Ephesians 3:19
Ephesians 3:19
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

and to know the Messiah's love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

that is, you will know the love of the Messiah — which transcends knowledge, and will be filled with all the fullness of God.

and thus to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.

And you may know the magnitude of the knowledge of the love of The Messiah and you may be filled in all the fullness of God.

You will know Christ's love, which goes far beyond any knowledge. I am praying this so that you may be completely filled with God.

and to know the charity of the Christ, which passes all knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.

And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God.

And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God.

and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God.

To know also the charity of Christ, which surpasseth all knowledge, that you may be filled unto all the fulness of God.

and to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge; that ye may be filled even to all the fulness of God.

and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God.

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled with all the fullness of God.

yes, to attain to a knowledge of the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, so that you may be made complete in accordance with God's own standard of completeness.

and to know Christ's love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

to know also the love of the Christ that is exceeding the knowledge, that ye may be filled -- to all the fulness of God;

Efesianëve 3:19
dhe ta njihni dashurinë e Krishtit që tejkalon çdo njohuri, që të mbusheni me tërë plotësinë e Perëndisë.

ﺃﻓﺴﺲ 3:19
وتعرفوا محبة المسيح الفائقة المعرفة لكي تمتلئوا الى كل ملء الله.

այսինքն գիտնալ Քրիստոսի սէրը, որ գիտութենէն գերազանց է, որպէսզի լեցուիք Աստուծոյ ամբողջ լիութեամբ:

Ephesianoetara. 3:19
Eta eçagut deçaçuen Christen amorio eçagutze gucia iragaiten duena: compli çaiteztençát Iaincoaren complimendu gucian.

D Effhauser 3:19
begreiffen kan myn s ee nit! Yso werdtß aft von n Herrgot ganz durchdrungen.

Ефесяни 3:19
и да познаете Христовата любов, която никое знание не може да обгърне, за да се изпълните в цялата Божия пълнота.

以 弗 所 書 3:19
並 知 道 這 愛 是 過 於 人 所 能 測 度 的 , 便 叫 神 一 切 所 充 滿 的 , 充 滿 了 你 們 。

并 知 道 这 爱 是 过 於 人 所 能 测 度 的 , 便 叫 神 一 切 所 充 满 的 , 充 满 了 你 们 。





Poslanica Efežanima 3:19
te spoznati nadspoznatljivu ljubav Kristovu da se ispunite do sve Punine Božje.

Efezským 3:19
A poznati přenesmírnou lásku Kristovu, abyste tak naplněni byli ve všelikou plnost Boží.

Efeserne 3:19
og at kende Kristi Kærlighed, som overgaar al Erkendelse, for at I kunne fyldes indtil hele Guds Fylde.

Efeziërs 3:19
En bekennen de liefde van Christus, die de kennis te boven gaat, opdat gij vervuld wordt tot al de volheid Gods.

γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ Χριστοῦ, ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ Θεοῦ.

γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ χριστοῦ, ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ θεοῦ.

γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ χριστοῦ, ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ θεοῦ.

γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ χριστοῦ, ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ θεοῦ.

γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ Χριστοῦ, ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ Θεοῦ.

γινώσκω τέ ὁ ὑπερβάλλω ὁ γνῶσις ἀγάπη ὁ Χριστός ἵνα πληρόω εἰς πᾶς ὁ πλήρωμα ὁ θεός

γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ Χριστοῦ, ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ Θεοῦ.

γνῶναί τε τὴν ὑπερβάλλουσαν τῆς γνώσεως ἀγάπην τοῦ Χριστοῦ ἵνα πληρωθῆτε εἰς πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ θεοῦ

γνωναι τε την υπερβαλλουσαν της γνωσεως αγαπην του χριστου ινα πληρωθητε εις παν το πληρωμα του θεου

γνωναι τε την υπερβαλλουσαν της γνωσεως αγαπην του χριστου ινα πληρωθητε εις παν το πληρωμα του θεου

γνωναι τε την υπερβαλλουσαν της γνωσεως αγαπην του χριστου ινα πληρωθητε εις παν το πληρωμα του θεου

γνωναι τε την υπερβαλλουσαν της γνωσεως αγαπην του Χριστου, ινα πληρωθητε εις παν το πληρωμα του Θεου.

γνωναι τε την υπερβαλλουσαν της γνωσεως αγαπην του χριστου ινα πληρωθητε εις παν το πληρωμα του θεου

γνωναι τε την υπερβαλλουσαν της γνωσεως αγαπην του χριστου ινα πληρωθητε εις παν το πληρωμα του θεου

gnōnai te tēn hyperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou Christou, hina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou Theou.

gnonai te ten hyperballousan tes gnoseos agapen tou Christou, hina plerothete eis pan to pleroma tou Theou.

gnōnai te tēn hyperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou christou, hina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou theou.

gnonai te ten hyperballousan tes gnoseos agapen tou christou, hina plerothete eis pan to pleroma tou theou.

gnōnai te tēn uperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou christou ina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou theou

gnOnai te tEn uperballousan tEs gnOseOs agapEn tou christou ina plErOthEte eis pan to plErOma tou theou

gnōnai te tēn uperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou christou ina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou theou

gnOnai te tEn uperballousan tEs gnOseOs agapEn tou christou ina plErOthEte eis pan to plErOma tou theou

gnōnai te tēn uperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou christou ina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou theou

gnOnai te tEn uperballousan tEs gnOseOs agapEn tou christou ina plErOthEte eis pan to plErOma tou theou

gnōnai te tēn uperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou christou ina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou theou

gnOnai te tEn uperballousan tEs gnOseOs agapEn tou christou ina plErOthEte eis pan to plErOma tou theou

gnōnai te tēn uperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou christou ina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou theou

gnOnai te tEn uperballousan tEs gnOseOs agapEn tou christou ina plErOthEte eis pan to plErOma tou theou

gnōnai te tēn uperballousan tēs gnōseōs agapēn tou christou ina plērōthēte eis pan to plērōma tou theou

gnOnai te tEn uperballousan tEs gnOseOs agapEn tou christou ina plErOthEte eis pan to plErOma tou theou

Efézusiakhoz 3:19
És megismerjétek a Krisztusnak minden ismeretet felül haladó szeretetét, hogy [ekképen] beteljesedjetek az Istennek egész teljességéig.

Al la efesanoj 3:19
kaj scii la amon de Kristo, kiu superas scion, por ke vi plenigxu ecx gxis la pleneco de Dio.

Kirje efesolaisille 3:19
Ja Kristuksen rakkauden tuntisitte, joka kaiken tuntemisen ylitse käy; että te olisitte kaikella Jumalan täydellisyydellä täytetyt.

Éphésiens 3:19
-et de connaître l'amour du Christ qui surpasse toute connaissance; afin que vous soyez remplis jusqu'à toute la plénitude de Dieu.

et connaître l'amour de Christ, qui surpasse toute connaissance, en sorte que vous soyez remplis jusqu'à toute la plénitude de Dieu.

Et connaître la charité de Christ, laquelle surpasse toute connaissance; afin que vous soyez remplis de toute plénitude de Dieu.

Epheser 3:19
auch erkennen, daß Christum liebhaben viel besser ist denn alles Wissen, auf daß ihr erfüllet werdet mit allerlei Gottesfülle.

auch erkennen die Liebe Christi, die doch alle Erkenntnis übertrifft, auf daß ihr erfüllt werdet mit allerlei Gottesfülle.

und zu erkennen die alle Erkenntnis übersteigende Liebe des Christus, damit ihr erfüllt werdet zur ganzen Gottesfülle.

Efesini 3:19
e di conoscere questo amore che sorpassa ogni conoscenza, affinché giungiate ad esser ripieni di tutta la pienezza di Dio.

e conoscer la carità di Cristo, che sopravanza ogni conoscenza; acciocchè siate ripieni fino a tutta la pienezza di Dio.

dan lagi mengetahui kasih Kristus yang melebihi makrifat, supaya kamu dipenuhi dengan segala kelimpahan Allah.

Ephesians 3:19
yerna aț-țissinem leḥmala-agi yugaren yal tamusni yellan di ddunit, alamma yezdeɣ Ṛṛuḥ n Sidi Ṛebbi deg-wen s lekmal.

에베소서 3:19
그 넓이와 길이와 높이와 깊이가 어떠함을 깨달아 하나님의 모든 충만하신 것으로 너희에게 충만하게 하시기를 구하노라

Ephesios 3:19
scire etiam supereminentem scientiae caritatem Christi ut impleamini in omnem plenitudinem Dei

Efeziešiem 3:19
Un pazītu Kristus mīlestību, kas pārspēj katru saprašanu, un tiktu piepildīti katrā Dieva pilnībā.

Laiðkas efezieèiams 3:19
ir pažinti Kristaus meilę, kuri pranoksta pažinimą, kad būtumėte pripildyti visos Dievo pilnatvės.

Ephesians 3:19
A kia mohio ki te aroha o te Karaiti, e kore nei e taea te whakaaro; kia tino ki rawa ai koutou i te Atua.

Efeserne 3:19
og kjenne Kristi kjærlighet, som overgår all kunnskap, forat I kan fylles til all Guds fylde.

Efesios 3:19
y de conocer el amor de Cristo que sobrepasa el conocimiento, para que seáis llenos hasta la medida de toda la plenitud de Dios.

y de conocer el amor de Cristo que sobrepasa el conocimiento, para que sean llenos hasta la medida de toda la plenitud de Dios.

y de conocer el amor de Cristo, que excede a todo conocimiento; para que seáis llenos de toda la plenitud de Dios.

Y conocer el amor de Cristo, que excede á todo conocimiento, para que seáis llenos de toda la plenitud de Dios.

y conocer la caridad del Cristo, que excede a todo conocimiento, para que seáis llenos de toda la plenitud de Dios.

Efésios 3:19
e, assim, entender o amor de Cristo que excede todo conhecimento, para que sejais preenchidos de toda a plenitude de Deus.

e conhecer o amor de Cristo, que excede todo o entendimento, para que sejais cheios até a inteira plenitude de Deus.   

Efeseni 3:19
şi să cunoaşteţi dragostea lui Hristos, care întrece orice cunoştinţă, ca să ajungeţi plini de toată plinătatea lui Dumnezeu.

К Ефесянам 3:19
и уразуметь превосходящую разумение любовь Христову, дабы вам исполниться всею полнотою Божиею.

и уразуметь превосходящую разумение любовь Христову, дабы вам исполниться всею полнотою Божиею.

Ephesians 3:19
Nu anenkrattai Ashφ takamtsuk nekaachmin ain nekaatarum tusan ßujtajrume. Nujai Yus takamtsuk pimiutramkattarme.

Efesierbrevet 3:19
och så lära känna Kristi kärlek, som övergår all kunskap. Ty så skolen I bliva helt uppfyllda av all Guds fullhet.

Waefeso 3:19
Naam, mpate kujua upendo wa Kristo upitao elimu yote, mjazwe kabisa utimilifu wote wa Mungu.

Mga Taga-Efeso 3:19
At makilala ang pagibig ni Cristo na di masayod ng kaalaman, upang kayo'y mangapuspos hanggang sa buong kapuspusan ng Dios.

เอเฟซัส 3:19
และให้เข้าใจถึงความรักของพระคริสต์ซึ่งเกินความรู้ เพื่อท่านจะได้รับความไพบูลย์ของพระเจ้าอย่างเต็มเปี่ยม

Efesliler 3:19

Ефесяни 3:19
і зрозуміти любов Христову, що перевисшує (всякий) розум, щоб сповнились усякою повнею Божою.

Ephesians 3:19
Mosampaya-a bona koi', hangkaa-ngkania hante hawe'ea topepangala' hi Kristus, mpo'inca ka'uma-na mowo kabohe-na ahi' Kristus hi kita'. Ahi' -na toe uma hudu ra'uli', uma ma'ala rapetudu kanala-na, pai' uma takulei' mpohuka' kabohe-na. Mosampaya-a bona nirasai ahi' -na toe hi rala katuwu' -ni, bona hawe'ea to ria hi Alata'ala ria wo'o hi koi'.

EÂ-pheâ-soâ 3:19
và được biết sự yêu thương của Ðấng Christ, là sự trổi hơn mọi sự thông biết, hầu cho anh em được đầy dẫy mọi sự dư dật của Ðức Chúa Trời.

Ephesians 3:18
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