Ephesians 3:2
Ephesians 3:2
Surely you have heard about the administration of God's grace that was given to me for you,

assuming, by the way, that you know God gave me the special responsibility of extending his grace to you Gentiles.

assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me for you,

if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace which was given to me for you;

If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:

you have heard, haven't you, about the administration of God's grace that He gave to me for you?

Surely you have heard about the responsibility of administering God's grace that was given to me on your behalf,

if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace that was given to me for you,

If you have heard of the administration of the grace of God, which is given to me among you.

Certainly, you have heard how God gave me the responsibility of bringing his kindness to you.

if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which has been given to me in you,

If you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me toward you:

If you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:

if so be that ye have heard of the dispensation of that grace of God which was given me to you-ward;

If yet you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me towards you:

(if indeed ye have heard of the administration of the grace of God which has been given to me towards you,

if so be that ye have heard of the dispensation of that grace of God which was given me to you-ward;

If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me on your account.

if, that is, you have heard of the work which God has graciously entrusted to me for your benefit,

if it is so that you have heard of the administration of that grace of God which was given me toward you;

if, indeed, ye did hear of the dispensation of the grace of God that was given to me in regard to you,

Efesianëve 3:2
dhe nëse keni dëgjuar për dhënien e hirit të Perëndisë, që më është besuar për ju;

ﺃﻓﺴﺲ 3:2
ان كنتم قد سمعتم بتدبير نعمة الله المعطاة لي لاجلكم.

(եթէ գոնէ լսած էք Աստուծոյ շնորհքին տնտեսութեան մասին՝ որ տրուած է ինծի ձեզի համար,

Ephesianoetara. 3:2
Baldin behinçat ençun vkan baduçue çuec baithara eman içan çaitadan Iaincoaren gratiaren dispensationea.

D Effhauser 3:2
Ös habtß y ghoert, was für ayn Ampt ob enk däß myr dyr Herrgot in seiner Gnaad verlihen haat.

Ефесяни 3:2
понеже сте чули за нареденото от Божията благодат, която ми е дадена заради вас,

以 弗 所 書 3:2
諒 必 你 們 曾 聽 見 神 賜 恩 給 我 , 將 關 切 你 們 的 職 分 託 付 我 ,

谅 必 你 们 曾 听 见 神 赐 恩 给 我 , 将 关 切 你 们 的 职 分 托 付 我 ,





Poslanica Efežanima 3:2
Zacijelo ste čuli za rasporedbu milosti Božje koja mi je dana za vas:

Efezským 3:2
Jestliže však jste slyšeli o milosti Boží, kteréž jest mi uděleno k přisluhování vám,

Efeserne 3:2
om I da have hørt om Husholdningen med den Guds Naade, som blev given mig til eder,

Efeziërs 3:2
Indien gij maar gehoord hebt van de bedeling der genade Gods, die mij gegeven is aan u;

εἴ γε ἠκούσατε τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ Θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς,

εἴ γε ἠκούσατε τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς,

εἴ γε ἠκούσατε τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς,

εἴγε ἠκούσατε τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς,

εἴγε ἠκούσατε τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ Θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς,

εἴγε ἀκούω ὁ οἰκονομία ὁ χάρις ὁ θεός ὁ δίδωμι ἐγώ εἰς ὑμεῖς

εἴγε ἠκούσατε τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ Θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς

εἴγε ἠκούσατε τὴν οἰκονομίαν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι εἰς ὑμᾶς

ει γε ηκουσατε την οικονομιαν της χαριτος του θεου της δοθεισης μοι εις υμας

ειγε ηκουσατε την οικονομιαν της χαριτος του θεου της δοθεισης μοι εις υμας

ειγε ηκουσατε την οικονομιαν της χαριτος του θεου της δοθεισης μοι εις υμας

ειγε ηκουσατε την οικονομιαν της χαριτος του Θεου της δοθεισης μοι εις υμας

ειγε ηκουσατε την οικονομιαν της χαριτος του θεου της δοθεισης μοι εις υμας

ει γε ηκουσατε την οικονομιαν της χαριτος του θεου της δοθεισης μοι εις υμας

ei ge ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou Theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis hymas,

ei ge ekousate ten oikonomian tes charitos tou Theou tes dotheises moi eis hymas,

ei ge ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis hymas,

ei ge ekousate ten oikonomian tes charitos tou theou tes dotheises moi eis hymas,

eige ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis umas

eige Ekousate tEn oikonomian tEs charitos tou theou tEs dotheisEs moi eis umas

eige ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis umas

eige Ekousate tEn oikonomian tEs charitos tou theou tEs dotheisEs moi eis umas

eige ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis umas

eige Ekousate tEn oikonomian tEs charitos tou theou tEs dotheisEs moi eis umas

eige ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis umas

eige Ekousate tEn oikonomian tEs charitos tou theou tEs dotheisEs moi eis umas

ei ge ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis umas

ei ge Ekousate tEn oikonomian tEs charitos tou theou tEs dotheisEs moi eis umas

ei ge ēkousate tēn oikonomian tēs charitos tou theou tēs dotheisēs moi eis umas

ei ge Ekousate tEn oikonomian tEs charitos tou theou tEs dotheisEs moi eis umas

Efézusiakhoz 3:2
Ha ugyan hallottátok Isten kegyelmének rendelkezését, melyet nékem adott a ti érdeketekben;

Al la efesanoj 3:2
se vi auxdis pri la dispono de tiu graco de Dio, kiu estas donita al mi por vi,

Kirje efesolaisille 3:2
Jos te muutoin kuulleet olette Jumalan armon huoneenhallituksesta, joka minulle teidän puoleenne annettu on,

Éphésiens 3:2
-(si du moins vous avez entendu parler de l'administration de la grâce de Dieu qui m'a été donnée envers vous:

si du moins vous avez appris quelle est la dispensation de la grâce de Dieu, qui m'a été donnée pour vous.

Si toutefois vous avez entendu quel est le ministère de la grâce de Dieu, qui m'a été donnée pour vous :

Epheser 3:2
nachdem ihr gehöret habt von dem Amt der Gnade Gottes, die mir an euch gegeben ist,

wie ihr ja gehört habt von dem Amt der Gnade Gottes, die mir an euch gegeben ist,

habt ihr ja doch gehört von der Verwaltung der Gnade Gottes, die mir für euch verliehen ist,

Efesini 3:2
(Poiché senza dubbio avete udito di quale grazia Iddio m’abbia fatto dispensatore per voi;

Se pure avete udita la dispensazion della grazia di Dio, che mi è stata data inverso voi.

(kamu memang sudah mendengar dari hal peraturan menjalankan anugerah Allah, yang dikaruniakan kepadaku untuk kamu),

Ephesians 3:2
Ahat teslam s lxedma i yi-d ițțunefken s ṛṛeḥma n Sidi Ṛebbi ɣef wayen i kkun-yeɛnan.

에베소서 3:2
너희를 위하여 내게 주신 하나님의 그 은혜의 경륜을 너희가 들었을 터이라

Ephesios 3:2
si tamen audistis dispensationem gratiae Dei quae data est mihi in vobis

Efeziešiem 3:2
Jūs taču dzirdējāt par Dieva žēlastības piešķiršanu, kas man uzticēta jūsu labad.

Laiðkas efezieèiams 3:2
Jūs esate girdėję apie Dievo malonės tvarkymą, man suteiktą jūsų labui.

Ephesians 3:2
Kua rongo pea koutou ki te mahi tuari i te aroha noa o te Atua kua homai nei ki ahau, hei mea ki a koutou:

Efeserne 3:2
om I ellers har hørt om husholdningen med den Guds nåde som er mig gitt for eder,

Efesios 3:2
(si en verdad habéis oído de la dispensación de la gracia de Dios que me fue dada para vosotros;

si en verdad han oído de la dispensación de la gracia de Dios que me fue dada para ustedes;

si es que habéis oído de la dispensación de la gracia de Dios que me ha sido dada para con vosotros;

Si es que habéis oído la dispensación de la gracia de Dios que me ha sido dada para con vosotros,

si empero habéis oído la dispensación de la gracia de Dios que me ha sido dada en vosotros,

Efésios 3:2
Se é que sabeis da dispensação da graça de Deus, que me foi concedida em vosso favor,

Se é que tendes ouvido a dispensação da graça de Deus, que para convosco me foi dada;   

Efeseni 3:2
(Dacă cel puţin aţi auzit de isprăvnicia harului lui Dumnezeu, care mi -a fost dată faţă de voi.

К Ефесянам 3:2
Как вы слышали о домостроительстве благодати Божией, данной мне для вас,

Как вы слышали о домостроительстве благодати Божией, данной мне для вас,

Ephesians 3:2
Yus anentak Yus-Chichaman atumin etserkatniun akatar akuptukuiti. Nu nΘkatsrumek.

Efesierbrevet 3:2
I haven väl hört om det nådesuppdrag av Gud, som är mig givet för eder räkning,

Waefeso 3:2
Bila shaka mmekwisha sikia kwamba Mungu, kwa neema yake, alinikabidhi kazi hii niifanye kwa faida yenu.

Mga Taga-Efeso 3:2
Kung tunay na inyong narinig yaong pagiging katiwala sa biyaya ng Dios na sa akin ay ibinigay sa ikagagaling ninyo;

เอเฟซัส 3:2
ถ้าแม้ท่านทั้งหลายได้ยินถึงพระคุณของพระเจ้าอันเป็นพันธกิจ ซึ่งทรงโปรดประทานแก่ข้าพเจ้าเพื่อท่านทั้งหลายแล้ว

Efesliler 3:2
Tanrının bana bağışladığı lütfu size ulaştırmakla görevlendirildiğimi duymuşsunuzdur.

Ефесяни 3:2
Коли ви чували про служеннє благодати Божої, даної менї між вами,

Ephesians 3:2
Tantu ni'epe-mi beiwa Alata'ala mpowai' -a pobago-ku toi, bona mpokeni-a Kareba Lompe' to mpo'uli' kama'ahi' -na Alata'ala hi koi' to bela-koi to Yahudi.

EÂ-pheâ-soâ 3:2
Vả, anh em có nghe Ðức Chúa Trời ban chức cho tôi, là ân điển mà Ngài vì anh em phó cho tôi,

Ephesians 3:1
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