2 Samuel 3:39
2 Samuel 3:39
And today, though I am the anointed king, I am weak, and these sons of Zeruiah are too strong for me. May the LORD repay the evildoer according to his evil deeds!"

And even though I am the anointed king, these two sons of Zeruiah--Joab and Abishai--are too strong for me to control. So may the LORD repay these evil men for their evil deeds."

And I was gentle today, though anointed king. These men, the sons of Zeruiah, are more severe than I. The LORD repay the evildoer according to his wickedness!”

"I am weak today, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too difficult for me. May the LORD repay the evildoer according to his evil."

And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

As for me, even though I am the anointed king, I have little power today. These men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too fierce for me. May the LORD repay the evildoer according to his evil!"

Today, even though I'm anointed as king, I'm weak. These men, sons of Zeruiah, are too difficult for me. May the LORD repay the one who acts wickedly in accordance with his wickedness!"

Today I am weak, even though I am anointed as king. These men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too much for me to bear! May the LORD punish appropriately the one who has done this evil thing!"

Today I'm weak, though I'm the anointed king. These men, Zeruiah's sons, are too cruel for me. May the LORD repay this evildoer as his evil deeds deserve."

And I am this day a tender anointed king, and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too hard for me; the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too hard for me: Jehovah reward the evil-doer according to his wickedness.

But I as yet am tender, though anointed king. And these men the sons of Sarvia are too hard for me: the Lord reward him that doth evil according to his wickedness.

And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too hard for me: Jehovah reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness!

And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD reward the wicked doer according to his wickedness.

And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too hard for me. The LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too hard for me. May Yahweh reward the evildoer according to his wickedness."

and I to-day am tender, and an anointed king: and these men, sons of Zeruiah, are too hard for me; Jehovah doth recompense to the doer of the evil according to his evil.'

2 i Samuelit 3:39
Megjithëse jam vajosur mbret, unë jam ende i dobët, ndërsa këta njerëz, bijtë e Tserajahut, janë shumë më të fortë se unë. E shpagoftë Zoti keqbërësin simbas të këqijave që ka bërë".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 3:39
وانا اليوم ضعيف وممسوح ملكا وهؤلاء الرجال بنو صروية اقوى مني. يجازي الرب فاعل الشرّ كشرّه

Dyr Sämyheel B 3:39
I bin zwaar zo n Künig gsalbt wordn, aber non bin i heut z schwach; die Mänder, d Sün von dyr Zeruiy, seind störcher wie i. Müg dyr Herr drum selbn d Sach eyn d Hand nemen und önn Mörder für seinn Misstaat straaffen!"

2 Царе 3:39
Днес аз съм слаб, ако и да съм помазан за цар; а тия мъже, Саруините синове, са много жестоки за мене. Господ да въздаде на злодееца според злодеянието му.

撒 母 耳 記 下 3:39
我 雖 然 受 膏 為 王 , 今 日 還 是 軟 弱 ; 這 洗 魯 雅 的 兩 個 兒 子 比 我 剛 強 。 願 耶 和 華 照 著 惡 人 所 行 的 惡 報 應 他 。

我 虽 然 受 膏 为 王 , 今 日 还 是 软 弱 ; 这 洗 鲁 雅 的 两 个 儿 子 比 我 刚 强 。 愿 耶 和 华 照 着 恶 人 所 行 的 恶 报 应 他 。



2 Samuel 3:39
Ali ja sam sada još slab, iako sam pomazani kralj, a ovi ljudi, Sarvijini sinovi, jači su od mene. Neka Jahve plati zločincu po njegovoj zloći!"

Druhá Samuelova 3:39
A já ještě nyní mdlý jsem, jakožto pomazaný král, muži pak tito, synové Sarvie, jsou mi nepovolní. Odplatiž Hospodin tomu, kdož zle činí, vedlé zlosti jeho.

2 Samuel 3:39
Men jeg er endnu for svag, skønt jeg er salvet til Konge, og disse Mænd, Zerujasønnerne, er mig for stærke. HERREN gengælde Udaadsmanden hans Skændselsdaad!«

2 Samuël 3:39
Maar ik ben heden teder, en gezalfd ten koning, en deze mannen, de zonen van Zeruja, zijn harder dan ik; de HEERE zal den boosdoener vergelden naar zijn boosheid.

שמואל ב 3:39
וְאָנֹכִ֨י הַיֹּ֥ום רַךְ֙ וּמָשׁ֣וּחַ מֶ֔לֶךְ וְהָאֲנָשִׁ֥ים הָאֵ֛לֶּה בְּנֵ֥י צְרוּיָ֖ה קָשִׁ֣ים מִמֶּ֑נִּי יְשַׁלֵּ֧ם יְהוָ֛ה לְעֹשֵׂ֥ה הָרָעָ֖ה כְּרָעָתֹֽו׃ פ

לט ואנכי היום רך ומשוח מלך והאנשים האלה בני צרויה קשים ממני  ישלם יהוה לעשה הרעה כרעתו  {פ}

ואנכי היום רך ומשוח מלך והאנשים האלה בני צרויה קשים ממני ישלם יהוה לעשה הרעה כרעתו׃ פ

2 Sámuel 3:39
Én pedig ma erõtelen, noha felkent király vagyok; ezek pedig a Sérujának fiai hatalmasabbak nálamnál. De fizessen meg az Úr annak, a ki gonoszt cselekeszik, az õ gonoszsága szerint.

Samuel 2 3:39
Sed mi hodiaux estas ankoraux malforta kaj apenaux sanktoleita kiel regxo, kaj tiuj homoj, la filoj de Ceruja, estas pli fortaj ol mi; la Eternulo repagu al la malbonaganto konforme al lia malbonago.

Ja minä olen vielä heikko ja voideltu kuningas, mutta ne miehet ZeruJan pojat ovat kovemmat minua: Herra maksakoon sille, joka pahaa tekee, hänen pahuutensa jälkeen!

2 Samuel 3:39
Et moi je suis aujourd'hui faible, bien que j'aie reçu l'onction de roi; et ces hommes-là, les fils de Tseruïa, sont trop durs pour moi. Que l'Éternel rende à celui qui fait le mal, selon son méfait!

Je suis encore faible, quoique j'aie reçu l'onction royale; et ces gens, les fils de Tseruja, sont trop puissants pour moi. Que l'Eternel rende selon sa méchanceté à celui qui fait le mal!

Or je suis [encore] faible aujourd'hui, bien que j'aie été oint Roi, et ces gens, les fils de Tséruja, sont trop forts pour moi. L'Eternel veuille rendre à celui qui fait le mal selon sa malice.

2 Samuel 3:39
Ich aber bin noch zart und ein gesalbter König. Aber die Männer, die Kinder Zerujas, sind mir verdrießlich. Der HERR vergelte dem, der Böses tut, nach seiner Bosheit!

Ich aber bin noch zart und erst gesalbt zum König. Aber die Männer, die Kinder der Zeruja, sind mir verdrießlich. Der HERR vergelte dem, der Böses tut, nach seiner Bosheit.

Ich aber bin heute, obwohl zum Könige gesalbt, schwach, während diese Leute, die Söhne der Zeruja, in ihrer Gewaltthätigkeit mir überlegen sind! Möge Jahwe dem, der den Frevel begangen hat, seinem Frevel gemäß vergelten!

2 Samuele 3:39
Quanto a me, benché unto re, sono tuttora debole; mentre questa gente, i figliuoli di Tseruia, son troppo forti per me. Renda l’Eterno a chi fa il male secondo la malvagità di lui".

Ma oggi, benchè io sia unto re, pur non sono ancora bene stabilito; e questi uomini, figliuoli di Seruia, son troppo violenti per me. Faccia il Signore la retribuzione a colui che ha fatto il male, secondo la sua malvagità.

2 SAMUEL 3:39
Tetapi sekarang aku ini lagi lemah, jikalau aku disiram akan raja sekalipun, maka orang itu, yaitu anak-anak Zeruya, lebih kuasa dari padaku; hendaklah kiranya Tuhan juga membalas akan orang jahat itu sekadar kejahatannya!

사무엘하 3:39
내가 기름 부음을 받은 왕이 되었으나 오늘날 약하여서 스루야의 아들인 이 사람들을 제어하기가 너무 어려우니 여호와는 악행한 자에게 그 악한대로 갚으실지로다' 하니라

II Samuelis 3:39
ego autem adhuc delicatus et unctus rex porro viri isti filii Sarviae duri mihi sunt retribuat Dominus facienti malum iuxta malitiam suam

Antroji Samuelio knyga 3:39
Aš šiandien dar esu silpnas, nors pateptas karaliumi; šitie vyrai, Cerujos sūnūs, yra per stiprūs man. Viešpats tegul atlygina piktadariui už jo piktadarystę!”

2 Samuel 3:39
Ko ahau hoki, ahakoa i whakawahia hei kingi, iwikore ana i tenei ra; he maro rawa moku enei tangata, nga tama a Teruia. Kia rite ki tana kino ta Ihowa utu ki te kaimahi o te kino.

2 Samuel 3:39
Men jeg er ennu svak og bare salvet til konge, og disse menn, Serujas sønner, er mektigere enn jeg. Herren gjengjelde den som gjør ondt, det onde han gjør!

2 Samuel 3:39
Hoy soy débil, aunque ungido rey; y estos hombres, hijos de Sarvia, son más duros que yo. Que el SEÑOR pague al malhechor conforme a su maldad.

"Hoy soy débil, aunque ungido rey; y estos hombres, hijos de Sarvia, son más duros que yo. Que el SEÑOR pague al malhechor conforme a su maldad."

Y yo soy débil hoy, aunque ungido rey; y estos hombres, los hijos de Sarvia, son muy duros para mí; Jehová dé el pago al que mal hace, conforme a su maldad.

Que yo ahora aún soy tierno rey ungido; y estos hombres, los hijos de Sarvia, muy duros me son: Jehová dé el pago al que mal hace, conforme á su malicia.

Que yo ahora aún soy tierno rey ungido; y estos hombres, los hijos de Sarvia, muy duros me son; el SEÑOR dé el pago al que mal hace, conforme a su malicia.

2 Samuel 3:39
Mesmo sendo rei ungido, hoje me sinto um monarca enfraquecido, e esses filhos de Zeruia estão mais fortes do que eu. Que Yahweh retribua ao malfeitor de acordo com as suas más atitudes!”

E quanto a mim, hoje estou fraco, embora ungido rei; estes homens, filhos de Zeruia, são duros demais para mim. Retribua o Senhor ao malfeitor conforme a sua maldade.   

2 Samuel 3:39
Eu sînt încă slab, măcar că am primit ungerea împărătească; şi oamenii aceştia, fiii Ţeruiei, sînt prea puternici pentru mine. Domnul să răsplătească după răutatea lui celui ce a făcut răul!``

2-я Царств 3:39
Я теперь еще слаб, хотя и помазан на царство, а эти люди, сыновья Саруи, сильнее меня; пусть же воздаст Господь делающему злое по злобе его!

Я теперь еще слаб, хотя и помазан на царство, а эти люди, сыновья Саруи, сильнее меня; пусть же воздаст Господь делающему злое по злобе его![]

2 Samuelsbokem 3:39
Men jag är ännu svag, fastän jag är smord till konung, och dessa män, Serujas söner, äro starkare än jag. HERREN vedergälle den som ont gör, efter hans ondska.»

2 Samuel 3:39
At ako'y mahina sa araw na ito, bagaman pinahirang hari; at ang mga lalaking ito na mga anak ni Sarvia ay totoong mahirap kasamahin: gantihan nawa ng Panginoon ang manggagawang masama ayon sa kaniyang kasamaan.

2 ซามูเอล 3:39
แม้เราได้รับการเจิมเป็นกษัตริย์แล้ว เราก็อ่อนกำลังในวันนี้ ชายเหล่านี้ซึ่งเป็นบุตรของนางเศรุยาห์หนักแก่เราเกินไป ขอพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงสนองผู้กระทำผิดตามความผิดของเขาเถิด"

2 Samuel 3:39
‹‹Meshedilmiş bir kral olduğum halde bugün güçsüzüm. Seruya'nın oğulları benden daha zorlu. RAB kötülük edene yaptığı kötülüğe göre karşılık versin!››[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 3:39
Về phần ta, ngày nay hãy còn yếu, dẫu rằng ta đã chịu xức dầu lập làm vua; và những kẻ kia, là các con trai của Xê-ru-gia, là cường bạo cho ta quá. Nguyện Ðức Giê-hô-va báo kẻ làm ác nầy, tùy sự ác của nó!

2 Samuel 3:38
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