Esther 1:1
Esther 1:1
This is what happened during the time of Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush:

These events happened in the days of King Xerxes, who reigned over 127 provinces stretching from India to Ethiopia.

Now in the days of Ahasuerus, the Ahasuerus who reigned from India to Ethiopia over 127 provinces,

Now it took place in the days of Ahasuerus, the Ahasuerus who reigned from India to Ethiopia over 127 provinces,

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces:)

These events took place during the days of Ahasuerus, who ruled 127 provinces from India to Cush.

This is a record of what happened during the reign of Ahasuerus, the Ahasuerus who ruled over 127 provinces from India to Cush.

The following events happened in the days of Ahasuerus. (I am referring to that Ahasuerus who used to rule over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces extending all the way from India to Ethiopia.)

In the days of Xerxes the following events took place. This was the same Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces from India to Sudan.

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus (this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India even unto Ethiopia over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces)

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus who reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces:)

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even to Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces:)

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus (this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India even unto Ethiopia, over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces),

In the days of Assuerus, who reigned from India to Ethiopia over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces:

And it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus (that is, the Ahasuerus that reigned from India even to Ethiopia, over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces),

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces:)

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India even to Cush, over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces:)

Now it happened in the days of Ahasuerus (this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India even to Ethiopia, over one hundred twenty-seven provinces),

And it cometh to pass, in the days of Ahasuerus -- he is Ahasuerus who is reigning from Hodu even unto Cush, seven and twenty and a hundred provinces --

Ester 1:1
Në kohën e Asueros, (ai Asuero që mbretëronte nga Indija deri në Etiopi mbi njëqind e njëzet e shtatë krahina),

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 1:1
وحدث في ايام احشويروش. هو احشويروش الذي ملك من الهند الى كوش على مئة وسبع وعشرين كورة.

D Öster 1:1
1a Eyn n zwaittn Reichnungsjaar von n Kaiser Xerx, eyn n eerstn Tag von n Maanet Nissän, hiet dyr Mordychäus, dyr Sun von n Jeier, Schimi und Kisch aus n Stamm Bengymein, aynn Traaum. 1b Ayn Jud war yr also, dyr Mordychäus, und ayn angseghner Man, der wo an n Hof von n Künig angstöllt war. 1c Er war ainer von dene, wo dyr bäblische Künig Nebykädnezer mit n Judauer Künig Joiychein aus Ruslham verschlöppt hiet. 1d Und traeumen taat iem dös: Gschrirn und glurmt wurd, dundern taat s und d Erdn gabibnt, und auf dyr Erdn war ayn recht ayn Durchaynand. 1e Plitzlich kaamend zween groosse Drackn, wo si zo n Kampf grichtt hietnd. Sö gabrüelnd laut auf; 1f und dyrdurch wurdnd allsand Dietn zo n Kampf aufgraitzt, yso däß s gögn yn n Grechtn sein Volk eyn n Krieg zognd. 1g Ayn dusterner, schwartzer Tag war dös; Drangsal und Noot, Unheil und ayn Morddsdurchaynand kaam über d Erdn. 1h Dös gantze Grechtnvolk gwaiß niemer aus non ein. Sö farchtnd dös Schlimmste und hietnd mit ienern Löbn schoon abgschlossn. Daa rieffend s önn Herrgot an. 1i Auf iener Schrein hin wurd aus ayner wintzignen Quelln ayn risiger Stroom. 1k Liecht wurd s wider, d Sunn kaam wider vürher; de Minstn kaamend eyn d Hoeh und gaputznd de Maistn durchhin. 1l Wie dyr Mordychäus dös traeumt hiet, gwacht yr auf. Dönn gantzn Tag lang sann yr hin, was dyr Herrgot dyrmit wol sagn wolleb; und er güberlögt hin und her, was daa dran sein kännt. 1m Dyr Mordychäus schlief in n Pflast eyn Ort, daa wo aau de zween Pflastwäch ter Gäbätten und Teresch iener Ligerstat hietnd. 1n Dyrbei ghoert yr, was die yso zo n Schmätzn hietnd. Er gspitzt d Oorn und gyrlost, däß s aynn Anschlag gögn önn Künig Xerx vürgapfraittnd. Daa gazaigt yr s bei n Künig an, 1o und der ließ de zween Amptner verhoern. Sö gaabnd aau glei allss zue und wurdnd hingrichtt. 1p Dyr Künig ließ dös in n Lauft fösthaltn, und aau dyr Mordychäus schrib s eyn sein Tägbuech ein. 1q Draufhin gabfördert dyr Künig önn Mordychäusn zo aynn Pflastdiener und gabloont n für sein Taat reichlich mit Gschenker. 1r Aber dyr Bugauer Hämmydätten, ainer, wo recht vil z meldn hiet bei n Kü nig, war drauf aus, däß yr s zwögns dene zween Hofamptsleut yn n Mordy chäusn und seinn Volk gscheid zaigt.

Естир 1:1
А в дните на Асуира, (оня Асуир, който царуваше от Индия дори до Етиопия над сто и двадесет и седем области),

以 斯 帖 記 1:1
亞 哈 隨 魯 作 王 , 從 印 度 直 到 古 實 , 統 管 一 百 二 十 七 省 。

亚 哈 随 鲁 作 王 , 从 印 度 直 到 古 实 , 统 管 一 百 二 十 七 省 。



Esther 1:1
Bilo je u vrijeme Ahasvera, onoga Ahasvera koji je vladao nad sto dvadeset i sedam pokrajina od Indije do Etiopije.

Ester 1:1
Stalo se pak za času krále Asvera, (to jest ten Asverus, jenž kraloval od Indie až k Mouřenínské zemi nad sto dvadcíti a sedmi krajinami),

Ester 1:1
I Ahasverus's Dage — den Ahasverus, der herskede over Landene fra Indien til Ætiopien, 127 Lande —

Esther 1:1
Het geschiedde nu in de dagen van Ahasveros, (hij is die Ahasveros, dewelke regeerde van Indie af tot aan Morenland toe, honderd zeven en twintig landschappen).

אסתר 1:1
וַיְהִ֖י בִּימֵ֣י אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹ֑ושׁ ה֣וּא אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹ֗ושׁ הַמֹּלֵךְ֙ מֵהֹ֣דּוּ וְעַד־כּ֔וּשׁ שֶׁ֛בַע וְעֶשְׂרִ֥ים וּמֵאָ֖ה מְדִינָֽה׃

א ויהי בימי אחשורוש  הוא אחשורוש המלך מהדו ועד כוש--שבע ועשרים ומאה מדינה

ויהי בימי אחשורוש הוא אחשורוש המלך מהדו ועד־כוש שבע ועשרים ומאה מדינה׃

Eszter 1:1
Ahasvérus idejében történt (ez az Ahasvérus az, a ki uralkodott Indiától fogva Szerecsenországig százhuszonhét tartományon),

Ester 1:1
Tio estis en la tempo de Ahxasxverosx, de tiu Ahxasxverosx, kiu regxis de Hindujo gxis Etiopujo, super cent dudek sep landoj.

Siihen aikaan, kuin Ahasverus hallitsi Indiasta Etiopiaan asti, sataa ja seitsemääkolmattakymmenta maakuntaa,

Esther 1:1
Et aux jours d'Assuérus (cet Assuérus régnait depuis l'Inde jusqu'à l'Éthiopie sur cent vingt-sept provinces),

C'était du temps d'Assuérus, de cet Assuérus qui régnait depuis l'Inde jusqu'en Ethiopie sur cent vingt-sept provinces;

Or il arriva au temps d'Assuérus, qui régnait depuis les Indes jusqu'en Ethiopie, sur cent vingt-sept provinces;

Ester 1:1
Zu den Zeiten Ahasveros, der da König war von Indien bis an die Mohren, über hundertundsiebenundzwanzig Länder,

Zu den Zeiten Ahasveros (der da König war von Indien bis an Mohrenland über hundert und siebenundzwanzig Länder)

Es begab sich aber in den Tagen des Ahasveros - das ist der Ahasveros, der von Indien bis nach Äthiopien über hundertundsiebenundzwanzig Provinzen herrschte -,

Ester 1:1
Al tempo d’Assuero, di quell’Assuero che regnava dall’India sino all’Etiopia sopra centoventisette province,

ORA avvenne al tempo di Assuero, ch’era quell’Assuero che regnava dall’India fino in Etiopia, sopra cenventisette provincie,

Sebermula, maka pada sekali peristiwa, pada zaman raja Ahasyweros, ia itu Ahasyweros yang kerajaan dari pada Hindi sampai ke tanah Kusy atas seratus dua puluh tujuh bahagian tanah,

에스더 1:1
이 일은 아하수에로 왕 때에 된 것이니 아하수에로는 인도로 구스까지 일백 이십 칠 도를 치리하는 왕이라

Esther 1:1
in diebus Asueri qui regnavit ab India usque Aethiopiam super centum viginti septem provincias

Esteros knyga 1:1
Ahasvero, kuris valdė šimtą dvidešimt septynis kraštus nuo Indijos iki Etiopijos,

Esther 1:1
Na i nga ra i a Ahahueruha, ara a Ahahueruha i kingi nei i Inia a tae noa ki Etiopia, kotahi rau e rua tekau ma whitu nga kawanatanga:

Esters 1:1
I Ahasverus' tid - det var den Ahasverus som regjerte fra India like til Etiopia over hundre og syv og tyve landskaper -

Ester 1:1
Aconteció en los días de Asuero, el rey Asuero que reinó desde la India hasta Etiopía sobre ciento veintisiete provincias,

Eran los días de Asuero (Jerjes), el rey Asuero que reinó desde la India hasta Etiopía sobre 127 provincias.

Y aconteció en los días de Asuero (el Asuero que reinó desde la India hasta Etiopía sobre ciento veintisiete provincias);

Y ACONTECIO en los días de Assuero, (el Assuero que reinó desde la India hasta la Etiopía sobre ciento veinte y siete provincias,)

Y aconteció en los días de Asuero (el Asuero que reinó desde la India hasta la Etiopía sobre ciento veinte y siete provincias),

Ester 1:1
Esta história ocorreu na época de Ahashverósh, Assuero, isto é Xerxes em grego, que reinou sobre cento e vinte e sete províncias, desde a Índia até Cush, Etiópia.

Sucedeu nos dias de Assuero, o Assuero que reinou desde a Índia até a Etiópia, sobre cento e vinte e seis províncias,   

Estera 1:1
Era pe vremea lui Ahaşveroş, al acelui Ahaşveroş care domnea dela India pînă în Etiopia peste o sută douăzeci şi şapte de ţinuturi.

Есфирь 1:1
И было во дни Артаксеркса, – этот Артаксеркс царствовал над ста двадцатью семью областями от Индии и до Ефиопии, –

И было во дни Артаксеркса, --этот Артаксеркс царствовал над ста двадцатью семью областями от Индии и до Ефиопии, --[]

Ester 1:1
I Ahasveros' tid -- den Ahasveros' som regerade från Indien ända till Etiopien, över ett hundra tjugusju hövdingdömen --

Esther 1:1
Nangyari nga, sa mga kaarawan ni Assuero, (ito ang Assuero na naghari, mula sa India hanggang sa Etiopia, sa isang daan at dalawang pu't pitong lalawigan:)

เอสเธอร์ 1:1
อยู่มาในรัชสมัยของอาหสุเอรัส (อาหสุเอรัสผู้ทรงครอบครองตั้งแต่ประเทศอินเดียถึงประเทศเอธิโอเปีย เหนือหนึ่งร้อยยี่สิบเจ็ดมณฑลนั้น)

Ester 1:1
Ahaşveroş Hoddudan Kûşa uzanan bölgedeki yüz yirmi yedi ilin kralıydı.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 1:1
Xảy trong đời vua A-suê-ru, tức A-suê-ru kia mà cai trị trên một trăm hai mươi bảy tỉnh, từ Ấn-độ cho đến Ê-thi-ô-bi,

Nehemiah 13:31
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