Ephesians 3:10
Ephesians 3:10
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms,

God's purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.

To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

This is so God's multi-faceted wisdom may now be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavens.

He did this so that now, through the church, the wisdom of God in all its variety might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realm

The purpose of this enlightenment is that through the church the multifaceted wisdom of God should now be disclosed to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly realms.

That by the church would be made known the full-diverse wisdom of God to Principalities and to Rulers who are in Heaven,

He did this so that now, through the church, he could let the rulers and authorities in heaven know his infinite wisdom.

To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the congregation {Gr. ekklesia – called out ones} the manifold wisdom of God,

To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

To the intent that now to the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

to the intent that now unto the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places might be made known through the church the manifold wisdom of God,

That the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the principalities and powers in heavenly places through the church,

in order that now to the principalities and authorities in the heavenlies might be made known through the assembly the all-various wisdom of God,

to the intent that now unto the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places might be made known through the church the manifold wisdom of God,

To the intent that now to the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

concealed in order that the Church might now be used to display to the powers and authorities in the heavenly realms the innumerable aspects of God's wisdom.

to the intent that now through the assembly the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places,

that there might be made known now to the principalities and the authorities in the heavenly places, through the assembly, the manifold wisdom of God,

Efesianëve 3:10
që nëpërmjet kishës, në kohën e tashme u manifestohej principatave dhe pushtetëve, në vendet qiellore, dituria e shumëllojshme e Perëndisë,

ﺃﻓﺴﺲ 3:10
لكي يعرّف الآن عند الرؤساء والسلاطين في السماويات بواسطة الكنيسة بحكمة الله المتنوعة

որպէսզի Աստուծոյ բազմակողմանի իմաստութիւնը՝ եկեղեցիին միջոցով հիմա գիտցուի երկնային վայրերու մէջ եղող պետութիւններուն եւ իշխանութիւններուն,

Ephesianoetara. 3:10
Orain maniferta daquiençat Eliçáz ceruètaco principaltassuney eta botherey Iaincoaren sapientia anhitz maneraz diuersa:

D Effhauser 3:10
Ietz aber haat dyr Herrgot sein vilfölttige Weisheit durch de Kirchen yn alle Mächt in n Himml kundtaan,

Ефесяни 3:10
тъй щото на небесните началства и власти да стане позната сега чрез църквата многообразната премъдрост на Бога,

以 弗 所 書 3:10
為 要 藉 著 教 會 使 天 上 執 政 的 、 掌 權 的 , 現 在 得 知 神 百 般 的 智 慧 。

为 要 藉 着 教 会 使 天 上 执 政 的 、 掌 权 的 , 现 在 得 知 神 百 般 的 智 慧 。





Poslanica Efežanima 3:10
da sada - po Crkvi - Vrhovništvima i Vlastima na nebesima bude obznanjena mnogolika mudrost Božja

Efezským 3:10
Aby nyní oznámena byla knížatstvu a mocem na nebesích skrze církev rozličná moudrost Boží,

Efeserne 3:10
for at Guds mangfoldige Visdom skulde nu ved Menigheden blive kundgjort for Magterne og Myndighederne i det himmelske,

Efeziërs 3:10
Opdat nu, door de Gemeente, bekend gemaakt worde aan de overheden en de machten in den hemel de veelvuldige wijsheid Gods;

ἵνα γνωρισθῇ νῦν ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ Θεοῦ,

ἵνα γνωρισθῇ νῦν ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ θεοῦ,

ἵνα γνωρισθῇ νῦν ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ θεοῦ,

ἵνα γνωρισθῇ νῦν ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ θεοῦ,

ἵνα γνωρισθῇ νῦν ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ Θεοῦ,

ἵνα γνωρίζω νῦν ὁ ἀρχή καί ὁ ἐξουσία ἐν ὁ ἐπουράνιος διά ὁ ἐκκλησία ὁ πολυποίκιλος σοφία ὁ θεός

ἵνα γνωρισθῇ νῦν ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ Θεοῦ

ἵνα γνωρισθῇ νῦν ταῖς ἀρχαῖς καὶ ταῖς ἐξουσίαις ἐν τοῖς ἐπουρανίοις διὰ τῆς ἐκκλησίας ἡ πολυποίκιλος σοφία τοῦ θεοῦ

ινα γνωρισθη νυν ταις αρχαις και ταις εξουσιαις εν τοις επουρανιοις δια της εκκλησιας η πολυποικιλος σοφια του θεου

ινα γνωρισθη νυν ταις αρχαις και ταις εξουσιαις εν τοις επουρανιοις δια της εκκλησιας η πολυποικιλος σοφια του θεου

ινα γνωρισθη νυν ταις αρχαις και ταις εξουσιαις εν τοις επουρανιοις δια της εκκλησιας η πολυποικιλος σοφια του θεου

ινα γνωρισθη νυν ταις αρχαις και ταις εξουσιαις εν τοις επουρανιοις δια της εκκλησιας η πολυποικιλος σοφια του Θεου

ινα γνωρισθη νυν ταις αρχαις και ταις εξουσιαις εν τοις επουρανιοις δια της εκκλησιας η πολυποικιλος σοφια του θεου

ινα γνωρισθη νυν ταις αρχαις και ταις εξουσιαις εν τοις επουρανιοις δια της εκκλησιας η πολυποικιλος σοφια του θεου

hina gnōristhē nyn tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias hē polypoikilos sophia tou Theou,

hina gnoristhe nyn tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tes ekklesias he polypoikilos sophia tou Theou,

hina gnōristhē nyn tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias hē polypoikilos sophia tou theou,

hina gnoristhe nyn tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tes ekklesias he polypoikilos sophia tou theou,

ina gnōristhē nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias ē polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnOristhE nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tEs ekklEsias E polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnōristhē nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias ē polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnOristhE nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tEs ekklEsias E polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnōristhē nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias ē polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnOristhE nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tEs ekklEsias E polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnōristhē nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias ē polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnOristhE nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tEs ekklEsias E polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnōristhē nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias ē polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnOristhE nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tEs ekklEsias E polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnōristhē nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tēs ekklēsias ē polupoikilos sophia tou theou

ina gnOristhE nun tais archais kai tais exousiais en tois epouraniois dia tEs ekklEsias E polupoikilos sophia tou theou

Efézusiakhoz 3:10
Azért, hogy megismertettessék most a mennybeli fejedelemségekkel és hatalmasságokkal az egyház által az Istennek sokféle bölcsesége,

Al la efesanoj 3:10
por ke nun konatigxu al la regantoj kaj auxtoritatoj en la cxielejoj, per la eklezio, la multobla sagxeco de Dio,

Kirje efesolaisille 3:10
Että nyt haltioille ja esivalloille taivaallisissa Jumalan moninainen viisaus seurakunnan kautta tiettäväksi tulis,

Éphésiens 3:10
afin que la sagesse si diverse de Dieu soit maintenant donnée à connaître aux principautés et aux autorités dans les lieux célestes, par l'assemblée,

afin que les dominations et les autorités dans les lieux célestes connaissent aujourd'hui par l'Eglise la sagesse infiniment variée de Dieu,

Afin que la sagesse de Dieu, qui est diverse en toutes sortes, soit maintenant donnée à connaître aux Principautés et aux Puissances, dans les [lieux] célestes par l’Eglise;

Epheser 3:10
auf daß jetzt kund würde den Fürstentümern und HERRSChaften in dem Himmel an der Gemeinde die mannigfaltige Weisheit Gottes

auf daß jetzt kund würde den Fürstentümern und Herrschaften in dem Himmel an der Gemeinde die mannigfaltige Weisheit Gottes,

damit jetzt kund gethan werde den Herrschaften und Mächten in der Himmelswelt durch die Gemeinde die mannigfaltige Weisheit Gottes,

Efesini 3:10
affinché nel tempo presente, ai principati ed alle potestà, ne’ luoghi celesti, sia data a conoscere, per mezzo della Chiesa, la infinitamente varia sapienza di Dio,

acciocchè nel tempo presente sia data a conoscere ai principati, e alle podestà, ne’ luoghi celesti, per la chiesa, la molto varia sapienza di Dio,

supaya sekarang berbagai-bagai hikmat Allah diberitakan oleh sidang jemaat kepada segala pemerintah dan penguasa yang di surga,

Ephesians 3:10
S wakka, lḥekmat ț-țnezmarin n igenwan ad issinent tamusni n Sidi Ṛebbi di mkul ṣṣifat-ines, s tejmaɛt n imasiḥiyen

에베소서 3:10
이는 이제 교회로 말미암아 하늘에서 정사와 권세들에게 하나님의 각종 지혜를 알게 하려 하심이니

Ephesios 3:10
ut innotescat principibus et potestatibus in caelestibus per ecclesiam multiformis sapientia Dei

Efeziešiem 3:10
Lai Dieva daudzveidīgā gudrība caur Baznīcu kļūtu zināma varām un spēkiem debesīs

Laiðkas efezieèiams 3:10
kad dabar per bažnyčią taptų žinoma kunigaikštystėms ir valdžioms danguje visokeriopa Dievo išmintis.

Ephesians 3:10
Kia ai te hahi inaianei hei whakaatu ki nga rangatiratanga, ki nga mana i nga wahi o te rangi, i te maha o nga whakaaro nui o te Atua.

Efeserne 3:10
forat Guds mangfoldige visdom nu ved menigheten skulde bli kunngjort for maktene og myndighetene i himmelen

Efesios 3:10
a fin de que la infinita sabiduría de Dios sea ahora dada a conocer por medio de la iglesia a los principados y potestades en las regiones celestiales,

De este modo, la infinita (multiforme) sabiduría de Dios puede ser dada a conocer ahora por medio de la iglesia a los principados y potestades en los lugares celestiales,

para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea dada a conocer por la iglesia a los principados y potestades en los lugares celestiales,

Para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea ahora notificada por la iglesia á los principados y potestades en los cielos,

Para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea ahora notificada por la Iglesia a los principados y potestades en los cielos,

Efésios 3:10
A intenção dessa graça era que agora, mediante a Igreja, a multiforme sabedoria de Deus se tornasse conhecida dos principados e autoridades nas regiões celestiais,

para que agora seja manifestada, por meio da igreja, aos principados e potestades nas regiões celestes,   

Efeseni 3:10
pentruca domniile şi stăpînirile din locurile cereşti să cunoască azi, prin Biserică, înţelepciunea nespus de felurită a lui Dumnezeu,

К Ефесянам 3:10
дабы ныне соделалась известною через Церковь начальствам и властям на небесах многоразличная премудрость Божия,

дабы ныне соделалась известною через Церковь начальствам и властям на небесах многоразличная премудрость Божия,

Ephesians 3:10
Yamaikia Ashφ nayaimpiniam pujuinia nuka Yus ni shuariin T·runamun iisar Yuska Imiß neka asa Ashφ Enentßimniua nuna paant nΘkainiawai.

Efesierbrevet 3:10
Ty Gud ville att hans mångfaldiga visdom nu, i och genom församlingen, skulle bliva kunnig för furstarna och väldigheterna i den himmelska världen.

Waefeso 3:10
kusudi, sasa kwa njia ya kanisa, wakuu na wenye enzi wa mbinguni wapate kuitambua hekima ya Mungu iliyo ya namna nyingi.

Mga Taga-Efeso 3:10
Upang ngayo'y sa pamamagitan ng iglesia, ay maipakikilala sa mga pamunuan at sa mga kapangyarihan sa sangkalangitan ang kapuspusan ng karunungan ng Dios,

เอเฟซัส 3:10
ประสงค์จะให้เทพผู้ปกครองและศักดิเทพในสวรรคสถานรู้จักปัญญาอันซับซ้อนของพระเจ้าทางคริสตจักร ณ บัดนี้

Efesliler 3:10
Öyle ki, Tanrının çok yönlü bilgeliği, kilise aracılığıyla göksel yerlerdeki yönetimlere ve hükümranlıklara şimdiki dönemde bildirilsin.

Ефесяни 3:10
щоб обявилась тепер князївствам і силам на небесах через церкву усяка премудрість Божа,

Ephesians 3:10
Patuju-na, bona ntepu'u ngkai tempo toi napopohiloi hi hawe'ea topoparenta pai' anu mobaraka' to hi lolo raoa kamonoto-na mpohawai' butu nyala-na. Napopohiloi-ra toe hi kanapopohintuwu' -ra to Yahudi pai' to bela-ra to Yahudi ngkai posidaia' -ra hante Kristus.

EÂ-pheâ-soâ 3:10
Ấy vậy, hiện nay sự khôn sáng mọi đường của Ðức Chúa Trời cậy Hội thánh mà bày tỏ ra cho những kẻ làm đầu và những kẻ cầm quyền trong các nơi trên trời,

Ephesians 3:9
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