Ephesians 4:29
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

No foul language is to come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear.

Let no filthy talk be heard from your mouths, but only what is good for building up people and meeting the need of the moment. This way you will administer grace to those who hear you.

You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of the one in need, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Let not any hateful words come out of your mouth, but whatever is good and useful for improvement that you may give grace to those who hear,

Don't say anything that would hurt [another person]. Instead, speak only what is good so that you can give help wherever it is needed. That way, what you say will help those who hear you.

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good for edification, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.

Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear.

Let no evil speech proceed from your mouth; but that which is good, to the edification of faith, that it may administer grace to the hearers.

Let no corrupt word go out of your mouth, but if there be any good one for needful edification, that it may give grace to those that hear it.

Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.

Let no unwholesome words ever pass your lips, but let all your words be good for benefiting others according to the need of the moment, so that they may be a means of blessing to the hearers.

Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for building up as the need may be, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Let no corrupt word out of your mouth go forth, but what is good unto the needful building up, that it may give grace to the hearers;

Efesianëve 4:29
Asnjë fjalë e keqe le të mos dalë nga goja juaj, por ajo që është e mirë për ndërtimin, sipas nevojës, që t'u japë hir atyre që dëgjojnë.

ﺃﻓﺴﺲ 4:29
لا تخرج كلمة رديّة من افواهكم بل كل ما كان صالحا للبنيان حسب الحاجة كي يعطي نعمة للسامعين.

Ո՛չ մէկ վատ խօսք թող ելլէ ձեր բերանէն, հապա՝ ինչ որ բարի է, շինութեան կարիքին համեմատ, որպէսզի շնորհք տայ լսողներուն:

Ephesianoetara. 4:29
Hitz corrumpituric batre çuen ahotic ilki eztadila, baina cembeit bada, edificationearen vsançaco on datenic, ençuten duteney gratia eman diecençát.

D Effhauser 4:29
Aus enkern Mäul sollt kain boess Wort kemmen, sundern grad öbbs Guets, was die aufbaut, die wo s brauchend, und yn dene nutzt, wo s hoernd.

Ефесяни 4:29
Никаква гнила дума да не излиза от устата ви, но онова, което е добро, за назидание според нуждата, за да принесе благодат на тия, които слушат;

以 弗 所 書 4:29
污 穢 的 言 語 一 句 不 可 出 口 , 只 要 隨 事 說 造 就 人 的 好 話 , 叫 聽 見 的 人 得 益 處 。

污 秽 的 言 语 一 句 不 可 出 口 , 只 要 随 事 说 造 就 人 的 好 话 , 叫 听 见 的 人 得 益 处 。





Poslanica Efežanima 4:29
Nikakva nevaljala riječ neka ne izlazi iz vaših usta, nego samo dobra, da prema potrebi saziđuje i milost iskaže slušateljima.

Efezským 4:29
Žádná řeč mrzutá nevycházej z úst vašich, ale ať jest každé promluvení dobré k vzdělání užitečnému, aby dalo milost posluchačům.

Efeserne 4:29
Lad ingen raadden Tale udgaa af eders Mund, men saadan Tale, som er god til fornøden Opbyggelse, for at den kan skaffe dem Naade, som høre derpaa;

Efeziërs 4:29
Geen vuile rede ga uit uw mond, maar zo er enige goede rede is tot nuttige stichting, opdat zij genade geve dien, die dezelve horen.

πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω, ἀλλὰ εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας, ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν.

πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω, ἀλλὰ εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας, ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν.

πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω, ἀλλὰ εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας, ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν.

Πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω, ἀλλ’ εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας, ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν.

πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω, ἀλλ’ εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας, ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσι.

πᾶς λόγος σαπρός ἐκ ὁ στόμα ὑμεῖς μή ἐκπορεύομαι ἀλλά εἰ τὶς ἀγαθός πρός οἰκοδομή ὁ χρεία ἵνα δίδωμι χάρις ὁ ἀκούω

πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω, ἀλλ’ εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας, ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσι.

πᾶς λόγος σαπρὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος ὑμῶν μὴ ἐκπορευέσθω ἀλλ' εἴ τις ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χρείας ἵνα δῷ χάριν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν

πας λογος σαπρος εκ του στοματος υμων μη εκπορευεσθω αλλα ει τις αγαθος προς οικοδομην της χρειας ινα δω χαριν τοις ακουουσιν

πας λογος σαπρος εκ του στοματος υμων μη εκπορευεσθω αλλα ει τις αγαθος προς οικοδομην της χρειας ινα δω χαριν τοις ακουουσιν

πας λογος σαπρος εκ του στοματος υμων μη εκπορευεσθω αλλ ει τις αγαθος προς οικοδομην της χρειας ινα δω χαριν τοις ακουουσιν

πας λογος σαπρος εκ του στοματος υμων μη εκπορευεσθω, αλλ ει τις αγαθος προς οικοδομην της χρειας, ινα δω χαριν τοις ακουουσι.

πας λογος σαπρος εκ του στοματος υμων μη εκπορευεσθω αλλ ει τις αγαθος προς οικοδομην της χρειας ινα δω χαριν τοις ακουουσιν

πας λογος σαπρος εκ του στοματος υμων μη εκπορευεσθω αλλα ει τις αγαθος προς οικοδομην της χρειας ινα δω χαριν τοις ακουουσιν

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos hymōn mē ekporeuesthō, alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias, hina dō charin tois akouousin.

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos hymon me ekporeuestho, alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomen tes chreias, hina do charin tois akouousin.

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos hymōn mē ekporeuesthō, alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias, hina dō charin tois akouousin.

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos hymon me ekporeuestho, alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomen tes chreias, hina do charin tois akouousin.

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umōn mē ekporeuesthō alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias ina dō charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umOn mE ekporeuesthO alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomEn tEs chreias ina dO charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umōn mē ekporeuesthō all ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias ina dō charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umOn mE ekporeuesthO all ei tis agathos pros oikodomEn tEs chreias ina dO charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umōn mē ekporeuesthō all ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias ina dō charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umOn mE ekporeuesthO all ei tis agathos pros oikodomEn tEs chreias ina dO charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umōn mē ekporeuesthō all ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias ina dō charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umOn mE ekporeuesthO all ei tis agathos pros oikodomEn tEs chreias ina dO charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umōn mē ekporeuesthō alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias ina dō charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umOn mE ekporeuesthO alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomEn tEs chreias ina dO charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umōn mē ekporeuesthō alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomēn tēs chreias ina dō charin tois akouousin

pas logos sapros ek tou stomatos umOn mE ekporeuesthO alla ei tis agathos pros oikodomEn tEs chreias ina dO charin tois akouousin

Efézusiakhoz 4:29
Semmi rothadt beszéd a ti szátokból ki ne származzék, hanem csak a mely hasznos a szükséges építésre, hogy áldásos legyen a hallgatóknak.

Al la efesanoj 4:29
El via busxo eliru neniu putra vorto, sed nur tio, kio estas bona, por konvena edifado, por ke gxi donu gracon al la auxdantoj.

Kirje efesolaisille 4:29
Älköön yksikään rietas puhe teidän suustanne lähtekö, vaan mitä sovelias on parannuksen tarpeeksi, että se kelvollinen kuulla olis.

Éphésiens 4:29
Qu'aucune parole déshonnête ne sorte de votre bouche, mais celle-là qui est bonne, propre à l'édification selon le besoin, afin qu'elle communique la grâce à ceux qui l'entendent.

Qu'il ne sorte de votre bouche aucune parole mauvaise, mais, s'il y a lieu, quelque bonne parole, qui serve à l'édification et communique une grâce à ceux qui l'entendent.

Qu'aucun discours malhonnête ne sorte de votre bouche, mais [seulement] celui qui est propre à édifier, afin qu'il soit agréable à ceux qui l'écoutent.

Epheser 4:29
Lasset kein faul Geschwätz aus eurem Munde gehen, sondern was nützlich zur Besserung ist, da es not tut, daß es holdselig sei zu hören.

Lasset kein faul Geschwätz aus eurem Munde gehen, sondern was nützlich zur Besserung ist, wo es not tut, daß es holdselig sei zu hören.

Kein faules Wort gehe aus eurem Munde, sondern was da taugt zum Aufbau des Umgangs, daß es den Hörern anmutig sei;

Efesini 4:29
Niuna mala parola esca dalla vostra bocca; ma se ne avete alcuna buona che edifichi, secondo il bisogno, ditela, affinché conferisca grazia a chi l’ascolta.

Niuna parola malvagia esca dalla vostra bocca; ma, se ve n’è alcuna buona ad edificazione, secondo il bisogno; acciocchè conferisca grazia agli ascoltanti.

Jangan mengeluarkan perkataan yang busuk daripada mulutmu, melainkan barang apa yang baik akan meneguhkan iman sebagaimana yang perlu, supaya ia itu memberi berkat kepada orang yang mendengarnya.

Ephesians 4:29
Ur ilaq ara a d-iffeɣ yir wawal seg imi nwen, meɛna init-ed kan imeslayen iṣelḥen s wayes ara sfaydin wid ara sen-islen yerna ad nnernin di liman.

에베소서 4:29
무릇 더러운 말은 너희 입 밖에도 내지 말고 오직 덕을 세우는 데 소용되는 대로 선한 말을 하여 듣는 자들에게 은혜를 끼치게 하라

Ephesios 4:29
omnis sermo malus ex ore vestro non procedat sed si quis bonus ad aedificationem oportunitatis ut det gratiam audientibus

Efeziešiem 4:29
No jūsu mutes lai nenāk neviena ļauna runa, bet gan laba, kas stiprina ticībā un nes svētību klausītājiem!

Laiðkas efezieèiams 4:29
Joks bjaurus žodis teneišeina iš jūsų lūpų; bet tik tai, kas gera, kas tinka ugdymui ir suteikia malonę klausytojams.

Ephesians 4:29
Kei puta tetahi kupu kino i o koutou mangai, engari hei te mea e tau ana hei hanga i te pai, kia whiwhi ai ki te pai nga tangata e rongo ana.

Efeserne 4:29
Ingen råtten tale gå ut av eders munn, men sådan tale som er god til nødvendig opbyggelse, så den kan være til gagn for dem som hører på;

Efesios 4:29
No salga de vuestra boca ninguna palabra mala, sino sólo la que sea buena para edificación, según la necesidad del momento, para que imparta gracia a los que escuchan.

No salga de la boca de ustedes ninguna palabra mala (corrompida), sino sólo la que sea buena para edificación, según la necesidad del momento, para que imparta gracia a los que escuchan.

Ninguna palabra corrompida salga de vuestra boca; sino la que sea buena y sirva para edificación, para que dé gracia a los oyentes.

Ninguna palabra torpe salga de vuestra boca, sino la que sea buena para edificación, para que dé gracia á los oyentes.

Ninguna palabra corrompida salga de vuestra boca, sino la que sea buena para edificación, para que dé gracia a los oyentes.

Efésios 4:29
Não saia da vossa boca nenhuma palavra que cause destruição, mas somente a que seja útil para a edificação, de acordo com a necessidade, a fim de que comunique graça aos que a ouvem.

Não saia da vossa boca nenhuma palavra torpe, mas só a que seja boa para a necessária edificação, a fim de que ministre graça aos que a ouvem.   

Efeseni 4:29
Niciun cuvînt stricat să nu vă iasă din gură; ci unul bun, pentru zidire, după cum e nevoie, ca să dea har celor ce -l aud.

К Ефесянам 4:29
Никакое гнилое слово да не исходит из уст ваших, а только доброе для назидания в вере, дабы оно доставлялоблагодать слушающим.

Никакое гнилое слово да не исходит из уст ваших, а только доброе для назидания в вере, дабы оно доставляло благодать слушающим.

Ephesians 4:29
Muijmiai chicham chichasairap. Antsu chichastin akui pΘnker chicham, Chφkich shuar pΘnker awajsamnia nu chichastarum. Anturtuinia nuna Yßintaj tusarum nu chicham ujaktarum.

Efesierbrevet 4:29
Låten intet ohöviskt tal utgå ur eder mun, utan allenast det som är gott, till uppbyggelse, där sådan behöves, så att det bliver till välsignelse för dem som höra det.

Waefeso 4:29
Maneno mabaya hata yasisikike kamwe miongoni mwenu; kila mara maneno yenu yawe ya kufaa na ambayo hujenga na kuwasaidia wengine, ili yawaneemeshe wasikilizaji wenu.

Mga Taga-Efeso 4:29
Anomang salitang mahalay ay huwag lumabas sa inyong bibig, kundi ang mabuting ikatitibay ayon sa pangangailangan, upang makinabang ng biyaya ang mga nagsisipakinig.

เอเฟซัส 4:29
อย่าให้คำหยาบคายออกมาจากปากท่านเลย แต่จงกล่าวคำที่ดี และเป็นประโยชน์ให้เกิดความจำเริญเพื่อจะได้เป็นคุณแก่คนที่ได้ยินได้ฟัง

Efesliler 4:29
Ağzınızdan hiç kötü söz çıkmasın. İşitenler yararlansın diye, ihtiyaca göre, başkalarının gelişmesine yarayacak olanı söyleyin.

Ефесяни 4:29
Всяке гниле слово нехай не виходить з уст ваших, а тільки таке, що годить ся на збудуваннє віри, щоб подало благодать тим, хто чує.

Ephesians 4:29
Neo' ria lolita to dada'a howa' ngkai wiwi-ta. Agina mpohowa' lolita to mpotulungi pai' mporohoi nono doo, hewa to masipato'. Lolita to hewa toe mpokeni kalompea' hi tauna to mpo'epe.

EÂ-pheâ-soâ 4:29
chớ có một lời dữ nào ra từ miệng anh em; nhưng khi đáng nói hãy nói một vài lời lành giúp ơn cho và có ích lợi cho kẻ nghe đến.

Ephesians 4:28
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