Ecclesiastes 8:12
Ecclesiastes 8:12
Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him.

But even though a person sins a hundred times and still lives a long time, I know that those who fear God will be better off.

Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him.

Although a sinner does evil a hundred times and may lengthen his life, still I know that it will be well for those who fear God, who fear Him openly.

Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:

Although a sinner commits crime a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I also know that it will go well with God-fearing people, for they are reverent before Him.

Even though a sinner does what is wrong a hundred times and still survives, nevertheless I also know that things will go well for those who fear God, who fear in his presence.

Even though a sinner might commit a hundred crimes and still live a long time, yet I know that it will go well with God-fearing people--for they stand in fear before him.

A sinner may commit a hundred crimes and yet live a long life. Still, I know with certainty that it will go well for those who fear God, because they fear him.

Though a sinner does evil one hundred times and his judgment is prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with those that fear God, who fear before his presence;

Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, who fear before him:

Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:

Though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and prolong his days , yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, that fear before him:

But though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and by patience be borne withal, I know from thence that it shall be well with them that fear God, who dread his face.

Though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and prolong his days, yet I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, because they fear before him;

Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and prolong his days, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:

Though a sinner doeth evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet surely I know that it will be well with them that fear God, who fear before him:

Though a sinner commits crimes a hundred times, and lives long, yet surely I know that it will be better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him.

Though a sinner is doing evil a hundred times, and prolonging himself for it, surely also I know that there is good to those fearing God, who fear before Him.

Predikuesi 8:12
Edhe në qoftë se mëkatari bën njëqind herë të keqen dhe i zgjat ditët e tij, megjithatë, unë e di që do të kenë të mirën ata që kanë frikë nga Perëndia, që kanë frikë para tij.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 8:12
الخاطئ وان عمل شرا مئة مرة وطالت ايامه الا اني اعلم انه يكون خير للمتقين الله الذين يخافون قدامه.

Dyr Prödiger 8:12
Ayn Sünder kan anstölln, so vil yr will, und kan zamtdönn lang löbn. I waiß schoon, däß s haisst, wer önn Herrgot firchtt, yn dönn geeheb s dösswögn guet,

Еклесиаст 8:12
Ако и грешникът да струва зло сто пъти и да дългоденствува, Пак аз това зная, че ще бъде добре, На ония, които се боят от Бога, които се боят пред Него;

傳 道 書 8:12
罪 人 雖 然 作 惡 百 次 , 倒 享 長 久 的 年 日 ; 然 而 我 準 知 道 , 敬 畏   神 的 , 就 是 在 他 面 前 敬 畏 的 人 , 終 久 必 得 福 樂 。

罪 人 虽 然 作 恶 百 次 , 倒 享 长 久 的 年 日 ; 然 而 我 准 知 道 , 敬 畏   神 的 , 就 是 在 他 面 前 敬 畏 的 人 , 终 久 必 得 福 乐 。



Ecclesiastes 8:12
I grešnik koji čini zlo i sto puta, dugo živi. Ja ipak znam da će biti sretni oni koji se boje Boga jer ga se boje.

Kazatel 8:12
A ačkoli hříšník činí zle na stokrát, a vždy se mu odkládá, já však vím, že dobře bude bojícím se Boha, kteříž se bojí oblíčeje jeho.

Prædikeren 8:12
eftersom Synderen gør det onde fra første Færd og dog lever længe; men ogsaa ved jeg, at det skal gaa dem godt, som frygter Gud, fordi de frygter for hans Aasyn,

Prediker 8:12
Hoewel een zondaar honderd maal kwaad doet, en God hem de dagen verlengt; zo weet ik toch, dat het dien zal welgaan, die God vrezen, die voor Zijn aangezicht vrezen.

קהלת 8:12
אֲשֶׁ֣ר חֹטֶ֗א עֹשֶׂ֥ה רָ֛ע מְאַ֖ת וּמַאֲרִ֣יךְ לֹ֑ו כִּ֚י גַּם־יֹודֵ֣עַ אָ֔נִי אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִהְיֶה־טֹּוב֙ לְיִרְאֵ֣י הָאֱלֹהִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִֽירְא֖וּ מִלְּפָנָֽיו׃

יב אשר חטא עשה רע מאת--ומאריך לו  כי גם יודע אני אשר יהיה טוב ליראי האלהים אשר ייראו מלפניו

אשר חטא עשה רע מאת ומאריך לו כי גם־יודע אני אשר יהיה־טוב ליראי האלהים אשר ייראו מלפניו׃

Prédikátor 8:12
Bár meghosszabbítja [életét] a bûnös, a ki százszor is vétkezik; mégis tudom én, hogy az istenfélõknek lészen jól dolgok, a kik az õ orczáját félik;

La predikanto 8:12
Kvankam pekulo faras malbonon cent fojojn, kaj Dio estas pacienca al li, tamen mi scias, ke estos bone al tiuj, kiuj timas Dion, kiuj respektas Lin.

koskapa syntinen saa tehdä pahaa sata kertaa ja elää kauan; tosin minä tiedän, että Jumalaa pelkääväisille käy hyvin, sentähden että he häntä pelkäävät,

Ecclésiaste 8:12
Bien que le pécheur fasse le mal cent fois et prolonge ses jours, je sais cependant que tout ira bien pour ceux qui craignent Dieu, parce qu'ils craignent sa face;

Cependant, quoique le pécheur fasse cent fois le mal et qu'il y persévère longtemps, je sais aussi que le bonheur est pour ceux qui craignent Dieu, parce qu'ils ont de la crainte devant lui.

Car le pécheur fait mal cent fois, et [Dieu] lui donne du délai; mais je connais aussi qu'il sera bien à ceux qui craignent Dieu, et qui révèrent sa face :

Prediger 8:12
Ob ein Sünder hundertmal Böses tut und doch lange lebt, so weiß ich doch, daß es wohlgehen wird denen, die Gott fürchten, die sein Angesicht scheuen.

Ob ein Sünder hundertmal Böses tut und lange lebt, so weiß ich doch, daß es wohl gehen wird denen, die Gott fürchten, die sein Angesicht scheuen.

weil ein Sünder hundertmal Böses thut und dabei alt wird, wenngleich ich weiß, daß es wohl gehen wird den Gottesfürchtigen, die sich vor ihm fürchten.

Ecclesiaste 8:12
Quantunque il peccatore faccia cento volte il male e pur prolunghi i suoi giorni, pure io so che il bene è per quelli che temono Dio, che provan timore nel suo cospetto.

Conciossiachè il peccatore faccia male cento volte, e pur la pena gli è prolungata; ma pure ancora so io che bene sarà a coloro che temono Iddio, perchè riveriscono la sua faccia.

Tetapi jikalau orang fasik berbuat jahat seratus ganda sekalipun dan tinggal dengan hidupnya, kuketahui juga bahwa selamatlah kelak segala orang yang beribadat kepada Allah dan yang takut akan hadirat-Nya.

전도서 8:12
죄인이 백번 악을 행하고도 장수하거니와 내가 정녕히 아노니 하나님을 경외하여 그 앞에서 경외하는 자가 잘 될 것이요

Ecclesiastes 8:12
attamen ex eo quod peccator centies facit malum et per patientiam sustentatur ego cognovi quod erit bonum timentibus Deum qui verentur faciem eius

Koheleto knyga 8:12
Nors nusidėjėlis ir šimtą kartų nusikaltęs ilgai gyventų, tačiau aš žinau, kad tie, kurie bijo Dievo, tikrai patirs gera.

Ecclesiastes 8:12
Ahakoa he rau nga mahi he a te tangata hara, a ka roa ona ra; heoi e mohio ana ano ahau, ka pai te tukunga iho ki te hunga e wehi ana i te Atua, e wehi nei i tona aroaro.

Predikerens 8:12
fordi synderen hundre ganger gjør det som ondt er, og allikevel lever lenge; dog vet jeg jo at det skal gå gudfryktige vel, fordi de frykter Gud,

Eclesiastés 8:12
Aunque el pecador haga el mal cien veces y alargue su vida , con todo, yo sé que les irá bien a los que temen a Dios, a los que temen ante su presencia.

Aunque el pecador haga el mal cien veces y alargue su vida , con todo, yo sé que les irá bien a los que temen a Dios, a los que temen ante Su presencia.

Bien que el pecador haga mal cien veces, y sus días le sean prolongados, con todo yo también sé que los que a Dios temen tendrán bien, los que temen ante su presencia;

Bien que el pecador haga mal cien veces, y le sea dilatado el castigo, con todo yo también sé que los que á Dios temen tendrán bien, los que temieren ante su presencia;

Aunque el que peca haga mal cien veces, y le sea prolongado el juicio , con todo yo también sé que les irá bien a los que a Dios temen, los que temieren ante su presencia;

Eclesiastes 8:12
Uma pessoa pecadora e iníqua pode ter vida longa, ainda que cometa uma centena de crimes; mas aprendi, com certeza, que tudo vai melhor para os que temem a Deus, para todos aqueles que amam reverentemente a ele.

Ainda que o pecador faça o mal cem vezes, e os dias se lhe prolonguem, contudo eu sei com certeza que bem sucede aos que temem a Deus, porque temem diante dele;   

Ecclesiast 8:12
Totuş, măcarcă păcătosul face de o sută de ori răul şi stăruieşte multă vreme în el, eu ştiu că fericirea este pentru cei ce se tem de Dumnezeu, şi au frică de El.

Екклесиаст 8:12
Хотя грешник сто раз делает зло и коснеет в нем, но я знаю, что благо будет боящимся Бога, которые благоговеют пред лицем Его;

Хотя грешник сто раз делает зло и коснеет в нем, но я знаю, что благо будет боящимся Бога, которые благоговеют пред лицем Его;[]

Predikaren 8:12
eftersom syndaren hundra gånger kan göra vad ont är och likväl får länge leva. Dock vet jag ju att det skall gå de gudfruktiga väl, därför att de frukta Gud,

Ecclesiastes 8:12
Bagaman ang makasalanan ay gumawa ng kasamaan na makaisang daan, at humaba ang kaniyang buhay, gayon ma'y tunay, na talastas ko, na ikabubuti nilang nangatatakot sa Dios, na nangatatakot sa harap niya:

ปัญญาจารย์ 8:12
แม้ว่าคนบาปทำชั่วตั้งร้อยครั้ง และอายุเขายังยั่งยืนอยู่ได้ ถึงกระนั้นข้าพเจ้ายังรู้แน่ว่า ความดีจะมีแก่เขาทั้งหลายที่ยำเกรงพระเจ้า คือที่มีความยำเกรงต่อพระพักตร์พระองค์

Vaiz 8:12
Günahlı yüz kez kötülük edip uzun yaşasa bile, Tanrıdan korkanların, Onun önünde saygıyla duranların iyilik göreceğini biliyorum.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 8:12
Vì kẻ có tội làm ác một trăm lần vẫn được trường thọ; dầu vậy, ta biết rằng kẻ kính sợ trước mặt Ðức Chúa Trời, sau rất ắt được phước.

Ecclesiastes 8:11
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