Ephesians 5:9
Ephesians 5:9
(for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)

For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.

(for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true),

(for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth),

(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

for the fruit of the light results in all goodness, righteousness, and truth--

for the fruit that the light produces consists of every form of goodness, righteousness, and truth.

for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth--

For the fruits of The Light are in all goodness, righteousness and truth.

Light produces everything that is good, that has God's approval, and that is true.

(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth),

(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

(for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth),

For the fruit of the light is in all goodness, and justice, and truth;

(for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth,)

(for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth),

(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth;)

Live and act as sons of Light--for the effect of the Light is seen in every kind of goodness, uprightness and truth--

for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth,

for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth,

Efesianëve 5:9
sepse fryti i Frymës konsiston në gjithçka që është mirësi, drejtësi dhe të vërtetë,

ﺃﻓﺴﺲ 5:9
لان ثمر الروح هو في كل صلاح وبر وحق.

քանի որ Հոգիին պտուղը ամէն տեսակ բարութեամբ, արդարութեամբ ու ճշմարտութեամբ է:

Ephesianoetara. 5:9
(Ecen Spirituaren fructua consistitzen da ontassun eta iustitia eta eguia gucitan)

D Effhauser 5:9
Aus n Liecht kimmt allss, was guet und grecht und waar ist.

Ефесяни 5:9
(защото плодът на светлината се състои във всичко що е благо, право и истинно).

以 弗 所 書 5:9
光 明 所 結 的 果 子 就 是 一 切 良 善 、 公 義 、 誠 實 。

光 明 所 结 的 果 子 就 是 一 切 良 善 、 公 义 、 诚 实 。





Poslanica Efežanima 5:9
plod je svjetlosti svaka dobrota, pravednost i istina -

Efezským 5:9
(Nebo ovoce Ducha záleží ve vší dobrotě, a spravedlnosti, a v pravdě,)

Efeserne 5:9
(Lysets Frugt viser sig jo i al Godhed og Retfærdighed og Sandhed,)

Efeziërs 5:9
(Want de vrucht des Geestes is in alle goedigheid, en rechtvaardigheid, en waarheid),

—ὁ γὰρ καρπὸς τοῦ φωτὸς ἐν πάσῃ ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ,

ὁ γὰρ καρπὸς τοῦ φωτὸς ἐν πάσῃ ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ,

ὁ γὰρ καρπὸς τοῦ φωτὸς ἐν πάσῃ ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ,

ὁ γὰρ καρπὸς τοῦ πνεύματος ἐν πάσῃ ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ―

ὁ γὰρ καρπὸς τοῦ Πνεύματος ἐν πάσῃ ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ·

ὁ γάρ καρπός ὁ φῶς ἐν πᾶς ἀγαθωσύνη καί δικαιοσύνη καί ἀλήθεια

ὁ γὰρ καρπὸς τοῦ Πνεύματος ἐν πάσῃ ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ,

ὁ γὰρ καρπὸς τοῦ Πνεύματος ἐν πάσῃ ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ καὶ ἀληθείᾳ

ο γαρ καρπος του φωτος εν παση αγαθωσυνη και δικαιοσυνη και αληθεια

ο γαρ καρπος του φωτος εν παση αγαθωσυνη και δικαιοσυνη και αληθεια

ο γαρ καρπος του πνευματος εν παση αγαθωσυνη και δικαιοσυνη και αληθεια

ο γαρ καρπος του Πνευματος εν παση αγαθωσυνη και δικαιοσυνη και αληθεια,

ο γαρ καρπος του πνευματος εν παση αγαθωσυνη και δικαιοσυνη και αληθεια

ο γαρ καρπος του φωτος εν παση αγαθωσυνη και δικαιοσυνη και αληθεια

—ho gar karpos tou phōtos en pasē agathōsynē kai dikaiosynē kai alētheia,

—ho gar karpos tou photos en pase agathosyne kai dikaiosyne kai aletheia,

ho gar karpos tou phōtos en pasē agathōsynē kai dikaiosynē kai alētheia,

ho gar karpos tou photos en pase agathosyne kai dikaiosyne kai aletheia,

o gar karpos tou phōtos en pasē agathōsunē kai dikaiosunē kai alētheia

o gar karpos tou phOtos en pasE agathOsunE kai dikaiosunE kai alEtheia

o gar karpos tou pneumatos en pasē agathōsunē kai dikaiosunē kai alētheia

o gar karpos tou pneumatos en pasE agathOsunE kai dikaiosunE kai alEtheia

o gar karpos tou pneumatos en pasē agathōsunē kai dikaiosunē kai alētheia

o gar karpos tou pneumatos en pasE agathOsunE kai dikaiosunE kai alEtheia

o gar karpos tou pneumatos en pasē agathōsunē kai dikaiosunē kai alētheia

o gar karpos tou pneumatos en pasE agathOsunE kai dikaiosunE kai alEtheia

o gar karpos tou phōtos en pasē agathōsunē kai dikaiosunē kai alētheia

o gar karpos tou phOtos en pasE agathOsunE kai dikaiosunE kai alEtheia

o gar karpos tou phōtos en pasē agathōsunē kai dikaiosunē kai alētheia

o gar karpos tou phOtos en pasE agathOsunE kai dikaiosunE kai alEtheia

Efézusiakhoz 5:9
(Mert a világosságnak gyümölcse minden jóságban és igazságban és valóságban van),

Al la efesanoj 5:9
(cxar la frukto de la lumo estas en cxia boneco kaj justeco kaj vero),

Kirje efesolaisille 5:9
(Sillä Hengen hedelmä on kaikessa hyvyydessä ja vanhurskaudessa ja totuudessa,)

Éphésiens 5:9
(car le fruit de la lumière consiste en toute bonté, et justice, et vérité),

Car le fruit de la lumière consiste en toute sorte de bonté, de justice et de vérité.

Car le fruit de l'Esprit consiste en toute débonnaireté, justice et vérité.

Epheser 5:9
Wandelt wie die Kinder des Lichts! Die Frucht des Geistes ist allerlei Gütigkeit und Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit.

Wandelt wie die Kinder des Lichts, die Frucht des Geistes ist allerlei Gütigkeit und Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit,

denn die Frucht des Lichtes besteht in allerlei Güte, Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit,

Efesini 5:9
(poiché il frutto della luce consiste in tutto ciò che è bontà e giustizia e verità),

poichè il frutto dello Spirito è in ogni bontà, e giustizia, e verità,

(karena buah-buahan terang itulah kebaikan dan keadilan dan kebenaran),

Ephesians 5:9
axaṭer tafat tețțawi ɣer wayen yelhan, ɣer lḥeqq akk-d tideț.

에베소서 5:9
빛의 열매는 모든 착함과, 의로움과, 진실함에 있느니라

Ephesios 5:9
fructus enim lucis est in omni bonitate et iustitia et veritate

Efeziešiem 5:9
Gaismas augļi ir labums un taisnība, un patiesība.

Laiðkas efezieèiams 5:9
nes Dvasios vaisius reiškiasi visokeriopu gerumu, teisumu ir tiesa,­

Ephesians 5:9
Kei runga hoki te hua o te marama i te pai katoa, i te tika, i te pono.

Efeserne 5:9
for lysets frukt viser sig i all godhet og rettferdighet og sannhet -

Efesios 5:9
(porque el fruto de la luz consiste en toda bondad, justicia y verdad),

Porque el fruto de la luz consiste en toda bondad, justicia y verdad.

(porque el fruto del Espíritu es en toda bondad, justicia y verdad),

(Porque el fruto del Espíritu es en toda bondad, y justicia, y verdad;)

(porque el fruto del Espíritu es en toda bondad, y justicia, y verdad),

Efésios 5:9
porquanto, o fruto da luz consiste em toda bondade, justiça e verdade;

(pois o fruto da luz está em toda a bondade, e justiça e verdade),   

Efeseni 5:9
Căci roada luminii stă în orice bunătate, în neprihănire şi în adevăr.

К Ефесянам 5:9
потому что плод Духа состоит во всякой благости, праведности и истине.

потому что плод Духа состоит во всякой благости, праведности и истине.

Ephesians 5:9
Tsßapninium wekainiaka shiir awajkartincha tura nekas chichamtincha tura pΘnker T·rin ainiawai.

Efesierbrevet 5:9
Ty ljusets frukt består i allt vad godhet och rättfärdighet och sanning är.

Waefeso 5:9
maana matokeo ya mwanga ni wema kamili, uadilifu na ukweli.

Mga Taga-Efeso 5:9
(Sapagka't ang bunga ng kaliwanagan ay nabubuo ng kabutihan at katuwiran at katotohanan),

เอเฟซัส 5:9
(ด้วยว่าผลของพระวิญญาณคือ ความดีทุกอย่างและความชอบธรรมทั้งมวลและความจริงทั้งสิ้น)

Efesliler 5:9
Çünkü ışığın meyvesi her iyilikte, doğrulukta ve gerçekte görülür.

Ефесяни 5:9
(бо овощ духа - у всякій добрості і праведностї і правдї,)

Ephesians 5:9

EÂ-pheâ-soâ 5:9
vì trái của sự sáng láng ở tại mọi điều nhơn từ, công bình và thành thật.

Ephesians 5:8
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