Acts 18:27
Acts 18:27
When Apollos wanted to go to Achaia, the brothers and sisters encouraged him and wrote to the disciples there to welcome him. When he arrived, he was a great help to those who by grace had believed.

Apollos had been thinking about going to Achaia, and the brothers and sisters in Ephesus encouraged him to go. They wrote to the believers in Achaia, asking them to welcome him. When he arrived there, he proved to be of great benefit to those who, by God's grace, had believed.

And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed,

And when he wanted to go across to Achaia, the brethren encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him; and when he had arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace,

And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace:

When he wanted to cross over to Achaia, the brothers wrote to the disciples urging them to welcome him. After he arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace.

When Apollos wanted to cross over to Achaia, the brothers wrote to the disciples there, urging them to welcome him. On his arrival he greatly helped those who, through God's grace, had believed.

When Apollos wanted to cross over to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he assisted greatly those who had believed by grace,

As he wanted to go to Akaia, they exhorted the brethren and wrote to the disciples to receive him and when he went, he helped all the believers greatly by grace.

When Apollos wanted to travel to Greece, the believers [in Ephesus] encouraged him. They wrote to the disciples in Greece to tell them to welcome him. When he arrived in Greece, God's kindness enabled him to help the believers a great deal.

And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the exhorted brethren wrote the disciples to receive him, who, when he was come, was very helpful through grace unto those who had believed;

And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much who had believed through grace:

And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brothers wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace:

And when he was minded to pass over into Achaia, the brethren encouraged him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him: and when he was come, he helped them much that had believed through grace;

And whereas he was desirous to go to Achaia, the brethren exhorting, wrote to the disciples to receive him. Who, when he was come, helped them much who had believed.

And when he purposed to go into Achaia, the brethren wrote to the disciples engaging them to receive him, who, being come, contributed much to those who believed through grace.

And when he was minded to pass over into Achaia, the brethren encouraged him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him: and when he was come, he helped them much which had believed through grace:

And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he had come, helped them much who had believed through grace.

Then, as he had made up his mind to cross over into Greece, the brethren wrote to the disciples in Corinth begging them to give him a kindly welcome. Upon his arrival he rendered valuable help to those who through grace had believed;

When he had determined to pass over into Achaia, the brothers encouraged him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. When he had come, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace;

and he being minded to go through into Achaia, the brethren wrote to the disciples, having exhorted them to receive him, who having come, did help them much who have believed through the grace,

Veprat e Apostujve 18:27
Pastaj, mbasi ai donte të shkonte në Akai, vëllezërit i dhanë zemër dhe u shkruan dishepujve që ta prisnin. Mbasi arriti atje, ai i ndihmoi shumë ata që kishin besuar me anë të hirit.

ﺍﻋﻤﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺮﺳﻞ 18:27
‎واذ كان يريد ان يجتاز الى اخائية كتب الاخوة الى التلاميذ يحضونهم ان يقبلوه. فلما جاء ساعد كثيرا بالنعمة الذين كانوا قد آمنوا‎.

Երբ ան փափաքեցաւ երթալ Աքայիա, եղբայրները նամակ գրեցին ու խրախուսեցին այնտեղի աշակերտները՝ որ ընդունին զինք: Եւ հոն հասնելով՝ Աստուծոյ շնորհքով շատ օգտակար եղաւ հաւատացեալներուն.

Apostoluén Acteac. 18:27
Eta Achaiarát iragan nahi cenean, hura exhortaturic anayéc scriba ceçaten discipuluetara recebi leçaten hura: ceinec arriuatu cenean hara, probetchu handi eguin baitziecén gratiaz sinhetsi vkan çuteney.

De Zwölfbotngetaat 18:27
Wie dyr Äppols aft auf Ächau geen gwill, germunternd n de Kristner dyrzue und gaabnd iem aynn Brief mit, dyrmit n aau dort de Glaaubignen freunddlich aufnemend. Wie yr ankemmen war, wurd yr dene, wo durch de Gnaad zo n Glaaubn kemmen warnd, ayn groosse Hilf.

Деяния 18:27
И когато се канеше той да замине за Ахаия, братята го насърчиха, и писаха до учениците да го приемат; и той като дойде помогна много на повярвалите чрез благодатта;

使 徒 行 傳 18:27
他 想 要 往 亞 該 亞 去 , 弟 兄 們 就 勉 勵 他 , 並 寫 信 請 門 徒 接 待 他 ( 或 作 : 弟 兄 們 就 寫 信 勸 門 徒 接 待 他 ) 。 他 到 了 那 裡 , 多 幫 助 那 蒙 恩 信 主 的 人 ,

他 想 要 往 亚 该 亚 去 , 弟 兄 们 就 勉 励 他 , 并 写 信 请 门 徒 接 待 他 ( 或 作 : 弟 兄 们 就 写 信 劝 门 徒 接 待 他 ) 。 他 到 了 那 里 , 多 帮 助 那 蒙 恩 信 主 的 人 ,





Djela apostolska 18:27
A kad je nakanio otići u Ahaju, ohrabriše ga braća i napisaše učenicima da ga prime. Kad je stigao onamo, uvelike je koristio vjernicima po milosti

Skutky apoštolské 18:27
A když chtěl jíti do Achaie, bratří napomenuvše ho, psali učedlníkům, aby jej přijali. Kterýžto když tam přišel, mnoho prospěl těm, kteříž uvěřili skrze milost Boží.

Apostelenes gerninger 18:27
Men da han vilde rejse videre til Akaja, skrev Brødrene til Disciplene og opmuntrede dem til at tage imod ham. Da han var kommen derhen, var han ved Guds Naade de troende til megen Nytte;

Handelingen 18:27
En als hij wilde naar Achaje reizen, de broeders, hem vermaand hebbende, schreven aan de discipelen, dat zij hem ontvangen zouden; welke, daar gekomen zijnde, heeft veel toegebracht aan degenen, die geloofden door de genade.

βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαΐαν προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν· ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσιν διὰ τῆς χάριτος·

βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαίαν προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν· ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσιν διὰ τῆς χάριτος·

βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαίαν προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν· ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσιν διὰ τῆς χάριτος·

Βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαΐαν, προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν· ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσιν διὰ τῆς χάριτος·

βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαΐαν προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν· ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσι διὰ τῆς χάριτος.

βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαΐαν, προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν. ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσιν διὰ τῆς χάριτος.

Βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαΐαν, προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν· ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσι διὰ τῆς χάριτος·

βουλομένου δὲ αὐτοῦ διελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Ἀχαΐαν προτρεψάμενοι οἱ ἀδελφοὶ ἔγραψαν τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἀποδέξασθαι αὐτόν ὃς παραγενόμενος συνεβάλετο πολὺ τοῖς πεπιστευκόσιν διὰ τῆς χάριτος·

βουλομενου δε αυτου διελθειν εις την αχαιαν προτρεψαμενοι οι αδελφοι εγραψαν τοις μαθηταις αποδεξασθαι αυτον ος παραγενομενος συνεβαλετο πολυ τοις πεπιστευκοσιν δια της χαριτος

βουλομενου δε αυτου διελθειν εις την αχαιαν προτρεψαμενοι οι αδελφοι εγραψαν τοις μαθηταις αποδεξασθαι αυτον ος παραγενομενος συνεβαλετο πολυ τοις πεπιστευκοσιν δια της χαριτος

βουλομενου δε αυτου διελθειν εις την αχαιαν προτρεψαμενοι οι αδελφοι εγραψαν τοις μαθηταις αποδεξασθαι αυτον ος παραγενομενος συνεβαλετο πολυ τοις πεπιστευκοσιν δια της χαριτος

Βουλομενου δε αυτου διελθειν εις την Αχαιαν, προτρεψαμενοι οι αδελφοι εγραψαν τοις μαθηταις αποδεξασθαι αυτον· ος παραγενομενος συνεβαλετο πολυ τοις πεπιστευκοσι δια της χαριτος·

βουλομενου δε αυτου διελθειν εις την αχαιαν προτρεψαμενοι οι αδελφοι εγραψαν τοις μαθηταις αποδεξασθαι αυτον ος παραγενομενος συνεβαλετο πολυ τοις πεπιστευκοσιν δια της χαριτος

βουλομενου δε αυτου διελθειν εις την αχαιαν προτρεψαμενοι οι αδελφοι εγραψαν τοις μαθηταις αποδεξασθαι αυτον ος παραγενομενος συνεβαλετο πολυ τοις πεπιστευκοσιν δια της χαριτος

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn Achaian protrepsamenoi hoi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton; hos paragenomenos synebaleto poly tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos;

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis ten Achaian protrepsamenoi hoi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathetais apodexasthai auton; hos paragenomenos synebaleto poly tois pepisteukosin dia tes charitos;

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn Achaian protrepsamenoi hoi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton; hos paragenomenos synebaleto poly tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos;

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis ten Achaian protrepsamenoi hoi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathetais apodexasthai auton; hos paragenomenos synebaleto poly tois pepisteukosin dia tes charitos;

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tEn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathEtais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tEs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tEn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathEtais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tEs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tEn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathEtais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tEs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tEn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathEtais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tEs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tEn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathEtais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tEs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tēn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathētais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tēs charitos

boulomenou de autou dielthein eis tEn achaian protrepsamenoi oi adelphoi egrapsan tois mathEtais apodexasthai auton os paragenomenos sunebaleto polu tois pepisteukosin dia tEs charitos

Apostolok 18:27
Mikor pedig Akhájába akara átmenni, buzdítván [õt] az atyafiak, írának a tanítványoknak, hogy fogadják be õt. Ki mikor odajutott, sokat használa azoknak, kik hittek vala a kegyelem által:

La agoj de la apostoloj 18:27
Kaj kiam li volis transiri en la Ahxajan landon, la fratoj kuragxigis lin, kaj skribis al la discxiploj, ke ili akceptu lin; kaj alveninte, li multe helpis tiujn, kiuj kredis per graco;

Apostolien teot 18:27
Mutta kuin hän tahtoi mennä Akajaan, kirjoittivat veljet ja neuvoivat opetuslapsia häntä korjaamaan. Ja kuin hän sinne tuli, autti hän paljon niitä, jotka uskoivat armon kautta.

Actes 18:27
Et comme il se proposait de passer en Achaïe, les frères écrivirent aux disciples et les exhortèrent à le recevoir; et quand il y fut arrivé, il contribua beaucoup par la grâce à l'avancement de ceux qui avaient cru;

Comme il voulait passer en Achaïe, les frères l'y encouragèrent, et écrivirent aux disciples de le bien recevoir. Quand il fut arrivé, il se rendit, par la grâce de Dieu, très utile à ceux qui avaient cru;

Et comme il voulut passer en Achaïe, les frères qui l'y avaient exhorté, écrivirent aux disciples de le recevoir, et quand il y fut arrivé, il profita beaucoup à ceux qui avaient cru par la grâce.

Apostelgeschichte 18:27
Da er aber wollte nach Achaja reisen, schrieben die Brüder und vermahneten die Jünger, daß sie ihn aufnähmen. Und als er dahinkommen war, half er viel denen, die gläubig waren worden durch die Gnade.

Da er aber wollte nach Achaja reisen, schrieben die Brüder und vermahnten die Jünger, daß sie ihn aufnähmen. Und als er dahingekommen war, half er denen, die gläubig waren geworden durch die Gnade.

Da er aber Lust hatte, nach Achaia zu reisen, ermunterten ihn die Brüder, und empfahlen ihn den Jüngern brieflich zur Aufnahme. Dort eingetroffen förderte er die Gläubigen nicht wenig durch die Gnade.

Atti 18:27
Poi, volendo egli passare in Acaia, i fratelli ve lo confortarono, e scrissero ai discepoli che l’accogliessero. Giunto là, egli fu di grande aiuto a quelli che avevan creduto mediante la grazia;

Poi, volendo egli passare in Acaia, i fratelli vel confortarono, e scrissero ai discepoli che l’accogliessero. Ed egli, essendo giunto là, conferì molto a coloro che avean creduto per la grazia.

Tatkala ia hendak menyeberang ke Akhaya, maka segala saudara itu pun menyukakan maksudnya, serta berkirim surat kepada murid-murid itu minta menyambut dia. Setelah tiba, maka dengan berkata Allah ia memberi pertolongan yang berharga kepada segala orang yang percaya.

Acts 18:27
Imi i gebɣa Abulus ad iɛeddi ɣer tmurt n Akaya, atmaten kksen-as akukru, uran tabṛaț i inelmaden n temdint n Kurintus iwakken ad stṛeḥben yis. Mi gewweḍ ɣer dinna, s ṛṛeḥma n Sidi Ṛebbi iɛawen aṭas widak yumnen ;

사도행전 18:27
아볼로가 아가야로 건너가고자 하니 형제들이 저를 장려하며 제자들에게 편지하여 영접하라 하였더니 저가 가매 은혜로 말미암아 믿은 자들에게 많은 유익을 주니

Actus Apostolorum 18:27
cum autem vellet ire Achaiam exhortati fratres scripserunt discipulis ut susciperent eum qui cum venisset contulit multum his qui crediderant

Apustuļu darbi 18:27
Kad viņš gribēja iet uz Ahaju, brāļi viņu pamācīja un rakstīja mācekļiem, lai viņu uzņem. Tur nonācis, viņš kļuva noderīgs tiem, kas ticēja;

Apaðtalø darbø knyga 18:27
Kai jis panoro vykti į Achają, broliai parašė mokiniams, ragindami jį priimti. Nuvykęs tenai, jis buvo labai naudingas per malonę įtikėjusiesiems.

Acts 18:27
A, no ka mea ia kia haere ki Akaia, ka tautokona ia e nga teina, a ka tuhituhi ratou ki nga akonga kia whakamanuhiritia ia e ratou: a, no tona taenga atu, ka whakakahangia e ia te hunga i meinga nei e te aroha noa kia whakapono:

Apostlenes-gjerninge 18:27
Da han nu vilde dra videre til Akaia, tilskyndte brødrene ham, og skrev til disiplene der om å ta imot ham. Og da han kom dit, blev han ved Guds nåde til stort gagn for de troende;

Hechos 18:27
Cuando él quiso pasar a Acaya, los hermanos lo animaron, y escribieron a los discípulos que lo recibieran; y cuando llegó, ayudó mucho a los que por la gracia habían creído,

Cuando Apolos quiso pasar a Acaya, los hermanos lo animaron, y escribieron a los discípulos que lo recibieran. Cuando llegó, ayudó mucho a los que por la gracia habían creído,

Y queriendo él pasar a Acaya, los hermanos escribieron, exhortando a los discípulos que le recibiesen; y cuando él llegó, ayudó mucho a los que por la gracia habían creído.

Y queriendo él pasar á Acaya, los hermanos exhortados, escribieron á los discípulos que le recibiesen; y venido él, aprovechó mucho por la gracia á los que habían creído:

Y queriendo él pasar a Acaya, los hermanos exhortados, escribieron a los discípulos que le recibiesen; y venido él, aprovechó mucho por la gracia a los que habían creído;

Atos 18:27
Então, desejando ele viajar para a Acaia, os irmãos o animaram e escreveram aos discípulos solicitando que o recebessem. Quando chegou, ele auxiliou muito aos que pela graça haviam crido,

Querendo ele passar à Acáia, os irmãos o animaram e escreveram aos discípulos que o recebessem; e tendo ele chegado, auxiliou muito aos que pela graça haviam crido.   

Faptele Apostolilor 18:27
Fiindcă el voia să treacă în Ahaia, fraţii l-au îmbărbătat să se ducă, şi au scris ucenicilor să -l primească bine. Cînd a ajuns, a ajutat mult, prin harul lui Dumnezeu, pe ceice crezuseră;

Деяния 18:27
А когда он вознамерился идти в Ахаию, то братия послали к тамошним ученикам, располагая их принять его; и он, прибыв туда, много содействовал уверовавшим благодатью,

А когда он вознамерился идти в Ахаию, то братия послали к [тамошним] ученикам, располагая их принять его; и он, прибыв туда, много содействовал уверовавшим благодатью,

Acts 18:27
Nuyß ukunam Apurus, Akaya nunkanam wΘtaj takui, Ipisiunmaya Yus-shuar Yßinkiar Papφ aarar atakas akupkarmiayi. N· aentsnum pΘnkerak jeat tusar T·rawarmiayi. Tura Akayanam Jeß, N· aentsun Yusa waitnenkratairijiai uwempraru ßrmia nuna ti Yßinkiarmiayi.

Apostagärningarna 18:27
Och då han sedan ville fara till Akaja, skrevo bröderna till lärjungarna där och uppmanade dem att taga vänligt emot honom. Och när han hade kommit fram, blev han dem som trodde till mycken hjälp, genom den nåd han hade undfått.

Matendo Ya Mitume 18:27
Apolo alipoamua kwenda Akaya, wale ndugu walimtia moyo kwa kuwaandikia wafuasi kule Akaya wampokee. Alipofika huko, aliweza kwa msaada wa neema ya Mungu, kuwasaidia sana wale ndugu waliopata kuwa waumini;

Mga Gawa 18:27
At nang ibig niyang lumipat sa Acaya, ay pinalakas ng mga kapatid ang kaniyang loob at sila'y nagsisulat sa mga alagad na siya'y tanggapin: at nang siya'y dumating doon, ay lubos na tumulong siya sa mga nagsisampalataya sa pamamagitan ng biyaya;

กิจการ 18:27
ครั้นอปอลโลจะใคร่ไปยังแคว้นอาคายา พวกพี่น้องก็เขียนจดหมายฝากไปถึงสาวกที่นั่นให้เขารับรองท่านไว้ ครั้นท่านไปถึงแล้ว ท่านได้ช่วยเหลือคนทั้งหลายที่ได้เชื่อโดยพระคุณนั้นอย่างมากมาย

Elçilerin İşleri 18:27
Apollos Ahayaya gitmek isteyince kardeşler onu cesaretlendirdiler. Onu iyi karşılamaları için oradaki öğrencilere mektup yazdılar. Apollos Ahayaya varınca Tanrının lütfuyla iman etmiş olanlara çok yardım etti.

Деяния 18:27
Як же захотїв він перейти в Ахаю, писали брати ученикам, напоминаючи прийняти його; а він прибувши, много помагав тим, що увірували благодаттю;

Acts 18:27
Oti toe, ria patuju-na Apolos doko' hilou hi propinsi Akhaya. Pai' ompi' -ompi' hampepangalaa' -na hi Efesus mpotulungi-i: rapakatu sura hilou hi hingka topepangala' -ra hi Akhaya bona ratarima lompe' -i Apolos. Jadi', rata mpu'u-imi Apolos hi Akhaya, pai' tudui' -na mpokeni wori' rasi' hi hawe'ea tauna to mepangala' -mi hi Pue' Yesus sabana kabula rala-na Alata'ala.

Coâng-vuï caùc Söù-ñoà 18:27
Người toan sang xứ A-chai, thì anh em giục lòng cho và viết thơ gởi dặn môn đồ phải tiếp đãi người tử tế. Khi tới rồi, người được nhờ ơn Ðức Chúa Trời mà bổ ích cho kẻ đã tin theo.

Acts 18:26
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