Deuteronomy 18:16
Deuteronomy 18:16
For this is what you asked of the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, "Let us not hear the voice of the LORD our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die."

For this is what you yourselves requested of the LORD your God when you were assembled at Mount Sinai. You said, 'Don't let us hear the voice of the LORD our God anymore or see this blazing fire, for we will die.'

just as you desired of the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God or see this great fire any more, lest I die.’

"This is according to all that you asked of the LORD your God in Horeb on the day of the assembly, saying, 'Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, let me not see this great fire anymore, or I will die.'

According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.

This is what you requested from the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, 'Let us not continue to hear the voice of the LORD our God or see this great fire any longer, so that we will not die!'

because this is what you asked from the LORD your God at Horeb when you were assembled together: 'Don't let us hear the voice of the LORD our God again, or even see this great fire—otherwise, we will die.'

This accords with what happened at Horeb in the day of the assembly. You asked the LORD your God: "Please do not make us hear the voice of the LORD our God any more or see this great fire any more lest we die."

This is what you asked the LORD your God to give you on the day of the assembly at Mount Horeb. You said, "We never want to hear the voice of the LORD our God or see this raging fire again. If we do, we'll die!"

according to all that thou didst desire of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, lest I die.

According to all that you desired of the LORD your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.

According to all that you desired of the LORD your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.

according to all that thou desiredst of Jehovah thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of Jehovah my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.

As thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in Horeb, when the assembly was gathered together, and saidst: Let me not hear any more the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see any more this exceeding great fire, lest I die.

according to all that thou desiredst of Jehovah thy God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of Jehovah my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.

according to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.

According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I may not die.

This is according to all that you desired of Yahweh your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, "Let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I not die."

according to all that thou didst ask from Jehovah thy God, in Horeb, in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not add to hear the voice of Jehovah my God, and this great fire let me not see any more, and I die not;

Ligji i Përtërirë 18:16
në bazë të gjithë atyre gjërave që i kërkove Zotin, Perëndinë tënd, në Horeb, ditën e asamblesë, kur the: "Të mos dëgjoj më zërin e Zotit, Perëndisë tim, dhe të mos shoh më këtë zjarr të madh, që unë të mos vdes".

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 18:16
حسب كل ما طلبت من الرب الهك في حوريب يوم الاجتماع قائلا لا اعود اسمع صوت الرب الهي ولا ارى هذه النار العظيمة ايضا لئلا اموت

De Ander Ee 18:16
Gnaun dös ist s ja, um wasst önn Herrn, deinn Got, bei dyr seln Samnung an n Horeb bitt haast: De Dunderstimm, von n Trechtein, meinn Got, wenn i nonmaal hoer und dös lohete Feuer nonmaal segh, nän, dös dyrpacket i nit; daa sturb i.

Второзаконие 18:16
според всичко, което ти просеше от Господа своя Бог при Хорив, в деня, когато се събрахте, като казваше ти: Да не чуя вече гласа на Господа моя Бог и да не видя вече тоя голям огън, за да не умра.

申 命 記 18:16
正 如 你 在 何 烈 山 大 會 的 日 子 求 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 一 切 的 話 , 說 : 求 你 不 再 叫 我 聽 見 耶 和 華 ─ 我   神 的 聲 音 , 也 不 再 叫 我 看 見 這 大 火 , 免 得 我 死 亡 。

正 如 你 在 何 烈 山 大 会 的 日 子 求 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 一 切 的 话 , 说 : 求 你 不 再 叫 我 听 见 耶 和 华 ─ 我   神 的 声 音 , 也 不 再 叫 我 看 见 这 大 火 , 免 得 我 死 亡 。



Deuteronomy 18:16
Posve onako kako si i tražio od Jahve, Boga svoga, na Horebu, na dan zbora, kada si govorio: 'Neću više da slušam glas Jahve, Boga svoga, niti želim više gledati taj silni oganj da ne poginem!'

Deuteronomium 18:16
Podlé všeho toho, jakž jsi žádal od Hospodina Boha svého, na Orébě, v den shromáždění, řka: Ať více neslyším hlasu Hospodina Boha svého, ani více vidím ohně toho velikého, abych neumřel.

5 Mosebog 18:16
Saaledes udbad du dig det jo af HERREN din Gud ved Horeb, den Dag I var forsamlede, da du sagde: »Lad mig ikke mere høre HERREN min Guds Røst og se denne vældige Ild, at jeg ikke skal dø!«

Deuteronomium 18:16
Naar alles, wat gij van den HEERE, uw God, aan Horeb, ten dage der verzameling, geeist hebt, zeggende: Ik zal niet voortvaren te horen de stem des HEEREN, mijns Gods, en ditzelve grote vuur zal ik niet meer zien, dat ik niet sterve.

דברים 18:16
כְּכֹ֨ל אֲשֶׁר־שָׁאַ֜לְתָּ מֵעִ֨ם יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ בְּחֹרֵ֔ב בְּיֹ֥ום הַקָּהָ֖ל לֵאמֹ֑ר לֹ֣א אֹסֵ֗ף לִשְׁמֹ֙עַ֙ אֶת־קֹול֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהָ֔י וְאֶת־הָאֵ֨שׁ הַגְּדֹלָ֥ה הַזֹּ֛את לֹֽא־אֶרְאֶ֥ה עֹ֖וד וְלֹ֥א אָמֽוּת׃

טז ככל אשר שאלת מעם יהוה אלהיך בחרב ביום הקהל לאמר  לא אסף לשמע את קול יהוה אלהי ואת האש הגדלה הזאת לא אראה עוד ולא אמות

ככל אשר־שאלת מעם יהוה אלהיך בחרב ביום הקהל לאמר לא אסף לשמע את־קול יהוה אלהי ואת־האש הגדלה הזאת לא־אראה עוד ולא אמות׃

5 Mózes 18:16
Mind a szerint, amint kérted az Úrtól, a te Istenedtõl a Hóreben a gyülekezésnek napján mondván: Ne halljam többé az Úrnak, az én Istenemnek szavát, és ne lássam többé ezt a nagy tüzet, hogy meg ne haljak!

Moseo 5: Readmono 18:16
konforme al tio, kion vi petis de la Eternulo, via Dio, cxe HXoreb en la tago de la kunveno, dirante:Mi ne auxdu plu la vocxon de la Eternulo, mia Dio, kaj cxi tiun grandan fajron mi ne vidu plu, por ke mi ne mortu.

Kaiken se jälkeen kuin sinä anoit Herralta sinun Jumalaltas Horebissa kokouksen päivänä, sanoen: en minä voi enää kuulla Herran minun Jumalani ääntä, enkä silleen voi suurta tulta nähdä, etten minä kuolisi,

Deutéronome 18:16
vous l'écouterez, selon tout ce que tu demandas à l'Éternel, ton Dieu, à Horeb, le jour de la congrégation, disant: Que je n'entende plus la voix de l'Éternel, mon Dieu, et que je ne voie plus ce grand feu, afin que je ne meure pas.

Il répondra ainsi à la demande que tu fis à l'Eternel, ton Dieu, à Horeb, le jour de l'assemblée, quand tu disais: Que je n'entende plus la voix de l'Eternel, mon Dieu, et que je ne voie plus ce grand feu, afin de ne pas mourir.

Selon tout ce que tu as demandé à l'Eternel ton Dieu en Horeb, au jour de l'assemblée, en disant : Que je n'entende plus la voix de l'Eternel mon Dieu; et que je ne voie plus ce grand feu, de peur que je ne meure.

5 Mose 18:16
Wie du denn von dem HERRN, deinem Gott, gebeten hast zu Horeb am Tage der Versammlung und sprachest: Ich will fort nicht mehr hören die Stimme des HERRN, meines Gottes, und das große Feuer nicht mehr sehen, daß ich nicht sterbe.

Wie du denn von dem HERRN, deinem Gott, gebeten hast am Horeb am Tage der Versammlung und sprachst: Ich will hinfort nicht mehr hören die Stimme des HERRN, meines Gottes, und das sehr große Feuer nicht mehr sehen, daß ich nicht sterbe.

So wird ganz in Erfüllung gehen, was du von Jahwe, deinem Gott, am Tage der Versammlung am Horeb erbeten hast, als du sprachst: Ich möchte die Stimme Jahwes, meines Gottes, nicht weiter hören und dieses große Feuer nicht mehr sehen, damit ich nicht sterbe!

Deuteronomio 18:16
Avrai così per l’appunto quello che chiedesti all’Eterno, al tuo Dio, in Horeb, il giorno della raunanza, quando dicesti: "Ch’io non oda più la voce dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio mio, e non vegga più questo gran fuoco, ond’io non muoia".

esso ascoltate; secondo tutto ciò che tu richiedesti dal Signore Iddio tuo in Horeb, nel giorno della raunanza, dicendo: Ch’io non oda più la voce del Signore Iddio mio, e non vegga più questo gran fuoco, che io non muoia.

Setuju dengan segala yang telah kamu pinta kepada Tuhan, Allahmu, di Horeb, pada masa orang banyak itu ada berhimpun, katamu: Jangan kiranya kami mendengar pula bunyi suara Tuhan, Allah kami, dan api yang besar ini jangan kiranya kami lihat lagi, supaya jangan kami mati!

신명기 18:16
이것이 곧 네가 총회의 날에 호렙산에서 너의 하나님 여호와께 구한 것이라 곧 네가 말하기를 나로 다시는 나의 하나님 여호와의 음성을 듣지 않게 하시고 다시는 이 큰 불을 보지 않게 하소서 두렵건대 내가 죽을까 하나이다 하매

Deuteronomium 18:16
ut petisti a Domino Deo tuo in Horeb quando contio congregata est atque dixisti ultra non audiam vocem Domini Dei mei et ignem hunc maximum amplius non videbo ne moriar

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 18:16
Kai prašei Viešpaties, savo Dievo, prie Horebo, sakydamas: ‘Nebenoriu daugiau girdėti Viešpaties, savo Dievo, balso ir matyti šios baisios ugnies, kad nemirčiau’,

Deuteronomy 18:16
Hei whakarite mo nga mea katoa i inoi ai koe ki a Ihowa, ki tou Atua, i Horepa i te ra o te huihuinga, i mea ai, Kaua ahau e rongo atu ano i te reo o Ihowa, o toku Atua, kaua hoki ahau e titiro ano ki tenei ahi nui, kei mate ahau.

5 Mosebok 18:16
aldeles som du bad Herren din Gud om ved Horeb den dag I var samlet der og du sa: Jeg kan ikke lenger høre på Herrens, min Guds røst, og denne store ild kan jeg ikke lenger se på, for da må jeg dø.

Deuteronomio 18:16
Esto es conforme a todo lo que pediste al SEÑOR tu Dios en Horeb el día de la asamblea, diciendo: ``No vuelva yo a oír la voz del SEÑOR mi Dios, no vuelva a ver este gran fuego, no sea que muera.

"Esto es conforme a todo lo que pediste al SEÑOR tu Dios en Horeb el día de la asamblea, diciendo: 'No vuelva yo a oír la voz del SEÑOR mi Dios, no vuelva a ver este gran fuego, no sea que muera.'

Conforme a todo lo que pediste a Jehová tu Dios en Horeb el día de la asamblea, diciendo: No vuelva yo a oír la voz de Jehová mi Dios, ni vea yo más este gran fuego, para que no muera.

Conforme á todo lo que pediste á Jehová tu Dios en Horeb el día de la asamblea, diciendo: No vuelva yo á oir la voz de Jehová mi Dios, ni vea yo más este gran fuego, porque no muera.

Conforme a todas las cosas que pediste al SEÑOR tu Dios en Horeb el día de la asamblea, diciendo: No vuelva yo a oír la voz del SEÑOR mi Dios, ni vea yo más este gran fuego, para que no muera.

Deuteronômio 18:16
Porquanto é o que tinhas rogado a Yahweh, teu Deus, em Horebe, no dia em que te reuniste, quando suplicaste em assembleia: ‘Não posso continuar ouvindo a voz de Yahweh, meu Deus, nem vendo este fogo maravilhoso, senão morrerei!’

conforme tudo o que pediste ao Senhor teu Deus em Horebe, no dia da assembléia, dizendo: Não ouvirei mais a voz do Senhor meu Deus, nem mais verei este grande fogo, para que não morra.   

Deuteronom 18:16
Astfel el va răspunde la cererea pe care ai făcut -o Domnului, Dumnezeului tău, la Horeb, în ziua adunării poporului, cînd ziceai: ,,Să nu mai aud glasul Domnului, Dumnezeului meu, şi să nu mai văd acest foc mare, ca să nu mor.``

Второзаконие 18:16
так как ты просил у Господа Бога твоего при Хориве в день собрания, говоря: да не услышу впредь гласа Господа Бога моего и огня сеговеликого да не увижу более, дабы мне не умереть.

так как ты просил у Господа Бога твоего при Хориве в день собрания, говоря: да не услышу впредь гласа Господа Бога моего и огня сего великого да не увижу более, дабы мне не умереть.[]

5 Mosebok 18:16
Det skall bliva alldeles såsom du begärde av HERREN, din Gud, vid Horeb, den dag då I voren där församlade och du sade: »Låt mig icke vidare höra HERRENS, min Guds, röst, och låt mig slippa att längre se denna stora eld, på det att jag icke må dö.»

Deuteronomy 18:16
Ayon sa lahat ng iyong ninasa sa Panginoon mong Dios sa Horeb, sa araw ng kapulungan, na sinasabi, Huwag mong iparinig uli sa akin ang tinig ng Panginoon kong Dios, ni ipakita pa sa akin itong dakilang apoy, upang huwag akong mamatay.

พระราชบัญญัติ 18:16
อย่างที่ท่านปรารถนาจากพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่านที่โฮเรบในวันประชุมเมื่อท่านกล่าวว่า `อย่าให้ข้าพเจ้าได้ยินพระสุรเสียงของพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของข้าพเจ้า หรือได้เห็นเพลิงมหึมานี้อีกเลย เกรงว่าข้าพเจ้าจะตายเสีย'

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 18:16
Horevde toplandığınız gün Tanrınız RABden şunu dilemiştiniz: ‹Bir daha ne Tanrımız RABbin sesini duyalım, ne de o büyük ateşi görelim, yoksa ölürüz.›[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 18:16
Ðó là điều chính ngươi đã cầu Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi, tại Hô-rếp, trong ngày nhóm hiệp, mà rằng: Cầu xin tôi chớ nghe tiếng Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời tôi nữa, và chớ thấy đám lửa hừng nầy nữa, e tôi chết chăng.

Deuteronomy 18:15
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