni agu laux la volo de cxiu.

Ja juominen tapahtui säädöksen jälkeen, niin ettei yksikään toistansa vaatinut; sillä kuningas oli niin käskenyt kaikille edeskäyville huoneessansa, tehdä jokaisen mielen nouteeksi.

Esther 1:8
Et on buvait, selon l'édit: on ne forçait personne; car c'est ainsi que le roi avait ordonné à tous les grands de sa maison, de faire selon le gré de chacun.

Mais on ne forçait personne à boire, car le roi avait ordonné à tous les gens de sa maison de se conformer à la volonté de chacun.

Et la manière de boire fut telle qu'on l'avait ordonné. On ne contraignait personne; car le Roi avait ainsi expressément commandé à tous ses maîtres d'hôtel, de faire selon la volonté de chacun.

Ester 1:8
Und man setzte niemand, was er trinken sollte; denn der König hatte allen Vorstehern in seinem Hause befohlen, daß ein jeglicher sollte tun, wie es ihm wohlgefiele.

Und man setzte niemand, was er trinken sollte; denn der König hatte allen Vorstehern befohlen, daß ein jeglicher sollte tun, wie es ihm wohl gefiel. {~}

Und das Trinken richtete sich nach der Verordnung, daß niemand nötigen solle; denn diese Weisung hatte der König an alle Vorsteher in seinem Palast ergehen lassen, daß es jedermann nach seinem Gutdünken halten dürfe.

Ester 1:8
E l’ordine era dato di non forzare alcuno a bere, poiché il re avea prescritto a tutti i grandi della sua casa che lasciassero fare a ciascuno secondo la propria volontà.

E il bere era secondo questa legge, che niuno costringeva a bere; perciocchè il re avea imposto a tutti i suoi maestri di casa, che ciascuno facesse a sua volontà.

Adapun angkapan minuman itu adalah syaratnya, jangan orang minum terpaksa, karena demikianlah sudah ditentukan oleh baginda bagi segala orang besar-besar yang di dalam istana baginda, bahwa masing-masing akan berbuat sekadar suka hatinya.

에스더 1:8
마시는 것도 규모가 있어 사람으로 억지로 하지 않게 하니 이는 왕이 모든 궁내 관리에게 명하여 각 사람으로 마음대로 하게 함이더라

Esther 1:8
nec erat qui nolentes cogeret ad bibendum sed sic rex statuerat praeponens mensis singulos de principibus suis ut sumeret unusquisque quod vellet

Esteros knyga 1:8
Visi gėrė, kiek norėjo, nė vieno gerti nevertė. Karalius buvo įsakęs savo namų prižiūrėtojams, kad jie darytų tai, ko kuris žmogus panorės.

Esther 1:8
I rite ano te inu ki ta te ture, kahore he tohe; na te kingi taua tikanga i whakatakoto ki nga rangatira katoa o tona whare, ko ta te tangata i pai ai ko tana tera e mea ai.

Esters 1:8
Og for drikningen gjaldt den forskrift at ingen skulde nødes; for kongen hadde befalt alle sine hushovmestere å la enhver få så meget han selv ønsket.

Ester 1:8
Y se bebía conforme a la ley, no había obligación, porque el rey así había dado órdenes a todos los oficiales de su casa para que hicieran conforme a los deseos de cada persona.

Se bebía conforme a la ley, no había obligación, porque así el rey había dado órdenes a todos los oficiales de su casa para que hicieran conforme a los deseos de cada persona.

Y la bebida era según la ley: Sin ninguna obligación; porque así lo había mandado el rey a todos los mayordomos de su casa; que se hiciese según la voluntad de cada uno.

Y la bebida fué según esta ley: Que nadie constriñese; porque así lo había mandado el rey á todos los mayordomos de su casa; que se hiciese según la voluntad de cada uno.

Y la bebida fue según esta ley: Que nadie se constriñese; porque así lo había mandado el rey a todos los mayordomos de su casa; que se hiciese según la voluntad de cada uno.

Ester 1:8
E cada pessoa podia beber o quanto desejasse, pois o rei já havia dado instruções a todos os mordomos do palácio que servissem os convidados à vontade.

E bebiam como estava prescrito, sem constrangimento; pois o rei tinha ordenado a todos os oficiais do palácio que fizessem conforme a vontade de cada um.   

Estera 1:8
Dar nimeni nu era silit să bea, căci împăratul poruncise tuturor oamenilor din casa lui să facă după voia fiecăruia.

Есфирь 1:8
Напитки подаваемы были в золотых сосудах и сосудах разнообразных, ценою в тридцать тысяч талантов; и вина царского было множество, по богатству царя. Питье шло чинно, никто не принуждал, потому что царь дал такое приказание всем управляющим в доме его, чтобы делали по воле каждого.

Напитки подаваемы [были] в золотых сосудах и сосудах разнообразных, ценою в тридцать тысяч талантов; и вина царского было множество, по богатству царя. Питье [шло] чинно, никто не принуждал, потому что царь дал такое приказание всем управляющим в доме его, чтобы делали по воле каждого.[]

Ester 1:8
Och när man drack, gällde den lagen att intet tvång skulle råda; ty konungen hade befallt alla sina hovmästare att de skulle rätta sig efter vars och ens önskan.

Esther 1:8
At ang paginom ay ayon sa kautusan; walang pagpilit: sapagka't gayon ibinilin ng hari sa lahat na pinuno ng kaniyang bahay, na kanilang gawin ayon sa kalooban ng bawa't isa.

เอสเธอร์ 1:8
การดื่มก็กระทำกันตามกฎหมายที่ไม่มีการบังคับ เพราะกษัตริย์ทรงมีพระกระแสรับสั่งไปยังพนักงานทั้งปวงว่า ให้ทุกคนทำได้ตามใจปรารถนา

Ester 1:8
Kralın buyruğu uyarınca, konuklar içki içmeye zorlanmadı. Kral saray hizmetkârlarına konukların dileklerini yerine getirmeleri için buyruk vermişti.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 1:8
Người ta uống rượu tùy theo lịnh truyền chẳng ai ép phải uống; vì vua đã truyền các thần tể cung điện hãy làm tùy ý của mỗi người muốn.

Esther 1:7
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